% % Bibliography entries % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Article @Article{brezis93:_leapf_inter_compet, author = {Elise S. Brezis and Paul R. Krugman and Daniel Tsiddon}, title = {Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership}, journal = {American Economic Review}, year = 1993, volume = 83, number = 5, pages = {1211-1219}, month = {December}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2117557}, } @Article{ishikawa94:_revis_stolp_samuel_rybcz_theor_produc_exter, author = {Jota Ishikawa}, title = {Revisiting the {Stolper}-{Samuelson} and the {Rybczynski} Theorems with Production Externalitities}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Economics}, year = 1994, volume = 27, pages = {101-111}, number = 1, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/135804}, } @article{Biker-2007-unemployment, author = {Mustafa H. Babiker and Richard S. 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Lamoreaux}, chapter = {9}, pages = {275-310}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Unpublished @unpublished{ishikawa03:_green_gas_emiss_contr_open_econom, author = {Jota Ishikawa and Kazuharu Kiyono}, title = {Greenhouse-Gas Emission Controls in an Open Economy}, year = 2003, month = nov, note = {{COE-RES} Discussion Paper Series, Center of Excellence Project, Graduate School of Economics and Institute of Economics Research, Hitotsubashi University} } @unpublished{rutherford00:_gtapin_gtap_eg, author = {Thomas F. Rutherford and Sergey V. 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Babiker and John M. Reilly and Henry D. Jacoby}, title = {The {Kyoto} Protocol and Developing Countries}, note = {MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (Report No.56)}, month = {October}, year = 1999, owner = {stakeda.lab}, timestamp = {2010.04.08} } @UNPUBLISHED{Babiker-1999-JapaneseNuclearPower, author = {Mustafa H. Babiker and John M. Reilly and A. Denny Ellerman}, title = {{Japanese} Nuclear Power and the {Kyoto} Agreement}, note = {The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (Report No. 51)}, month = {August}, year = {1999}, owner = {stakeda.lab}, timestamp = {2010.03.26} } @UNPUBLISHED{RePEc:nbr:nberwo:4269, title = {A Simple Theory of Multinational Corporations and Trade with a Trade-Off Between Proximity and Concentration}, author = {Brainard, S. Lael}, year = {1993}, note = {NBER Working Paper No. 4269}, institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc}, type = {NBER Working Papers}, number = {4269}, abstract = {This paper develops a two-sector, two-country model, where firms in a differentiated products sector choose between exporting and multinational expansion as alternative modes of foreign market penetration, based on a trade-off between proximity and concentration advantages. The differentiated sector is characterized by multi-stage production, with increasing returns at the corporate level associated with some activity such as R&D, scale economies at the plant level, and a variable transport cost that rises with distance. A pure multinational equilibrium, where two-way horizontal expansion across borders completely supplants two-way trade in differentiated products, is possible even in the absence of factor proportion differences. It is more likely the greater are transport costs relative to fixed plant costs, and the greater are increasing returns at the corporate level relative to the plant level. The model also establishes conditions for a mixed equilibrium, in which national and multinational firms coexist.}, url = {http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:nbr:nberwo:4269} } @Unpublished{vohra18:_maxim_farsig_stabl_set, author = {Rajiv Vohra and Debraj Ray}, title = {Maximality in The Farsighted Stable Set}, nameorder = {random}, year = 2018, url = {https://debrajray.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/RayVohraHistDep.pdf}, note = {September, 2018}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % inbook @InBook{wong95:_inter_trade_goods_factor_mobil_, author = {{Kar-yiu} Wong}, title = {International Trade in Goods and Factor Mobility}, chapter = 2, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = 1995, address = {Cambridge, MA}, pages = {23-84} } @inbook{milne-thomson68:_theor_hydrod, author = {Milne-Thomson, L. M.}, title = {Theoretical Hydrodynamics}, pages = 480, publisher = {Ma{C}millan Press}, edition = {5th}, address = {London}, year = 1968 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % inproceedings @inproceedings{wang89:_model_therm_hydrod_aspec_molten, author = {Wang, S. K. and Blomquist, C. A. and Spencer, B. W.}, title = {Modeling of Thermal and Hydrodynamic Aspects of Molten Jet/Water Interactions}, booktitle = {ANS Proc. 1989 National Heat Transfer Conference}, year = 1989, pages = {225-232}, volume = 4, address = {Philadelphia}, month = sep # "~6" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Manual @Manual{brooke03:_gams, author = {Anthony Brooke and David Kendrick and Alexander Meeraus and Ramesh Raman}, title = {{GAMS}: A User's Guide}, year = 2003, organization = {GAMS Development Corporation} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % techreport @techreport{Peri2007, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Peri, Giovanni}, doi = {10.3386/w12956}, institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research}, month = {mar}, title = {Immigrants' Complementarities and Native Wages: Evidence from {California}}, url = {http://www.nber.org/papers/w12956.pdf}, year = {2007} } @TechReport{RePEc:hka:wpaper:2018-037, author = {Piotr Dworczak and Scott Duke Kominers and Mohammad Akbarpour}, title = {Redistribution through Markets}, year = 2018, month = Jun, nameorder = {random}, institution = {Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group}, type = {Working Papers}, url = {https://ideas.repec.org/p/hka/wpaper/2018-037.html}, number = {2018-037}, keywords = {optimal mechanism design; redistribution; Inequality; welfare theorems}, doi = {}, } @techreport{NBERw25205, title = "Electoral Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions", author = "Garance Genicot and Laurent Bouton and Micael Castanheira", institution = "National Bureau of Economic Research", type = "Working Paper", series = "Working Paper Series", number = "25205", year = "2018", month = "October", doi = {10.3386/w25205}, URL = "http://www.nber.org/papers/w25205", nameorder = {random} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Online @online{stakeda2013web, author = {Shiro Takeda}, year = {2013}, title = {econ.bst: {BibTeX} style file for economics}, url = {http://shirotakeda.org/en/tex/econ-bst.html}, access = {4th July, 2013} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Phdthesis @PhdThesis{takeda05:_econom_analy_envir_regul, author = {Shiro Takeda}, title = {An Economic Analysis of Environmental Regulations}, school = {Hitotsubashi University}, year = 2005} % proceedings % techreport % mastersthesis % misc % booklet % -------------------- % Local Variables: % mode: bibtex % fill-column: 80 % code: utf-8-dos % End: