%% %% This is file `bath-bst-v1.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% bath-bst.dtx (with options: `tex1') %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% bath-bst --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library %% Author: Alex Ball %% E-mail: a.j.ball@bath.ac.uk %% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later %% See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% \ProvidesFile{bath-bst-v1.tex} [2019/07/10 v3.0 Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library] \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage[hmargin=3cm,vmargin=2.5cm]{geometry} \frenchspacing \usepackage{iftex} \ifPDFTeX \usepackage{CJKutf8} \else \ifLuaTeX \usepackage{luatexja-fontspec} \setmainjfont{IPAexGothic} \else \ifXeTeX \usepackage{ctex} \fi \fi \fi \usepackage{xpatch,csquotes,xcolor,xparse,multicol,fancyvrb} \xdefinecolor{Green}{rgb}{0,.5,0} \xdefinecolor{Slate}{RGB}{80,86,94} \xdefinecolor{BathStone}{RGB}{213,211,185} \colorlet{ok}{Green} \colorlet{todo}{red} \colorlet{hacked}{orange} \colorlet{manual}{purple} \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment {Verbatim}{Verbatim} {commentchar=\%} \usepackage[tightLists=false]{markdown} \markdownSetup{rendererPrototypes={% link = {\href{#3}{#1}}% }} \usepackage{fontawesome}[2015/07/07] \newcommand{\booksym}{\makebox[1em][c]{\faicon{book}}} \newcommand{\cogsym}{\makebox[1em][c]{\faicon{cog}}} \makeatletter \newcommand{\hangfrom}[1]{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{#1}}% \hangindent \wd\@tempboxa\noindent\box\@tempboxa} \makeatother \newenvironment{tips}{% \begin{list}{\makebox[2em][c]{\faLightbulbO}}{% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em} \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}} }{\end{list}} \newenvironment{info}{% \begin{list}{\makebox[2em][c]{\faInfoCircle}}{% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em} \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}} }{\end{list}} \newenvironment{hacks}{% \begin{list}{\makebox[2em][c]{\faWrench}}{% \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em} \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}} }{\end{list}} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \tcbuselibrary{listings,breakable,skins,xparse} \colorlet{Option}{violet} \newcommand*{\key}[1]{\textcolor{Option}{\ttfamily #1}} \lstdefinelanguage{bafll}% { alsoletter={.} , morekeywords=[2]% { add.period$ , call.type$ , change.case$ , chr.to.int$ , cite$ , duplicate$ , empty$ , format.name$ , global.max$ , if$ , int.to.chr$ , int.to.str$ , missing$ , newline$ , num.names$ , pop$ , preamble$ , purify$ , quote$ , skip$ , sort.key$ , stack$ , substring$ , swap$ , text.length$ , text.prefix$ , top$ , type$ , warning$ , while$ , width$ , write$ } , morekeywords=[3]% { ENTRY , INTEGERS , STRINGS , MACRO , FUNCTION , READ , EXECUTE , ITERATE , SORT , REVERSE } , morekeywords=[1]{} , otherkeywords=% { + , - , > , < , = , * , := } , sensitive=true , morestring=[b]" , morecomment=[l]\% }[keywords,strings,comments] \lstloadlanguages{[LaTeX]TeX,bafll} \lstdefinestyle{dtxlatex}% { columns=fullflexible , basicstyle=\ttfamily , language={[LaTeX]TeX} , texcsstyle=*\color{red!75!black} , commentstyle=\color{gray}\itshape , moretexcs= { citet , citep , defcitealias , citepalias , citetalias , noop , urlprefix , urldateprefix } , moredelim=**[s][\color{violet}]{[}{]} , moredelim=**[s][\color{blue!75!black}]{\{}{\}} } \lstdefinestyle{dtxbst}% { columns=fullflexible , basicstyle=\ttfamily , language=bafll , keywordstyle=[1]\color{orange!75!black} , keywordstyle=[2]\color{red!75!black} , keywordstyle=[3]\color{green!50!black} , commentstyle=\color{gray}\itshape , stringstyle=\color{violet} , mathescape=false , showstringspaces=false } \lstset{style=dtxlatex} \tcbset { colframe = Slate , colback = BathStone!25 , listing options = { style = tcblatex , style = dtxlatex , basicstyle=\ttfamily\small } } \NewTColorBox{bibexbox}{D(){ok}d<>m}% {bicolor ,colframe = #1 ,colback = #1!5!white ,colbacklower = white ,fontlower = \footnotesize ,before upper = {\hangfrom{\booksym\space}} ,after upper = {\par\hangfrom{\cogsym\space}\bibentry{#3}.} ,IfNoValueTF={#2}{}% {overlay = { \node[anchor=south east,text=teal] at (frame.south east) {#2}; } } } \usepackage{natbib} \newcommand*{\urlprefix}{Available from: } \newcommand*{\urldateprefix}{Accessed } \usepackage{bibentry} \bibliographystyle{bath} \nobibliography* \usepackage{readprov} \usepackage[british,cleanlook]{isodate} \usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=black]{hyperref} \makeatletter \Urlmuskip=0mu plus 3mu\relax \mathchardef\UrlBigBreakPenalty=100\relax \mathchardef\UrlBreakPenalty=200\relax \def\UrlBigBreaks{\do\:\do\-}% \def\UrlBreaks{% \do\.\do\@\do\/\do\\\do\!\do\_\do\|\do\;\do\>\do\]\do\)\do\}% \do\,\do\?\do\'\do\+\do\=\do\#\do\$\do\&\do\*\do\^\do\"}% \let\do=\noexpand \makeatother \sloppy \title{bath-bst: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library} \author{% Maintainer: Alex Ball\thanks{% To contact the maintainer about this package, please visit the repository where the code is hosted: \url{https://github.com/alex-ball/bathbib}.% }% } \date{Package \UseVersionOf{\jobname.tex} --\printdateTeX{\UseDateOf{\jobname.tex}}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} The data model offered by the standard Bib\TeX\ styles, and even the extended \textsf{natbib} variants, is not really rich enough to support the nuances of the Harvard (Bath) style. This means design decisions have to be made about whether to attempt some level of compatibility with other styles or craft something utterly unique. In the first version of \textsf{bath-bst}, the intention was to set things up so that, if the same \texttt{.bib} file was used with a different style, the features peculiar to the Harvard (Bath) style would be ignored and the remaining information would come out in a sensible arrangement. The recommendations of the style's documentation were to use the standard entry types as much as possible (though more semantic aliases were provided), and minimal new fields were introduced. For the more exotic (in Bib\TeX\ terms) demands of the style, extensive use was made of the (standard) \texttt{note} and (non-standard) \texttt{titleaddon} fields to place information properly. If you have written a \texttt{.bib} file according the principles in that first version, the \texttt{bath} style will still work as advertised for you. The second version introduced a new variant, \texttt{bathx} (`Bath extended'), which has a different aim. The idea with this one is that \texttt{.bib} files written for this style will be rendered just the same by the companion \textsf{biblatex-bath} style. Where possible, features from the latter have been emulated for Bib\TeX; otherwise, the `cheats' used in this style will also work under \textsf{biblatex}. Happily, it has been possible to do this while keeping most of the code in common. The main differences between two versions are as follows: \begin{itemize} \item In \texttt{bath}, the \texttt{titleaddon} field is printed bare, while in \texttt{bathx} it is wrapped in square brackets. \item In \texttt{bathx} online items are marked with `[Online]' automatically, while in \texttt{bath} you have to mark them thus yourself. \item In \texttt{bathx} undated items are marked with `n.d.' automatically, while in \texttt{bath} you have to give `n.d.' as the value of \texttt{year} yourself. \end{itemize} One other change worth noting regards URL access dates. In version 1, the advice was to put them in \texttt{urldate}. With version 2 the advice is now to put them, perhaps counter-intuitively, in \texttt{urlyear}. The reason is that \textsf{biblatex} will complain if the value of \texttt{urldate} is in the wrong format, but will happily print the contents of \texttt{urlyear} literally. If you don't care about \textsf{biblatex} compatibility, you can continue to use \texttt{urldate}. This document provides a suite of examples that demonstrate and test the bibliography format that was recommended for version 1.0 of the style. \section{Using the style} To use the style, add these lines to your preamble: \begin{tcblisting}{listing only} \usepackage{natbib} \newcommand*{\urlprefix}{Available from: } \newcommand*{\urldateprefix}{Accessed } \bibliographystyle{bath} \end{tcblisting} Remember also to specify your \texttt{.bib} file at the end of the document: \begin{tcblisting}{listing only} \bibliography{file} \end{tcblisting} To make a citation in the text, use the key that corresponds to the entry in your \texttt{.bib} file: \begin{tcblisting}{} While collections can be supplemented by other means \citep{williams1997edd}, the absence of an invisible collection amongst historians is noted by \citet[p.556]{stieg1981inh}. It may be, as \citet{burchard1965hhl} points out, that they have no assistants or are reluctant to delegate, or it may be down to economic factors \citep{adams2009tc1, adams2014tc2, gb.pa2014, adams2017tc3}\dots \end{tcblisting} Please refer to the documentation for \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/natbib}{\textsf{natbib}} for the full range of commands available for in-text citations. Be aware that the \textsf{natbib} option \texttt{sort} will sort citations in bibliography order, rather than the chronological order demanded by Harvard (Bath) -- so don't use it! \subsection{Migrating from version 2 to version 3} If you have previously used version 2 of the style, you may need to update your .bib file to accommodate the following changes in version 3: \begin{itemize} \item Journal titles are now coerced to sentence case, so any capital letters you want to keep need to be protected with braces. \item Entries of type \texttt{unpublished} are now marked as unpublished. If you have been using this for an item that should not be marked as unpublished (e.g.~archive photographs, law reports), you can use \texttt{booklet} instead: this is the other entry type (along with \texttt{misc}) that has a \texttt{howpublished} field instead of a \texttt{publisher}. Other entry types may work as well; indeed, some examples below have been updated to use \texttt{manual} or \texttt{report} instead. \item Some changes to the Harvard (Bath) style cannot be applied automatically (e.g.~the update to how standards are referenced), so you may need to update your .bib file accordingly. \end{itemize} \section{Examples} The examples below are shown in three parts. The first, marked with \faBook, shows an extract from the \href{https://library.bath.ac.uk/referencing/harvard-bath}{\emph{Referencing guide: Harvard Bath}} or \href{https://library.bath.ac.uk/images/referencing}{\emph{Referencing images}}. The second, marked with \faCog, shows the reference as formatted by Bib\TeX. The last shows how the reference was entered in the \texttt{.bib} file. The bottom right corner shows the source of the example: `RX' indicates the `Reference examples (A-Z)' section of the Guide; `RL' indicates the `Organise a reference list' section of the Guide; `RI' indicates \emph{Referencing images}. Some examples are highlighted in \tcbox[colframe=hacked,colback=hacked!5!white,nobeforeafter,size=fbox,tcbox raise base]{orange}. This indicates that some fields have been `abused' to achieve the right effect; in other words, they contain information that does not conform with their intended use. Some others make use of the \texttt{note} and \texttt{titleaddon} fields to achieve the right effect, where other styles might need the information placed differently. Particular care should be taken with such items when switching between different styles, though of course any item might need adjustment to take account of differing conventions. \subsection{Books and book chapters} \subsubsection*{Book with author(s)} \begin{bibexbox}{rang.etal2012rdp} Rang, H.P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M., Flower, R.J. and Henderson, G., 2012. \emph{Rang and Dale's pharmacology}. 7th ed. Edinburgh:\@ Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{rang.etal2012rdp, author = {Rang, H. P. and Dale, M. M. and Ritter, J. M. and Flower, R. J. and Henderson, G.}, year = {2012}, title = {Rang and {Dale's} Pharmacology}, edition = {7}, address = {Edinburgh}, publisher = {Elsevier Churchill Livingstone}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{ou1972em} Open University, 1972. \emph{Electricity and magnetism}. Bletchley:\@ Open University Press. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{ou1972em, author = {{Open University}}, year = {1972}, title = {Electricity and Magnetism}, address = {Bletchley}, publisher = {Open University Press}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Book with editor(s) instead of author(s)} \begin{bibexbox}{rothman.etal2008me} Rothman, K.J., Greenland, S. and Lash, T.L., eds, 2008. \emph{Modern epidemiology}. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa.:\@ Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{rothman.etal2008me, editor = {Kenneth J. Rothman and Sander Greenland and Timothy L. Lash}, year = {2008}, title = {Modern Epidemiology}, edition = {3}, address = {Philadelphia, Pa.}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Electronic book} \begin{bibexbox}{haynes2014crc} Haynes, W.M., ed.\@, 2014. \emph{CRC handbook of chemistry and physics} [Online]. 94th ed. Boca Raton, Fla.:\@ CRC Press/Taylor and Francis. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.hbcpnetbase.com} [Accessed 16 June 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{haynes2014crc, editor = {Haynes, W. M.}, year = {2014}, title = {{CRC} Handbook of Chemistry and Physics}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, edition = {94}, address = {Boca Raton, Fla.}, publisher = {CRC Press/Taylor and Francis}, url = {http://www.hbcpnetbase.com}, urldate = {16 June 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{hodds2016re} Hodds, J., 2016. \emph{Referencing ebooks} [Kindle version 4.18]. Bath:\@ University of Bath. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{hodds2016re, author = {Hodds, J.}, year = {2016}, title = {Referencing ebooks}, titleaddon = {[Kindle version 4.18]}, address = {Bath}, publisher = {University of Bath}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{One chapter\slash paper from a collection (by different authors) in an edited book} \begin{bibexbox}{burchard1965hhl} Burchard, J.E., 1965. How humanists use a library. In:\@ C.F.J. Overhage and J.R. Harman, eds. \emph{Intrex:\@ report on a planning conference and information transfer experiments}. Cambridge, Mass.:\@ MIT Press, pp.41--87. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @incollection{burchard1965hhl, author = {Burchard, J. E.}, year = {1965}, title = {How Humanists use a Library}, editor = {C. F. J. Overhage and J. R. Harman}, booktitle = {Intrex: report on a planning conference and information transfer experiments}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, publisher = {MIT Press}, pages = {41-87}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{reid1967ptp} Reid, D.R., 1967. Physical testing of polymer films. In:\@ S.H. Pinner, ed. \emph{Modern packaging films}. London:\@ Butterworths, pp.143--183. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @incollection{reid1967ptp, author = {D. R. Reid}, year = {1967}, title = {Physical Testing of Polymer Films}, editor = {S. H. Pinner}, booktitle = {Modern Packaging Films}, address = {London}, publisher = {Butterworths}, pages = {143-183}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Articles and periodicals} \subsubsection*{Journal article} \begin{bibexbox}{stieg1981cer} Stieg, M.F., 1981a. Continuing education and the reference librarian in the academic and research library. \emph{Library journal}, 105(22), pp.2547--2551. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{stieg1981cer, author = {Stieg, M. F.}, year = {1981}, title = {Continuing Education and the Reference Librarian in the Academic and Research Library}, journal = {Library Journal}, volume = {105}, number ={22}, pages = {2547-2551}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{stieg1981inh} Stieg, M.F., 1981b. The information needs of historians. \emph{College and research libraries}, 42(6), pp.549--560. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{stieg1981inh, author = {Stieg, M. F.}, year = {1981}, title = {The Information Needs of Historians}, journal = {College and Research Libraries}, volume = {42}, number ={6}, pages = {549-560}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{newman2010mcb} Newman, R., 2010. Malaria control beyond 2010. \emph{Brit.\@ Med.\@ J.}, 341(7765), pp.157--208. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{newman2010mcb, author = {Newman, R.}, year = {2010}, title = {Malaria control beyond 2010}, journal = {{Brit.\@ Med.\@ J.}}, volume = {341}, number = {7765}, pages = {157-208}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Electronic journal article} \begin{bibexbox}{williams1997edd} Williams, F., 1997. Electronic document delivery:\@ a trial in an academic library. \emph{Ariadne} [Online], 10. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue10/edd/} [Accessed 5 December 1997]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{williams1997edd, author = {Williams, F.}, year = {1997}, title = {Electronic Document Delivery: a Trial in an Academic Library}, journal = {Ariadne \textup{[Online]}}, volume = {10}, url = {http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue10/edd/}, urldate = {5 December 1997}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{hacks} \item With most styles, you would put `in press' or `preprint' as the \texttt{year} for articles that have yet to be officially published, but for this style you need to put it in \texttt{volume}. If you would rather lose this information when switching to a different style than have it incorrectly placed, you can use the \texttt{pubstate} field from \textsf{biblatex} instead. Use the keyword \texttt{inpress} for `in press' and \texttt{inpreparation} or \texttt{submitted} (whichever is more accurate) for `preprint'. \begin{tcolorbox}% [ colframe = Slate , colback = white , fontupper = \footnotesize ] \begin{Verbatim} pubstate = {inpress}, \end{Verbatim} \end{tcolorbox} \end{hacks} \begin{bibexbox}(hacked){liontou.etal2019dra} Liontou, C., Kontopodis, E., Oikonomidis, N., Maniotis, C., Tassopoulos, A., Tsiafoutis, I., Lazaris, E. and Koutouzis, M., 2019. Distal radial access:\@ a review article. \emph{Cardiovascular revascularization medicine} [Online], in press. Available from: \url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553838919303367} [Accessed 19 June 2019]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{liontou.etal2019dra, author = {Liontou, C. and Kontopodis, E. and Oikonomidis, N. and Maniotis, C. and Tassopoulos, A. and Tsiafoutis, I. and Lazaris, E. and Koutouzis, M.}, year = {2019}, title = {Distal Radial Access: a Review Article}, journal = {Cardiovascular revascularization medicine \textup{[Online]}}, volume = {in press}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553838919303367}, urldate = {19 June 2019}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Preprint in a digital repository} \begin{tips} \item The Harvard (Bath) style gives you a choice whether to treat preprints as pre-publication articles (above) or as grey literature (below). In the latter case, the \texttt{techreport} entry type is the best match semantically. \end{tips} \begin{bibexbox}{shah.corrick2016hsc} Shah, I. and Corrick, I., 2016. \emph{How should central banks respond to non-neutral inflation expectations?} Bath:\@ University of Bath. \emph{OPUS} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{http://opus.bath.ac.uk} [Accessed 4 May 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{shah.corrick2016hsc, author = {Shah, I. and Corrick, I.}, year = {2016}, title = {How should central banks respond to non-neutral inflation expectations?}, address = {Bath}, institution = {University of Bath}, note = {\emph{OPUS} [Online]}, url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk}, urldate = {4 May 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Newspaper article} \begin{hacks}\item Give the issue's day and month as the \texttt{volume}.\end{hacks} \begin{bibexbox}(hacked){haurant2004bbh} Haurant, S., 2004. Britain's borrowing hits £1 trillion. \emph{The Guardian}, 29 July, p.16c. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{haurant2004bbh, author = {Haurant, S.}, year = {2004}, title = {Britain's Borrowing Hits \pounds 1 Trillion}, journal = {The {Guardian}}, volume = {29 July}, pages = {16c}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}(hacked){independent1992pub} The Independent, 1992. Picking up the bills. \emph{The Independent}, 4 June, p.28a. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{independent1992pub, author = {{The Independent}}, year = {1992}, title = {Picking Up the Bills}, journal = {The {Independent}}, volume = {4 June}, pages = {28a}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Conference papers} \begin{info}\item As in the standard Bib\TeX\ styles, \texttt{conference} is a legacy (and highly deprecated) alias for \texttt{inproceedings}. \end{info} \subsubsection*{Conference paper (when proceedings have a named editor)} \begin{bibexbox}{crawford1965oim} Crawford, G.I., 1965. Oxygen in metals. In:\@ J.M.A. Lenihan and S.J. Thompson, eds. \emph{Activation analysis:\@ proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute}, 2--4 August 1964, Glasgow. London:\@ Academic Press, pp.113--118. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @inproceedings{crawford1965oim, author = {Crawford, G. I.}, year = {1965}, title = {Oxygen in Metals}, editor = {J. M. A. Lenihan and S. J. Thompson}, booktitle = {Activation Analysis: Proceedings of a {NATO} {Advanced} {Study} {Institute}}, venue = {2--4 August 1964, Glasgow}, address = {London}, publisher = {Academic Press}, pages = {113-118}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Conference paper (when proceedings have no named editor or are part of a major series)} \begin{bibexbox}{soper1972rbc} Soper, D., 1972. Review of bracken control experiments with asulam. \emph{Proceedings of the 11th British Weed Control Conference}, 15--17 November 1972, Brighton. Brighton:\@ University of Sussex, pp.24--31. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @inproceedings{soper1972rbc, author = {Soper, D.}, year = {1972}, title = {Review of Bracken Control Experiments with Asulam}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {British} {Weed} {Control} {Conference}}, venue = {15--17 November 1972, Brighton}, address = {Brighton}, publisher = {University of Sussex}, pages = {24-31}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Grey literature} \subsubsection*{Thesis/dissertation} \begin{bibexbox}{burrell1973ist} Burrell, J.G., 1973. \emph{The importance of school tours in education}. Thesis (M.A.). Queen's University, Belfast. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @mastersthesis{burrell1973ist, author = {Burrell, J. G.}, year = {1973}, title = {The Importance of School Tours in Education}, type = {Thesis ({M.A.})}, school = {Queen's University, Belfast}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{thesis} is an alias for \texttt{phdthesis}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Report} \begin{bibexbox}{unesco1993gip} UNESCO, 1993. \emph{General information programme and UNISIST}\@. (PGI-93/WS/22). Paris:\@ UNESCO. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{unesco1993gip, author = {{UNESCO}}, year = {1993}, title = {General Information Programme and {UNISIST}}, address = {Paris}, institution = {UNESCO}, number = {PGI-93/WS/22}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{bre2007dqb} BRE, 2007. \emph{Designing quality buildings:\@ a BRE guide}. (Report 497). Bracknell:\@ BRE. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{bre2007dqb, author = {{BRE}}, year = {2007}, title = {Designing Quality Buildings: a {BRE} Guide}, address = {Bracknell}, institution = {BRE}, type = {Report}, number = {497}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{report} is an alias for \texttt{techreport}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Standard} \begin{bibexbox}{bs5605:1990} BSI, 1990. \emph{BS 5605:1990 Recommendations for citing and referencing published material.} London: BSI. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{bs5605:1990, author = {{BSI}}, year = {1990}, title = {{BS}~5605:1990 {Recommendations} for Citing and Referencing Published Material}, address = {London}, organization = {BSI}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{astm.d1655} ASTM, 2019. \emph{ASTM D1655 - 19 Standard specification for aviation turbine fuels.} West Conshohocken, Pa.: ASTM. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{astm.d1655, author = {{ASTM}}, year = {2019}, title = {{ASTM~D1655} - 19 {Standard} Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels}, address = {West Conshohocken, Pa.}, organization = {ASTM}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{standard} is an alias for \texttt{manual}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Patent} \begin{bibexbox}{pm1981opa} Phillipp Morris Inc., 1981. \emph{Optical perforating apparatus and system}. European patent application 0021165A1. 1981-01-07. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{pm1981opa, author = {{Phillipp Morris Inc.}}, year = {1981}, title = {Optical perforating apparatus and system}, series = {European patent application}, number = {0021165A1. 1981-01-07}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{patent} is an alias for \texttt{manual}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Unpublished written material and personal communications} \begin{bibexbox}{harris2013fgr} Harris, G., 2013. \emph{Focus group recommendations:\@ internal task group report}. Unpublished. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @unpublished{harris2013fgr, author = {Harris, G.}, year = {2013}, title = {Focus group recommendations: internal task group report}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{hadley2015bir} Hadley, S., 2015. \emph{Biomechanics:\@ introductory reading, BM289:\@ sport biomechanics}. University of Bath. Unpublished. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @unpublished{hadley2015bir, author = {Hadley, S.}, year = {2015}, title = {Biomechanics: introductory reading, {BM289}: sport biomechanics}, howpublished = {University of Bath}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{thomas2015wcr} Thomas, D., 2015. Word count and referencing style. \emph{Frequently asked questions discussion board:\@ PHYS 2011:\@ housing studies.} University of Bath. Unpublished. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @unpublished{thomas2015wcr, author = {Thomas, D.}, year = {2015}, title = {Word count and referencing style}, booktitle = {Frequently asked questions discussion board: {PHYS} 2011: housing studies}, howpublished = {University of Bath}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Audiovisual materials} \subsubsection*{Image} \begin{tips}\item You would normally class images as \texttt{misc} or \texttt{unpublished}, but those entry types have particular formatting quirks in this style that don't work for images. Use \texttt{manual} or \texttt{booklet} instead. You can use \texttt{online} (an alias for \texttt{manual}) for online images.\end{tips} \begin{bibexbox}{nasa2015nat} NASA, 2015, \emph{NASA astronaut Tim Kopra on Dec.\@ 21 spacewalk} [Online]. Washington:\@ NASA. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-astronaut-tim-kopra-on-dec-21-spacewalk} [Accessed 7 January 2015]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{nasa2015nat, author = {{NASA}}, year = {2015}, title = {{NASA} Astronaut {Tim} {Kopra} on {Dec.\@} 21 Spacewalk}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, address = {Washington}, organization = {NASA}, url = {http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-astronaut-tim-kopra-on-dec-21-spacewalk}, urldate = {7 January 2015}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{tips}\item You can use either the \texttt{publisher} or the \texttt{organization} field to record the source of the image.\end{tips} \begin{bibexbox}{iliff2006rcb} Iliff, D., 2006. \emph{Royal Crescent in Bath, England - July 2006} [Online]. San Francisco:\@ Wikimedia Foundation. Available from:\@ \url{https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Crescent_in_Bath,_England_-_July_2006.jpg} [Accessed 7 January 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{iliff2006rcb, author = {D. Iliff}, year = {2006}, title = {{Royal} {Crescent} in {Bath,} {England} - {July} 2006}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, address = {San Francisco}, organization = {Wikimedia Foundation}, url = {https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Crescent_in_Bath,_England_-_July_2006.jpg}, urldate = {7 January 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{anon1946peb} Anon., 1946. \emph{Prototype electric bicycle displayed at the \enquote{Britain Can Make It} exhibition organised by the Council of Industrial Design and held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1946. Designed by B.~G. Bowden} [Photograph]. At:\@ London. Design Council Slide Collection. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{anon1946peb, author = {Anon.}, year = {1946}, title = {Prototype electric bicycle displayed at the \enquote{Britain Can Make It} exhibition organised by the {Council} of {Industrial} {Design} and held at the {Victoria} and {Albert} {Museum}, {London}, 1946. {Designed} by {B.~G.} {Bowden}}, titleaddon = {[Photograph]}, note = {At: London. Design Council Slide Collection}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Map} \begin{bibexbox}{andrews.dury1773wilts} Andrews, J. and Dury, A., 1773. \emph{Map of Wiltshire}, 1 inch to 2 miles. Devizes:\@ Wiltshire Record Society. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{andrews.dury1773wilts, author = {Andrews, J. and Dury, A.}, year = {1773}, title = {Map of {Wiltshire}}, series = {1 inch to 2 miles}, address = {Devizes}, publisher = {Wiltshire Record Society}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{tips}\item The \texttt{book} entry type would also work for this reference.\end{tips} \subsubsection*{Film, video or DVD} \begin{bibexbox}{macbeth1948} \emph{Macbeth}, 1948. Film.\@ Directed by Orson Welles. USA:\@ Republic Pictures. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @booklet{macbeth1948, year = {1948}, title = {Macbeth}, howpublished = {Film. Directed by Orson Welles}, address = {USA}, publisher = {Republic Pictures}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{movie} and \texttt{video} are aliases for \texttt{booklet}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Streamed video (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.)} \begin{bibexbox}{moran2016sol} Moran, C., 2016. \emph{Save our libraries} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be} [Accessed 29 April 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{moran2016sol, author = {Moran, C.}, year = {2016}, title = {Save Our Libraries}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be}, urldate = {29 April 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{uob2015wie} University of Bath, 2015. \emph{What is engineering?} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoyZarq-Zbo} [Accessed 12 January 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{uob2015wie, author = {{University of Bath}}, year = {2015}, title = {What is Engineering?}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoyZarq-Zbo}, urldate = {12 January 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{chakrabarti2016hac} Chakrabarti, V., 2016. \emph{How architecture and city planning can combat social inequality} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{https://www.curbed.com/2016/5/5/11593058/vishaan-chakrabarti-pau-curbed-appeal-podcast} [Accessed 28 March 2019]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{chakrabarti2016hac, author = {Chakrabarti, V.}, year = {2016}, title = {How Architecture and City Planning Can Combat Social Inequality}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, url = {https://www.curbed.com/2016/5/5/11593058/vishaan-chakrabarti-pau-curbed-appeal-podcast}, urlyear = {28 March 2019}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Television or radio broadcast} \begin{bibexbox}{rsfo2006ep5} \emph{Rick Stein's French odyssey:\@ Episode 5}, 2006. TV. BBC2, 23 August. 20.30 hrs. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @booklet{rsfo2006ep5, year = {2006}, title = {Rick {Stein's} {French} Odyssey: Episode 5}, howpublished = {TV. BBC2, 23 August. 20.30 hrs}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{archers20060823} \emph{The Archers}, 2006. Radio. BBC Radio 4, 23 August. 19.02 hrs. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @booklet{archers20060823, year = {2006}, title = {The {Archers}}, howpublished = {Radio. BBC Radio 4, 23 August. 19.02 hrs}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{audio} and \texttt{music} are aliases for \texttt{booklet}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Music score} \begin{bibexbox}{beethoven1950symph1} Beethoven, L. van, 1950. \emph{Symphony no.1 in C, Op.21}. Harmondsworth:\@ Penguin. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{beethoven1950symph1, author = {Ludwig van Beethoven}, year = {1950}, title = {Symphony no.1 in {C,} {Op.21}}, address = {Harmondsworth}, publisher = {Penguin}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Digital media} \subsubsection*{Website\slash webpage} While it is normal when using Bib\TeX\ to use \texttt{misc} for websites, with this style you should use \texttt{online} (or \texttt{electronic} or \texttt{www}) instead. Internally these are all aliases for \texttt{manual}. \begin{bibexbox}{holland2002gci} Holland, M., 2002. \emph{Guide to citing internet sources} [Online]. Poole:\@ Bournemouth University. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/guide_to_citing_internet_sourc.html} [Accessed 4 November 2002]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{holland2002gci, author = {Holland, M.}, year = {2002}, title = {Guide to Citing Internet Sources}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, address = {Poole}, organization = {Bournemouth University}, url = {http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/guide_to_citing_internet_sourc.html}, urldate = {4 November 2002}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Email discussion lists (jiscmail\slash listserv etc.)} \begin{bibexbox}(hacked){clark2004euk} Clark, T., 5 July 2004. A European UK Libraries Plus? \emph{Lis-link} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{lis-link@jiscmail.ac.uk} [Accessed 30 July 2004]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{clark2004euk, author = {Clark, T.}, year = {5 July 2004}, title = {A {European} {UK} {Libraries} {Plus}?}, journal = {Lis-link \textup{[Online]}}, url = {lis-link@jiscmail.ac.uk}, urldate = {30 July 2004}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{tips} \item Use the \texttt{journal} field to specify the mailing list. \end{tips} \begin{hacks} \item You will need to put the full date in the \texttt{year} field; unfortunately this means you have to put in extra work to show only the year in citations: \end{hacks} \begin{tcblisting}{listing side text, lefthand width=.5\linewidth} \citetext{\citeauthor[2004]{clark2004euk}} \end{tcblisting} \subsubsection*{Database} \begin{bibexbox}{bvd2008bt} Bureau van Dijk, 2008. \emph{BT Group plc company report}. \emph{FAME} [Online]. London:\@ Bureau van Dijk. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.portal.euromonitor.com} [Accessed 6 November 2014]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{bvd2008bt, author = {{Bureau van Dijk}}, year = {2008}, title = {{BT} {Group} PLC Company Report}, series = {\emph{FAME} [Online]}, address = {London}, organization = {Bureau van Dijk}, url = {http://www.portal.euromonitor.com}, urldate = {6 November 2014}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Dataset} \begin{bibexbox}{wilson2013rgc} Wilson, D., 2013. \emph{Real geometry and connectedness via triangular description:\@ CAD example bank} [Online]. Bath:\@ University of Bath. Available from:\@ \url{https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00069} [Accessed 20 April 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{wilson2013rgc, author = {Wilson, D.}, year = {2013}, title = {Real Geometry and Connectedness via Triangular Description: {CAD} Example Bank}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, address = {Bath}, organization = {University of Bath}, doi = {10.15125/BATH-00069}, urldate = {20 April 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item You can use \texttt{dataset} instead of \texttt{online} as an alias for \texttt{manual}.\end{info} \subsubsection*{Computer program} \begin{bibexbox}{screencasto} @screencasto, n.d. \emph{Screencast-O-Matic} (v.2) [computer program]. Available from:\@ \url{https://screencast-o-matic.com/} [Accessed 16 May 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @manual{screencasto, author = {@screencasto}, year = {n.d.}, title = {{Screencast-O-Matic}}, titleaddon = {(v.2) [computer program]}, url = {https://screencast-o-matic.com/}, urldate = {16 May 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Internally, \texttt{software} is an alias for \texttt{manual}.\end{info} \subsection{Works in languages other than English} \subsubsection*{Work in translation} \begin{bibexbox}{aristotle2007ne} Aristotle, 2007. \emph{Nicomachean ethics} (W.D. Ross, Trans.). South Dakota:\@ NuVisions. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{aristotle2007ne, author = {Aristotle}, year = {2007}, title = {Nicomachean Ethics}, titleaddon = {(W.D. Ross, Trans.)}, address = {South Dakota}, publisher = {NuVisions}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Work in the Roman alphabet} \begin{bibexbox}{esquivel2003cap} Esquivel, L., 2003. \emph{Como agua para chocolate} [Like water for chocolate]. Barcelona:\@ Debolsillo. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{esquivel2003cap, author = {Esquivel, L.}, year = {2003}, title = {Como Agua para Chocolate}, titleaddon = {[Like water for chocolate]}, address = {Barcelona}, publisher = {Debolsillo}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{thurfjell1975vhv} Thurfjell, W., 1975. Vart har våran doktor tagit vägen? [Where has our doctor gone?]. \emph{Läkartidningen}, 72, p.789. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{thurfjell1975vhv, author = {Thurfjell, W.}, year = {1975}, title = {Vart har våran doktor tagit vägen?}, titleaddon = {[Where has our doctor gone?]}, journal = {Läkartidningen}, volume = {72}, pages = {789}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Work in a non-Roman alphabet} \begin{tips} \item The following example tricks Bib\TeX\ into treating the original rendering of the author's name as the `von' part of a Roman-alphabet name. This requires the use of a command that simply gobbles its argument, which you have to define yourself: \begin{tcblisting}{listing only} \newcommand*{\noop}[1]{} \end{tcblisting} For the trick to work, the argument you give to \lstinline[style=dtxlatex]|\noop| must be lowercase, but otherwise it can be anything you like. \end{tips} \newcommand*{\noop}[1]{} \begin{bibexbox}(hacked){hua1999qys1} Hua, L. 華林甫, 1999. Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu 清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步硏 [A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty]. \emph{Zhongguo shehui kexue} 中國社會科學, 1, pp.168--79. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{hua1999qys1, author = {Linfu \noop{h}華林甫 Hua}, year = {1999}, title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu {清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步硏}}, titleaddon = {[A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since the {Qing} dynasty]}, journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue \textup{中國社會科學}}, volume = {1}, pages = {168-79}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{tips} \item If the name is due to appear initial first (e.g.\ after `In:'), you can append the non-Roman characters to the author's surname; to do this, use inverted name order as you would for English double-barrelled names without hyphens, e.g.\ \texttt{Hua 華林甫, Linfu}. \end{tips} \begin{bibexbox}{hua1999qys2} Hua, L., 1999. Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu [A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty]. \emph{Zhongguo shehui kexue}, 1, pp.168--79. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @article{hua1999qys2, author = {Hua, Linfu}, year = {1999}, title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu}, titleaddon = {[A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since the {Qing} dynasty]}, journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue}, volume = {1}, pages = {168-79}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{bibexbox}{pamporov2006rvb} Pamporov, A., 2006. \emph{Romskoto vsekidnevie v Balgariya} [Roma everyday life in Bulgaria]. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{pamporov2006rvb, author = {Pamporov, A.}, year = {2006}, title = {Romskoto vsekidnevie v {Balgariya}}, titleaddon = {[Roma everyday life in Bulgaria]}, address = {Veliko Tarnovo}, publisher = {Faber}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Legal references: UK legislation and parliamentary reports} \subsubsection*{Act of Parliament (UK Statutes) before 1963} \begin{bibexbox}{gb.wa1735} \emph{Witchcraft Act 1735} (9 Geo.2, c.5). \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{gb.wa1735, key = {Witchcraft Act 1735}, title = {Witchcraft {Act} 1735}, titleaddon = {(9 Geo.2, c.5)}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Act of Parliament (UK Statutes) 1963 onwards} \begin{bibexbox}{gb.pa2014} \emph{Pensions Act 2014}, c.19. London:\@ TSO. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{gb.pa2014, key = {Pensions Act 2014}, title = {Pensions {Act} 2014}, number = {c.19}, address = {London}, publisher = {TSO}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{House of Commons/House of Lords bill} \begin{bibexbox}{gb.bill1987/88-66} Great Britain.\@ Parliament.\@ House of Commons, 1988. \emph{Local government finance bill}. (Bills | 1987/88, 66). London:\@ HMSO. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{gb.bill1987/88-66, author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}}, year = {1988}, title = {Local Government Finance Bill}, address = {London}, publisher = {HMSO}, type = {{Bills |}}, number = {1987/88, 66}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Statutory instrument} \begin{bibexbox}{gb.hmr2012} \emph{The Human Medicines Regulations 2012} [Online], No.1916, United Kingdom:\@ HMSO. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1916/pdfs/uksi_20121916_en.pdf} [Accessed 17 April 2016]. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @book{gb.hmr2012, title = {The {Human} {Medicines} {Regulations} 2012}, titleaddon = {[Online]}, number = {No.1916}, address = {United Kingdom}, publisher = {HMSO}, url = {http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1916/pdfs/uksi_20121916_en.pdf}, urldate = {17 April 2016}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{House of Commons paper} Use this form for reports of House of Commons select committees. \begin{bibexbox}{gb.hc2003/04-30} Great Britain.\@ Parliament.\@ House of Commons, 2004. \emph{National Savings investment deposits:\@ account 2002--2003}. (HC 2003/04, 30). London:\@ National Audit Office. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{gb.hc2003/04-30, author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}}, year = {2004}, title = {National {Savings} Investment Deposits: account 2002--2003}, address = {London}, publisher = {National Audit Office}, type = {{HC}}, number = {2003/04, 30}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{House of Lords paper} Use this form for reports of House of Lords select committees. \begin{bibexbox}{gb.hl1986/87-66} Great Britain.\@ Parliament.\@ House of Lords, 1987. \emph{Social fund (maternity and funeral expenses) bill}. (HL 1986/87, (66)). London:\@ HMSO. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{gb.hl1986/87-66, author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords}}, year = {1987}, title = {Social Fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses) Bill}, address = {London}, publisher = {HMSO}, type = {{HL}}, number = {1986/87, (66)}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsubsection*{Command paper} \begin{bibexbox}{gb.cm6041} Great Britain.\@ Ministry of Defence, 2004. \emph{Delivering security in a changing world:\@ defence white paper}. (Cm.\@ 6041). London:\@ TSO. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{gb.cm6041, author = {{Great Britain. Ministry of Defence}}, year = {2004}, title = {Delivering Security in a Changing World{:} Defence White Paper}, address = {London}, publisher = {TSO}, type = {{Cm.}}, number = {6041}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Legal references: EU legislation and reports} \subsubsection*{EU regulation or directive, decision, recommendation or opinion} \begin{bibexbox}{eu.dir1984/2003} Council Regulation (EC) 1984/2003 of 8 April 2003 introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and big eye tuna within the Community [2003] \emph{OJ} L295. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @misc{eu.dir1984/2003, title = {Council {Regulation} ({EC}) 1984/2003 of 8 {April} 2003 Introducing a System for the Statistical Monitoring of Trade in Bluefin Tuna, Swordfish and Big Eye Tuna within the {Community}}, titleaddon = {[2003] \emph{OJ} L295}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{hacks} \item Use \lstinline[style=dtxlatex]|\defcitealias| to provide a suitable citation string: \begin{tcblisting}{listing side text, lefthand width=.46\linewidth} \defcitealias{eu.dir1984/2003}{% Council Regulation [EC] 1984/2003} \citepalias{eu.dir1984/2003} \end{tcblisting} \end{hacks} \subsubsection*{EU publication} \begin{bibexbox}{ec2015gra} European Commission, 2015. \emph{General report on the activities of the European Union 2014}. Luxembourg:\@ Publications Office of the European Union. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @techreport{ec2015gra, author = {{European Commission}}, year = {2015}, title = {General Report on the Activities of the {European} {Union} 2014}, address = {Luxembourg}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \subsection{Legal references: case reports} \subsubsection*{Legal case study} \begin{bibexbox}{seldon-v-c.w.j2012} \emph{Seldon v.~Clarkson Wright \& Jakes}. [2012]. UKSC 16. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @report{seldon-v-c.w.j2012, title = {Seldon v.~{Clarkson} {Wright} \& {Jakes}}, note = {[2012]. UKSC 16}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \begin{info}\item Generally speaking, the year should be in square brackets if it is essential to the citation (unless it is a Scottish case, in which case it is printed bare), and in parentheses if it is not. \end{info} \subsubsection*{Judgment of the European Court of Justice} \begin{bibexbox}{srl.etal-v-comm2005} \emph{Alessandrini Srl and others v.~Commission} (C-295/03 P) [2005] ECR I--5700. \tcblower \begin{Verbatim} @report{srl.etal-v-comm2005, title = {Alessandrini {Srl} and others v.~{Commission}}, titleaddon = {(C-295/03 P) [2005] ECR I--5700}} \end{Verbatim} \end{bibexbox} \bibliography{bath-bst-v1} \end{document} %% %% Copyright (C) 2019 by University of Bath %% %% End of file `bath-bst-v1.tex'.