# The `apalike-german` package: an author year style for BibTeX ## Objective I made `apalike-german.bst` because I was forced to use plain old BibTeX in conjunction with `apalike.bst` but I needed German localization. It is simply a copy of the original file. My editions concern the following: - Inserted words were translated to German. - Puryifing of label numbers is removed. Thus, dots in the label year shall not be removed. - Capitalization of title words will remain. ## Installing Create the directory `{TEXMF}/bibtex/bst/apalike-german`, move `apalike-german.bst` there and update the file name database. ## Usage First let me point out that if you are not forced to use plain BibTeX it is much better to rely on the `biblatex` package, preferably in conjunction with Biber. Thus, you gain much more flexibility for your references. If you took this into account, call `\bibliographystyle{apalike-german}` as usual after `\begin{document}`. In case a numerical year lacks you can use an expression like "n.d.": @MISC{undated-item, ... year = {o.J.}, } The dots are kept, but only four digits are allowed! ## Help Best is to use the [GitHub tracker](https://github.com/CarlOrff/apalike-german). Or visit me on [my website and use the comment function](https://ingram-braun.net/public/programming/tex/apalike-german-bst-bibtex-bibliography-author-date-style) there. ## Copyright Copyright 2016 by [Ingram Braun](https://ingram-braun.net/), 1986--2010 by Oren Patashnik. ## License [The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c or later](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt)