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See the \textsf{apacite} documentation for more information. \end{abstract} \section{Examples from chapter~7} \begin{enumerate} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex1} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex1} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex1} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex1} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex2} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex2} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex2} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex2} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex3-1} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex3-1} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex3-1} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex3-1}\\ \mbox{}\\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex3-2} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex3-2} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex3-2} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex3-2} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex4} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex4} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex4} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex4} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex5} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex5} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex5} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex5} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex6} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex6} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex6} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex6} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex7} \\ \cite{apa6:ch7-ex7} \\ \fullciteA{apa6:ch7-ex7} \\ \citeA{apa6:ch7-ex7} \item \cite{apa6:ch7-ex8} \\ 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