pair c=(0,0.8); int iters(pair z, int max=160) { int n=0; while(abs(z) < 2 && n < max) { z=z*z+c; ++n; } return n; } int[] cutoffs={12,15,20,30,40,60,200}; int key(pair z) { int i=iters(z); int j=0; while(cutoffs[j] < i) ++j; return j; } int width=210; int height=190; real zoom=2.5/200; int[][] values=new int[width][height]; int[] histogram; for(int v=0; v < 10; ++v) histogram.push(0); for(int i=0; i < width; ++i) { real x=zoom*(i-width/2); for(int j=0; j < height; ++j) { real y=zoom*(j-height/2); int v=key((x,y)); values[i][j]=v; ++histogram[v]; } } // Print out a histogram. write("histogram: "); write(histogram); pen linepen(int i, int max) { real w=i == -1 || i == max+1 ? 2.0 : i % 10 == 0 || i == max ? 1.0 : i % 5 == 0 ? 0.8 : 0.25; return linewidth(w); } pen xpen(int i) { return linepen(i,width)+(i == width/2 ? red : i == 75 || i == width-75 ? dashed : black); } pen ypen(int i) { return linepen(i,height)+(i == height/2 ? red : i == 75 || i == height-75 ? dashed : black); } // The length of the side of a cross stitch cell. real cell=2.3mm; transform t=scale(cell); picture tick; draw(tick,(0,0)--(1,1)); picture ell; draw(ell,(0,1)--(0,0)--(0.7,0)); picture cross; draw(cross,(0,0)--(1,1)); draw(cross,(1,0)--(0,1)); picture star; draw(star,(0.15,0.15)--(0.85,0.85)); draw(star,(0.85,0.15)--(0.15,0.85)); draw(star,(.5,0)--(.5,1)); draw(star,(0,.5)--(1,.5)); picture triangle; draw(triangle,(0,0)--(2,0)--(1,1.5)--cycle); picture circle; fill(circle,shift(1,1)*unitcircle); picture ocircle; draw(ocircle,shift(1,1)*unitcircle); picture spare; fill(spare,(0,0)--(1,1)--(0,1)--cycle); picture[] pics={tick,ell,cross,star,triangle,circle}; pen[] colors={black,0.2purple,0.4purple,0.6purple,0.8purple,purple, 0.8purple+0.2white}; frame[] icons; icons.push(newframe); for(picture pic : pics) { // Scaling factor, so that we don't need weird line widths. real X=1.0; frame*cell,.8X*cell,Aspect); f=scale(1/X)*f; // Center the icon in the cell. f=shift((cell/2,cell/2)-0.5(max(f)-min(f)))*f; icons.push(f); } void drawSection(int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) { static int shipoutNumber=0; // Draw directly to a frame for speed reasons. frame pic; for(int i=xmin; i <= xmax; ++i) { draw(pic,t*((i,ymin)--(i,ymax)),xpen(i)); if(i%10 == 0) { label(pic,string(i),t*(i,ymin),align=S); label(pic,string(i),t*(i,ymax),align=N); } } for(int j=ymin; j <= ymax; ++j) { draw(pic,t*((xmin,j)--(xmax,j)),ypen(j)); if(j%10 == 0) { label(pic,string(j),t*(xmin,j),align=W); label(pic,string(j),t*(xmax,j),align=E); } } if(xmin < 0) xmin=0; if(xmax >= width) xmax=width-1; if(ymin < 0) ymin=0; if(ymax >= height) ymax=height-1; int stitchCount=0; path box=scale(cell) *((0,0)--(1,0)--(1,1)--(0,1)--cycle); for(int i=xmin; i < xmax; ++i) for(int j=ymin; j < ymax; ++j) { int v=values[i][j]; add(pic,icons[v],(i*cell,j*cell)); //fill(pic,shift(i*cell,j*cell)*box,colors[v]); if(v != 0) ++stitchCount; } write("stitch count: ",stitchCount); // shipout("xstitch"+string(shipoutNumber),pic); shipout(pic); ++shipoutNumber; } //drawSection(-1,width+1,-1,height+1); //drawSection(-1,80,height-80,height+1); //drawSection(70,150,height-80,height+1); drawSection(quotient(width,2)-40,quotient(width,2)+40,quotient(height,2)-40,quotient(height,2)+40); //drawSection(width-150,width-70,-1,80); //drawSection(width-80,width+1,-1,80);