-- version : 1.0.0 - 07/2005 (2008: lua 5.1) -- author : Hans Hagen - PRAGMA ADE - www.pragma-ade.com -- copyright : public domain or whatever suits -- remark : part of the context distribution, my first lua code -- todo: name space for local functions -- todo: the spell checking code is for the built-in lexer, the lpeg one uses its own -- loading: scite-ctx.properties -- # environment variable -- # -- # CTXSPELLPATH=t:/spell -- # -- # auto language detection -- # -- # % version =1.0 language=uk -- # -- ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/scite-ctx.lua -- -- # extension.$(file.patterns.context)=scite-ctx.lua -- # extension.$(file.patterns.example)=scite-ctx.lua -- -- # ext.lua.reset=1 -- # ext.lua.auto.reload=1 -- # ext.lua.startup.script=t:/lua/scite-ctx.lua -- -- ctx.menulist.default=\ -- wrap=wrap_text|\ -- unwrap=unwrap_text|\ -- sort=sort_text|\ -- document=document_text|\ -- quote=quote_text|\ -- compound=compound_text|\ -- check=check_text\| -- strip=toggle_strip -- -- ctx.spellcheck.language=auto -- ctx.spellcheck.wordsize=4 -- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath=ENV(CTXSPELLPATH) -- -- ctx.spellcheck.wordfile.all=spell-uk.txt,spell-nl.txt -- -- ctx.spellcheck.wordfile.uk=spell-uk.txt -- ctx.spellcheck.wordfile.nl=spell-nl.txt -- ctx.spellcheck.wordsize.uk=4 -- ctx.spellcheck.wordsize.nl=4 -- -- command.name.21.*=CTX Action List -- command.subsystem.21.*=3 -- command.21.*=show_menu $(ctx.menulist.default) -- command.groupundo.21.*=yes -- command.shortcut.21.*=Shift+F11 -- -- command.name.22.*=CTX Check Text -- command.subsystem.22.*=3 -- command.22.*=check_text -- command.groupundo.22.*=yes -- command.shortcut.22.*=Ctrl+L -- -- command.name.23.*=CTX Wrap Text -- command.subsystem.23.*=3 -- command.23.*=wrap_text -- command.groupundo.23.*=yes -- command.shortcut.23.*=Ctrl+M -- -- # command.21.*=check_text -- # command.21.*=dofile e:\context\lua\scite-ctx.lua -- generic functions props = props or { } -- setmetatable(props,{ __index = function(k,v) props[k] = "unknown" return "unknown" end } ) local byte, lower, upper, gsub, sub, find, rep, match, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub, string.sub, string.find, string.rep, string.match, string.gmatch, string.format local sort, concat = table.sort, table.concat local crlf = "\n" function traceln(str) trace(str .. crlf) io.flush() end local function grab(str,delimiter) local list = { } for snippet in gmatch(str,delimiter) do list[#list+1] = snippet end return list end local function expand(str) return (gsub(str,"ENV%((%w+)%)", os.envvar)) end local function strip(str) return (gsub(str,"^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end local function alphasort(list,i) if i and i > 0 then local function alphacmp(a,b) return lower(gsub(sub(a,i),'0',' ')) < lower(gsub(sub(b,i),'0',' ')) end sort(list,alphacmp) else local function alphacmp(a,b) return lower(a) < lower(b) end sort(list,alphacmp) end end function io.exists(filename) local ok, result, message = pcall(io.open,filename) if result then io.close(result) return true else return false end end function os.envvar(str) local s = os.getenv(str) if s ~= '' then return s end s = os.getenv(upper(str)) if s ~= '' then return s end s = os.getenv(lower(str)) if s ~= '' then return s end end -- support functions, maybe editor namespace -- function column_of_position(position) -- local line = editor:LineFromPosition(position) -- local oldposition = editor.CurrentPos -- local column = 0 -- editor:GotoPos(position) -- while editor.CurrentPos ~= 0 and line == editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) do -- editor:CharLeft() -- column = column + 1 -- end -- editor:GotoPos(oldposition) -- if line > 0 then -- return column -1 -- else -- return column -- end -- end -- function line_of_position(position) -- return editor:LineFromPosition(position) -- end function extend_to_start() local selectionstart = editor.SelectionStart local selectionend = editor.SelectionEnd local line = editor:LineFromPosition(selectionstart) if line > 0 then while line == editor:LineFromPosition(selectionstart-1) do selectionstart = selectionstart - 1 editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend) end else selectionstart = 0 end editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend) return selectionstart end function extend_to_end() -- editor:LineEndExtend() does not work local selectionstart = editor.SelectionStart local selectionend = editor.SelectionEnd local line = editor:LineFromPosition(selectionend) while line == editor:LineFromPosition(selectionend+1) do selectionend = selectionend + 1 editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend) if selectionend ~= editor.SelectionEnd then break -- no progress end end editor:SetSel(selectionstart,selectionend) return selectionend end function getfiletype() local firstline = editor:GetLine(0) or "" if editor.Lexer == SCLEX_TEX then return 'tex' elseif editor.Lexer == SCLEX_XML then return 'xml' elseif find(firstline,"^%%") then return 'tex' elseif find(firstline,"^<%?xml") then return 'xml' else return 'unknown' end end -- inspired by LuaExt's scite_Files function get_dir_list(mask) local f if props['PLAT_GTK'] and props['PLAT_GTK'] ~= "" then f = io.popen('ls -1 ' .. mask) else mask = gsub(mask,'/','\\') local tmpfile = 'scite-ctx.tmp' local cmd = 'dir /b "' .. mask .. '" > ' .. tmpfile os.execute(cmd) f = io.open(tmpfile) end local files = {} if not f then -- path check added return files end for line in f:lines() do files[#files+1] = line end f:close() return files end -- banner do print("loading scite-ctx.lua definition file\n") print("- see scite-ctx.properties for configuring info\n") print("- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath set to " .. props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath']) if find(lower(props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath']),"ctxspellpath") then if os.getenv('ctxspellpath') then print("- ctxspellpath set to " .. os.getenv('CTXSPELLPATH')) else print("- 'ctxspellpath is not set") end print("- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath expands to " .. expand(props['ctx.spellcheck.wordpath'])) end print("\n- ctx.wraptext.length is set to " .. props['ctx.wraptext.length']) if props['ctx.helpinfo'] ~= '' then print("\n- key bindings:\n") print((gsub(strip(props['ctx.helpinfo']),"%s*|%s*","\n"))) end print("\n- recognized first lines:\n") print("xml ", 2) function wrap_text() -- We always go to the end of a line, so in fact some of -- the variables set next are not needed. local length = props["ctx.wraptext.length"] if length == '' then length = 80 else length = tonumber(length) end local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end editor:LineEndExtend() startposition = editor.SelectionStart endposition = editor.SelectionEnd -- local startline = line_of_position(startposition) -- local endline = line_of_position(endposition) -- local startcolumn = column_of_position(startposition) -- local endcolumn = column_of_position(endposition) -- -- editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition) local startline = props['SelectionStartLine'] local endline = props['SelectionEndLine'] local startcolumn = props['SelectionStartColumn'] - 1 local endcolumn = props['SelectionEndColumn'] - 1 local replacement = { } local templine = '' local indentation = rep(' ',startcolumn) local selection = editor:GetSelText() selection = gsub(selection,"[\n\r][\n\r]","\n") selection = gsub(selection,"\n\n+",' ' .. magicstring .. ' ') selection = gsub(selection,"^%s",'') for snippet in gmatch(selection,"%S+") do if snippet == magicstring then replacement[#replacement+1] = templine replacement[#replacement+1] = "" templine = '' elseif #templine + #snippet > length then replacement[#replacement+1] = templine templine = indentation .. snippet elseif #templine == 0 then templine = indentation .. snippet else templine = templine .. ' ' .. snippet end end replacement[#replacement+1] = templine replacement[1] = gsub(replacement[1],"^%s+",'') if endcolumn == 0 then replacement[#replacement+1] = "" end editor:ReplaceSel(concat(replacement,"\n")) end function unwrap_text() local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end editor:HomeExtend() editor:LineEndExtend() startposition = editor.SelectionStart endposition = editor.SelectionEnd local magicstring = rep("", 2) local selection = gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"[\n\r][\n\r]+", ' ' .. magicstring .. ' ') local replacement = '' for snippet in gmatch(selection,"%S+") do if snippet == magicstring then replacement = replacement .. "\n" else replacement = replacement .. snippet .. "\n" end end if endcolumn == 0 then replacement = replacement .. "\n" end editor:ReplaceSel(replacement) end function sort_text() local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end -- local startcolumn = column_of_position(startposition) -- local endcolumn = column_of_position(endposition) -- -- editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition) local startline = props['SelectionStartLine'] local endline = props['SelectionEndLine'] local startcolumn = props['SelectionStartColumn'] - 1 local endcolumn = props['SelectionEndColumn'] - 1 startposition = extend_to_start() endposition = extend_to_end() local selection = gsub(editor:GetSelText(), "%s*$", '') local list = grab(selection,"[^\n\r]+") alphasort(list, startcolumn) local replacement = concat(list, "\n") editor:GotoPos(startposition) editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition) if endcolumn == 0 then replacement = replacement .. "\n" end editor:ReplaceSel(replacement) end function uncomment_xml() local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd local selection = gsub(editor:GetSelText(), "%<%!%-%-.-%-%-%>", '') editor:GotoPos(startposition) editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition) editor:ReplaceSel(selection) editor:GotoPos(startposition) end function document_text() local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end startposition = extend_to_start() endposition = extend_to_end() editor:SetSel(startposition,endposition) local filetype = getfiletype() local replacement = '' for i = editor:LineFromPosition(startposition), editor:LineFromPosition(endposition) do local str = editor:GetLine(i) if filetype == 'xml' then if find(str,"^<%!%-%- .* %-%->%s*$") then replacement = replacement .. gsub(str,"^<%!%-%- (.*) %-%->(%s*)$","%1\n") elseif find(str,"%S") then replacement = replacement .. '\n" else replacement = replacement .. str end else if find(str,"^%%D%s+$") then replacement = replacement .. "\n" elseif find(str,"^%%D ") then replacement = replacement .. gsub(str,"^%%D ",'') else replacement = replacement .. '%D ' .. str end end end editor:ReplaceSel(gsub(replacement,"[\n\r]$",'')) end function quote_text() local filetype, leftquotation, rightquotation = getfiletype(), '', '' if filetype == 'xml' then leftquotation, rightquotation = "", "" leftquote, rightquote = "", "" else leftquotation, rightquotation = "\\quotation {", "}" leftquote, rightquote = "\\quote {", "}" end local replacement = editor:GetSelText() replacement = gsub(replacement,"``(.-)\'\'", leftquotation .. "%1" .. rightquotation) replacement = gsub(replacement,"\"(.-)\"", leftquotation .. "%1" .. rightquotation) replacement = gsub(replacement,"`(.-)`", leftquote .. "%1" .. rightquote ) replacement = gsub(replacement,"\'(.-)\'", leftquote .. "%1" .. rightquote ) editor:ReplaceSel(replacement) end function compound_text() local filetype = getfiletype() if filetype == 'xml' then editor:ReplaceSel(gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"(>[^<%-][^<%-]+)([-/])(%w%w+)","%1%3")) else editor:ReplaceSel(gsub(editor:GetSelText(),"([^|])([-/]+)([^|])","%1|%2|%3")) end end -- written while listening to Alanis Morissette's acoustic -- Jagged Little Pill and Tori Amos' Beekeeper after -- reinstalling on my good old ATH-7 local language = props["ctx.spellcheck.language"] local wordsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize"] local wordpath = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordpath"] if language == '' then language = 'uk' end if wordsize == '' then wordsize = 4 else wordsize = tonumber(wordsize) end local wordfile = "" local wordlist = {} local worddone = 0 -- we use wordlist as a hash so that we can add entries without the -- need to sort and also use a fast (built in) search -- function kpsewhich_file(filename,filetype,progname) -- local progflag, typeflag = '', '' -- local tempname = os.tmpname() -- if progname then -- progflag = " --progname=" .. progname .. " " -- end -- if filetype then -- typeflag = " --format=" .. filetype .. " " -- end -- local command = "kpsewhich" .. progflag .. typeflag .. " " .. filename .. " > " .. tempname -- os.execute(command) -- for line in io.lines(tempname) do -- return gsub(line, "\s*$", '') -- end -- end function check_text() -- obsolete, replaced by lexer local dlanguage = props["ctx.spellcheck.language"] local dwordsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize"] local dwordpath = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordpath"] if dlanguage ~= '' then dlanguage = tostring(language) end if dwordsize ~= '' then dwordsize = tonumber(wordsize) end local firstline, skipfirst = editor:GetLine(0), false local filetype, wordskip, wordgood = getfiletype(), '', '' if filetype == 'tex' then wordskip = "\\" elseif filetype == 'xml' then wordskip = "<" wordgood = ">" end if props["ctx.spellcheck.language"] == 'auto' then if filetype == 'tex' then -- % version =1.0 language=uk firstline = gsub(firstline,"^%%%s*",'') firstline = gsub(firstline,"%s*$",'') for key, val in gmatch(firstline,"(%w+)=(%w+)") do if key == "language" then language = val traceln("auto document language " .. "'" .. language .. "' (tex)") end end skipfirst = true elseif filetype == 'xml' then -- firstline = gsub(firstline,"^%<%?xml%s*", '') firstline = gsub(firstline,"%s*%?%>%s*$", '') for key, val in gmatch(firstline,"(%w+)=[\"\'](.-)[\"\']") do if key == "language" then language = val traceln("auto document language " .. "'" .. language .. "' (xml)") end end skipfirst = true end end local fname = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordfile." .. language] local fsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize." .. language] if fsize ~= '' then wordsize = tonumber(fsize) end if fname ~= '' and fname ~= wordfile then wordfile, worddone, wordlist = fname, 0, {} for filename in gmatch(wordfile,"[^%,]+") do if wordpath ~= '' then filename = expand(wordpath) .. '/' .. filename end if io.exists(filename) then traceln("loading " .. filename) for line in io.lines(filename) do if not find(line,"^[%#-]") then str = gsub(line,"%s*$", '') rawset(wordlist,str,true) worddone = worddone + 1 end end else traceln("unknown file '" .. filename .."'") end end traceln(worddone .. " words loaded") end reset_text() if worddone == 0 then traceln("no (valid) language or wordfile specified") else traceln("start checking") if wordskip ~= '' then traceln("ignoring " .. wordskip .. "..." .. wordgood) end local i, j, lastpos, startpos, endpos, snippet, len, first = 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0 local ok, skip, ch = false, false, '' if skipfirst then first = #firstline end for k = first, editor.TextLength do ch = editor:textrange(k,k+1) if wordgood ~= '' and ch == wordgood then skip = false elseif ch == wordskip then skip = true end if find(ch,"%w") and not find(ch,"%d") then if not skip then if ok then endpos = k else startpos = k endpos = k ok = true end end elseif ok and not skip then len = endpos - startpos + 1 if len >= wordsize then snippet = editor:textrange(startpos,endpos+1) i = i + 1 if wordlist[snippet] or wordlist[lower(snippet)] then j = j + 1 else editor:StartStyling(startpos,INDICS_MASK) editor:SetStyling(len,INDIC2_MASK) -- INDIC0_MASK+2 end end ok = false elseif wordgood == '' then skip = (ch == wordskip) end end traceln(i .. " words checked, " .. (i-j) .. " errors") end end function reset_text() editor:StartStyling(0,INDICS_MASK) editor:SetStyling(editor.TextLength,INDIC_PLAIN) end function add_text() local startposition = editor.SelectionStart local endposition = editor.SelectionEnd if startposition == endposition then return end local selection = gsub(editor:GetSelText(), "%s*$", '') local n, sum = 0, 0 for s in gmatch(selection,"[%d%.%,]+") do s = gsub(s,",",".") local m = tonumber(s) if m then n = n + 1 sum = sum + m traceln(format("%4i : %s",n,m)) end end if n > 0 then traceln("") traceln(format("sum : %s",sum)) else traceln("no numbers selected") end end -- menu local menuactions = {} local menufunctions = {} function UserListShow(menutrigger, menulist) local menuentries = {} local list = grab(menulist,"[^%|]+") menuactions = {} for i=1, #list do if list[i] ~= '' then for key, val in gmatch(list[i],"%s*(.+)=(.+)%s*") do menuentries[#menuentries+1] = key menuactions[key] = val end end end local menustring = concat(menuentries,'|') if menustring == "" then traceln("There are no templates defined for this file type.") else editor.AutoCSeparator = byte('|') editor:UserListShow(menutrigger,menustring) editor.AutoCSeparator = byte(' ') end end function OnUserListSelection(trigger,choice) if menufunctions[trigger] and menuactions[choice] then return menufunctions[trigger](menuactions[choice]) else return false end end -- main menu local menutrigger = 12 function show_menu(menulist) UserListShow(menutrigger, menulist) end function process_menu(action) if not find(action,"%(%)$") then assert(loadstring(action .. "()"))() else assert(loadstring(action))() end end menufunctions[12] = process_menu -- templates local templatetrigger = 13 local ctx_template_paths = { "./ctx-templates", "../ctx-templates", "../../ctx-templates" } local ctx_auto_templates = false local ctx_template_list = "" local ctx_path_list = {} local ctx_path_done = {} local ctx_path_name = {} function ctx_list_loaded(path) return ctx_path_list[path] and #ctx_path_list[path] > 0 end function insert_template(templatelist) if props["ctx.template.scan"] == "yes" then local path = props["FileDir"] local rescan = props["ctx.template.rescan"] == "yes" local suffix = props["ctx.template.suffix." .. props["FileExt"]] -- alas, no suffix expansion here local current = path .. "+" .. props["FileExt"] if rescan then print("re-scanning enabled") end ctx_template_list = "" if not ctx_path_done[path] or rescan then local pattern = "*.*" for i, pathname in ipairs(ctx_template_paths) do print("scanning " .. gsub(path,"\\","/") .. "/" .. pathname) ctx_path_name[path] = pathname ctx_path_list[path] = get_dir_list(pathname .. "/" .. pattern) if ctx_list_loaded(path) then print("finished locating template files") break end end if ctx_list_loaded(path) then print(#ctx_path_list[path] .. " template files found") else print("no template files found") end end if ctx_list_loaded(path) then ctx_template_list = "" local pattern = "%." .. suffix .. "$" local n = 0 for j, filename in ipairs(ctx_path_list[path]) do if find(filename,pattern) then n = n + 1 local menuname = gsub(filename,"%..-$","") if ctx_template_list ~= "" then ctx_template_list = ctx_template_list .. "|" end ctx_template_list = ctx_template_list .. menuname .. "=" .. ctx_path_name[path] .. "/" .. filename end end if not ctx_path_done[path] then print(n .. " suitable template files found") end end ctx_path_done[path] = true if ctx_template_list == "" then ctx_auto_templates = false else ctx_auto_templates = true templatelist = ctx_template_list end else ctx_auto_templates = false end if templatelist ~= "" then UserListShow(templatetrigger, templatelist) end end -- ctx.template.[whatever].[filetype] -- ctx.template.[whatever].data.[filetype] -- ctx.template.[whatever].file.[filetype] -- ctx.template.[whatever].list.[filetype] function process_template_one(action) local text = nil if ctx_auto_templates then local f = io.open(action,"r") if f then text = gsub(f:read("*all"),"\n$","") f:close() else print("unable to auto load template file " .. text) text = nil end end if not text or text == "" then text = props["ctx.template." .. action .. ".file"] if not text or text == "" then text = props["ctx.template." .. action .. ".data"] if not text or text == "" then text = props["ctx.template." .. action] end else local f = io.open(text,"r") if f then text = gsub(f:read("*all"),"\n$","") f:close() else print("unable to load template file " .. text) text = nil end end end if text then text = gsub(text,"\\n","\n") local pos = find(text,"%?") text = gsub(text,"%?","") editor:insert(editor.CurrentPos,text) if pos then editor.CurrentPos = editor.CurrentPos + pos - 1 editor.SelectionStart = editor.CurrentPos editor.SelectionEnd = editor.CurrentPos editor:GotoPos(editor.CurrentPos) end end end menufunctions[13] = process_template_one menufunctions[14] = process_template_two -- command.name.26.*=Open Logfile -- command.subsystem.26.*=3 -- command.26.*=open_log -- command.save.before.26.*=2 -- command.groupundo.26.*=yes -- command.shortcut.26.*=Ctrl+E function open_log() scite.Open(props['FileName'] .. ".log") end if not lpeg then local okay, root = pcall(function() return require "lpeg" end) if okay then lpeg = root else trace("\nwarning: lpeg not loaded\n") end end local textlists = { -- taken from sort-lan.lua en = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", }, nl = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", }, fr = { "a", "æ", "b", "c", "ç", "d", "e", "è", "é", "ê", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "Æ", "B", "C", "Ç", "D", "E", "È", "É", "Ê", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", }, de = { "a", "ä", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "ö", "p", "q", "r", "s", "ß", "t", "u", "ü", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "Ä", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "Ö", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "SS", "T", "U", "Ü", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", }, fi = { -- finish "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "å", "ä", "ö", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Å", "Ä", "Ö", }, sl = { -- slovenian "a", "b", "c", "č", "ć", "d", "đ", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "š", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "ž", "A", "B", "C", "Č", "Ć", "D", "Đ", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "Š", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Ž", }, ru = { -- rusian "а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "ё", "ж", "з", "и", "і", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ", "ъ", "ы", "ь", "ѣ", "э", "ю", "я", "ѳ", "ѵ", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "Ё", "Ж", "З", "И", "І", "Й", "К", "Л", "М", "Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Х", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ", "Ъ", "Ы", "Ь", "Ѣ", "Э", "Ю", "Я", "Ѳ", "Ѵ", }, uk = { -- ukraninuan "а", "б", "в", "г", "ґ", "д", "е", "є", "ж", "з", "и", "і", "ї", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ", "ь", "ю", "я", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Ґ", "Д", "Е", "Є", "Ж", "З", "И", "І", "Ї", "Й", "К", "Л", "М", "Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Х", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ", "Ь", "Ю", "Я", }, be = { -- belarusia "а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "ё", "ж", "з", "і", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ў", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "ы", "ь", "э", "ю", "я", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "Ё", "Ж", 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"ℨ", }, }, { "ds", { "𝕓", "𝕔", "𝕕", "𝕖", "𝕗", "𝕘", "𝕙", "𝕚", "𝕛", "𝕜", "𝕝", "𝕞", "𝕟", "𝕠", "𝕡", "𝕢", "𝕣", "𝕤", "𝕥", "𝕦", "𝕧", "𝕨", "𝕩", "𝕪", "𝕫", "𝔸", "𝔹", "ℂ", "𝔻", "𝔼", "𝔽", "𝔾", "ℍ", "𝕀", "𝕁", "𝕂", "𝕃", "𝕄", "ℕ", "𝕆", "ℙ", "ℚ", "ℝ", "𝕊", "𝕋", "𝕌", "𝕍", "𝕎", "𝕏", "𝕐", "ℤ", "𝕒", "𝟘", "𝟙", "𝟚", "𝟛", "𝟜", "𝟝", "𝟞", "𝟟", "𝟠", "𝟡" }, }, { "fr bf", { "𝕬", "𝕭", "𝕮", "𝕯", "𝕰", "𝕱", "𝕲", "𝕳", "𝕴", "𝕵", "𝕶", "𝕷", "𝕸", "𝕹", "𝕺", "𝕻", "𝕼", "𝕽", "𝕾", "𝕿", "𝖀", "𝖁", "𝖂", "𝖃", "𝖄", "𝖅", "𝖆", "𝖇", "𝖈", "𝖉", "𝖊", "𝖋", "𝖌", "𝖍", "𝖎", "𝖏", "𝖐", "𝖑", "𝖒", "𝖓", "𝖔", "𝖕", "𝖖", "𝖗", "𝖘", "𝖙", "𝖚", "𝖛", "𝖜", "𝖝", "𝖞", "𝖟" }, }, { "ss tf", { "𝖺", "𝖻", "𝖼", "𝖽", "𝖾", "𝖿", "𝗀", "𝗁", "𝗂", "𝗃", "𝗄", "𝗅", "𝗆", "𝗇", "𝗈", "𝗉", "𝗊", "𝗋", "𝗌", "𝗍", "𝗎", "𝗏", "𝗐", "𝗑", "𝗒", "𝗓", "𝖠", "𝖡", "𝖢", "𝖣", "𝖤", "𝖥", "𝖦", "𝖧", "𝖨", "𝖩", "𝖪", "𝖫", "𝖬", "𝖭", "𝖮", "𝖯", "𝖰", "𝖱", "𝖲", "𝖳", "𝖴", "𝖵", "𝖶", "𝖷", "𝖸", "𝖹", "𝟢", "𝟣", "𝟤", "𝟥", "𝟦", "𝟧", "𝟨", "𝟩", "𝟪", "𝟫" }, }, { "ss bf", { "𝗮", "𝗯", "𝗰", "𝗱", "𝗲", "𝗳", "𝗴", "𝗵", "𝗶", 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"𝙶", "𝙷", "𝙸", "𝙹", "𝙺", "𝙻", "𝙼", "𝙽", "𝙾", "𝙿", "𝚀", "𝚁", "𝚂", "𝚃", "𝚄", "𝚅", "𝚆", "𝚇", "𝚈", "𝚉", "𝟶", "𝟷", "𝟸", "𝟹", "𝟺", "𝟻", "𝟼", "𝟽", "𝟾", "𝟿" }, }, { "gr tf", { "α", "β", "γ", "δ", "ε", "ζ", "η", "θ", "ι", "κ", "λ", "μ", "ν", "ξ", "ο", "π", "ρ", "ς", "σ", "τ", "υ", "φ", "χ", "ψ", "ω", "Α", "Β", "Γ", "Δ", "Ε", "Ζ", "Η", "Θ", "Ι", "Κ", "Λ", "Μ", "Ν", "Ξ", "Ο", "Π", "Ρ", "΢", "Σ", "Τ", "Υ", "Φ", "Χ", "Ψ", "Ω", }, }, { "gr bf", { "𝛂", "𝛃", "𝛄", "𝛅", "𝛆", "𝛇", "𝛈", "𝛉", "𝛊", "𝛋", "𝛌", "𝛍", "𝛎", "𝛏", "𝛐", "𝛑", "𝛒", "𝛓", "𝛔", "𝛕", "𝛖", "𝛗", "𝛘", "𝛙", "𝛚", "𝚨", "𝚩", "𝚪", "𝚫", "𝚬", "𝚭", "𝚮", "𝚯", "𝚰", "𝚱", "𝚲", "𝚳", "𝚴", "𝚵", "𝚶", "𝚷", "𝚸", "𝚹", "𝚺", "𝚻", "𝚼", "𝚽", "𝚾", "𝚿", "𝛀", }, }, { "gr it", { "𝛼", "𝛽", "𝛾", "𝛿", "𝜀", "𝜁", "𝜂", "𝜃", "𝜄", "𝜅", "𝜆", "𝜇", "𝜈", "𝜉", "𝜊", "𝜋", "𝜌", "𝜍", "𝜎", "𝜏", "𝜐", "𝜑", "𝜒", "𝜓", "𝜔", "𝛢", "𝛣", "𝛤", "𝛥", "𝛦", "𝛧", "𝛨", "𝛩", "𝛪", "𝛫", "𝛬", "𝛭", "𝛮", "𝛯", "𝛰", "𝛱", "𝛲", "𝛳", "𝛴", "𝛵", "𝛶", "𝛷", "𝛸", "𝛹", "𝛺", }, }, { "gr bi", { "𝜶", "𝜷", "𝜸", "𝜹", "𝜺", "𝜻", "𝜼", "𝜽", "𝜾", "𝜿", "𝝀", "𝝁", "𝝂", "𝝃", "𝝄", "𝝅", "𝝆", "𝝇", "𝝈", "𝝉", "𝝊", "𝝋", "𝝌", "𝝍", "𝝎", "𝜜", "𝜝", "𝜞", "𝜟", "𝜠", "𝜡", "𝜢", "𝜣", "𝜤", "𝜥", "𝜦", "𝜧", "𝜨", "𝜩", "𝜪", "𝜫", "𝜬", "𝜭", "𝜮", "𝜯", "𝜰", "𝜱", "𝜲", "𝜳", "𝜴", }, }, { "gr ss bf", { "𝝰", "𝝱", "𝝲", "𝝳", "𝝴", "𝝵", "𝝶", "𝝷", "𝝸", "𝝹", "𝝺", "𝝻", "𝝼", "𝝽", "𝝾", "𝝿", "𝞀", "𝞁", "𝞂", "𝞃", "𝞄", "𝞅", "𝞆", "𝞇", "𝞈", "𝝖", "𝝗", "𝝘", "𝝙", "𝝚", "𝝛", "𝝜", "𝝝", "𝝞", "𝝟", "𝝠", "𝝡", "𝝢", "𝝣", "𝝤", "𝝥", "𝝦", "𝝧", "𝝨", "𝝩", "𝝪", "𝝫", "𝝬", "𝝭", "𝝮", }, }, { "gr ss bi", { "𝞪", "𝞫", "𝞬", "𝞭", "𝞮", "𝞯", "𝞰", "𝞱", "𝞲", "𝞳", "𝞴", "𝞵", "𝞶", "𝞷", "𝞸", "𝞹", "𝞺", "𝞻", "𝞼", "𝞽", "𝞾", "𝞿", "𝟀", "𝟁", "𝟂", "𝞐", "𝞑", "𝞒", "𝞓", "𝞔", "𝞕", "𝞖", "𝞗", "𝞘", "𝞙", "𝞚", "𝞛", "𝞜", "𝞝", "𝞞", "𝞟", "𝞠", "𝞡", "𝞢", "𝞣", "𝞤", "𝞥", "𝞦", "𝞧", "𝞨", }, }, { "op", { }, }, { "sy a", { }, }, { "sy b", { }, }, { "sy c", { }, }, } local mathlists = { } local mathselector = { } for i=1,#mathsets do local mathset = mathsets[i] mathselector[#mathselector+1] = mathset[1] mathlists[mathset[1]] = mathset[2] end local enabled = 0 local usedlists = { { name = "text", current = "en", lists = textlists, selector = textselector }, { name = "math", current = "tf", lists = mathlists, selector = mathselector }, } local function make_strip() local used = usedlists[enabled] local lists = used.lists local alphabet = lists[used.current] local selector = "(hide)(" .. concat(used.selector,")(") .. ")" local alphabet = "(" .. used.current .. ":)(" .. concat(alphabet,")(") .. ")" scite.StripShow(selector .. "\n" .. alphabet) end local function hide_strip() scite.StripShow("") end local function process_strip(control) local value = scite.StripValue(control) if value == "hide" then hide_strip() return elseif find(value,".+:") then return end local used = usedlists[enabled] if used.lists[value] then used.current = value make_strip() else editor:insert(editor.CurrentPos,value) end end local function ignore_strip() end function toggle_strip(name) enabled = enabled + 1 if usedlists[enabled] then make_strip() OnStrip = process_strip else enabled = 0 hide_strip() OnStrip = ignore_strip end end -- this way we get proper lexing for lexers that do more extensive -- parsing function OnOpen(filename) -- print("opening: " .. filename .. " (size: " .. editor.TextLength .. ")") editor:Colourise(0,editor.TextLength) end -- output.LexerLanguage = ""