% Page seems to have disappeared @Misc{brown95, author = "Haines Brown", title = "Citations of Electronic Documents in an Electronic Document", howpublished = "World Wide Web page", year = 1995, note = "Once at \url{http://neal.ctstateu.edu/history/cite.html}, now disappeared" } @TechReport{walker95, author = "Janice R Walker", title = "{MLA}-Style Citations of Electronic Sources", institution = "Department of English, University of South Florida", year = 1995, number = "4/95", month = "January", note = "Endorsed by the {A}lliance for {C}omputers and {W}riting", url = "http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/cgos/idx_basic.html", lastchecked = {September 2005} } @webpage{emory95, author = "libsf@web.cc.emory.edu", title = "Citation Formats", howpublished = "World Wide Web page", year = 1995, url = "http://www.cc.emory.edu/WHSCL/citation.formats.html" } @webpage{apa03, author = "{American Psychological Society}", title = "{APA} Style: Electronic References", year = {2003}, url = {http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html}, lastchecked = {September 2005} } @webpage{weapas, author = {T Land}, title = {Web Extension to {American Psychological Association} Style ({WEAPAS})}, howpublished = {Web page}, year = 1998, url = {http://www.beadsland.com/weapas/}, lastchecked = {September 2005}, } @webpage{iso690, key = {ISO 690-2}, title = {{ISO 690-2}, Bibliographic references to electronic documents (excerpts)}, howpublished = {online}, year = 2002, url = {http://www.collectionscanada.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm}, lastchecked = {September 2005} } @unpublished{test, author = "Experimenter, A. N.", title = "bibhtml tests -- how do we handle odd (~&) characters?", url = "http://www.example.org/~tilde/query?arg1=%1e&arg2=one;two&moreargswhichmaketheurlquitelong", note = "This is a test entry" }