real legendlinelength=50; real legendhskip=1.2; real legendvskip=legendhskip; real legendmargin=10; real legendmaxrelativewidth=1; // Return a unit polygon with n sides. path polygon(int n) { guide g; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) g=g--expi(2pi*(i+0.5)/n-0.5*pi); return g--cycle; } // Return a unit n-point cyclic cross, with optional inner radius r and // end rounding. path cross(int n, bool round=true, real r=0) { assert(n > 1); real r=min(r,1); real theta=pi/n; real s=sin(theta); real c=cos(theta); pair z=(c,s); transform mirror=reflect(0,z); pair p1=(r,0); path elementary; if(round) { pair e1=p1+z*max(1-r*(s+c),0); elementary=p1--e1..(c,s)..mirror*e1--mirror*p1; } else { pair p2=p1+z*(max(sqrt(1-(r*s)^2)-r*c),0); elementary=p1--p2--mirror*p2--mirror*p1; } guide g; real step=360/n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) g=g--rotate(i*step-90)*elementary; return g--cycle; } path plus=rotate(45)*cross(4); path diamond=rotate(45)*polygon(4); using markroutine=void(picture pic=currentpicture, frame f, path g); // On picture pic, add frame f about every node of path g. void marknodes(picture pic=currentpicture, frame f, path g) { for(int i=0; i < size(g); ++i) add(pic,f,point(g,i)); } // On picture pic, add n copies of frame f to path g, evenly spaced in // arclength. // If rotated=true, the frame will be rotated by the angle of the tangent // to the path at the points where the frame will be added. // If centered is true, center the frames within n evenly spaced arclength // intervals. markroutine markuniform(bool centered=false, int n, bool rotated=false) { return new void(picture pic=currentpicture, frame f, path g) { if(n <= 0) return; void add(real x) { real t=reltime(g,x); add(pic,rotated ? rotate(degrees(dir(g,t)))*f : f,point(g,t)); } if(centered) { real width=1/n; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) add((i+0.5)*width); } else { if(n == 1) add(0.5); else { real width=1/(n-1); for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) add(i*width); } } }; } // On picture pic, add frame f at points z(t) for n evenly spaced values of // t in [a,b]. markroutine markuniform(pair z(real t), real a, real b, int n) { return new void(picture pic=currentpicture, frame f, path) { real width=b-a; for(int i=0; i <= n; ++i) { add(pic,f,z(a+i/n*width)); } }; } struct marker { frame f; bool above=true; markroutine markroutine=marknodes; void mark(picture pic=currentpicture, path g) { markroutine(pic,f,g); }; } marker marker(frame f=newframe, markroutine markroutine=marknodes, bool above=true) { marker m=new marker; m.f=f; m.above=above; m.markroutine=markroutine; return m; } marker marker(path[] g, markroutine markroutine=marknodes, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { frame f; filltype.fill(f,g,p); return marker(f,markroutine,above); } // On picture pic, add path g with opacity thinning about every node. marker markthin(path g, pen p=currentpen, real thin(real fraction)=new real(real x) {return x^2;}, filltype filltype=NoFill) { marker M=new marker; M.above=true; filltype.fill(M.f,g,p); real factor=1/abs(size(M.f)); M.markroutine=new void(picture pic=currentpicture, frame, path G) { transform t=pic.calculateTransform(); int n=size(G); for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { pair z=point(G,i); frame f; real fraction=1; if(i > 0) fraction=min(fraction,abs(t*(z-point(G,i-1)))*factor); if(i < n-1) fraction=min(fraction,abs(t*(point(G,i+1)-z))*factor); filltype.fill(f,g,p+opacity(thin(fraction))); add(pic,f,point(G,i)); } }; return M; } marker nomarker; real circlescale=0.85; path[] MarkPath={scale(circlescale)*unitcircle, polygon(3),polygon(4),polygon(5),invert*polygon(3), cross(4),cross(6),diamond,plus}; int[] MarkFillable={0,1,2,3,4,7}; marker[] Mark=sequence(new marker(int i) {return marker(MarkPath[i]);}, MarkPath.length); marker[] MarkFill=sequence(new marker(int i) { return marker(MarkPath[MarkFillable[i]],Fill); },MarkFillable.length); marker Mark(int n) { n=n % (Mark.length+MarkFill.length); if(n < Mark.length) return Mark[n]; else return MarkFill[n-Mark.length]; } picture legenditem(Legend legenditem, real linelength) { picture pic; pair z1=(0,0); pair z2=z1+(linelength,0); if(!legenditem.above && !empty(legenditem.mark)) marknodes(pic,legenditem.mark,interp(z1,z2,0.5)); if(linelength > 0) Draw(pic,z1--z2,legenditem.p); if(legenditem.above && !empty(legenditem.mark)) marknodes(pic,legenditem.mark,interp(z1,z2,0.5)); if(legenditem.plabel != invisible) label(pic,legenditem.label,z2,E,legenditem.plabel); else label(pic,legenditem.label,z2,E,currentpen); return pic; } picture legend(Legend[] Legend, int perline=1, real linelength, real hskip, real vskip, real maxwidth=0, real maxheight=0, bool hstretch=false, bool vstretch=false) { if(maxwidth <= 0) hstretch=false; if(maxheight <= 0) vstretch=false; if(Legend.length <= 1) vstretch=hstretch=false; picture inset; size(inset,0,0,IgnoreAspect); if(Legend.length == 0) return inset; // Check for legend entries with lines: bool bLineEntriesAvailable=false; for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) { if(Legend[i].p != invisible) { bLineEntriesAvailable=true; break; } } real markersize=0; for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) markersize=max(markersize,size(Legend[i].mark).x); // If no legend has a line, set the line length to zero if(!bLineEntriesAvailable) linelength=0; linelength=max(linelength,markersize*(linelength == 0 ? 1 : 2)); // Get the maximum dimensions per legend entry; // calculate line length for a one-line legend real heightPerEntry=0; real widthPerEntry=0; real totalwidth=0; for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) { picture pic=legenditem(Legend[i],linelength); pair lambda=size(pic); heightPerEntry=max(heightPerEntry,lambda.y); widthPerEntry=max(widthPerEntry,lambda.x); if(Legend[i].p != invisible) totalwidth += lambda.x; else { // Legend entries without leading line need less space in one-line legends picture pic=legenditem(Legend[i],0); totalwidth += size(pic).x; } } // Does everything fit into one line? if(((perline < 1) || (perline >= Legend.length)) && (maxwidth >= totalwidth+(totalwidth/Legend.length)* (Legend.length-1)*(hskip-1))) { // One-line legend real currPosX=0; real itemDistance; if(hstretch) itemDistance=(maxwidth-totalwidth)/(Legend.length-1); else itemDistance=(totalwidth/Legend.length)*(hskip-1); for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) { picture pic=legenditem(Legend[i], Legend[i].p == invisible ? 0 : linelength); add(inset,pic,(currPosX,0)); currPosX += size(pic).x+itemDistance; } } else { // multiline legend if(maxwidth > 0) { int maxperline=floor(maxwidth/(widthPerEntry*hskip)); if((perline < 1) || (perline > maxperline)) perline=maxperline; } if(perline < 1) // This means: maxwidth < widthPerEntry perline=1; if(perline <= 1) hstretch=false; if(hstretch) hskip=(maxwidth/widthPerEntry-perline)/(perline-1)+1; if(vstretch) { int rows=ceil(Legend.length/perline); vskip=(maxheight/heightPerEntry-rows)/(rows-1)+1; } if(hstretch && (perline == 1)) { Draw(inset,(0,0)--(maxwidth,0),invisible()); for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) add(inset,legenditem(Legend[i],linelength), (0.5*(maxwidth-widthPerEntry), -quotient(i,perline)*heightPerEntry*vskip)); } else for(int i=0; i < Legend.length; ++i) add(inset,legenditem(Legend[i],linelength), ((i%perline)*widthPerEntry*hskip, -quotient(i,perline)*heightPerEntry*vskip)); } return inset; } frame legend(picture pic=currentpicture, int perline=1, real xmargin=legendmargin, real ymargin=xmargin, real linelength=legendlinelength, real hskip=legendhskip, real vskip=legendvskip, real maxwidth=perline == 0 ? legendmaxrelativewidth*size(pic).x : 0, real maxheight=0, bool hstretch=false, bool vstretch=false, pen p=currentpen) { frame F; if(pic.legend.length == 0) return F; F=legend(pic.legend,perline,linelength,hskip,vskip, max(maxwidth-2xmargin,0), max(maxheight-2ymargin,0), hstretch,vstretch).fit(); box(F,xmargin,ymargin,p); return F; } pair[] pairs(real[] x, real[] y) { if(x.length != y.length) abort("arrays have different lengths"); return sequence(new pair(int i) {return (x[i],y[i]);},x.length); } filltype dotfilltype=Fill; void dot(frame f, pair z, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { if(filltype == Fill) draw(f,z,dotsize(p)+p); else { real s=0.5*(dotsize(p)-linewidth(p)); if(s <= 0) return; path g=shift(z)*scale(s)*unitcircle; begingroup(f); filltype.fill(f,g,p); draw(f,g,p); endgroup(f); } } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, pair z, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { dot(f,t*z,p,filltype); },true); pic.addPoint(z,dotsize(p)+p); } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, pair z, align align=NoAlign, string format=defaultformat, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { Label L=L.copy(); L.position(z); if(L.s == "") { if(format == "") format=defaultformat; L.s="("+format(format,z.x)+","+format(format,z.y)+")"; } L.align(align,E); L.p(p); dot(pic,z,p,filltype); add(pic,L); } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, Label[] L=new Label[], pair[] z, align align=NoAlign, string format=defaultformat, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { int stop=min(L.length,z.length); for(int i=0; i < stop; ++i) dot(pic,L[i],z[i],align,format,p,filltype); for(int i=stop; i < z.length; ++i) dot(pic,z[i],p,filltype); } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, Label[] L=new Label[], explicit path g, align align=RightSide, string format=defaultformat, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { int n=size(g); int stop=min(L.length,n); for(int i=0; i < stop; ++i) dot(pic,L[i],point(g,i),-sgn(align.dir.x)*I*dir(g,i),format,p,filltype); for(int i=stop; i < n; ++i) dot(pic,point(g,i),p,filltype); } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { for(int i=0; i < g.length; ++i) dot(pic,g[i],p,filltype); } void dot(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { dot(pic,L,L.position,p,filltype); } // A dot in a frame. frame dotframe(pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { frame f; dot(f,(0,0),p,filltype); return f; } frame dotframe=dotframe(); marker dot(pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=dotfilltype) { return marker(dotframe(p,filltype)); } marker dot=dot();