real stepfactor=2; // Maximum dynamic step size adjustment factor. struct coefficients { real[] steps; real[] factors; real[][] weights; real[] highOrderWeights; real[] lowOrderWeights; } struct RKTableau { int order; coefficients a; void stepDependence(real h, real c, coefficients a) {} real pgrow; real pshrink; bool exponential; void operator init(int order, real[][] weights, real[] highOrderWeights, real[] lowOrderWeights=new real[], real[] steps=sequence(new real(int i) { return sum(weights[i]);},weights.length), void stepDependence(real, real, coefficients)=null) { this.order=order; a.steps=steps; a.factors=array(a.steps.length+1,1); a.weights=weights; a.highOrderWeights=highOrderWeights; a.lowOrderWeights=lowOrderWeights; if(stepDependence != null) { this.stepDependence=stepDependence; exponential=true; } pgrow=(order > 0) ? 1/order : 0; pshrink=(order > 1) ? 1/(order-1) : pgrow; } } real[] Coeff={1,1/2,1/6,1/24,1/120,1/720,1/5040,1/40320,1/362880,1/3628800, 1/39916800.0,1/479001600.0,1/6227020800.0,1/87178291200.0, 1/1307674368000.0,1/20922789888000.0,1/355687428096000.0, 1/6402373705728000.0,1/121645100408832000.0, 1/2432902008176640000.0,1/51090942171709440000.0, 1/1124000727777607680000.0}; real phi1(real x) {return x != 0 ? expm1(x)/x : 1;} real phi2(real x) { real x2=x*x; if(fabs(x) > 1) return (exp(x)-x-1)/x2; real x3=x2*x; real x5=x2*x3; if(fabs(x) < 0.1) return Coeff[1]+x*Coeff[2]+x2*Coeff[3]+x3*Coeff[4]+x2*x2*Coeff[5] +x5*Coeff[6]+x3*x3*Coeff[7]+x5*x2*Coeff[8]+x5*x3*Coeff[9]; else { real x7=x5*x2; real x8=x7*x; return Coeff[1]+x*Coeff[2]+x2*Coeff[3]+x3*Coeff[4]+x2*x2*Coeff[5] +x5*Coeff[6]+x3*x3*Coeff[7]+x7*Coeff[8]+x8*Coeff[9] +x8*x*Coeff[10]+x5*x5*Coeff[11]+x8*x3*Coeff[12]+x7*x5*Coeff[13]+ x8*x5*Coeff[14]+x7*x7*Coeff[15]+x8*x7*Coeff[16]+x8*x8*Coeff[17]; } } real phi3(real x) { real x2=x*x; real x3=x2*x; if(fabs(x) > 1.6) return (exp(x)-0.5*x2-x-1)/x3; real x5=x2*x3; if(fabs(x) < 0.1) return Coeff[2]+x*Coeff[3]+x2*Coeff[4]+x3*Coeff[5] +x2*x2*Coeff[6]+x5*Coeff[7]+x3*x3*Coeff[8]+x5*x2*Coeff[9] +x5*x3*Coeff[10]; else { real x7=x5*x2; real x8=x7*x; real x16=x8*x8; return Coeff[2]+x*Coeff[3]+x2*Coeff[4]+x3*Coeff[5] +x2*x2*Coeff[6]+x5*Coeff[7]+x3*x3*Coeff[8]+x5*x2*Coeff[9] +x5*x3*Coeff[10]+x8*x*Coeff[11] +x5*x5*Coeff[12]+x8*x3*Coeff[13]+x7*x5*Coeff[14] +x8*x5*Coeff[15]+x7*x7*Coeff[16]+x8*x7*Coeff[17]+x16*Coeff[18] +x16*x*Coeff[19]+x16*x2*Coeff[20]; } } void expfactors(real x, coefficients a) { for(int i=0; i < a.steps.length; ++i) a.factors[i]=exp(x*a.steps[i]); a.factors[a.steps.length]=exp(x); } // First-Order Euler RKTableau Euler=RKTableau(1,new real[][], new real[] {1}); // First-Order Exponential Euler RKTableau E_Euler=RKTableau(1,new real[][], new real[] {1}, new void(real h, real c, coefficients a) { real x=-c*h; expfactors(x,a); a.highOrderWeights[0]=phi1(x); }); // Second-Order Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK2=RKTableau(2,new real[][] {{1/2}}, new real[] {0,1}, // 2nd order new real[] {1,0}); // 1st order // Second-Order Exponential Runge-Kutta RKTableau E_RK2=RKTableau(2,new real[][] {{1/2}}, new real[] {0,1}, // 2nd order new real[] {1,0}, // 1st order new void(real h, real c, coefficients a) { real x=-c*h; expfactors(x,a); a.weights[0][0]=1/2*phi1(x/2); real w=phi1(x); a.highOrderWeights[0]=0; a.highOrderWeights[1]=w; a.lowOrderWeights[0]=w; }); // Second-Order Predictor-Corrector RKTableau PC=RKTableau(2,new real[][] {{1}}, new real[] {1/2,1/2}, // 2nd order new real[] {1,0}); // 1st order // Second-Order Exponential Predictor-Corrector RKTableau E_PC=RKTableau(2,new real[][] {{1}}, new real[] {1/2,1/2}, // 2nd order new real[] {1,0}, // 1st order new void(real h, real c, coefficients a) { real x=-c*h; expfactors(x,a); real w=phi1(x); a.weights[0][0]=w; a.highOrderWeights[0]=w/2; a.highOrderWeights[1]=w/2; a.lowOrderWeights[0]=w; }); // Third-Order Classical Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK3=RKTableau(3,new real[][] {{1/2},{-1,2}}, new real[] {1/6,2/3,1/6}); // Third-Order Bogacki-Shampine Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK3BS=RKTableau(3,new real[][] {{1/2},{0,3/4}}, new real[] {2/9,1/3,4/9}, // 3rd order new real[] {7/24,1/4,1/3,1/8}); // 2nd order // Third-Order Exponential Bogacki-Shampine Runge-Kutta RKTableau E_RK3BS=RKTableau(3,new real[][] {{1/2},{0,3/4}}, new real[] {2/9,1/3,4/9}, // 3rd order new real[] {7/24,1/4,1/3,1/8}, // 2nd order new void(real h, real c, coefficients a) { real x=-c*h; expfactors(x,a); real w=phi1(x); real w2=phi2(x); a.weights[0][0]=1/2*phi1(x/2); real a11=9/8*phi2(3/4*x)+3/8*phi2(x/2); a.weights[1][0]=3/4*phi1(3/4*x)-a11; a.weights[1][1]=a11; real a21=1/3*w; real a22=4/3*w2-2/9*w; a.highOrderWeights[0]=w-a21-a22; a.highOrderWeights[1]=a21; a.highOrderWeights[2]=a22; a.lowOrderWeights[0]=w-17/12*w2; a.lowOrderWeights[1]=w2/2; a.lowOrderWeights[2]=2/3*w2; a.lowOrderWeights[3]=w2/4; }); // Fourth-Order Classical Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK4=RKTableau(4,new real[][] {{1/2},{0,1/2},{0,0,1}}, new real[] {1/6,1/3,1/3,1/6}); // Fifth-Order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK5=RKTableau(5,new real[][] {{1/5}, {3/40,9/40}, {3/10,-9/10,6/5}, {-11/54,5/2,-70/27,35/27}, {1631/55296,175/512,575/13824, 44275/110592,253/4096}}, new real[] {37/378,0,250/621,125/594, 0,512/1771}, // 5th order new real[] {2825/27648,0,18575/48384,13525/55296, 277/14336,1/4}); // 4th order // Fifth-Order Fehlberg Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK5F=RKTableau(5,new real[][] {{1/4}, {3/32,9/32}, {1932/2197,-7200/2197,7296/2197}, {439/216,-8,3680/513,-845/4104}, {-8/27,2,-3544/2565,1859/4104, -11/40}}, new real[] {16/135,0,6656/12825,28561/56430,-9/50,2/55}, // 5th order new real[] {25/216,0,1408/2565,2197/4104,-1/5,0}); // 4th order // Fifth-Order Dormand-Prince Runge-Kutta RKTableau RK5DP=RKTableau(5,new real[][] {{1/5}, {3/40,9/40}, {44/45,-56/15,32/9}, {19372/6561,-25360/2187,64448/6561, -212/729}, {9017/3168,-355/33,46732/5247,49/176, -5103/18656}}, new real[] {35/384,0,500/1113,125/192,-2187/6784, 11/84}, // 5th order new real[] {5179/57600,0,7571/16695,393/640, -92097/339200,187/2100,1/40}); // 4th order real error(real error, real initial, real lowOrder, real norm, real diff) { if(initial != 0 && lowOrder != initial) { static real epsilon=realMin/realEpsilon; real denom=max(abs(norm),abs(initial))+epsilon; return max(error,max(abs(diff)/denom)); } return error; } void report(real old, real h, real t) { write("Time step changed from "+(string) old+" to "+(string) h+" at t="+ (string) t+"."); } real adjust(real h, real error, real tolmin, real tolmax, RKTableau tableau) { if(error > tolmax) h *= max((tolmin/error)^tableau.pshrink,1/stepfactor); else if(error > 0 && error < tolmin) h *= min((tolmin/error)^tableau.pgrow,stepfactor); return h; } struct solution { real[] t; real[] y; } void write(solution S) { for(int i=0; i < S.t.length; ++i) write(S.t[i],S.y[i]); } // Integrate dy/dt+cy=f(t,y) from a to b using initial conditions y, // specifying either the step size h or the number of steps n. solution integrate(real y, real c=0, real g(real t, real y), real a, real b=a, real h=0, int n=0, bool dynamic=false, real tolmin=0, real tolmax=0, real dtmin=0, real dtmax=realMax, RKTableau tableau, bool verbose=false) { solution S; S.t=new real[] {a}; S.y=new real[]{y}; if(h == 0) { if(b == a) return S; if(n == 0) abort("Either n or h must be specified"); else h=(b-a)/n; } real f(real t, real y)=(c == 0 || tableau.exponential) ? g : new real(real t, real y) {return g(t,y)-c*y;}; tableau.stepDependence(h,c,tableau.a); real t=a; real f0; if(tableau.a.lowOrderWeights.length == 0) dynamic=false; bool fsal=dynamic && (tableau.a.lowOrderWeights.length > tableau.a.highOrderWeights.length); if(fsal) f0=f(t,y); real dt=h; while(t < b) { h=min(h,b-t); if(t+h == t) break; if(h != dt) { if(verbose) report(dt,h,t); tableau.stepDependence(h,c,tableau.a); dt=h; } real[] predictions={fsal ? f0 : f(t,y)}; for(int i=0; i < tableau.a.steps.length; ++i) predictions.push(f(t+h*tableau.a.steps[i], tableau.a.factors[i]*y+h*dot(tableau.a.weights[i], predictions))); real highOrder=h*dot(tableau.a.highOrderWeights,predictions); real y0=tableau.a.factors[tableau.a.steps.length]*y; if(dynamic) { real f1; if(fsal) { f1=f(t+h,y0+highOrder); predictions.push(f1); } real lowOrder=h*dot(tableau.a.lowOrderWeights,predictions); real error; error=error(error,y,y0+lowOrder,y0+highOrder,highOrder-lowOrder); h=adjust(h,error,tolmin,tolmax,tableau); if(h >= dt) { t += dt; y=y0+highOrder; S.t.push(t); S.y.push(y); f0=f1; } h=min(max(h,dtmin),dtmax); } else { t += h; y=y0+highOrder; S.y.push(y); } } return S; } struct Solution { real[] t; real[][] y; } void write(Solution S) { for(int i=0; i < S.t.length; ++i) { write(S.t[i],tab); for(real y : S.y[i]) write(y,tab); write(); } } // Integrate a set of equations, dy/dt=f(t,y), from a to b using initial // conditions y, specifying either the step size h or the number of steps n. Solution integrate(real[] y, real[] f(real t, real[] y), real a, real b=a, real h=0, int n=0, bool dynamic=false, real tolmin=0, real tolmax=0, real dtmin=0, real dtmax=realMax, RKTableau tableau, bool verbose=false) { Solution S; S.t=new real[] {a}; S.y=new real[][] {copy(y)}; if(h == 0) { if(b == a) return S; if(n == 0) abort("Either n or h must be specified"); else h=(b-a)/n; } real t=a; real[] f0; if(tableau.a.lowOrderWeights.length == 0) dynamic=false; bool fsal=dynamic && (tableau.a.lowOrderWeights.length > tableau.a.highOrderWeights.length); if(fsal) f0=f(t,y); real dt=h; while(t < b) { h=min(h,b-t); if(t+h == t) break; if(h != dt) { if(verbose) report(dt,h,t); dt=h; } real[][] predictions={fsal ? f0 : f(t,y)}; for(int i=0; i < tableau.a.steps.length; ++i) predictions.push(f(t+h*tableau.a.steps[i], y+h*tableau.a.weights[i]*predictions)); real[] highOrder=h*tableau.a.highOrderWeights*predictions; if(dynamic) { real[] f1; if(fsal) { f1=f(t+h,y+highOrder); predictions.push(f1); } real[] lowOrder=h*tableau.a.lowOrderWeights*predictions; real error; for(int i=0; i < y.length; ++i) error=error(error,y[i],y[i]+lowOrder[i],y[i]+highOrder[i], highOrder[i]-lowOrder[i]); h=adjust(h,error,tolmin,tolmax,tableau); if(h >= dt) { t += dt; y += highOrder; S.t.push(t); S.y.push(y); f0=f1; } h=min(max(h,dtmin),dtmax); } else { t += h; y += highOrder; S.t.push(t); S.y.push(y); } } return S; } real[][] finiteDifferenceJacobian(real[] f(real[]), real[] t, real[] h=sqrtEpsilon*abs(t)) { real[] ft=f(t); real[][] J=new real[t.length][ft.length]; real[] ti=copy(t); real tlast=ti[0]; ti[0] += h[0]; J[0]=(f(ti)-ft)/h[0]; for(int i=1; i < t.length; ++i) { ti[i-1]=tlast; tlast=ti[i]; ti[i] += h[i]; J[i]=(f(ti)-ft)/h[i]; } return transpose(J); } // Solve simultaneous nonlinear system by Newton's method. real[] newton(int iterations=100, real[] f(real[]), real[][] jacobian(real[]), real[] t) { real[] t=copy(t); for(int i=0; i < iterations; ++i) t += solve(jacobian(t),-f(t)); return t; } real[] solveBVP(real[] f(real, real[]), real a, real b=a, real h=0, int n=0, bool dynamic=false, real tolmin=0, real tolmax=0, real dtmin=0, real dtmax=realMax, RKTableau tableau, bool verbose=false, real[] initial(real[]), real[] discrepancy(real[]), real[] guess, int iterations=100) { real[] g(real[] t) { real[][] y=integrate(initial(t),f,a,b,h,n,dynamic,tolmin,tolmax,dtmin,dtmax, tableau,verbose).y;return discrepancy(y[y.length-1]); } real[][] jacobian(real[] t) {return finiteDifferenceJacobian(g,t);} return initial(newton(iterations,g,jacobian,guess)); }