# Python module to feed Asymptote with commands # (modified from gnuplot.py) from subprocess import * class asy: def __init__(self): self.session = Popen(['asy','-quiet','-inpipe=0','-outpipe=2'],stdin=PIPE) self.help() def send(self, cmd): self.session.stdin.write(cmd+'\n') self.session.stdin.flush() def size(self, size): self.send("size(%d);" % size) def draw(self, str): self.send("draw(%s);" % str) def fill(self, str): self.send("fill(%s);" % str) def clip(self, str): self.send("clip(%s);" % str) def label(self, str): self.send("label(%s);" % str) def shipout(self, str): self.send("shipout(\"%s\");" % str) def erase(self): self.send("erase();") def help(self): print "Asymptote session is open. Available methods are:" print " help(), size(int), draw(str), fill(str), clip(str), label(str), shipout(str), send(str), erase()" def __del__(self): print "closing Asymptote session..." self.send('quit'); self.session.stdin.close(); self.session.wait() if __name__=="__main__": g = asy() g.size(200) g.draw("unitcircle") g.send("draw(unitsquare)") g.fill("unitsquare, blue") g.clip("unitcircle") g.label("\"$O$\", (0,0), SW") raw_input("press ENTER to continue") g.erase() del g