#!/usr/bin/env python ########################################################################### # # xasyFile implements the loading, parsing, and saving of an xasy file. # # # Author: Orest Shardt # Created: June 29, 2007 # ############################################################################ from string import * from xasy2asy import * import re class xasyParseError(Exception): """A parsing error""" pass class xasyFileError(Exception): """An i/o error or other error not related to parsing""" pass def parseFile(inFile): """Parse a file returning a list of xasyItems""" lines = inFile.read() lines = lines.splitlines() #lines = [line for line in lines.splitlines() if not line.startswith("//")] result = [] if lines[0] != "initXasyMode();": raise xasyFileError("Invalid file format: First line must be \"initXasyMode();\"") lines.pop(0) lineCount = 2 lineNum = len(lines) while lineNum > 0: line = lines[0] lines.pop(0) if not line.isspace() and len(line)>0: try: #print ("Line {:d}: {:s}".format(lineCount,line)) lineResult = parseLine(line.strip(),lines) except: raise xasyParseError("Parsing error: line {:d} in {:s}\n{:s}".format(lineCount,inFile.name,line)) if lineResult != None: result.append(lineResult) #print ("\tproduced: {:s}".format(str(lineResult))) lineCount += lineNum-len(lines) lineNum = len(lines) return result transformPrefix = "xformStack" scriptPrefix = "startScript(); {" scriptSuffix = "} endScript();" def extractScript(lines): """Find the code belonging to a script item""" theScript = "" line = lines.pop(0) level = 1 while level > 0: check = line.lstrip() while check.endswith(scriptSuffix): level -= 1 line = line[:len(line)-len(scriptSuffix)] check = line.lstrip() if check.startswith(scriptPrefix): level += 1 theScript += line + "\n" if level > 0: line = lines.pop(0) global pendingTransformsD ts = pendingTransformsD[:] pendingTransformsD = [] return xasyScript(None,script=theScript,transforms=ts[:]) pendingTransforms = [] pendingTransformsD = [] def addTransform(index,t,active=1): """Place a transform in the list of transforms, expanding the list as needed""" while len(pendingTransformsD) < index+1: pendingTransformsD.append(identity()) deleted = int(active==0) pendingTransformsD[index]=asyTransform(t,deleted) def parseIndexedTransforms(args): """Parse a list of indexedTransforms, adding them to the current list of transforms""" global pendingTransformsD pendingTransformsD = [] args = args.replace("indexedTransform","") false = 0 tList = [eval(a) for a in ")?(".join(args.split("),(")).split("?")] for a in tList: addTransform(*a) def parseTransformExpression(line): """Parse statements related to the xformStack Syntax: xformStack.push(transform) e.g.: xformStack.push((0,0,1,0,0,1)); //the identity xformStack.add(indexedTransform(index,transform)[,...]) e.g.: xformStack.add(indexedTransform(1,(0,0,1,0,0,1)); """ global pendingTransforms stackCmd = line[len(transformPrefix)+1:line.find("(")] if line[-2:] != ");": raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") args = line[line.find("(")+1:-2] if stackCmd == "push": t = asyTransform(eval(args)) pendingTransforms.append(t) elif stackCmd == "add": parseIndexedTransforms(args) else: raise xasyParseError("Invalid transform stack command.") return None def parseLabel(line): """Parse an asy Label statement, returning an xasyText item""" if not (line.startswith("Label(") and line.endswith(",align=SE)")): raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") args = line[6:-1] loc2 = args.rfind(",align=SE") loc1 = args.rfind(",",0,loc2-1) loc = args.rfind(",(",0,loc1-1) if loc < 2: raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") text = args[1:loc-1] location = eval(args[loc+1:args.find("),",loc)+1]) pen = args[loc:loc2] pen = pen[pen.find(",")+1:] pen = pen[pen.find(",")+1:] pen = pen[pen.find(",")+1:] global pendingTransforms return xasyText(text,location,parsePen(pen),pendingTransforms.pop()) def parseLabelCommand(line): """Parse a label command returning an xasyText object Syntax: label(Label(text,location,pen,align=SE)); e.g.: label(Label("Hello world!",(0,0),rgb(0,0,0)+0.5,align=SE)); """ if line[-2:] != ");": raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") arguments = line[6:-2] return parseLabel(arguments) def parseDrawCommand(line): """Parse a draw command returning an xasyShape object Syntax: draw(path,pen); e.g.: draw((0,0)..controls(0.33,0.33)and(0.66,0.66)..(1,1),rgb(1,0,1)+1.5); """ if line[-2:] != ");": raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") args = line[5:-2] loc = args.rfind(",rgb") path = args[:loc] pen = args[loc+1:] global pendingTransforms return xasyShape(parsePathExpression(path),parsePen(pen),pendingTransforms.pop()) def parseFillCommand(line): """Parse a fill command returning an xasyFilledShape object Syntax: fill(cyclic path,pen); e.g.: fill((0,0)..controls(0.33,0.33)and(0.66,0.66)..(1,1)..controls(0.66,0)and(0.33,0)..cycle,rgb(1,0,1)+1.5); """ if line[-2:] != ");": raise xasyParseError("Invalid syntax") args = line[5:-2] loc = args.rfind(",rgb") path = args[:loc] pen = args[loc+1:] global pendingTransforms return xasyFilledShape(parsePathExpression(path),parsePen(pen),pendingTransforms.pop()) def parsePen(pen): """Parse a pen expression returning an asyPen Syntax: color+width[+options] e.g.: rgb(0,0,0)+1.5+evenodd e.g.: rgb(0,1,0)+1.23 """ try: tokens = pen.split("+") color = eval(tokens[0][3:]) width = float(tokens[1]) if len(tokens)>2: options = "+".join(tokens[2:]) else: options = "" return asyPen(color,width,options) except: raise xasyParseError("Invalid pen") def parsePathExpression(expr): """Parse an asy path returning an asyPath()""" result = asyPath() expr = "".join(expr.split()) #print (expr) if expr.find("controls") != -1: #parse a path with control points tokens = expr.split("..") nodes = [a for a in tokens if not a.startswith("controls")] for a in range(len(nodes)): if nodes[a] != "cycle": nodes[a] = eval(nodes[a]) controls = [[eval(b) for b in a.replace("controls", "").split("and")] for a in tokens if a.startswith("controls")] result.initFromControls(nodes, controls) else: #parse a path without control points tokens = re.split(r"(::|--|\.\.)",expr) linkSet = re.findall("::|--|\.\.",expr) nodeSet = [a for a in tokens if not re.match(r"::|--|\.\.",a)] #print (nodeSet) for a in range(len(nodeSet)): if nodeSet[a] != "cycle": nodeSet[a] = eval(nodeSet[a]) #print (nodeSet) result.initFromNodeList(nodeSet, linkSet) return result def takeUntilSemicolon(line,lines): """Read and concatenate lines until the collected lines end with a semicolon""" data = line while not data.endswith(";"): newline = lines.pop(0) data += newline return data def parseLine(line,lines): """Parse a line of the file""" if len(line)==0 or line.isspace() or line.startswith("//"): return None elif line.startswith(scriptPrefix): return extractScript(lines) elif line.startswith(transformPrefix): return parseTransformExpression(takeUntilSemicolon(line,lines)) elif line.startswith("label("): return parseLabelCommand(takeUntilSemicolon(line,lines)) elif line.startswith("draw("): return parseDrawCommand(takeUntilSemicolon(line,lines)) elif line.startswith("fill("): return parseFillCommand(takeUntilSemicolon(line,lines)) elif line.startswith("exitXasyMode();"): return None raise Exception("Could not parse the line") fileHeader = """initXasyMode(); // This file was generated by xasy. It may be edited manually, however, a strict // syntax must be followed. It is advised that manually scripted items be added // in the form of a script either by using xasy or by mimicking the format of an // xasy-generated script item. // Please consult the documentation or the examples provided for details. """ fileFooter = """// This is the end of the file exitXasyMode(); """ def saveFile(file,xasyItems): """Write a list of xasyItems to a file""" file.write(fileHeader) for item in xasyItems: file.write(item.getCode()+"\n\n") file.write(fileFooter) if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() try: name = raw_input("enter file name (\"../../xasyTest.asy\"):") if name == '': name = "../../xasyTest.asy" f = open(name,"rt") except: print ("Could not open file.") asy.quit() sys.exit(1) fileItems = [] try: fileItems = parseFile(f) res = [str(a) for a in fileItems] print ("----------------------------------") print ("Objects in {:s}".format(f.name)) print ("----------------------------------") for a in res: print (a) print ("----------------------------------") print ("successful parse") f.close() except: f.close() print ("parse failed") raise print ("making a file") f = open("testfile.asy","wt") saveFile(f,fileItems) f.close() root.configure(width=500,height=500) root.title("Results") canv = Canvas(root,width=500,height=500) canv.pack() for i in fileItems[1].imageList: canv.create_image(250+i.bbox[0],250-i.bbox[3],anchor = NW, image=i.image) Button(root,image=i.image).pack(side=LEFT) root.mainloop()