This directory contains Dviout, the DVI previewer for Windows by Toshio Oshima. Installation: - make directory for dviout, e.g. c:\dviout or C:\Program Files\dviout - unzip in that directory - copy install.par to that directory Configuration for TeX Live2008: - *before* starting dviout, edit install.par and change absolute paths, especially TEXROOT="C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\ (change XXX to the current value you have, e.g. user name; if TL was installed in another directory then the default (c:\Program Files\texlive\2008\) you have to change also those paths. - make a shortcut on your desktop (you can also make file association for opening DVI files by dviout) - the first run of dviout will autoconfigure the program by reading prepared install.par. Prepared by Staszek Wawrykiewicz thanks to hints from Toshio Oshima and Akira Kakuto