@echo off rem $Id$ rem Wrapper script to set up environment for installer rem rem Public domain. rem Originally written 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak. rem First, check if this is DOS based system rem in DOS '^' is just a normal character if not ^x==x goto DOS rem Localize environment changes setlocal enableextensions rem Batch subroutines require a cd to the batchfile directory. rem For UNC paths, pushd will create a temporary mapping. pushd "%~dp0" rem Remove any double quotes from PATH (why we care for it at all???) set "path=%path:"=%" rem Break search path into dir list and rebuild w/o tex dirs call :rebuildpath ";" "%path:;=" "%" if "%path:~0,1%"==";" set "path=%path:~1%" rem Use TL Perl set "path=%~dp0tlpkg\tlperl\bin;%path%" set "PERL5LIB=%~dp0tlpkg\tlperl\lib" rem Clean environment from other Perl variables set PERL5OPT= set PERLIO= set PERLIO_DEBUG= set PERLLIB= set PERL5DB= set PERL5DB_THREADED= set PERL5SHELL= set PERL_ALLOW_NON_IFS_LSP= set PERL_DEBUG_MSTATS= set PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL= set PERL_DL_NONLAZY= set PERL_ENCODING= set PERL_HASH_SEED= set PERL_HASH_SEED_DEBUG= set PERL_ROOT= set PERL_SIGNALS= set PERL_UNICODE= set errlev=0 rem Start installer path echo "%~dp0install-tl" %* perl "%~dp0install-tl" %* rem The nsis installer will need this: if errorlevel 1 set errlev=1 pause goto :eoff rem Subroutine to build search path without tex directories rem any dir containing pdftex.exe is considered a tex dir :rebuildpath ";" dir list ... shift rem The first argument (";") serves as a marker to reset the path if "%~0"==";" set path= rem Finish if no more arguments to process if [%1]==[] goto :eof rem Continue if tex dir if exist "%~1\pdftex.exe" goto :rebuildpath rem Add dir to path set "path=%path%;%~1" goto :rebuildpath :DOS echo DOS and Windows 9x systems are not supported. Sorry. echo Windows 2000 or newer is required. pause :eoff if unc == 1 popd