@echo off rem TeX Live Root; ends with backslash rem This should also work with UNC names set tlroot=%~dp0 set tldrive=%~d0 %tldrive% cd %tlroot% rem we need wget in the path, so add tlpkg\bin to the path set pathsave=%path% path %tlroot%tlpkg\installer;%path% rem use provided Perl set PERL5SAVE=%PERL5LIB% set PERL5LIB=%tlroot%tlpkg\installer\perllib rem "%tlroot%tlpkg\installer\perl" "%tlroot%install-tl.pl" %* "%tlroot%tlpkg\installer\perl" "%~dpn0" %* rem pause Done rem cleanup in case of start from command-line set PERL5LIB=%PERL5SAVE% set PERL5SAVE= path %pathsave% set pathsave= set tldrive= set tlroot= rem About install-tl.bat.manifest: rem Vista assumes that a file with install in the name is rem an installer and therefore requires administrative privileges. rem The manifest file tells Vista otherwise.