@echo off rem $Id: install-tl.bat 30369 2018-03-11 13:01:27Z siepo $ rem Wrapper script to set up environment for installer rem rem Public domain. rem Originally written 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak. rem Localize environment changes setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion rem check for version later than vista for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=[]" %%I in (`ver`) do set ver_str=%%I set ver_str=%ver_str:* =% rem windows 9x, 2000, xp, vista unsupported if %ver_str:~,2% == 4. goto tooold if %ver_str:~,2% == 5. goto tooold if %ver_str:~,3% == 6.0 ( echo WARNING: Windows 7 is the earliest supported version. echo TeX Live 2020 has not been tested on Windows Vista. pause ) if not "AMD64"=="%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" ( if not "AMD64"=="%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" ( echo 32-bit no longer supported pause goto eoff )) rem version of external perl, if any. used by install-tl. set extperl=0 for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims='" %%a in (`perl -V:version 2^>NUL`) do ( set extperl=%%a ) rem set instroot before %0 gets overwritten during argument processing set instroot=%~dp0 set asked4gui=no set forbid=no set tcl=yes set args= goto rebuildargs rem check for a gui argument rem handle -gui tcl here and do not pass it on to perl or tcl. rem cmd.exe converts '=' to a space: rem '-parameter=value' becomes '-parameter value': two arguments rem we test for value == parameter rather than the other way around rem to avoid some weird parsing errors rem code block for gui argument: look at next argument :dogui if x == x%1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes goto nomoreargs ) set q=%1 if "-" == "%q:~,1%" ( rem %1 is no value for -gui but another parameter set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes goto rebuildargs ) if text == %1 ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes set args=%args% -no-gui shift goto rebuildargs ) else if wizard == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if perltk == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if expert == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else if tcl == %1 ( set tcl=yes set asked4gui=yes shift goto rebuildargs ) else ( echo Illegal value %1 for -gui set errlev=1 goto eoff ) rem last case was -gui without parameter to shift rem loop for argument scanning :rebuildargs shift set p= set q= if x == x%0 goto nomoreargs set p=%0 rem flip backslashes, if any set p=%p:\=/% rem replace '--' with '-' but replace quotes in %p rem with something else for comparing set q=%p:"=x% if not "%q:~,2%" == "--" goto nominmin set p=%p:~1% :nominmin rem countermand gui parameter for short output, help and profile install. rem even if gui was explicitly requested. if -print-platform == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -print-arch == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -version == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -no-gui == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -profile == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -help == %p% ( set tcl=no set forbid=yes ) if -gui == %p% goto dogui rem -no-gui or not a gui argument: copy to args string rem a spurious initial blank is harmless. set args=%args% %p% goto rebuildargs :nomoreargs rem set preserves quotes, and its argument is the remainder of the line rem so do not here quote paths with spaces in it set wish=%instroot%tlpkg\tltcl\tclkit.exe if not exist "%wish%" set wish=%instroot%tlpkg\tltcl\bin\wish.exe if not exist "%wish%" set tcl=no if %forbid% == yes set tcl=no rem Check for tex directories on path and remove them. rem Need to remove any double quotes from path set path=%path:"=% rem Break search path into dir list and rebuild w/o tex dirs. set path="%path:;=" "%" set newpath= for /d %%I in (%path%) do ( set ii=%%I set ii=!ii:"=! if not exist !ii!\pdftex.exe ( if not exist !ii!pdftex.exe ( set newpath=!newpath!;!ii! ) ) ) path %newpath% set newpath= set q= if "%path:~,1%"==";" set "path=%path:~1%" rem Use TL Perl path=%instroot%tlpkg\tlperl\bin;%path% set PERL5LIB=%instroot%tlpkg\tlperl\lib rem Clean environment from other Perl variables set PERL5OPT= set PERLIO= set PERLIO_DEBUG= set PERLLIB= set PERL5DB= set PERL5DB_THREADED= set PERL5SHELL= set PERL_ALLOW_NON_IFS_LSP= set PERL_DEBUG_MSTATS= set PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL= set PERL_DL_NONLAZY= set PERL_ENCODING= set PERL_HASH_SEED= set PERL_HASH_SEED_DEBUG= set PERL_ROOT= set PERL_SIGNALS= set PERL_UNICODE= set errlev=0 rem Start installer if %tcl% == yes ( rem echo "%wish%" "%instroot%tlpkg\installer\install-tl-gui.tcl" -- %args% rem pause "%wish%" "%instroot%tlpkg\installer\install-tl-gui.tcl" -- %args% ) else ( rem echo perl "%instroot%install-tl" %args% rem pause perl "%instroot%install-tl" %args% ) rem The nsis installer will need this: if errorlevel 1 set errlev=1 goto :eoff :tooold echo TeX Live does not run on this Windows version. echo TeX Live is supported on Windows 7 and later. pause :eoff