local svnrevision = string.match("$Revision$", "%d+") or "0" local svndate = string.match("$Date$", "[-%d]+") or "2009-12-04" local bannerstr = "runscript wrapper utility (rev. " .. svnrevision .. ", " .. svndate .. ")\n" .. "usage: runscript script-name [arguments]\n" .. "try -help [-v] for more information" local helpstr = [[ Script wrappers in TeX Live on Windows Rationale Wrappers enable use of scripts on Windows as regular programs. They are also required for some binary programs to set up the right environment for them. Batch scripts can be used for wrapping but they are not as universal as binaries (there are some odd cases where they don't work) and it is hard to make them robust and secure. Compiled binary wrappers don't suffer from these problems but they are harder to write, debug and maintain in comparison to scripts. For these reasons a hybrid approach is taken that combines a binary stub with a launcher script. Adding wrappers for user scripts The script wrapping machinery is not limited to scripts shipped with TeX Live. You can also use it for script programs from manually installed packages. This should minimize problems when using them with TeX Live. First, make sure that there is an interpreter program available on your system for the script you want to use. Interpreters for Perl and Lua are bundled with TeX Live, all others have to be installed independently. Lua scripts are the most efficient to run, so if you consider writing a new script, that would be the recommended choice. The following script types and their file extensions are currently supported and searched in that order: Lua (.tlu;.texlua;.lua) -- included Perl (.pl) -- included Ruby (.rb) -- requires installation Python (.py) -- requires installation Tcl (.tcl) -- requires installation Java (.jar) -- requires installation VBScript (.vbs) -- part of Windows JScript (.js) -- part of Windows Batch (.bat;.cmd) -- part of Windows Finally, Unix-style extensionless scripts are searched as last and the interpreter program is established based on the she-bang (#!) specification on the very first line of the script. This can be an arbitrary program but it must be present on the search path. Next, the script program needs to be installed somewhere below the 'scripts' directory under one of the TEXMF trees (consult the documentation or texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf file for a list). You may need to update the file search database afterwards with: mktexlsr [TEXMFDIR] It is also possible to use scripts that are outside of TEXMF hierarchy by adjusting TEXMFSCRIPTS environment or kpathsea variable, see kpathsea documentation for more information on setting its variables. Test if the script can be located with: kpsewhich --format=texmfscripts . This should output the full path to the script if everything is properly installed and configured. If this test is successful, the script can be run immediately with: runscript [script arguments] If you prefer to call the script program simply by its name, copy and rename bin/win32/runscript.exe (or bin/win64/runscript.exe for 64-bit Windows) to .exe and put it somewhere on the search path.]] local docstr = [[ Wrapper structure Wrappers consist of small binary stubs and a common texlua script. The binary stubs are all the same, just different names (but CLI and GUI stubs differ, see below, and GUI stubs are actually all different due to different embedded icons). The job of the binary stub is twofold: (a) call the texlua launcher script 'runscript.tlu' from the same directory (or more precisely from the directory containing 'runscript.dll') and (b) pass to it argv[0] and the unparsed argument string as the last two arguments (after adding a sentinel argument, which ends with a new line character). Arbitrary C strings can be passed, because the script is executed by linking with luatex.dll and calling the lua interpreter internally rather than by spawning a new process. There are two flavours of the binary stub: one for CLI programs and another one for GUI programs. The GUI variant does not open a console window nor does it block the command prompt if started from there. It also uses a dialog box to display an error message in addition to outputting to stderr. The stubs are further split into a common DLL and EXE proxies to it. This is for maintenance reasons - updates can be done by replacement of a single DLL rather than all binary stubs. The launcher script knows, which variant has been used to invoke it based on the sentinel argument. The lack of this argument means that it was invoked in a standard way, i.e., through texlua.exe. All the hard work of locating a script/program to execute happens in the launcher script. The located script/program is always executed directly by spawning its interpreter (or binary) in a new process. The system shell (cmd.exe) is never called (except for batch scripts, of course). If the located script happens to be a (tex)lua script, it is loaded and called internally from within this script, i.e. no new process is spawned. Execution is done using a protected call, so any compile or runtime errors are catched. Source files runscript.tlu launcher script for locating and dispatching target scripts/programs runscript_dll.c common DLL part of the binary stubs; locates and calls the launcher script runscript_exe.c EXE proxy to the common DLL for CLI mode stubs wrunscript_exe.c EXE proxy to the common DLL for GUI mode stubs Compilation of binaries (requires luatex.dll in the same directory) with gcc (size optimized): gcc -Os -s -shared -o runscript.dll runscript_dll.c -L./ -lluatex gcc -Os -s -o runscript.exe runscript_exe.c -L./ -lrunscript gcc -mwindows -Os -s -o wrunscript.exe wrunscript_exe.c -L./ -lrunscript with tcc (extra small size): tiny_impdef luatex.dll tcc -shared -o runscript.dll runscript_dll.c luatex.def tcc -o runscript.exe runscript_exe.c runscript.def tcc -o wrunscript.exe wrunscript_exe.c runscript.def License Originally written in 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak, Public Domain. Prior work: 'tl-w32-wrapper.texlua' by Reinhard Kotucha and Norbert Preining. 'tl-w32-wrapper.cmd' by Tomasz M. Trzeciak. Changelog 2009/12/04 - initial version 2009/12/15 - minor fixes for path & extension list parsing 2010/01/09 - added support for GUI mode stubs 2010/02/28 - enable GUI mode stubs for dviout, psv and texworks; - added generic handling of sys programs - added restricted repstopdf to alias_table 2010/03/13 - added 'readme.txt' and changelog - added support and docs for calling user added scripts; (use path of 'runscript.dll' instead of .exe stub to locate 'runscript.tlu' script) - limit search for shell_escape_commands to system trees - added function for creating directory hierarchy - fixed directory creation for dviout & texworks aliases - fixed arg[0] of repstopdf & rpdfcrop 2010/03/28 - restructured docs, added --help and --version options (available only when invoked under 'runscript' name) - use TEXMF_RESTRICTED_SCRIPTS kpse var for searching shell_escape_commands - changed command validation to handle a list of commands - prepend GUI mode command(s) to the command list - added support for .tcl scripts 2010/03/31 - fixed fatal bug in extention_map definition for GUI mode 2010/04/15 - encapsulated main chunk in a function to execute with pcall for more robustness and better error catching - added texdoctk to scripts4tlperl table - added tlgs and tlperl to alias_table; callable as e.g.: runscript tlperl ... - doc tweaks 2010/04/22 - ensure only backslash is used in USERPROFILE variable (Adobe Reader crash case) - fixed argument processing for direct execution under texlua - more doc tweaks 2010/05/30 - Windows XP or newer required to run TeXworks 2010/06/04 - added support for Perl scripts starting with eval-exec-perl construct in place of she-bang (#!) 2010/06/25 - run internal tlperl only with our Perl - added fontinst to alias_table - added support for all tex4ht commands from mk4ht.pl - removed some unsued aliases - some code refactoring and cleanup 2010/12/28 - use of external Perl now requires kpathsea variable TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_TRY_EXTERNAL_PERL to be explicitly set to 1 - alias_table replaced with if-elseif-end tests to streamline special cases and to avoid hardcoding of texmf* file paths - added a2ping to special cases (requires -x switch to Perl) - set ASYMPTOTE_GS (for asy) to full path to tlgs 2011/01/09 - removed tex4ht commands starting with ht from mk4ht aliases; they have their own scripts and mk4ht calls them internally, so aliasing results in an infinite recursion - removed alias for fontinst (no fontinst.exe any more) - fixed GUI-mode interpreter for Ruby 2011/09/10 - added -dDisableFAPI=true to psview argument list. Needed by gs-9.xx 2012/03/12 - added '-i', '.' to psview argument list (author's request) - added environment clean up from Perl specific variables (when not using external Perl) 2012/08/05 - added alias for fmtutil 2013/05/09 - added alias mkluatexfontdb -> luaotfload-tool 2013/07/03 - fix for psview and UNC paths in unix-style - remove not needed is_abs_path function 2013/08/07 - handle updmap-sys via updmap --sys 2013/08/08 - allow overriding gs/gs_dll/gs_lib with kpse variables TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_EXTERNAL_GS, ..._GS_LIB, ..._GS_DLL 2013/08/30 - do not pass -NULL to dviout, to allow users changing and saving settings. Patch by Yusuke KUROKI 2013/09/22 - add TEXMFDIST/fonts to the GS_LIB path. Patch by Yusuke KUROKI 2014/04/30 - fix for argument duplication in fmtutil 2015/04/12 - handle fmtutil-sys via fmtutil --sys 2015/09/10 - more slash flipping for the sake of vbscript and unc paths 2015/12/11 - fix spurious arguments for updmap and fmtutil 2016/04/22 - Warning if external perl is requested but missing 2017/04/22 (exactly one year later ;-) - Cater for fmtutil-user and updmap-user => -user arg 2017/04/24 - GS_LIB setting for tlgs. 2017/05/06 - introduce sys_user_progs, make checks for updmap/fmtutil use sys_user_progs instead, add kanji-config-updmap ]] -- HELPER SUBROUTINES -- -- quotes string with spaces local function _q(str) str = string.gsub(str, '"', '') -- disallow embedded double quotes return string.find(str, "%s") and '"'..str..'"' or str end -- prepends directories to path if they are not already there local function prepend_path(path, ...) local pathcmp = string.lower(string.gsub(path, '/', '\\'))..';' for k = 1, select('#', ...) do local dir = string.lower(string.gsub(select(k, ...), '/', '\\'))..';' if not string.find(pathcmp, dir, 1, true) then path = dir..path end end return path end -- searches the PATH for a file local function search_path(fname, PATH, PATHEXT) if string.find(fname, '[/\\]') then return nil, "directory part not allowed for PATH search: "..fname end PATH = PATH or os.getenv('PATH') PATHEXT = PATHEXT or '\0' -- '\0' for no extension for dir in string.gmatch(PATH, '[^;]+') do local dirsep = (string.find(dir, '\\') and '\\' or '/') for ext in string.gmatch(PATHEXT, '[^;]+') do local f = dir..dirsep..fname..ext if lfs.isfile(f) then return f, ext end end end return nil, "file or program not on PATH: "..fname end -- tests for tex4ht command (as given in mk4ht.pl) -- except for commands starting with 'ht' (they have their own scripts) local function is_tex4ht_command(progname) local prefixes = 'xh uxh xhm mz oo es js jm tei teim db dbm w jh jh1' local formats = 'context latex tex texi xelatex xetex' for p in string.gmatch(prefixes, '%S+') do for q in string.gmatch(formats, '%S+') do if (progname == p..q) then -- we have a hit, but not all combinations are valid return (p ~= 'teim' and p ~= 'dbm') or (q ~= 'xelatex' and q~= 'xetex') end end end return false end -- checks whether an item is in an array local function contains (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return false end -- locates texmfscript to execute local function find_texmfscript(progname, ext_list) ext_list = ext_list or '\0' for ext in string.gmatch(ext_list, '[^;]+') do local progfullname = kpse.find_file(progname..ext, 'texmfscripts') if progfullname then return progfullname, ext end end return nil, "no appropriate script or program found: "..progname end -- converts the #! line to arg table -- used for scripts w/o extension -- only the two most common cases are considered: -- #! /path/to/command [options] -- #! /usr/bin/env command [options] -- ([options] after the command are retained as well) local function shebang_to_argv(progfullname) local fid, errmsg = io.open(progfullname, 'r') if not fid then return nil, errmsg end local fstln = fid:read('*line') fid:close() if string.find(fstln, "eval.*exit.*exec.*perl") then -- special case of Perl's time-honoured "totally devious construct": -- eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' return {"perl"} elseif (string.sub(fstln, 1, 2) ~= '#!') then return nil, "don't know how to execute script: "..progfullname end local argv = string.explode( string.sub(fstln, 3) ) -- split on spaces argv[1] = string.match(argv[1], '[^/]+$') if (argv[1] == 'env') then table.remove(argv, 1) end return argv end -- checks if command exists on the path and returns its full path local function check_command(cmdlist, PATH) for cmd in string.gmatch(cmdlist, '%S+') do local cmdext = cmd..(string.find(cmd, '%.[^\\/.]*$') and '' or '.exe') local fullcmd = search_path(cmdext, PATH) if fullcmd then return fullcmd, cmd end end return nil, 'program not found (not part of TeX Live): '..cmdlist end -- creates directory or directory hierarchy local function mkdir_plus(dir) if lfs.mkdir(dir) then return true end -- try with system's mkdir in case we need to create intermediate dirs too local ret = os.spawn({[0]=search_path("cmd.exe"), string.format('cmd.exe /x /c mkdir "%s"', dir)}) if ret == 0 then return true else return nil, string.format("cannot create directory (error code %d): %s", ret, dir) end end -- MAIN_CHUNK -- encapsulated in a function for more robust execution with pcall local function MAIN_CHUNK() -- preprocess arguments local guimode = false local argline = '' -- check for the sentinel argment coming from the .exe stub if arg[#arg-2] and ( string.sub(arg[#arg-2], -1) == '\n' ) then -- argv[0] and unparsed argument line are passed -- from the .exe stub as the two last arguments -- pop them up from the arg table argline = table.remove(arg) -- pop unparsed arguments arg[0] = table.remove(arg) -- pop C stub's argv[0] guimode = (table.remove(arg) == 'GUI_MODE\n') -- pop sentinel argument else -- we must be called as: texlua runscript.tlu progname ... -- this is treated the same as: runscript[.exe] progname ... -- we don't have the unparsed arument line in this case, so construct one for k = #arg, 1, -1 do argline = _q(arg[k]) .. ' ' .. argline end end -- program name -- lower arg[0] : get file name part : remove extension local progname, substcount = string.lower(arg[0]):gsub('^.*[\\/]', ''):gsub('%.[^.]*$', '') -- special behaviour when called under 'runscript' name if (progname == 'runscript') then -- we are called as: runscript progname ... -- or as: runscript --help|-h|--version ... -- handle options first (only --help and --version) local opt, param = {}, nil while true do -- remove the first argument from the arg table and from the argline string -- (this argument should have no embedded spaces!) param = table.remove(arg, 1) if not param then break end argline = string.gsub(argline, '^%S+%s*', '') local optname = string.lower(param):match('^%-%-?(.*)$') if not optname then break elseif (optname == 'h') or (optname == 'help') then opt.help = true elseif (optname == 'v') then opt.v = true elseif (optname == 'version') then opt.version = true else error("unknown option: "..param.."\n"..bannerstr) end end if opt.help then print(helpstr) if opt.v then print(docstr) end os.exit(0) elseif opt.version or opt.v then print(bannerstr) os.exit(0) end -- make sure progname is valid arg[0] = assert(param, "not enough arguments!\n"..bannerstr) progname = string.lower(arg[0]):gsub('^.*[\\/]', ''):gsub('%.[^.]*$', '') assert(progname == string.lower(arg[0]), "bad command name: " .. arg[0]) end -- special case of sys programs progname, substcount = string.gsub(progname, '%-sys$', '') local sysprog = (substcount > 0) -- true if there was a -sys suffix removed -- special case of user programs -- we do not guard against programs foobar-user-sys ... we don't ship them progname, substcount = string.gsub(progname, '%-user$', '') local userprog = (substcount > 0) -- true if there was a -user suffix removed -- prevent recursive calls to this script assert(progname ~= 'runscript', "oops! wrapping the wrapper?") -- kpse and environment set-up -- init kpathsea local k = -1 while arg[k-1] do k = k - 1 end -- in case of a call: luatex --luaonly ... local lua_binary = arg[k] kpse.set_program_name(lua_binary, progname) -- various dir-vars local TEXDIR = kpse.var_value('SELFAUTOPARENT') local TEXMFDIST = kpse.var_value('TEXMFDIST') local BINDIR = kpse.var_value('SELFAUTOLOC') local PATH = os.getenv('PATH') or '' -- list of programs that have -sys and -user variants local sys_user_progs = { 'updmap', 'fmtutil', 'kanji-config-updmap' } -- restricted programs local shell_escape_commands = string.lower(kpse.var_value('shell_escape_commands') or '') local is_restricted_progname = string.find( ','..shell_escape_commands..',', ','..progname..',', 1, true) if is_restricted_progname then -- limit search path to the restricted (system) trees -- (not really necessary for entries in the alias_table, -- because they are not searched for with kpathsea) os.setenv('TEXMFSCRIPTS', kpse.var_value('TEXMF_RESTRICTED_SCRIPTS')) end -- perl stuff local scripts4tlperl = { tlperl = true, updmap = true, fmtutil = true, ['updmap-sys'] = true, ['fmtutil-sys'] = true, } local try_extern_perl = (kpse.var_value('TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_TRY_EXTERNAL_PERL') == '1') and not (guimode or is_restricted_progname or scripts4tlperl[progname]) local PERLEXE = try_extern_perl and search_path('perl.exe', PATH) local extperl_warn if not PERLEXE then if try_extern_perl then extperl_warn = [[ External Perl missing or outdated. Please install a recent Perl, or configure TeX Live to always use the builtin Perl: tlmgr conf texmf TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_TRY_EXTERNAL_PERL 0 Meanwhile, continuing with built-in Perl... ]] end -- if try_extern_perl PERLEXE = TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/perl.exe' os.setenv('PERL5LIB', TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlperl/lib') PATH = prepend_path(PATH, TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlperl/bin') local PERLENV = 'PERL5OPT;PERLIO;PERLIO_DEBUG;PERLLIB;PERL5DB;PERL5DB_THREADED;' .. 'PERL5SHELL;PERL_ALLOW_NON_IFS_LSP;PERL_DEBUG_MSTATS;' .. 'PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL;PERL_DL_NONLAZY;PERL_ENCODING;PERL_HASH_SEED;' .. 'PERL_HASH_SEED_DEBUG;PERL_ROOT;PERL_SIGNALS;PERL_UNICODE' for var in string.gmatch(PERLENV, '[^;]+') do os.setenv(var, nil) end end -- gs stuff local override_gs if not is_restricted_progname then override_gs = kpse.var_value('TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_EXTERNAL_GS') end -- the full path to the executable local GSEXE -- the directory where the gs executable resides local GSDIR -- the name of the gs executable local GSNAME if override_gs then -- first check whether we got an absolute path or only executable name if string.find(override_gs, '[/\\]') then GSEXE = override_gs else -- search in the path GSEXE = search_path(override_gs, PATH) end end if GSEXE then -- split the dir and progname part so that we can set the path -- work on a string with all forward slashes local foo = string.lower(string.gsub(GSEXE, '\\', '/')) GSNAME = string.gsub(foo, '^.*[\\/]', '') GSDIR = string.gsub(foo, '^(.*)[\\/].*$', '%1') -- search also for a GS_DLL setting -- we do not need to check for is_restricted_progname, since -- GSEXE is only defined when it is not set local GSDLL = kpse.var_value('TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_EXTERNAL_GS_DLL') if GSDLL then os.setenv('GS_DLL', GSDLL) end local GSLIB = kpse.var_value('TEXLIVE_WINDOWS_EXTERNAL_GS_LIB') if GSLIB then os.setenv('GS_LIB', GSLIB) end else -- use built in gs os.setenv('GS_LIB', TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/lib;' ..TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/fonts;' ..TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/Resource/Init;' ..TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/Resource;' ..TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/kanji;' ..os.getenv('WINDIR')..'/Fonts;'..TEXMFDIST..'/fonts') os.setenv('GS_DLL', TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/bin/gsdll32.dll') GSEXE = TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/bin/gswin32c.exe' GSNAME = 'gswin32c.exe' GSDIR = TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlgs/bin' end -- now setup the path so that the gs program will be found PATH = prepend_path(PATH, GSDIR, BINDIR) os.setenv('PATH', PATH); -- sys stuff if (sysprog and not contains(sys_user_progs, progname)) then os.setenv('TEXMFVAR', kpse.var_value('TEXMFSYSVAR')) os.setenv('TEXMFCONFIG', kpse.var_value('TEXMFSYSCONFIG')) end -- Adobe Reader crash case: make sure USERPROFILE is not "slashed" os.setenv("USERPROFILE", os.getenv("USERPROFILE"):gsub('/', '\\')) -- extension to interpeter mapping -- the extension is mapped to argv table -- the command to execute is given as the first element of the table -- (it can be a whitespace separated list of names to try) local extension_map = { ['.bat'] = {'cmd', '/c', 'call'}, ['.jar'] = {'java.exe', '-jar'}, ['.pl' ] = {'perl.exe'}, ['.py' ] = {'python.exe'}, ['.rb' ] = {'ruby.exe'}, ['.tcl'] = {'tclsh.exe tclsh85.exe tclsh84.exe'}, ['.vbs'] = {'cscript.exe', '-nologo'}, } if guimode then -- for GUI mode wrappers we try GUI mode interpeters where possible extension_map['.jar'][1] = 'javaw.exe ' .. extension_map['.jar'][1] extension_map['.pl' ][1] = 'wperl.exe ' .. extension_map['.pl' ][1] extension_map['.py' ][1] = 'pythonw.exe ' .. extension_map['.py' ][1] extension_map['.rb' ][1] = 'rubyw.exe ' .. extension_map['.rb' ][1] extension_map['.tcl'][1] = 'wish.exe wish85.exe wish84.exe ' .. extension_map['.tcl'][1] extension_map['.vbs'][1] = 'wscript.exe ' .. extension_map['.vbs'][1] end extension_map['.cmd'] = extension_map['.bat'] extension_map['.js'] = extension_map['.vbs'] -- set up argv table local ARGV = nil -- special cases (aliases) if is_tex4ht_command(progname) then argline = progname .. ' ' .. argline progname = 'mk4ht' elseif progname == 'a2ping' then table.insert(extension_map['.pl'], '-x') elseif contains(sys_user_progs, progname) then if sysprog then argline = ' --sys ' .. argline elseif userprog then argline = ' --user ' .. argline end elseif progname == 'asy' then os.setenv('ASYMPTOTE_GS', GSEXE) os.setenv('CYGWIN', 'nodosfilewarning') ARGV = {[0]=TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/asymptote/asy.exe', 'asy'} elseif progname == 'dviout' then local fontsdir = kpse.var_value('TEXMFVAR') .. '/fonts' if (lfs.attributes(fontsdir, 'mode') ~= 'directory') then assert(mkdir_plus(fontsdir)) end local tfmpath = kpse.show_path('tfm') tfmpath = string.gsub(tfmpath, '!!', '') tfmpath = string.gsub(tfmpath, '/', '\\') local texrt = {} for d in string.gmatch(tfmpath, '([^;]+\\fonts)\\tfm[^;]*') do if (lfs.attributes(d, 'mode') == 'directory') then table.insert(texrt, d) end end local par = [["-gen=']] .. string.gsub(TEXDIR, '/', '\\') .. [[\tlpkg\dviout\gen_pk'" "-TEXROOT=']] .. table.concat(texrt, ';') .. [['" "-gsx=']] .. GSEXE .. [['"]]; ARGV = {[0]=TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/dviout/dviout.exe', 'dviout', par} elseif progname == 'mkluatexfontdb' then progname = 'luaotfload-tool' table.insert(arg, '--alias=mkluatexfontdb') elseif progname == 'psv' then argline = '-sINPUT='..argline ARGV = {[0]=TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlpsv/gswxlua.exe', 'gswxlua', '-dDisableFAPI=true', '-l', (_q(TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlpsv/psv.wx.lua'):gsub('/','\\')), '-p', (_q(TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/tlpsv/psv_view.ps'):gsub('/','\\')), '-i', '.'} elseif progname == 'repstopdf' or progname == 'rpdfcrop' then argline = '--restricted ' .. argline progname = string.sub(progname, 2, -1) elseif progname == 'texworks' then local winver = tonumber(string.match(os.uname().version, '%D*(%d+%.?%d*)')) assert(winver >= 5.01, "Windows XP or newer required to run TeXworks") local TW_LIBPATH = kpse.var_value('TW_LIBPATH') or kpse.var_value('TEXMFCONFIG')..'/texworks' local TW_INIPATH = kpse.var_value('TW_INIPATH') or TW_LIBPATH os.setenv('TW_LIBPATH', TW_LIBPATH) os.setenv('TW_INIPATH', TW_INIPATH) if (TW_INIPATH and lfs.attributes(TW_INIPATH, 'mode') ~= 'directory') then -- TeXworks needs directory holding its configuration to exist assert(mkdir_plus(TW_INIPATH)) end ARGV = {[0]=TEXDIR..'/tlpkg/texworks/texworks.exe', 'texworks'} elseif progname == 'tlgs' then ARGV = {[0]=GSEXE, GSNAME} elseif progname == 'tlperl' then ARGV = {[0]=PERLEXE, 'perl'} end -- general case if not ARGV then local extlist = '.tlu;.texlua;.lua;.pl;.rb;.py;.tcl;.jar;.vbs;.js;.bat;.cmd;\0' local progfullname = search_path(progname, BINDIR, '.tlu;.bat;.cmd') or assert(find_texmfscript(progname, extlist)) local ext = string.match(string.lower(progfullname), '%.[^\\/.]*$') or '' if (ext == '.lua') or (ext == '.tlu') or (ext == '.texlua') then -- lua script arg[0] = progfullname else ARGV = extension_map[ext] or assert(shebang_to_argv(progfullname)) -- [w|c]script, for one, mistakes a forward-slashed UNC script path -- for an option even when quoted table.insert(ARGV, _q(progfullname:gsub('/','\\'))) if not ARGV[0] then ARGV[0], ARGV[1] = assert(check_command(ARGV[1], PATH)) end end end -- run the program/script if ARGV then table.insert(ARGV, argline) -- pass through original arguments if string.find (table.concat(ARGV, ' '), 'perl.exe') and extperl_warn then io.stderr:write(extperl_warn) end local ret = assert(os.spawn(ARGV)) if ret ~= 0 then local dbginfo = debug.getinfo(1) local errormsg = string.format("%s:%d: command failed with exit code %d:\n%s", dbginfo.short_src, dbginfo.currentline - 2, ret, table.concat(ARGV, ' ') ) os.setenv('RUNSCRIPT_ERROR_MESSAGE', errormsg) io.stderr:write(errormsg, '\n') end os.exit(ret) else -- must be a lua script dofile(arg[0]) end end -- MAIN_CHUNK -- execute MAIN_CHUNK with pcall to catch any runtime errors local success, errormsg = pcall(MAIN_CHUNK) if not success then os.setenv('RUNSCRIPT_ERROR_MESSAGE', errormsg) error(errormsg) end -- about RUNSCRIPT_ERROR_MESSAGE environment variable: -- it stores an error message that is caught and displayed -- in a message box on the C side at process exit -- (currently used only by gui mode stubs)