@echo off rem Start-up script for PS_View rem rem Originally written 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak rem Public Domain rem Make environment changes local setlocal enableextensions rem Get TL installation root (w/o trailing backslash) set tlroot=%~dp0: set tlroot=%tlroot:\bin\win32\:=% rem Use provided GS set GS_LIB=%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlgs\lib;%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlgs\fonts set GS_DLL=%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlgs\bin\gsdll32.dll rem Add bin dir to path path %tlroot%\bin\win32;%path% rem Start PSV and exit start "" "%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlpsv\gswxlua.exe" -l "%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlpsv\psv.wx.lua" -p "%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlpsv\psv_view.ps" -sINPUT=%1 %2