@echo off rem Start-up script for Asymptote rem rem Originally written by Tomasz M. Trzeciak rem Public Domain setlocal enableextensions rem Get TL installation root (it should be two levels up) rem Use short path, because of problems with spaces and calling batch files for %%I in ("%~dp0\..\..") do (set TLROOT=%%~fI) rem Add psv, gs and bin dir to PATH path %TLROOT%\bin\win32;%TLROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\bin;%TLROOT%\tlpkg\tlpsv;%PATH% rem GS environment set GS_DLL=%tlroot%\tlpkg\tlgs\bin\gsdll32.dll set GS_LIB=%TLROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\lib;%TLROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\fonts rem Suppress cygwin warning about DOS paths set CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning rem Set asymptote options set ASYMPTOTE_GS=gswin32c.exe set ASYMPTOTE_PSVIEWER=psv.exe set ASYMPTOTE_PDFVIEWER=psv.exe rem Call asy.exe "%TLROOT%\tlpkg\asymptote\asy.exe" %*