#!/bin/sh # $Id: //depot/Master/Tools/update-lists#8 $ $Author: karl $ $Date: 2005/10/08 $ # Created by Sebastian Rahtz, long ago. Public domain. # # Update the texmf/lists/* files from all the tpm's. M=`cd \`dirname $0\` && /bin/pwd` W=`cd \`dirname $0\`/.. && /bin/pwd` cd $W || exit 1 # work in Master Date=`date +%Y/%m/%d` Who=`whoami` if test "x$1" = x-n; then chicken=true else chicken=false fi $chicken || rm -f texmf/lists/* echo "$0: doing packages from $W" for i in texmf-dist/tpm/*.tpm texmf/tpm/hyphen*tpm texmf/tpm/lib-*.tpm texmf/tpm/bin-*.tpm \ texmf-doc/tpm/* ; do xsltproc --stringparam ROOT $W $M/tpm2list.xsl $i done echo "$0: doing collections..." for i in texmf/tpm/collection*.tpm; do xsltproc --stringparam ROOT $W $M/collection2list.xsl $i done echo "$0: doing schemes..." for i in texmf/tpm/scheme*.tpm; do xsltproc --stringparam ROOT $W $M/scheme2list.xsl $i done echo "$0: done regenerating lists." $chicken && exit 0 cd texmf/lists || exit 1 chmod 444 * >&/dev/null # we created them according to umask find . -type f | p4 -x - add 2>&1 | grep -v add.existing p4 diff -sd ... | p4 -x - delete p4 diff -se ... | p4 -x - edit