$Id$ Written 2004, Karl Berry. Public domain. The asytestlibs.asy file is for testing various optional libraries that can be linked with Asymptote. See http://tug.org/texlive/build.html#asymptote. Therest of the files are some basic tests for TeX Live being at all functional. They are not being run by any cron job and are no longer up to date; it proved too time-consuming to keep everything going, so they have been moribund for some years now. If anyone is interested, please go to work on it. The general idea is to have a "knowngood" dvi or pdf file, and compare it against the result of running with the current code. I wrote the DVI-comparing (which uses dvitype) script in Perl so it would have a chance of running under Windows. I don't know if it really does. Ditto the PDF-comparing script (which uses pdftoppm from the xpdf distribution). The numbers in the directory names are just an arbitrary prioritizing scheme, so simpler tests can be run before more complex ones. Several tests can have the same priority number. I don't intend to try to make this any kind of exhaustive testing, we're just trying to make sure the most obvious things aren't broken. The most important additional tests if they ever get resurrected are: 8-bit input (all common languages) pdfconcat