#+############################################################################## # # T2h_i18n.pm: Internationalization for texi2html # # Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #-############################################################################## # This requires perl version 5 or higher require 5.0; package Texi2HTML::I18n; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT ); use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(pretty_date); my $language; my $i18n_dir = 'i18n'; # name of the directory containing the per language files #my $translation_file = 'translations.pl'; # file containing all the translations #my @known_languages = ('de', 'nl', 'es', 'no', 'pt', 'fr'); # The supported # languages ######################################################################## # Language dependencies: # To add a new language extend the WORDS hash and create $T2H_<...>_WORDS hash # To redefine one word, simply do: # $T2h_i18n::T2H_LANGUAGES->{}->{} = 'whatever' in your personal init file. # my $T2H_WORDS_EN = { # titles of pages #'Table of Contents' => 'Table of Contents', #'Short Table of Contents' => 'Short Table of Contents', #'Index' => 'Index', #'About This Document' => 'About This Document', #'Footnotes' => 'Footnotes', #'See' => 'See', #'see' => 'see', #'section' => 'section', 'About This Document' => '', 'Table of Contents' => '', 'Short Table of Contents', => '', 'Index' => '', 'Footnotes' => '', 'See' => '', 'see' => '', 'section' => '', 'Top' => '', 'Untitled Document' => '', # If necessary, we could extend this as follows: # # text for buttons # 'Top_Button' => 'Top', # 'ToC_Button' => 'Contents', # 'Overview_Button' => 'Overview', # 'Index_button' => 'Index', # 'Back_Button' => 'Back', # 'FastBack_Button' => 'FastBack', # 'Prev_Button' => 'Prev', # 'Up_Button' => 'Up', # 'Next_Button' => 'Next', # 'Forward_Button' =>'Forward', # 'FastWorward_Button' => 'FastForward', # 'First_Button' => 'First', # 'Last_Button' => 'Last', # 'About_Button' => 'About' 'January' => '', 'February' => '', 'March' => '', 'April' => '', 'May' => '', 'June' => '', 'July' => '', 'August' => '', 'September' => '', 'October' => '', 'November' => '', 'December' => '', 'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d', }; my $T2H_WORDS_DE = { 'Table of Contents' => 'Inhaltsverzeichniss', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Kurzes Inhaltsverzeichniss', 'Index' => 'Index', 'About This Document' => 'Über dieses Dokument', 'Footnotes' => 'Fußnoten', 'See' => 'Siehe', 'see' => 'siehe', 'section' => 'Abschnitt', 'January' => 'Januar', 'February' => 'Februar', 'March' => 'März', 'April' => 'April', 'May' => 'Mai', 'June' => 'Juni', 'July' => 'Juli', 'August' => 'August', 'September' => 'September', 'October' => 'Oktober', 'November' => 'November', 'December' => 'Dezember', }; my $T2H_WORDS_NL = { 'Table of Contents' => 'Inhoudsopgave', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Korte inhoudsopgave', 'Index' => 'Index', #Not sure ;-) 'About This Document' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available! 'Footnotes' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available! 'See' => 'Zie', 'see' => 'zie', 'section' => 'sectie', 'January' => 'Januari', 'February' => 'Februari', 'March' => 'Maart', 'April' => 'April', 'May' => 'Mei', 'June' => 'Juni', 'July' => 'Juli', 'August' => 'Augustus', 'September' => 'September', 'October' => 'Oktober', 'November' => 'November', 'December' => 'December', }; my $T2H_WORDS_ES = { 'Table of Contents' => 'índice General', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Resumen del Contenido', 'Index' => 'Index', #Not sure ;-) 'About This Document' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available! 'Footnotes' => 'Fußnoten', 'See' => 'Véase', 'see' => 'véase', 'section' => 'sección', 'January' => 'enero', 'February' => 'febrero', 'March' => 'marzo', 'April' => 'abril', 'May' => 'mayo', 'June' => 'junio', 'July' => 'julio', 'August' => 'agosto', 'September' => 'septiembre', 'October' => 'octubre', 'November' => 'noviembre', 'December' => 'diciembre', }; my $T2H_WORDS_NO = { 'Table of Contents' => 'Innholdsfortegnelse', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Kort innholdsfortegnelse', 'Index' => 'Indeks', #Not sure ;-) 'About This Document' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available! 'Footnotes' => 'No translation available!', 'See' => 'Se', 'see' => 'se', 'section' => 'avsnitt', 'January' => 'januar', 'February' => 'februar', 'March' => 'mars', 'April' => 'april', 'May' => 'mai', 'June' => 'juni', 'July' => 'juli', 'August' => 'august', 'September' => 'september', 'October' => 'oktober', 'November' => 'november', 'December' => 'desember', }; my $T2H_WORDS_PT = { 'Table of Contents' => 'Sumário', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Breve Sumário', 'Index' => 'Índice', #Not sure ;-) 'About This Document' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available! 'Footnotes' => 'No translation available!', 'See' => 'Veja', 'see' => 'veja', 'section' => 'Seção', 'January' => 'Janeiro', 'February' => 'Fevereiro', 'March' => 'Março', 'April' => 'Abril', 'May' => 'Maio', 'June' => 'Junho', 'July' => 'Julho', 'August' => 'Agosto', 'September' => 'Setembro', 'October' => 'Outubro', 'November' => 'Novembro', 'December' => 'Dezembro', }; my $T2H_WORDS_FR = { 'Table of Contents' => 'Table des matières', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Résumée du contenu', 'Index' => 'Index', 'About This Document' => 'A propos de ce document', 'Footnotes' => 'Notes de bas de page', 'See' => 'Voir', 'see' => 'voir', 'section' => 'section', 'January' => 'Janvier', 'February' => 'Février', 'March' => 'Mars', 'April' => 'Avril', 'May' => 'Mai', 'June' => 'Juin', 'July' => 'Juillet', 'August' => 'Août', 'September' => 'Septembre', 'October' => 'Octobre', 'November' => 'Novembre', 'December' => 'Décembre', 'T2H_today' => 'le %2$d %1$s %3$d' }; #$T2H_LANGUAGES = #{ # 'en' => $T2H_WORDS_EN, # 'de' => $T2H_WORDS_DE, # 'nl' => $T2H_WORDS_NL, # 'es' => $T2H_WORDS_ES, # 'no' => $T2H_WORDS_NO, # 'pt' => $T2H_WORDS_PT, # 'fr' => $T2H_WORDS_FR, #}; sub set_language($) { my $lang = shift; if (defined($lang) && exists($Texi2HTML::Config::LANGUAGES->{$lang}) && defined($Texi2HTML::Config::LANGUAGES->{$lang})) { $language = $lang; return 1; } else { return 0; } } my @MONTH_NAMES = ( 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ); my $I = \&get_string; sub pretty_date($) { my $lang = shift; my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst); ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900; # obachman: Let's do it as the Americans do #return($MONTH_NAMES->{$lang}[$mon] . ", " . $mday . " " . $year); #return(sprintf(&$I('T2H_today'), (get_string($MONTH_NAMES[$mon]), $mday, $year))); return &$I('%{month}, %{day} %{year}', { 'month' => get_string($MONTH_NAMES[$mon]), 'day' => $mday, 'year' => $year }); } my $error_no_en = 0; sub get_string($;$$) { my $string = shift; my $arguments = shift; my $state = shift; my $T2H_LANGUAGES = $Texi2HTML::Config::LANGUAGES; if (! exists($T2H_LANGUAGES->{'en'})) { unless($error_no_en) { print STDERR "i18n: no LANGUAGES->{'en'} hash\n"; $error_no_en = 1; } } else { print STDERR "i18n: missing string $string\n" unless (exists ($T2H_LANGUAGES->{'en'}->{$string})); if (defined ($T2H_LANGUAGES->{$language}->{$string}) and ($T2H_LANGUAGES->{$language}->{$string} ne '')) { $string = $T2H_LANGUAGES->{$language}->{$string}; } elsif (defined ($T2H_LANGUAGES->{'en'}->{$string}) and ($T2H_LANGUAGES->{'en'}->{$string} ne '')) { $string = $T2H_LANGUAGES->{'en'}->{$string}; } } return main::substitute_line($string, $state) unless (defined($arguments) or !keys(%$arguments)); my $result = ''; while ($string) { if ($string =~ s/^([^%]*)%//) { $result .= $1 if (defined($1)); $result .= '%'; if ($string =~ s/^%//) { $result .= '%'; } elsif ($string =~ /^\{(\w+)\}/ and exists($arguments->{$1})) { $string =~ s/^\{(\w+)\}//; if (!$state->{'keep_texi'}) { $result .= "\@\{$1\@\}"; } else { $result .= "\{$1\}"; } } else { $result .= '%'; } next; } else { $result .= $string; last; } } if (!$state->{'keep_texi'}) { $string = main::substitute_line($result, $state); } else { $string = $result; } $result = ''; while ($string) { if ($string =~ s/^([^%]*)%//) { $result .= $1 if (defined($1)); if ($string =~ s/^%//) { $result .= '%'; } elsif ($string =~ /^\{(\w+)\}/ and exists($arguments->{$1})) { $string =~ s/^\{(\w+)\}//; $result .= $arguments->{$1}; } else { $result .= '%'; } next; } else { $result .= $string; last; } } return $result; } 1;