package Getopt::MySimple; # Name: # Getopt::MySimple. # # Documentation: # POD-style (incomplete) documentation is in file MySimple.pod # # Tabs: # 4 spaces || die. # # Author: # Ron Savage # 1.00 19-Aug-97 Initial version. # 1.10 13-Oct-97 Add arrays of switches (eg '=s@'). # 1.20 3-Dec-97 Add 'Help' on a per-switch basis. # 1.30 11-Dec-97 Change 'Help' to 'verbose'. Make all hash keys lowercase. # 1.40 10-Nov-98 Change width of help report. Restructure tests. # 1-Jul-00 Modifications for Texi2html # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locally modified by obachman (Display type instead of env, order by cmp) # $Id:,v 1.4 2004/02/10 00:12:42 pertusus Exp $ # use strict; # no strict 'refs'; use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK @ISA); use vars qw($fieldWidth $opt $VERSION); use Exporter(); use Getopt::Long; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw($opt); # An alias for $self -> {'opt'}. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $fieldWidth = 20; $VERSION = '1.41'; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub byOrder { my($self) = @_; return uc($a) cmp (uc($b)); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub dumpOptions { my($self) = @_; print 'Option', ' ' x ($fieldWidth - length('Option') ), "Value\n"; for (sort byOrder keys(%{$self -> {'opt'} }) ) { print "-$_", ' ' x ($fieldWidth - (1 + length) ), "${$self->{'opt'} }{$_}\n"; } print "\n"; } # End of dumpOptions. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return: # 0 -> Error. # 1 -> Ok. sub getOptions { push(@_, 0) if ($#_ == 2); # Default for $ignoreCase is 0. push(@_, 1) if ($#_ == 3); # Default for $helpThenExit is 1. my($self, $default, $helpText, $versionText, $helpThenExit, $versionThenExit, $ignoreCase) = @_; $helpThenExit = 1 unless (defined($helpThenExit)); $versionThenExit = 1 unless (defined($versionThenExit)); $ignoreCase = 0 unless (defined($ignoreCase)); $self -> {'default'} = $default; $self -> {'helpText'} = $helpText; $self -> {'versionText'} = $versionText; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = $ignoreCase; unless (defined($self -> {'default'}{'help'})) { $self -> {'default'}{'help'} = { type => ':i', default => '', linkage => sub {$self->helpOptions($_[1]); sleep 5;exit (0) if $helpThenExit;}, verbose => "print help and exit" }; } unless (defined($self -> {'default'}{'version'})) { $self -> {'default'}{'version'} = { type => '', default => '', linkage => sub {print $self->{'versionText'}; exit (0) if $versionThenExit;}, verbose => "print version and exit" }; } for (keys(%{$self -> {'default'} }) ) { my $type = ${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'type'}; push(@{$self -> {'type'} }, "$_$type"); $self->{'opt'}->{$_} = ${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'linkage'} if ${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'linkage'}; } my($result) = &GetOptions($self -> {'opt'}, @{$self -> {'type'} }); return $result unless $result; for (keys(%{$self -> {'default'} }) ) { if (! defined(${$self -> {'opt'} }{$_})) #{ { ${$self -> {'opt'} }{$_} = ${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'default'}; } } $result; } # End of getOptions. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub helpOptions { my($self) = shift; my($noHelp) = shift; $noHelp = 0 unless $noHelp; my($optwidth, $typewidth, $defaultwidth, $maxlinewidth, $valind, $valwidth) = (10, 5, 9, 78, 4, 11); print "$self->{'helpText'}" if ($self -> {'helpText'}); print ' Option', ' ' x ($optwidth - length('Option') -1 ), 'Type', ' ' x ($typewidth - length('Type') + 1), 'Default', ' ' x ($defaultwidth - length('Default') ), "Description\n"; for (sort byOrder keys(%{$self -> {'default'} }) ) { my($line, $help, $option, $val); $option = $_; next if ${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'noHelp'} && ${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'noHelp'} > $noHelp; #$line = " -$_" . ' ' x ($optwidth - (2 + length) ) . # "${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'type'} ". # ' ' x ($typewidth - (1+length(${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'type'}) )); $line = " --$_" . "${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'type'}". ' ' x ($typewidth - (1+length(${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'type'}) )); $val = ${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'linkage'}; if ($val) { if (ref($val) eq 'SCALAR') { $val = $$val; } else { $val = ''; } } else { $val = ${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'default'}; } $line .= "$val "; $line .= ' ' x ($optwidth + $typewidth + $defaultwidth + 1 - length($line)); if (defined(${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'verbose'}) && ${$self -> {'default'} }{$_}{'verbose'} ne '') { $help = "${$self->{'default'} }{$_}{'verbose'}"; } else { $help = ' '; } if ((length("$line") + length($help)) < $maxlinewidth) { print $line , $help, "\n"; } else { print $line, "\n", ' ' x $valind, $help, "\n"; } for $val (sort byOrder keys(%{${$self->{'default'}}{$option}{'values'}})) { print ' ' x ($valind + 2); print $val, ' ', ' ' x ($valwidth - length($val) - 2); print ${$self->{'default'}}{$option}{'values'}{$val}, "\n"; } } print <| ! no argument: variable is set to 1 on -foo (or, to 0 on -nofoo) =s | :s mandatory (or, optional) string argument =i | :i mandatory (or, optional) integer argument EOT } # End of helpOptions. #------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my($class) = @_; my($self) = {}; $self -> {'default'} = {}; $self -> {'helpText'} = ''; $self -> {'opt'} = {}; $opt = $self -> {'opt'}; # An alias for $self -> {'opt'}. $self -> {'type'} = (); return bless $self, $class; } # End of new. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; # End