/* t1asm -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * This program `assembles' Adobe Type-1 font programs in pseudo-PostScript * form into either PFB or PFA format. The human readable/editable input is * charstring- and eexec-encrypted as specified in the `Adobe Type 1 Font * Format' version 1.1 (the `black book'). There is a companion program, * t1disasm, which `disassembles' PFB and PFA files into a pseudo-PostScript * file. * * Copyright (c) 1992 by I. Lee Hetherington, all rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Eddie Kohler * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the * conditions listed in the Click LICENSE file, which is available in full at * http://github.com/kohler/click/blob/master/LICENSE. The conditions * include: you must preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention * the copyright holders in advertising related to the Software without * their permission. The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED. This notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the * license in that file is binding. * * New change log in `NEWS'. Old change log: * * Revision 1.4 92/07/10 10:53:09 ilh * Added support for additional PostScript after the closefile command * (ie., some fonts have {restore}if after the cleartomark). * * Revision 1.3 92/06/23 10:58:25 ilh * MSDOS porting by Kai-Uwe Herbing (herbing@netmbx.netmbx.de) * incoporated. * * Revision 1.2 92/05/22 11:54:45 ilh * Fixed bug where integers larger than 32000 could not be encoded in * charstrings. Now integer range is correct for four-byte * twos-complement integers: -(1<<31) <= i <= (1<<31)-1. Bug detected by * Piet Tutelaers (rcpt@urc.tue.nl). * * Revision 1.1 92/05/22 11:48:46 ilh * initial version * * Ported to Microsoft C/C++ Compiler and MS-DOS operating system by * Kai-Uwe Herbing (herbing@netmbx.netmbx.de) on June 12, 1992. Code * specific to the MS-DOS version is encapsulated with #ifdef _MSDOS * ... #endif, where _MSDOS is an identifier, which is automatically * defined, if you compile with the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler. * */ /* Note: this is ANSI C. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #if defined(_MSDOS) || defined(_WIN32) # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "t1lib.h" #include "t1asmhelp.h" #define LINESIZE 512 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef unsigned char byte; static FILE *ifp; static FILE *ofp; static struct pfb_writer w; static int blocklen = -1; /* flags */ static int pfb = 1; static int active = 0; static int ever_active = 0; static int start_charstring = 0; static int in_eexec = 0; /* need to add 1 as space for \0 */ static char line[LINESIZE + 1]; /* for charstring buffering */ static byte *charstring_buf, *charstring_bp; static int charstring_bufsiz; /* decryption stuff */ static uint16_t er, cr; static const uint32_t c1 = 52845; static const uint32_t c2 = 22719; /* table of charstring commands */ static struct command { const char *name; int one, two; } command_table[] = { { "abs", 12, 9 }, /* Type 2 */ { "add", 12, 10 }, /* Type 2 */ { "and", 12, 3 }, /* Type 2 */ { "blend", 16, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "callgsubr", 29, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "callother", 12, 16 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "callothersubr", 12, 16 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "callsubr", 10, -1 }, { "closepath", 9, -1 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "cntrmask", 20, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "div", 12, 12 }, { "dotsection", 12, 0 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "drop", 12, 18 }, /* Type 2 */ { "dup", 12, 27 }, /* Type 2 */ { "endchar", 14, -1 }, { "eq", 12, 15 }, /* Type 2 */ { "error", 0, -1 }, /* special */ { "escape", 12, -1 }, /* special */ { "exch", 12, 28 }, /* Type 2 */ { "flex", 12, 35 }, /* Type 2 */ { "flex1", 12, 37 }, /* Type 2 */ { "get", 12, 21 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hflex", 12, 34 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hflex1", 12, 36 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hhcurveto", 27, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hintmask", 19, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hlineto", 6, -1 }, { "hmoveto", 22, -1 }, { "hsbw", 13, -1 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "hstem", 1, -1 }, { "hstem3", 12, 2 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "hstemhm", 18, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "hvcurveto", 31, -1 }, { "ifelse", 12, 22 }, /* Type 2 */ { "index", 12, 29 }, /* Type 2 */ { "load", 12, 13 }, /* Type 2 */ { "mul", 12, 24 }, /* Type 2 */ { "neg", 12, 14 }, /* Type 2 */ { "not", 12, 5 }, /* Type 2 */ { "or", 12, 4 }, /* Type 2 */ { "pop", 12, 17 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "put", 12, 20 }, /* Type 2 */ { "random", 12, 23 }, /* Type 2 */ { "rcurveline", 24, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "return", 11, -1 }, { "rlinecurve", 25, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "rlineto", 5, -1 }, { "rmoveto", 21, -1 }, { "roll", 12, 30 }, /* Type 2 */ { "rrcurveto", 8, -1 }, { "sbw", 12, 7 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "seac", 12, 6 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "setcurrentpoint", 12, 33 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "sqrt", 12, 26 }, /* Type 2 */ { "store", 12, 8 }, /* Type 2 */ { "sub", 12, 11 }, /* Type 2 */ { "vhcurveto", 30, -1 }, { "vlineto", 7, -1 }, { "vmoveto", 4, -1 }, { "vstem", 3, -1 }, { "vstem3", 12, 1 }, /* Type 1 ONLY */ { "vstemhm", 23, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ { "vvcurveto", 26, -1 }, /* Type 2 */ }; /* alphabetical */ /* Two separate encryption functions because eexec and charstring encryption must proceed in parallel. */ static byte eencrypt(byte plain) { byte cipher; cipher = (byte)(plain ^ (er >> 8)); er = (uint16_t)((cipher + er) * c1 + c2); return cipher; } static byte cencrypt(byte plain) { byte cipher; /* Thanks to Tom Kacvinsky who reported that lenIV == -1 means unencrypted charstrings. */ if (lenIV < 0) return plain; cipher = (byte)(plain ^ (cr >> 8)); cr = (uint16_t)((cipher + cr) * c1 + c2); return cipher; } /* This function outputs a single byte. If output is in PFB format then output is buffered through blockbuf[]. If output is in PFA format, then output will be hexadecimal if in_eexec is set, ASCII otherwise. */ static void output_byte(byte b) { static const char *hexchar = "0123456789abcdef"; static int hexcol = 0; if (pfb) { /* PFB */ PFB_OUTPUT_BYTE(&w, b); } else { /* PFA */ if (in_eexec) { /* trim hexadecimal lines to `blocklen' columns */ if (hexcol >= blocklen) { putc('\n', ofp); hexcol = 0; } putc(hexchar[(b >> 4) & 0xf], ofp); putc(hexchar[b & 0xf], ofp); hexcol += 2; } else { putc(b, ofp); } } } /* This function outputs a byte through possible eexec encryption. */ static void eexec_byte(byte b) { if (in_eexec) output_byte(eencrypt(b)); else output_byte(b); } /* This function outputs a null-terminated string through possible eexec encryption. */ static void eexec_string(const char *string) { while (*string) eexec_byte(*string++); } /* This function gets ready for the eexec-encrypted data. If output is in PFB format then flush current ASCII block and get ready for binary block. We start encryption with four random (zero) bytes. */ static void eexec_start(char *string) { eexec_string("currentfile eexec\n"); if (pfb && w.blocktyp != PFB_BINARY) { pfb_writer_output_block(&w); w.blocktyp = PFB_BINARY; } in_eexec = 1; er = 55665; eexec_byte(0); eexec_byte(0); eexec_byte(0); eexec_byte(0); eexec_string(string); } /* 25.Aug.1999 -- Return 1 if this line actually looks like the start of a charstring. We use the heuristic that it should start with `/' (a name) or `dup' (a subroutine). Previous heuristic caused killa bad output. */ static int check_line_charstring(void) { char *p = line; while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; return (*p == '/' || (p[0] == 'd' && p[1] == 'u' && p[2] == 'p')); } /* This function returns an input line of characters. A line is terminated by length (including terminating null) greater than LINESIZE, \r, \n, \r\n, or when active (looking for charstrings) by '{'. When terminated by a newline the newline is put into line[]. When terminated by '{', the '{' is not put into line[], and the flag start_charstring is set to 1. */ static void t1utils_getline(void) { int c; char *p = line; int comment = 0; start_charstring = 0; while (p < line + LINESIZE) { c = getc(ifp); if (c == EOF) break; else if (c == '%') comment = 1; else if (active && !comment && c == '{') { /* 25.Aug.1999 -- new check for whether we should stop be active */ if (check_line_charstring()) { start_charstring = 1; break; } else active = 0; } *p++ = (char) c; /* end of line processing: change CR or CRLF into LF, and exit */ if (c == '\r') { c = getc(ifp); if (c != '\n') ungetc(c, ifp); p[-1] = '\n'; break; } else if (c == '\n') break; } *p = '\0'; } /* This function wraps-up the eexec-encrypted data and writes ASCII trailer. If output is in PFB format then this entails flushing binary block and starting an ASCII block. */ static void eexec_end(void) { int i, j; if (!pfb) putc('\n', ofp); else if (w.blocktyp != PFB_ASCII) { pfb_writer_output_block(&w); w.blocktyp = PFB_ASCII; } in_eexec = active = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) eexec_byte('0'); eexec_byte('\n'); } } /* This function is used by the binary search, bsearch(), for command names in the command table. */ static int CDECL command_compare(const void *key, const void *item) { return strcmp((const char *) key, ((const struct command *) item)->name); } /* This function returns 1 if the string is an integer and 0 otherwise. */ static int is_integer(char *string) { if (isdigit((unsigned char) string[0]) || string[0] == '-' || string[0] == '+') { while (*++string && isdigit((unsigned char) *string)) ; /* deliberately empty */ if (!*string) return 1; } return 0; } /* This function initializes charstring encryption. Note that this is called at the beginning of every charstring. */ static void charstring_start(void) { int i; if (!charstring_buf) { charstring_bufsiz = 65536; if (!(charstring_buf = (byte *) malloc(charstring_bufsiz))) fatal_error("out of memory"); } charstring_bp = charstring_buf; cr = 4330; for (i = 0; i < lenIV; i++) *charstring_bp++ = cencrypt((byte) 0); } /* This function encrypts and buffers a single byte of charstring data. */ static void charstring_byte(int v) { byte b = (byte)(v & 0xff); if (charstring_bp - charstring_buf == charstring_bufsiz) { charstring_bufsiz *= 2; if (!(charstring_buf = (byte *) realloc(charstring_buf, charstring_bufsiz))) fatal_error("out of memory"); charstring_bp = charstring_buf + charstring_bufsiz / 2; } *charstring_bp++ = cencrypt(b); } /* This function outputs buffered, encrypted charstring data through possible eexec encryption. */ static void charstring_end(void) { byte *bp; sprintf(line, "%d ", (int) (charstring_bp - charstring_buf)); eexec_string(line); sprintf(line, "%s ", cs_start); eexec_string(line); for (bp = charstring_buf; bp < charstring_bp; bp++) eexec_byte(*bp); } /* This function generates the charstring representation of an integer. */ static void charstring_int(int num) { int x; if (num >= -107 && num <= 107) { charstring_byte(num + 139); } else if (num >= 108 && num <= 1131) { x = num - 108; charstring_byte(x / 256 + 247); charstring_byte(x % 256); } else if (num >= -1131 && num <= -108) { x = abs(num) - 108; charstring_byte(x / 256 + 251); charstring_byte(x % 256); } else if (num >= (-2147483647-1) && num <= 2147483647) { charstring_byte(255); charstring_byte(num >> 24); charstring_byte(num >> 16); charstring_byte(num >> 8); charstring_byte(num); } else { error("can't format huge number `%d'", num); /* output 0 instead */ charstring_byte(139); } } /* This function returns one charstring token. It ignores comments. */ static void get_charstring_token(void) { int c = getc(ifp); while (isspace(c)) c = getc(ifp); if (c == '%') { while (c != EOF && c != '\r' && c != '\n') c = getc(ifp); get_charstring_token(); } else if (c == '}') { line[0] = '}'; line[1] = 0; } else { char *p = line; while (p < line + LINESIZE) { *p++ = c; c = getc(ifp); if (c == EOF || isspace(c) || c == '%' || c == '}') { ungetc(c, ifp); break; } } *p = 0; } } /* This function parses an entire charstring into integers and commands, outputting bytes through the charstring buffer. */ static void parse_charstring(void) { struct command *cp; charstring_start(); while (!feof(ifp)) { get_charstring_token(); if (line[0] == '}') break; if (is_integer(line)) { charstring_int(atoi(line)); } else { int one; int two; int ok = 0; cp = (struct command *) bsearch((void *) line, (void *) command_table, sizeof(command_table) / sizeof(struct command), sizeof(struct command), command_compare); if (cp) { one = cp->one; two = cp->two; ok = 1; } else if (strncmp(line, "escape_", 7) == 0) { /* Parse the `escape' keyword requested by Lee Chun-Yu and Werner Lemberg */ one = 12; if (sscanf(line + 7, "%d", &two) == 1) ok = 1; } else if (strncmp(line, "UNKNOWN_", 8) == 0) { /* Allow unanticipated UNKNOWN commands. */ one = 12; if (sscanf(line + 8, "12_%d", &two) == 1) ok = 1; else if (sscanf(line + 8, "%d", &one) == 1) { two = -1; ok = 1; } } if (!ok) error("unknown charstring command `%s'", line); else if (one < 0 || one > 255) error("bad charstring command number `%d'", one); else if (two > 255) error("bad charstring command number `%d'", two); else if (two < 0) charstring_byte(one); else { charstring_byte(one); charstring_byte(two); } } } charstring_end(); } /***** * Command line **/ #define BLOCK_LEN_OPT 300 #define OUTPUT_OPT 301 #define VERSION_OPT 302 #define HELP_OPT 303 #define PFB_OPT 304 #define PFA_OPT 305 static Clp_Option options[] = { { "block-length", 'l', BLOCK_LEN_OPT, Clp_ValInt, 0 }, { "help", 0, HELP_OPT, 0, 0 }, { "line-length", 0, BLOCK_LEN_OPT, Clp_ValInt, 0 }, { "output", 'o', OUTPUT_OPT, Clp_ValString, 0 }, { "pfa", 'a', PFA_OPT, 0, 0 }, { "pfb", 'b', PFB_OPT, 0, 0 }, { "version", 0, VERSION_OPT, 0, 0 }, }; static const char *program_name; void fatal_error(const char *message, ...) { va_list val; va_start(val, message); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name); vfprintf(stderr, message, val); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(val); exit(1); } void error(const char *message, ...) { va_list val; va_start(val, message); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name); vfprintf(stderr, message, val); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(val); } static void short_usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]\n\ Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name, program_name); } static void usage(void) { printf("\ `T1asm' translates a human-readable version of a PostScript Type 1 font into\n\ standard PFB or PFA format. The result is written to the standard output\n\ unless an OUTPUT file is given.\n\ \n\ Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ -a, --pfa Output font in ASCII (PFA) format.\n\ -b, --pfb Output font in binary (PFB) format. This is\n\ the default.\n\ -l, --block-length NUM Set max block length for PFB output.\n\ -l, --line-length NUM Set max encrypted line length for PFA output.\n\ -o, --output=FILE Write output to FILE.\n\ -h, --help Print this message and exit.\n\ --version Print version number and warranty and exit.\n\ \n\ Report bugs to .\n", program_name); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *p, *q; Clp_Parser *clp = Clp_NewParser(argc, (const char * const *)argv, sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]), options); program_name = Clp_ProgramName(clp); /* interpret command line arguments using CLP */ while (1) { int opt = Clp_Next(clp); switch (opt) { case BLOCK_LEN_OPT: blocklen = clp->val.i; break; output_file: case OUTPUT_OPT: if (ofp) fatal_error("output file already specified"); if (strcmp(clp->vstr, "-") == 0) ofp = stdout; else if (!(ofp = fopen(clp->vstr, "w"))) fatal_error("%s: %s", clp->vstr, strerror(errno)); break; case PFB_OPT: pfb = 1; break; case PFA_OPT: pfb = 0; break; case HELP_OPT: usage(); exit(0); break; case VERSION_OPT: printf("t1asm (LCDF t1utils) %s\n", VERSION); printf("Copyright (C) 1992-2017 I. Lee Hetherington, Eddie Kohler et al.\n\ This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n\ There is NO warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a\n\ particular purpose.\n"); exit(0); break; case Clp_NotOption: if (ifp && ofp) fatal_error("too many arguments"); else if (ifp) goto output_file; if (strcmp(clp->vstr, "-") == 0) ifp = stdin; else if (!(ifp = fopen(clp->vstr, "r"))) fatal_error("%s: %s", clp->vstr, strerror(errno)); break; case Clp_Done: goto done; case Clp_BadOption: short_usage(); exit(1); break; } } done: if (!pfb) { if (blocklen == -1) blocklen = 64; else if (blocklen < 8) { blocklen = 8; error("warning: line length raised to %d", blocklen); } else if (blocklen > 1024) { blocklen = 1024; error("warning: line length lowered to %d", blocklen); } } if (!ifp) ifp = stdin; if (!ofp) ofp = stdout; if (pfb) init_pfb_writer(&w, blocklen, ofp); #if defined(_MSDOS) || defined(_WIN32) /* If we are processing a PFB (binary) output */ /* file, we must set its file mode to binary. */ _setmode(_fileno(ofp), _O_BINARY); #endif /* Finally, we loop until no more input. Some special things to look for are the `currentfile eexec' line, the beginning of the `/Subrs' or `/CharStrings' definition, the definition of `/lenIV', and the definition of the charstring start command which has `...string currentfile...' in it. Being careful: Check with `/Subrs' and `/CharStrings' to see that a number follows the token -- otherwise, the token is probably nested in a subroutine a la Adobe Jenson, and we shouldn't pay attention to it. Bugs: Occurrence of `/Subrs 9' in a comment will fool t1asm. Thanks to Tom Kacvinsky who reported that some fonts come without /Subrs sections and provided a patch. */ while (!feof(ifp) && !ferror(ifp)) { t1utils_getline(); if (!ever_active) { if (strncmp(line, "currentfile eexec", 17) == 0 && isspace((unsigned char) line[17])) { /* Allow arbitrary whitespace after "currentfile eexec". Thanks to Tom Kacvinsky for reporting this. Note: strlen("currentfile eexec") == 17. */ for (p = line + 18; isspace((unsigned char) *p); p++) ; eexec_start(p); continue; } else if (strncmp(line, "/lenIV", 6) == 0) { set_lenIV(line, strlen(line)); } else if ((p = strstr(line, "string currentfile"))) { set_cs_start(line, strlen(line)); } } if (!active) { if ((p = strstr(line, "/Subrs")) && isdigit((unsigned char) p[7])) ever_active = active = 1; else if ((p = strstr(line, "/CharStrings")) && isdigit((unsigned char) p[13])) ever_active = active = 1; } if ((p = strstr(line, "currentfile closefile"))) { /* 2/14/99 -- happy Valentine's day! -- don't look for `mark currentfile closefile'; the `mark' might be on a different line */ /* 1/3/2002 -- happy new year! -- Luc Devroye reports a failure with some printers when `currentfile closefile' is followed by space */ p += sizeof("currentfile closefile") - 1; for (q = p; isspace((unsigned char) *q) && *q != '\n'; q++) /* nada */; if (q == p && !*q) error("warning: `currentfile closefile' line too long"); else if (q != p) { if (*q != '\n') error("text after `currentfile closefile' ignored"); *p++ = '\n'; *p++ = '\0'; } eexec_string(line); break; } eexec_string(line); /* output line data */ if (start_charstring) { if (!cs_start[0]) fatal_error("couldn't find charstring start command"); parse_charstring(); } } /* Handle remaining PostScript after the eexec section */ if (in_eexec) eexec_end(); /* There may be additional code. */ while (!feof(ifp) && !ferror(ifp)) { t1utils_getline(); eexec_string(line); } if (pfb) pfb_writer_end(&w); /* the end! */ if (!ever_active) error("warning: no charstrings found in input file"); fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); return 0; }