/* sam2p_main.cpp * by pts@fazekas.hu at Fri Mar 15 16:11:03 CET 2002 */ #include "gensi.hpp" #include "gensio.hpp" #include "image.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "encoder.hpp" #include "minips.hpp" #include "rule.hpp" #include "main.hpp" #include "in_jai.hpp" /* Sat Jul 6 16:39:19 CEST 2002 * empirical checkerg++ helper routines for gcc version 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian GNU/Linux) * see c_lgcc.cpp for more */ #if !defined(OBJDEP) && defined(__CHECKER__) && !HAVE_PTS_C_LGCC_CPP_REQUIRED # include "c_lgcc.cpp" #endif #if 0 /*#ifdef __CHECKER__*/ #include void* __builtin_vec_new(unsigned len){ return malloc(len); } void __builtin_vec_delete(void *p) { free(p); } void* __builtin_new(unsigned len){ return malloc(len); } void __builtin_delete(void *p) { free(p); } void __rtti_user() { abort(); } void __rtti_si() { abort(); } void terminate() { abort(); } extern "C" void __pure_virtual(); void __pure_virtual() { abort(); } #endif #if OBJDEP # warning PROVIDES: sam2p_main # warning REQUIRES: gensi.o # warning REQUIRES: gensio.o # warning REQUIRES: image.o # warning REQUIRES: error.o # warning REQUIRES: encoder.o # warning REQUIRES: minips.o # warning REQUIRES: rule.o #endif #include #include /* memset() */ #if OBJDEP # warning REQUIRES: in_tiff.o # warning REQUIRES: in_jpeg.o # warning REQUIRES: in_png.o # warning REQUIRES: in_jai.o # warning REQUIRES: in_pcx.o # warning REQUIRES: in_xpm.o # warning REQUIRES: in_lbm.o # warning REQUIRES: in_gif.o # warning REQUIRES: in_bmp.o # warning REQUIRES: in_pnm.o # warning REQUIRES: in_tga.o /*# warning REQUIRES: in_pdf.o Dat: no more, integrated to in_ps.o */ # warning REQUIRES: in_ps.o #endif extern Image::Loader in_tiff_loader; extern Image::Loader in_jpeg_loader; extern Image::Loader in_png_loader; extern Image::Loader in_jai_loader; extern Image::Loader in_pcx_loader; extern Image::Loader in_xpm_loader; extern Image::Loader in_lbm_loader; extern Image::Loader in_gif_loader; extern Image::Loader in_bmp_loader; extern Image::Loader in_pnm_loader; extern Image::Loader in_tga_loader; extern Image::Loader in_pdf_loader; extern Image::Loader in_ps_loader; void init_loader() { static bool had_init_loader=false; if (had_init_loader) return; Image::register0(&in_tga_loader); /* checker not sure; install early */ Image::register0(&in_pcx_loader); Image::register0(&in_xpm_loader); Image::register0(&in_lbm_loader); Image::register0(&in_gif_loader); Image::register0(&in_bmp_loader); Image::register0(&in_pnm_loader); Image::register0(&in_tiff_loader); Image::register0(&in_jpeg_loader); Image::register0(&in_png_loader); Image::register0(&in_jai_loader); Image::register0(&in_pdf_loader); Image::register0(&in_ps_loader); had_init_loader=true; } #if OBJDEP # warning REQUIRES: appliers.o #endif extern Rule::Applier out_pnm_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_jpeg_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_jpegjai_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_tiffjai_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_tiff_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_png_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_bmp_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_gif89a_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_xpm_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_l1c_applier; // extern Rule::Applier out_l1op_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_l1tr_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_l23_applier; // extern Rule::Applier out_l1fa85g_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_l2jbin_applier; // extern Rule::Applier out_p0jbin_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_empty_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_meta_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_xwd_applier; extern Rule::Applier out_x11_applier; void init_applier() { static bool had_init_applier=false; if (had_init_applier) return; // Rule::register0(&out_l1op_applier); Rule::register0(&out_l1tr_applier); // Rule::register0(&out_l1fa85g_applier); Rule::register0(&out_l2jbin_applier); // Rule::register0(&out_p0jbin_applier); Rule::register0(&out_l23_applier); Rule::register0(&out_l1c_applier); Rule::register0(&out_xpm_applier); Rule::register0(&out_gif89a_applier); Rule::register0(&out_pnm_applier); Rule::register0(&out_jpeg_applier); Rule::register0(&out_jpegjai_applier); Rule::register0(&out_tiffjai_applier); Rule::register0(&out_tiff_applier); Rule::register0(&out_png_applier); Rule::register0(&out_bmp_applier); Rule::register0(&out_empty_applier); Rule::register0(&out_meta_applier); Rule::register0(&out_xwd_applier); Rule::register0(&out_x11_applier); had_init_applier=true; } static char *bts_ttt= #include "bts2.tth" ; /* --- One-liner mode */ /** Dat: mod 16 does matter: expected # args etc. */ static const unsigned OPT_unknown=0, OPT_SampleFormat=0x02, OPT_LoadHints=0x12, OPT_Compression=0x22, OPT_TransferEncoding=0x32, OPT_TransferEncodingF=0x42, OPT_Asis=0x50, OPT_PSL1=0x60, OPT_PSLC=0x70, OPT_PSL2=0x80, OPT_PSL3=0x90, OPT_PS=0xA1, OPT_PDF=0xB1, OPT_DisplayJobFile=0xC1, OPT_Hints=0xD2, OPT_InputFile=0xE2, OPT_OutputFile=0xF2, OPT_Scale=0x101, OPT_Margins=0x112, OPT_Transparent=0x122; /** @param s an option (lower/upper case intact), without leading `-'s * @param slen length of option * @return 0 if invalid/unsupported/unknown option * | 16*(k+1)+0 if the option never accepts parameters * | 16*(k+2)+1 if the option may or may not have a parameter * | 16*(k+3)+2 if the option must have a parameter */ static unsigned sam2p_optval(char const* s, slen_t slen) { if (slen==1) { switch (s[0]) { case 's': return OPT_SampleFormat; case 'l': return OPT_LoadHints; case 'h': return OPT_Hints; case 't': return OPT_TransferEncoding; case 'f': return OPT_TransferEncodingF; case 'c': return OPT_Compression; // case 'a': return OPT_Asis; /* disabled, automatic! */ case '1': return OPT_PSL1; case '2': return OPT_PSL2; case '3': return OPT_PSL3; case 'j': return OPT_DisplayJobFile; case 'o': case 'O': return OPT_OutputFile; case 'e': return OPT_Scale; case 'm': return OPT_Margins; } } else { slen_t len=slen; /* strlen(s); */ if (len>=32) return OPT_unknown; char buf[32]; GenBuffer::tolower_memcpy(buf, s, len); buf[len]='\0'; /* printf("buf=(%s)\n", buf); */ if (0==strcmp(buf, "sampleformat")) return OPT_SampleFormat; if (0==strcmp(buf, "loadhints")) return OPT_LoadHints; if (0==strcmp(buf, "transparent")) return OPT_Transparent; if (0==strcmp(buf, "hints")) return OPT_Hints; if (0==strcmp(buf, "ps") || 0==strcmp(buf, "eps")) return OPT_PS; if (0==strcmp(buf, "pdf")) return OPT_PDF; if (0==strcmp(buf, "1c")) return OPT_PSLC; if (0==strcmp(buf, "scale")) return OPT_Scale; if (0==strcmp(buf, "hints")) return OPT_Margins; } return OPT_unknown; } static void displayJob(GenBuffer::Writable &sout, SimBuffer::Flat const& jobss) { fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); #if 0 puts("\n\n% begin sam2p job dump"); fwrite(stdout, 1, jobss.getLength(), jobss); puts("% end sam2p job dump\n"); #else /* vvv Dat: sout conflicts /OutputFile(-), but it is OK here */ sout << "\n% begin sam2p job dump\n" << jobss << "%)%)%)% end sam2p job dump\n\n"; #endif fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); } static inline char const *protect_null(char const *s) { return s==(char const*)NULLP ? "//" : s; } /** @return the value for the parameter if matches key or the first letter of * key; or NULLP if no match. * @param key lower case */ static char const*one_pabbr(char const*param, char const *key) { return GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, key) ? param+strlen(key) : (param[0]==key[0] || param[0]==key[0]+'A'-'a') && param[1]==':' ? param+2 : (char const*)NULLP; } #if 0 /* cannot set badp... */ static inline void one_setdimen2(char const*&Dimen1, char const*&Dimen2, char const*p2) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) Dimen1=Dimen2=p2; else Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: dimen expected" /*<< (SimBuffer::B().appendDumpC(p2, true))*/ << (Error*)0; } #endif #if 0 #define one_setdimen2(Dimen1,Dimen2,p2) do { \ if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) Dimen1=Dimen2=p2; \ else { badmsg="one_liner: dimen expected: "; goto bad_label; } \ } while(0) #endif static Filter::UngetFILED *ufd; static bool do_DisplayJobFile; static bool buildProfile_quiet=false; /** Creates an in-memory job file according to the command-line options. * @param a argv+1 * @param job initially an empty string. On error, this function leaves it * as-is, but on success, a valid job file is appened. * @return true on syntax error */ static bool one_liner(SimBuffer::B &jobss, char const *const* a) { /* Tue Jul 2 21:27:15 CEST 2002 */ char const *p, *pend; bool no_option_term=true; bool badp=false; bool no_selector=true; char const *badmsg; // SimBuffer::B Profile /* MiniPS code */ SimBuffer::B Hints; /* MiniPS code */ /* ^^^ Imp: separate hint for each -c arg?? */ SimBuffer::B LoadHints; Rule::Cache::pr_t Predictor=Rule::Cache::PR_None; /* Imp: separate for each Compression */ Rule::Cache::ff_t FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_default; Rule::Cache::te_t TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_default; do_DisplayJobFile=false; bool do_stop_SampleFormat=false; char const *Transparent=(char const*)NULLP; /* change 1 color to transparent unless NULL */ char const *OutputFile=(char const*)NULLP, *InputFile=(char const*)NULLP; // SimBuffer::B tmp; char const *TopMargin=(char const*)NULLP, *BottomMargin=(char const*)NULLP, *LeftMargin=(char const*)NULLP, *RightMargin=(char const*)NULLP, *LowerMargin=(char const*)NULLP, *ImageDPI=(char const*)NULLP; bool negLowerMargin=false; Rule::CacheHints::sc_t Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_default; #define APPEND_sf(val) do { if (sfx[val]==0) { sfx[val]=1; sft[sflen++]=val; } } while (0) Image::sf_t sft[Image::SF_max+1]; char sfx[Image::SF_max+1]; memset(sfx, 0, sizeof(sfx)); unsigned sflen=0; #define APPEND_co(val) do { if (cox[val]==0) { cox[val]=1; cot[colen++]=val; } } while (0) Rule::Cache::co_t cot[Rule::Cache::CO_max+1]; char cox[Image::SF_max+1]; memset(cox, 0, sizeof(cox)); unsigned colen=0; /* ^^^ BUGFIX at 2002.12.02 */ /** OPT_* value of current option */ unsigned opt; /** Parameter for current option. May be NULL. */ char const *param=""; /* pacify VC6.0 */ char const *p2; slen_t paramlen; SimBuffer::B tmpnam; /* any dir -- keep on stack frame */ buildProfile_quiet=true; for (; (p=*a)!=(char const*)NULLP; a++) { if (p[0]=='-' && p[1]=='\0') { /* `-': Filename: STDIN or STDOUT */ #if 1 goto normal_label; #else Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: `-' (stdin|stdout) not allowed as filename" << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; #endif } else if (p[0]=='-' && p[1]=='-' && p[2]=='\0') { /* `--': No more options */ if (a[1]==(char const*)NULLP && InputFile!=(char const*)NULLP) { /* `--' is last argument */ p=InputFile; /* OutputFile:=InputFile */ goto normal_label; } no_option_term=false; } else if (p[0]=='-' && no_option_term) { /* an option */ while (*p=='-') p++; /* short options (-p) and long options (--pdf) are equivalent */ pend=p; while (*pend!='\0' && *pend!=':' && *pend!='=') pend++; SimBuffer::Static optss(p, pend-p); if (0==(opt=sam2p_optval(p, pend-p))) { badmsg="one_liner: unknown option: "; bad_label: Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << badmsg << (SimBuffer::B().appendDumpC(optss, true)) << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; } if ((opt&15)==0) { /* no parameters */ if (*pend!='\0') { badmsg="one_liner: don't give param to option: "; goto bad_label; } param=(char const*)NULLP; } else if ((opt&15)==1) { /* an optional parameter */ if (*pend!='\0') { param=pend+1; while (*pend==*param) param++; } else param=(char const*)NULLP; } else if ((opt&15)==2) { /* a mandatory parameter */ if (*pend!='\0') { param=pend+1; while (*pend==*param) param++; } else if ((param=*++a)==(char const*)NULLP) { badmsg="one_liner: missing param for option: "; goto bad_label; } } else assert(0); paramlen=param==(char const*)NULLP ? 0 : strlen(param); /* Dat: now opt, paramlen and param are correct */ switch (opt) { case OPT_LoadHints: LoadHints << ',' << param; break; case OPT_Transparent: Transparent=param; break; /* Imp: is this good memory management */ case OPT_Hints: Hints << '\n' << param; break; case OPT_PSL1: FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1; break; case OPT_PSLC: FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC; break; case OPT_PSL2: FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2; break; case OPT_PSL3: FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3; break; case OPT_DisplayJobFile: // fprintf(stderr, "param=(%s)\n", param); if (paramlen==0 || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "job")) do_DisplayJobFile=true; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "warn")) buildProfile_quiet=false; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "warn:")) buildProfile_quiet=!GenBuffer::parseBool(param+5, paramlen-5); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "quiet")) { buildProfile_quiet=true; Error::setTopPrinted(Error::ERROR_CONT); } /* Dat: hide warnings, info etc. */ /* at Fri Aug 26 07:54:00 CEST 2005 */ else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "job:")) do_DisplayJobFile=GenBuffer::parseBool(param+4, paramlen-4); else do_DisplayJobFile=GenBuffer::parseBool(param, paramlen); /* Imp: better error report */ break; case OPT_Margins: /* Dat:abbreviation letters are distinct: [ahxvylrtubd] */ if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"all:"))) { all5: if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) LeftMargin=RightMargin=TopMargin=BottomMargin=LowerMargin=p2; else { err_dimexp: badmsg="one_liner: dimen expected: "; goto bad_label; } } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"horiz:")) || 0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"x:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) LeftMargin=RightMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"vert:")) || 0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"y:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) TopMargin=BottomMargin=LowerMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"left:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) LeftMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"right:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) RightMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"dpi:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) ImageDPI=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"top:")) || 0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"up:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) TopMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"bottom:")) || 0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"down:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) BottomMargin=LowerMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"raise:"))) { if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) LowerMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else if (0!=(p2=one_pabbr(param,"lower:"))) { negLowerMargin=true; if (MiniPS::Real::isDimen(p2)) LowerMargin=p2; else goto err_dimexp; } else { p2=param; goto all5; } break; case OPT_Scale: if (paramlen==0 || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "scale")) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_OK; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "none")) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_None; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "rot")) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "rotate")) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK; else Scale=(Rule::CacheHints::sc_t)(GenBuffer::parseBool(param, paramlen) ? 0+Rule::CacheHints::SC_OK : 0+Rule::CacheHints::SC_None); /* ^^^ Imp: better error report */ /* ^^^ +0: pacify g++-3.1 */ break; case OPT_TransferEncoding: if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "bin")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_Binary; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "hex")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_Hex; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "a85")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_A85; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "ascii"))TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_ASCII; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "lsb1")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_LSBfirst; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "msb1")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_MSBfirst; else { inv_par: badmsg="one_liner: invalid param for option: "; goto bad_label; } break; case OPT_TransferEncodingF: if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "lsb2msb")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_LSBfirst; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "msb2lsb")) TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_MSBfirst; else goto inv_par; break; case OPT_PS: if (param==(char const*)NULLP || param[0]=='\0') FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_eps; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "1")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "1c") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "c")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "2")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "3")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3; else goto inv_par; break; case OPT_PDF: if (param==(char const*)NULLP || param[0]=='\0') FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdfb; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "b")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdfb; /* BI */ else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "x")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdf; /* XObject */ else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "b0")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB10; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "b2")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB12; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "0")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDF10; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "2")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDF12; else goto inv_par; break; case OPT_SampleFormat: pend=param; while (*pend!='\0') { while (*pend==':') pend++; if (do_stop_SampleFormat) goto inv_par; /* already stopped */ p=pend; while (*pend!='\0' && *pend!=':') pend++; paramlen=pend-p; if (4==paramlen && 0==memcmp(p,"stop",4)) { do_stop_SampleFormat=true; buildProfile_quiet=false; break; } if (5==paramlen && 0==memcmp(p,"stopq",5)) { do_stop_SampleFormat=true; break; } if (2==paramlen && 0==memcmp(p,"tr",2)) { APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Opaque); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Mask); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent2); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent4); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent8); } else { Image::sf_t sf=Rule::Cache::parseSampleFormat(p, paramlen); if (sf==Image::SF_max) goto inv_par; APPEND_sf(sf); } } break; case OPT_Compression: assert(param!=(char const*)NULLP); if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "none")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "lzw")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_LZW); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "zip")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "rle") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "packbits")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "dct")) { APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_DCT); Hints << "\n/DCT<<>>"; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "jpg") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "jpeg")) { APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG); } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "ijg")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "g4")) { APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax); Hints << "\n/K -1"; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "g3") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "fax") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "g3:1d"))APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax); else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "g3:2d")){ APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax); Hints << "\n/K -2"; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(param, "jai")) APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "lzw:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+4); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_LZW); Predictor=(Rule::Cache::pr_t)i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "rle:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+4); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE); Hints << "\n/RecordSize " << i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "packbits:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+9); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE); Hints << "\n/RecordSize " << i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "fax:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+4); long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_Fax); Hints << "\n/K " << i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "dct:")) { APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_DCT); Hints << "\n/DCT<< " << (param+4) << " >>"; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "ijg:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+4); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG); Hints << "\n/Quality " << i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "jpeg:")) { SimBuffer::Static s(param+5); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG); Hints << "\n/Quality " << i; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(param, "zip:")) { pend=param+4; while (*pend!='\0' && *pend!=':') pend++; SimBuffer::Static s(param+4, pend-param-4); unsigned long i; /* toInteger() is quickest on long */ if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP); Predictor=(Rule::Cache::pr_t)i; if (*pend==':') { pend++; while (*pend==':') pend++; SimBuffer::Static s(pend); if (s.toInteger(i)) goto inv_par; // Error::sev(Error::FATAL) << "SUXX)" << s << ',' << i << '.' << (Error*)0; APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP); Hints << "\n/Effort " << i; // Error::sev(Error::FATAL) << "SUXX(" << s << ',' << Hints << '.' << (Error*)0; } } else goto inv_par; break; default: assert(0); } } else { /* a selector or a normal argument */ if (!(no_selector && no_option_term)) goto normal_label; pend=p; while (*pend!='\0' && *pend!=':') pend++; if (pend-p>=2 && *pend==':') { /* an ImageMagick-style FileFormat selector */ if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PSL2:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "EPS2:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "EPS:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_eps; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PS2:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2; if (Scale==Rule::CacheHints::SC_default) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PS:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_eps; if (Scale==Rule::CacheHints::SC_default) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PSL1:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PSLC:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PSL3:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDF:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDF:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdfb; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDFX:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdf; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDFB1.0:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB10; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDFB1.2:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB12; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDF1.0:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDF10; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PDF1.2:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PDF12; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "GIF89a:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "GIF:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_GIF89a; /* vvv do_stop_SampleFormat BUGFIX at Thu Nov 21 23:44:20 CET 2002 */ else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PNM:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PBM:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PGM:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PPM:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PAM:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PAM; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PIP:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PIP; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "Empty:"))FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_Empty; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "Meta:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_Meta; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "JPEG:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "JPG:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_JPEG; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "TIFF:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "TIF:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_TIFF; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "PNG:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNG; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "XPM:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_XPM; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "BMP:") || GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "RLE:")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_BMP; /*APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE);*/ } else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "XWD:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_XWD; else if (GenBuffer::nocase_strbegins(p, "X11:")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_X11; else { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: invalid FileFormat selector: " << (SimBuffer::B().appendDumpC(SimBuffer::Static(p, pend-p), true)) << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; } no_selector=false; while (*pend==':') pend++; if (*pend=='\0') continue; /* this arg is just a selector */ /* normal argument is coming */ p=pend; } normal_label: if (InputFile==(char const*)NULLP) { InputFile=p; /* set it even on error */ /* vvv since Sat Apr 19 13:37:57 CEST 2003: * Possibly unseekable STDIN is handled by Filter::UngetFILED */ #if 0 if (p[0]=='-' && p[1]=='\0') { /* Filename: STDIN */ Files::set_binary_mode(0, true); if (0!=fseek(stdin, 0L, 0)) { unseekable: #if 0 Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: `-' (stdin) not allowed as InputFile (stdin unseekable)" << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; #endif FILE *f=Files::open_tmpnam(tmpnam); if (!f) { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: cannot open" << " temporary file for `-' (stdin)" << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; } tmpnam.term0(); Files::tmpRemoveCleanup(InputFile=tmpnam()); char *buf=new char[4096]; unsigned got; while ( (0<(got=fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin))) && got==fwrite(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f)) {} delete [] buf; if (ferror(f) || 0!=fclose(f) || ferror(stdin)) { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: cannot write" << " temporary file for `-' (stdin)" << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; } // fprintf(stderr, "if=(%s)\n", InputFile); continue; /* Imp: report `-' as filename on errors etc. */ } int c=MACRO_GETC(stdin); if (0!=fseek(stdin, 0L, 0)) { if (c>=0) ungetc(c, stdin); goto unseekable; } /* active test */ /* ungetc() is not necessary because of fseek() */ } #endif } else if (OutputFile==(char const*)NULLP) { /* Filename: STDOUT */ Files::set_binary_mode(1, true); OutputFile=p; if (FileFormat==Rule::Cache::FF_default) { /* OutputFile; determine FileFormat from extension */ pend=p+strlen(p); while (pend!=p && *pend!='.') pend--; /* ^^^ Dat: extra care later for /a/b.c/d */ if (pend!=p) { /* have extension */ assert(*pend=='.'); pend++; if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "eps") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "epsi") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "epsf")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_eps; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "ps")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_eps; if (Scale==Rule::CacheHints::SC_default) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_RotateOK; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pdf")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_pdfb; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "gif")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_GIF89a; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pnm")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pbm")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pgm")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "ppm")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNM; APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); do_stop_SampleFormat=true; } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pam")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PAM; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "pip")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PIP; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "empty"))FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_Empty; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "meta")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_Meta; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "jpeg") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "jpg")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_JPEG; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "tiff") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "tif")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_TIFF; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "png")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_PNG; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "xpm")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_XPM; else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "bmp") || 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "rle")) { FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_BMP; /*APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE);*/ } else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "xwd")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_XWD; // else if (0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(pend, "x11")) FileFormat=Rule::Cache::FF_X11; /* ^^^ .x11 extension is useless */ } } } else { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: got too many (>2) filenames" << (Error*)0; badp=true; continue; } } /* IF */ } /* NEXT */ if (InputFile==(char const*)NULLP) { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: InputFile unspecified" << (Error*)0; badp=true; } if (OutputFile==(char const*)NULLP) { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: OutputFile unspecified" << (Error*)0; badp=true; } if (FileFormat==Rule::Cache::FF_default) { Error::sev(Error::ERROR_CONT) << "one_liner: FileFormat unspecified" << (Error*)0; badp=true; } if (badp) return true; if (colen==0) { /* apply default if Compression is unspecified */ // Error::sev(Error::FATAL) << "FileFormat=" << (unsigned)FileFormat << (Error*)0; switch (FileFormat) { case Rule::Cache::FF_TIFF: case Rule::Cache::FF_eps: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2: case Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB10: case Rule::Cache::FF_PDF10: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); #if HAVE_LZW APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_LZW); #endif APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); break; case Rule::Cache::FF_BMP: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC: /* assert(0); */ APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_RLE); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); break; case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3: case Rule::Cache::FF_pdfb: /* BUGFIX at Sun Sep 22 14:57:03 CEST 2002 */ case Rule::Cache::FF_pdf: case Rule::Cache::FF_PDFB12: case Rule::Cache::FF_PDF12: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); break; case Rule::Cache::FF_GIF89a: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_LZW); /* _not_ /LZWEncode filter */ APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); break; case Rule::Cache::FF_JPEG: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_JAI); APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_IJG); break; case Rule::Cache::FF_PNG: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP); break; default: APPEND_co(Rule::Cache::CO_None); break; /* for others FileFormats: CO_None, but that is _not_ appended anyway */ } } /* Dat: don't append /Compression/None if the user has specified `-c'. The * user can append `-c none' manually. */ if (Scale==Rule::CacheHints::SC_default) Scale=Rule::CacheHints::SC_None; if (TransferEncoding==Rule::Cache::TE_default) { /* apply default if TransferEncoding is unspecified */ switch (FileFormat) { case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL1: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSLC: TransferEncoding=(Rule::Cache::te_t)(cox[Rule::Cache::CO_ZIP]!=0 || cox[Rule::Cache::CO_LZW]!=0 ? 0+Rule::Cache::TE_A85 : 0+Rule::Cache::TE_Hex); break; /* ^^^ Dat: /Hex is default for /RLE */ case Rule::Cache::FF_eps: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL2: case Rule::Cache::FF_PSL3: TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_A85; break; #if 0 /* useless bugfix */ case Rule::Cache::FF_XPM: /* BUGFIX at Thu Jul 11 21:53:56 CEST 2002 */ // assert(0); TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_ASCII; break; #endif default: TransferEncoding=Rule::Cache::TE_Binary; break; } } unsigned coc=colen; /* Smart verify whether /Compression/JAI is requested. If so, and the input * file is JPEG, then load it as-is. Our heuristic is that if the user * allowed /Compression/JAI among others, and the input file is a baseline * JPEG, then /Compression/JAI will be the best (and only) compression * method. */ bool jaip=cox[Rule::Cache::CO_JAI]!=0; if (jaip) { if (ufd==NULLP) ufd=new Filter::UngetFILED(InputFile, stdin, Filter::UngetFILED::CM_closep|Filter::UngetFILED::CM_keep_stdinp); /* vvv Imp: no error handling */ if (1!=jai_is_baseline_jpeg(ufd)) { jaip=false; coc--; cox[Rule::Cache::CO_JAI]=0; } ufd->seek(0); #if 0 assert(ufd->vi_getcc()==255); assert(ufd->vi_getcc()==0xd8); assert(ufd->vi_getcc()==255+0); assert(0); #endif } if (jaip) { /* Dat: might have changed to false */ APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Asis); LoadHints << ",jpeg-asis,"; cot[0]=Rule::Cache::CO_JAI; colen=1; /* disable all other compression */ } else if (coc==1 && cox[Rule::Cache::CO_Fax]!=0) { APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Opaque); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Indexed1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Mask); } else if (coc==1 && (cox[Rule::Cache::CO_DCT]!=0 || cox[Rule::Cache::CO_IJG]!=0)) { APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Opaque); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); } else if (!do_stop_SampleFormat) { /* JAI compression is automatically disabled since jaip==false */ /* Guess SampleFormat automatically. The order is significant, so most * warnings emitted by Image::SampledInfo::setSampleFormat() are avoided. */ APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Opaque); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Indexed1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Mask); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray2); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Indexed2); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb1); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray4); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Indexed4); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb2); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Gray8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Indexed8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb4); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Rgb8); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent2); /* transparents are put last because of expensive color separation */ APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent4); APPEND_sf(Image::SF_Transparent8); } /* Append more Hints */ if (Scale!=Rule::CacheHints::SC_None) Hints << "\n/Scale /" << protect_null(Rule::CacheHints::dumpScale(Scale)); if ((char const*)NULLP!=ImageDPI) Hints << "\n/ImageDPI " << ImageDPI; if ((char const*)NULLP!=LeftMargin) Hints << "\n/LeftMargin " << LeftMargin; if ((char const*)NULLP!=RightMargin) Hints << "\n/RightMargin " << RightMargin; if ((char const*)NULLP!=TopMargin) Hints << "\n/TopMargin " << TopMargin; if ((char const*)NULLP!=BottomMargin) Hints << "\n/BottomMargin " << BottomMargin; if ((char const*)NULLP!=LowerMargin) { Hints << "\n/LowerMargin "; if (negLowerMargin) { if (LowerMargin[0]=='-') Hints << (LowerMargin+1); else Hints << '-' << LowerMargin; } else Hints << LowerMargin; } /* Emit job file */ jobss << "<<%sam2p in-memory job file, autogenerated by " << Error::banner0 << "\n/InputFile "; jobss.appendDumpPS(SimBuffer::Static(InputFile), true); jobss << "\n/OutputFile "; jobss.appendDumpPS(SimBuffer::Static(OutputFile), true); jobss << "\n/LoadHints "; jobss.appendDumpPS(LoadHints, true); jobss << "\n/Profile[\n"; unsigned coi, sfi; slen_t orc=0; for (sfi=0;sfi>"; // jobss << " /Transparent (\377\377\377)\n"; if (Transparent!=NULL) { jobss << "\n /Transparent "; jobss.appendDumpPS(SimBuffer::Static(Transparent), true); } jobss << "\n>>\n"; } } jobss << "]>>% __EOF__\n"; /* Common keys not emited here: * /TmpRemove true /Templates pop * /ColorTransform pop * /EncoderColumns 0 /EncoderBPL 0 /EncoderRows 0 /EncoderColors 0 * /PredictorColumns 0 /PredictorBPC 0 /PredictorColors 0 * /Transparent null * /WarningOK true * /Comment pop * /Title pop * /Subject pop * /Author pop * /Creator pop * /Producer pop * /Created pop * /Produced pop */ return false; #undef APPEND_sf #undef APPEND_co } /* one_liner() */ static bool option_eq(char const *arg, char const*option) { if (option[0]=='-') { option++; while (arg[0]=='-') arg++; } return 0==GenBuffer::nocase_strcmp(arg, option); } void init_sam2p_engine(char const*argv0) { Error::long_argv0=argv0==(char const*)NULLP ? "sam2p" : argv0; Error::argv0=Files::only_fext(Error::long_argv0); Error::tmpargv0="_sam2p_"; Error::banner0="sam2p v0.44"; } /* --- */ void run_sam2p_engine(Files::FILEW &sout, Files::FILEW &serr, char const*const*argv1, bool helpp) { Error::serr=&serr; /* --- Parse arguments, generate/read .job file */ MiniPS::VALUE job=MiniPS::Qundef; Filter::FlatD bts(bts_ttt); ufd=(Filter::UngetFILED*)NULLP; if (!helpp && argv1[0]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv1[1]==(char const*)NULLP) { /* A single argument: must be the name of the .job file */ MiniPS::Parser p(argv1[0]); p.addSpecRun("%bts", &bts); /* bts: Built-in TemplateS, the bts.ttt file in the sources */ job=p.parse1(); if (p.parse1(p.EOF_ALLOWED)!=MiniPS::Qundef) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "job: the .job file should contain a single job" << (Error*)0; /* ^^^ Dat: the result of the second p.parse1() doesn't get delete0(...)d */ } else if (helpp || argv1[0]==(char const*)NULLP) { help: /* help message */ sout << "Usage: " << Error::long_argv0 << " \n" << " " << Error::long_argv0 << " [options] [OutputFormat:] \n" << "Example: " << Error::long_argv0 << " test.gif EPS: test.eps\n"; if (helpp) Error::cexit(0); Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "Incorrect command line" << (Error*)0; } else { /* one_liner */ SimBuffer::B jobss; if (one_liner(jobss, argv1)) goto help; if (do_DisplayJobFile) displayJob(sout, jobss); Filter::FlatD jobr(jobss(), jobss.getLength()); MiniPS::Parser p(&jobr); p.addSpecRun("%bts", &bts); /* bts: Built-in TemplateS, the bts.ttt file in the sources */ if (MiniPS::Qerror==(job=p.parse1(p.EOF_ILLEGAL, Error::ERROR_CONT)) || p.parse1(p.EOF_ALLOWED)!=MiniPS::Qundef ) { displayJob(sout, jobss); Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "job: in-memory .job file corrupt (bug?" "?)" << (Error*)0; /* ^^^ Dat: the result of the second p.parse1() doesn't get delete0(...)d */ } } Files::doSignalCleanup(); /* --- Pre-parse .job file */ /* Dat: memory storage for the MiniPS objects in the .job file are * allocated by p.parse1() and freed by MiniPS::delete0(job). Other * structures throughout this program hold pointers to inside `job', * but storage is not copied. */ MiniPS::String *InputFile, *OutputFile, *LoadHints; MiniPS::Array *Profile; MiniPS::VALUE TmpRemove; MiniPS::scanf_dict(job, /*show_warnings:*/true, "InputFile", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qundef, &InputFile, "OutputFile", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qundef, &OutputFile, "LoadHints", MiniPS::T_STRING, MiniPS::Qnull, &LoadHints, "Templates", MiniPS::T_DICT, MiniPS::Qnull, &Rule::Templates, "Profile", MiniPS::T_ARRAY, MiniPS::Qundef, &Profile, "TmpRemove", MiniPS::T_BOOLEAN,MiniPS::Qtrue, &TmpRemove, /* remove temporary files upon exit? */ NULLP ); // MiniPS::dump(sout, job, 1); Files::tmpRemove=TmpRemove==MiniPS::Qtrue; if (MiniPS::Qnull==(MiniPS::VALUE)Rule::Templates) { Filter::FlatD flatd("<< (%bts) run >>"); MiniPS::Parser p(&flatd); p.addSpecRun("%bts", &bts); Rule::Templates=(MiniPS::Dict*)p.parse1(); MiniPS::RDICT(job)->put("/Templates", (MiniPS::VALUE)Rule::Templates); /* avoid memory leak (job gets freed recursively) */ } /* --- Preprocess Appliers */ Rule::OutputRule *rule_list=Rule::buildProfile((MiniPS::VALUE)Profile, buildProfile_quiet); /* --- Read/open other files */ if ((MiniPS::VALUE)LoadHints==MiniPS::Qnull) { /* smart default */ if (!rule_list[0].isEOL() && rule_list[0].cache.Compression==Rule::Cache::CO_JAI) { LoadHints=new MiniPS::String("jpeg-asis",4); /* used by in_jai.cpp and in_jpeg.cpp; even TIFF/JPEG */ } else { LoadHints=new MiniPS::String("",0); } MiniPS::RDICT(job)->put("/LoadHints", (MiniPS::VALUE)LoadHints); /* avoid memory leak (job gets freed recursively) */ } /* Imp: eliminate memory leak from default LoadHints */ /* vvv may raise tons of error messages */ // InputFile->term0(); /* always term0() for MiniPS::String */ if (ufd==NULLP) ufd=new Filter::UngetFILED(InputFile->begin_(), stdin, Filter::UngetFILED::CM_closep|Filter::UngetFILED::CM_keep_stdinp); // fprintf(stderr, "ufd=%p\n", ufd); Image::SampledInfo info(Image::load( #if 0 InputFile->begin_(), /* knows about stdin `-' */ SimBuffer::B(",",1, LoadHints->begin_(),LoadHints->getLength(), ",",1 ).term0() /* three-way concatentation */ #else (Image::Loader::UFD*)ufd, SimBuffer::B(",",1, LoadHints->begin_(),LoadHints->getLength(), ",",1 ).term0(), /* three-way concatentation */ /*format:*/(char const*)NULLP #endif )); Error::sev(Error::NOTICE) << "job: read InputFile: " << FNQ2STDOK(InputFile->begin_(),InputFile->getLength()) << (Error*)0; delete ufd; // assert(0); bool overwrite=false; if (0==strcmp(InputFile->begin_(), OutputFile->begin_()) && 0!=strcmp("-", InputFile->begin_())) { // Error::sev(Error::WARNING) << "job: InputFile == OutputFile" << (Error*)0; OutputFile->replace(OutputFile->begin_(), OutputFile->getLength(), ".s2new", 6); overwrite=true; } FILE *of=stdout; if (OutputFile->getLength()!=1 || OutputFile->begin_()[0]!='-') { if ((of=fopen(OutputFile->begin_(), "wb"))==(FILE*)NULLP) { Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "job: cannot rewrite OutputFile: " << FNQ2STDOK(OutputFile->begin_(),OutputFile->getLength()) << (Error*)0; } /*if (!overwrite)*/ Files::tmpRemoveCleanup(OutputFile->begin_(), &of); } else Files::set_binary_mode(1, true); /* --- Find and apply best applier */ Files::FILEW wf(of); Rule::applyProfile(wf, rule_list, &info); /* --- Done, flush files and clean up. */ fflush(of); if (ferror(of)) { /* FILE *backup=of; of=(FILE*)NULLP; fclose(backup); */ Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "job: error writing OutputFile: " << FNQ2STDOK(OutputFile->begin_(),OutputFile->getLength()) << (Error*)0; } if (of!=stdout) { /* Don't interfere with tmpRemoveCleanup() */ FILE *backup=of; of=(FILE*)NULLP; fclose(backup); } if (overwrite) { if (0!=rename(OutputFile->begin_(), InputFile->begin_())) { // remove(OutputFile->begin_()); /* tmpRemoveCleanup() does it */ Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "job: error renaming, InputFile left intact" << (Error*)0; } } Error::sev(Error::NOTICE) << "job: written OutputFile: " << FNQ2STDOK(OutputFile->begin_(),OutputFile->getLength()) << (Error*)0; /* Freeing memory may cause segfaults because of possibly * bad code design :-(. Luckily we have already saved the output file. */ Rule::deleteProfile(rule_list); MiniPS::delete0(job); /* frees OutputFile etc. */ if (Error::getTopPrinted()+0<=Error::NOTICE+0) fputs("Success.\n", stderr); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); Error::cexit(0); } /** main: process entry point for the sam2p utility. */ int main(int, char const*const* argv) { Files::FILEW sout(stdout); Files::FILEW serr(stderr); /* --- Initialize */ bool helpp=argv[0]==(char const*)NULLP || argv[0]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv[1]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv[2]==(char const*)NULLP && ( option_eq(argv[1], "-help") || option_eq(argv[1], "-h") || option_eq(argv[1], "-?") || option_eq(argv[1], "/h") || option_eq(argv[1], "/?")); bool versionp=argv[0]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv[1]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv[2]==(char const*)NULLP && ( option_eq(argv[1], "-version") || option_eq(argv[1], "-v")); bool quietp=argv[0]!=(char const*)NULLP && argv[1]!=(char const*)NULLP && option_eq(argv[1], "-j:quiet"); init_sam2p_engine(argv[0]); if (versionp) { sout << "This is " << Error::banner0 << ".\n"; return 0; } /* Don't print diagnostics to stdout, becuse it might be the OutputFile */ if (!quietp) { serr << "This is " << Error::banner0 << ".\n"; } init_loader(); if (!quietp) { serr << "Available Loaders:"; Image::printLoaders(serr); serr << ".\n"; } init_applier(); if (!quietp) { serr << "Available Appliers:"; Rule::printAppliers(serr); serr << ".\n"; } run_sam2p_engine(sout, serr, argv+(argv[0]!=(char const*)NULLP), helpp); return 0; /*notreached*/ }