cccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc scor2prt 1/29/21 for PMX 2.94 cccccccccccccccccccccccccc c This program, developed by Don Simons (, is c part of the PMX distribution, PMX is a preprocessor for MusiXTeX. In concert c with MusiXTeX and TeX, the purpose of PMX is to allow the user to create c high-quality typeset musical scores by including a sequence of PMX commands c in an ASCII input file. Scor2prt is an auxiliary program that creates PMX c input files for individual parts from the PMX input file for the score. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c 1/29/21 c Reformat output statement for warning about full bar rests to c eliminate use of H format specifier c 2/19/16 c Exit gracefully when last input line is comment, with mods in c subroutine chkcom, adding logical argument goto999 c which is set to .true. in that case, causing input file to c be closed after exiting. c 4/9/12 c Add logical declarations to subroutine dosetup c 8/8/11 c Copy & mod Ki into parts when after beginning. c 7/18/11 c Start to fix up for AS..., also Ki was done a little earlier. c 7/5/10 c Modify Manual to explain extended hex numbering for part-specific comments c 5/16/10 c Extend part-specific comments for up to 24 parts (subroutine chkcom) c Allow files 11-34 for parts c Change file 30 to 40 c 6/1/08 es2p c noimax = 24 c c To do c Override fracindent, musicsize? c Deal with midbar R? c 2/29/04 c Check for special character being in quoted string. c 10/20/02 PMX 2.407 c Interpret AN[n]"[used-defined-part-file-name]" c 1/21/02 c Deals with rm in multiple parts. c s2p15 c Get right non-tex index even if there's "\" inside D"..." c s2p14 c 10/29/00 fix transfer to parts of negative mtrdnp c 4/29/00 screen for "%%" followed by "T" c Restore change from "Version 2.1a, 21 Dec" c s2p13 c Allow whole-bar double-whole rests. c Bypass MIDI commands "I..." achar(10)="I" c s2p12 c Let %ablabla ... %cblabla represent pmx input for parts 10-12. But %?blabla c only taken as such if ? represents a hex digit .le. noinst, otherwise it's c a simple comment. This lessens incompatibility. c In subroutine mbrest, properly open parts 10-12 if needed c s2p11 c Ignore leading blanks c Fix undefined linelength in mbrest at very end of comments. c s2p10 c Fix non-transfer of P..c" " c Allow "%%" and "%"n anywhere c Version 1.43 c Fix bug with P in TeX string. c Ignore shifted whole-bar rests when consolidating whole-bar rests c Copy type 4 TeX into all parts. c Deal with XB and XP. c Permit transfer of blank line into parts c Change staves/inst in 'M' command. c Arbitrary staves/inst. c Recognize m1/2/3/4 syntax. c Enable comment and one-voice syntax in instrument names c c Changes since 1.1 c Deal with saved macros. c Revise setup readin, to admit comments. c Do not copy 'X' into parts c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc parameter (noimax=24) common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow integer*4 ludpfn(noimax) character*1 sq,achar(10) character*2 termsym character*27 jobname,infileq character*128 instrum(noimax),udpfnq(noimax) character*128 line,holdln,templine logical termrpt,isachar,frstln,oneof2,botv,clefpend,fexist, * insetup,replacing,gotname,yesodd,goto999 character*1 dumq data achar /'P','m','V','R','A','h','w','K','M','I'/ clefpend = .false. insetup = .true. replacing = .false. frstln = .true. lenhold = 0 sq = char(92) print*,'This is scor2prt for PMX 2.94, 29 January 2021' numargs = iargc() if (numargs .eq. 0) then print*,'You could have entered a jobname on the command line,' print*,' but you may enter one now:' read(*,'(a)')jobname numargs = 1 else c call getarg(1,jobname,idum) ! May need to replace this w/ next line call getarg(1,jobname) end if ljob = lenstr(jobname,27) if (ljob .eq. 0) then print*,'No was jobname entered. Restart and try again.' stop end if c c Strip ".pmx" if necessary c ndxpmx = max(index(jobname,'.pmx'),index(jobname,'.PMX')) if (ndxpmx .gt. 0) then jobname = jobname(1:ndxpmx-1) ljob = ljob-4 end if c c Check for existence of input file c infileq = jobname(1:ljob)//'.pmx' inquire(file=infileq,EXIST=fexist) if (.not.fexist) then print*,'Cannot find file '//infileq stop end if open(10,file=jobname(1:ljob)//'.pmx') c c Open all instrument files now for allparts stuff. Later disgard those >nv c do 19 iv = 1 , noimax iorig(iv) = iv open(10+iv,status='SCRATCH') ludpfn(iv) = 0 19 continue read(10,'(a)')line call chkcom(line,goto999) if (line(1:3) .eq. '---') then call allparts(line,128) 31 read(10,'(a)')line if (line(1:3) .ne. '---') then call allparts(line,128) go to 31 end if call allparts(line,128) read(10,'(a)')line call chkcom(line,goto999) end if iccount = 0 nv = readin(line,iccount,1)+.1 noinst = readin(line,iccount,2)+.1 if (noinst .gt. 0) then nvi(1) = nv-noinst+1 else noinst = 1-noinst do 21 iinst = 1 , noinst nvi(iinst) = readin(line,iccount,-1)+.1 21 continue end if noinow = noinst insnow = 1 c c ivlast is last iv in current inst. instnum(iv) is iinst for current voice. c ivlast = nvi(1) do 22 iv = 1 , nv instnum(iv) = insnow if (iv .eq. ivlast) then if (iv .lt. nv) botv(iv+1) = .true. c c The previous stmt will set botv true only for bot voice of iinst>1. It is c used when writing termrpts, but the one in voice one is handled differently, c so botv(1) is left .false. c if (insnow .lt. noinst) then insnow = insnow+1 ivlast = ivlast+nvi(insnow) end if end if 22 continue mtrnuml = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 mtrdenl = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 mtrnmp = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 mtrdnp = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 xmtrnum0 = readin(line,iccount,0) isig = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 npages = readin(line,iccount,3)+.1 nsyst = readin(line,iccount,0)+.1 musicsize = readin(line,iccount,4)+.1 fracindent = readin(line,iccount,5) if (npages .eq. 0) then print*, *'You entered npages=0, which means nsyst is not the total number' print*, *'of systems. Scor2prt has to know the total number of systems.' print*, *'Please set npages and nsyst to their real values.' stop end if c c Must leave insetup=.true. else could bypass ALL instrument names. c read(10,'(a)')line call chkcom(line,goto999) backspace(10) c c Normally this puts pointer at start of line with 1st inst name c Check if prior line was "%%" c backspace(10) read(10,'(a)')line if (line(1:2) .eq. '%%') backspace(10) do 14 iv = 1 , noinst gotname = .false. 16 read(10,'(a)') instrum(iv) if (instrum(iv)(1:2) .eq. '%%') then read(10,'(a)')line go to 16 else if (instrum(iv)(1:1) .eq. '%') then ivq = ichar(instrum(iv)(2:2))-48 if ( then c c It's really a comment. Copy to parts, then get another trial name. c call allparts(instrum(iv),128) go to 16 else line = instrum(iv)(3:) instrum(iv) = line gotname = .true. end if else gotname = .true. end if cc cc The following checks for macro that write original C-clef as part of cc instrument name. See pmx.tex cc c if (index(instrum(iv),'namewpc') .eq. 0) then c write(10+iv,'(a)')' ' c else c inm1 = index(instrum(iv),'{')+1 c inm2 = index(instrum(iv),'}')-1 c read(instrum(iv)(inm2+2:inm2+8),'(i1,4x,2i1)')ilev,iy1,iy2 c write(10+iv,'(a)')sq//'namewpc{}'//char(ilev+48)//'{20}'// c * char(iy1+49)//char(iy2+49) c instrum(iv) = instrum(iv)(inm1:inm2) c end if if (.not.gotname) then print*,'You must provide a replacement instrument name' stop end if write(10+iv,'(a)')' ' 14 continue replacing = .false. nvnow = nv c c Clef string: Note insetup is still T, so "%%" will be treated specially c read(10,'(a)')line call chkcom(line,goto999) if (replacing) then c c If here, we have next line after "%%", containing score's clef string c Assume all clefs are handled with instrument comments. c read(10,'(a)')line call chkcom(line,goto999) backspace(10) else c c If here, line has the clef string in it. Handle the old way c kvstart = 1 kvend = nvi(1) do 2 inst = 1 , noinst write(10+inst,'(a'//char(48+nvi(inst))//')') * line(kvstart:kvend) if (inst .lt. noinst) then kvstart = kvend+1 kvend = kvstart+nvi(inst+1)-1 end if 2 continue end if replacing = .false. insetup = .false. c c *****NOTE*****This comment applies to stuff done earlier! c Before starting the big loop, copy initial instnum and staffnum stuff c into working values. Latter may change if noinst changes. Also make c list of current inst nums relative to original ones. In addition to those c below, must redo instnum(iv) and botv(iv) when we change noinst. c c Path string: ASSUME THIS WILL NEVER BE ALTERED IN PARTS! c 18 read(10,'(a)') line if (line(1:1) .eq. '%') then call allparts(line,128) go to 18 end if call allparts(line,128) c c Write instrument names. Will be blank if later part of a score. c if (instrum(1)(1:1) .ne. ' ') then do 3 iv = 1 , noinst len = lenstr(instrum(iv),79) write(10+iv,'(a2/a)')'Ti',instrum(iv)(1:len) 3 continue end if c c The big loop. Except for '%%', put all comment lines in all parts. c Unless preceeded by '%%', put all type 2 or 3 TeX Strings in all parts c If a line starts with %!, put the rest of it in each part. c If a line starts with %[n], put the rest of it in part [n]. c Check for Tt, Tc, Voltas, Repeats, headers, lower texts, meter changes. c Assume they only come at top of block, except terminal repeat needs c special handling. c Check for "P"; ignore in parts. c Check for consecutive full-bar rests; if found, replace with rm[nn] c iv = 1 iinst = 1 termrpt = .false. 4 continue read(10,'(a)',end=999)line lenline = lenstr(line,128) if (lenline .eq. 0) go to 4 call zapbl(line,128) call chkcom(line,goto999) if (goto999) go to 999 lenline = lenstr(line,128) if (lenline .eq. 0) go to 4 if (line(1:1) .eq. 'T') then call allparts(line,128) read(10,'(a)')line call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (line(1:2) .eq. sq//sq) then call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (index('hl',line(1:1)).gt.0 .and. * index(' +-',line(2:2)) .gt. 0) then call allparts(line,128) read(10,'(a)')line call allparts(line,128) go to 4 else if (iv .eq. 1) then do 5 ia = 1 , 10 24 continue idxa = ntindex(line,achar(ia)) isachar = idxa .gt. 0 if ( isachar = line(idxa-1:idxa-1).eq.' ' c c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c data achar /'P','m','V','R','A','h','w','K','M','I'/ c if (ia .eq. 9) isachar = * isachar .and. line(idxa+1:idxa+1).eq.'S' if (isachar) then c c Check whether character is inside a quoted string by counting c how many quotes precede it in the line c call OddQuotesBefore(line,idxa,yesodd) if (yesodd) isachar=.false. end if if (isachar) then c c Find next blank c do 6 ib = idxa+1 , 128 if (line(ib:ib) .eq. ' ') go to 7 6 continue print*,'Problem with "V,R,m,P,A,h,MS, or w"' print*, * 'Send files to Dr. Don at dsimons at roadrunner dot com' stop 1 7 continue c c Next blank is at position ib. Later, if ia=1, must check for Pc" " ; c i.e., look for '"' between P and blank c if (ia .eq. 4) then c c Check for terminal repeat. Note if there's a term rpt, there can't be any c others. Also, must process repeats LAST, after m's and 'V's c do 8 ic = ib+1 , 128 c c If any subsequent character on this line is neither blank nor "/", get out c if (index(' /',line(ic:ic)) .eq. 0) go to 9 if (line(ic:ic) .eq. '/') then termrpt = .true. termsym = line(ib-2:ib-1) c c Process the line as if there were no "R" c go to 10 end if 8 continue c c +++ 060812 c If here, all chars after "R" symbol are blanks, so process the line normally, c but only IF next line is not the M-Tx line " /" c read(10,'(a)')templine if (templine(1:2) .ne. ' /') then backspace(10) ! and flow out else c c We have the M-Tx case where one line ends with R? and next is " /". Add / to the line, c and proceed as above c line = line(1:ib)//'/' lenline = lenline+2 termrpt = .true. termsym = line(ib-2:ib-1) go to 10 end if c +++ 060812 c else if (ia .eq. 1) then idxq = ntindex(line,'"') if ( .and. then c c Quote is between P and next blank. Find 2nd quote, starting at the blank. c idxq2 = ib-1+ntindex(line,'"') if (idxq.eq.0 .or. line(idxq2+1:idxq2+1).ne.' ') then print* print*,'Error copying P with quotes, idxq2:',idxq2 print*,line(1:60) stop 1 end if ib = idxq2+1 end if c c Do not transfer P into parts. c go to 12 else if (ia .eq. 9) then c c Start Saving a macro. After leaving here, a symbol will be sent to all parts, c If all on this line, set ib to end and exit normally. c ndxm = index(line(ib+1:128),'M') if ( .and. line(ib+ndxm-1:ib+ndxm-1).eq.' ') then c c Macro ends on this line c ib = ib+ndxm+1 else c c Save leading part of current line c lenhold = idxa-1 if (lenhold .gt. 0) holdln = line(1:lenhold) c c Transfer rest of line c call allparts(line(idxa:128),129-idxa) c c Read next line c 20 read(10,'(a)')line c c Check for comment, transfer and loop if so c c if (line(1:1) .eq.'%') then 23 if (line(1:1) .eq.'%') then c call allparts(line,128) c go to 20 call chkcom(line,goto999) go to 23 end if c c Look for terminal ' M' c if (line(1:1) .eq. 'M') then ndxm = 1 else ndxm = index(line,' M') if (ndxm .gt. 0) ndxm = ndxm+1 end if if (ndxm .gt. 0) then c c Set parameters, exit normally (but later check for leading part of 1st line c idxa = 1 ib = ndxm+1 else c c No "M", transfer entire line, loop c call allparts(line,128) go to 20 end if end if else if (ia .eq. 10) then c c Do not transfer MIDI command into parts c go to 12 else if (ia .eq. 5) then c c First check for "AS", but S may come after other "A" options c idxS = index(line(idxa+1:ib),'S') if (idxS .gt. 0) then c c Get rid of the string. First check if that's all there is in A. c if (ib-idxa .eq. nv+2) go to 12 line = line(1:idxa+idxS-1)//line(idxa+idxS+nv+1:ib) end if c c Check for user-defined part file name. Must start in column 1 and have c AN[n]"userfilename". c idxa is position of "A" c ib is position of the next blank after "A" c Don't allow any blanks in user c if (line(idxa+1:idxa+1) .ne. 'N') go to 9 ! bail out if (idxa .ne. 1) then print* print*, * 'You entered "AN..." somewhere beyond first column; stopping.' stop 1 end if c c pmxa already checked for valid one- or 2-digit number, so get it c if (line(4:4) .eq. '"') then c c Single digit instrument number c read(line(3:3),'(i1)')iudpfn idxstartname = 5 else read(line(3:4),'(i2)')iudpfn idxstartname = 6 end if ludpfn(iudpfn) = index(line(idxstartname:128),'"')-1 if (ludpfn(iudpfn) .lt. 0) then print* print*,'User-defined part file name must be in quotes' stop 1 end if idxendname = idxstartname+ludpfn(iudpfn)-1 udpfnq(iudpfn) = line(idxstartname:idxendname) c c Get a new line! c go to 4 else if (ia .eq. 8) then c c Key change/transposition. c If not instrument specific, copy to all parts c if (line(idxa+1:idxa+1).ne.'i') go to 9 c c Instrument-wise key/transposition(s): Ki[nn][+/-][dd}[+/-][dd]... c ibb = idxa+2 ! Starts on digit after 'i' 40 continue read(line(ibb:ibb),'(i1)')iiinst ! 1st digit of iinst itemp = (index('01234567890',line(ibb+1:ibb+1))) if ( then ibb = ibb+1 iiinst = 10*iiinst+itemp-1 end if ibb = ibb+1 ! now at first +/-. Need end of 2nd number itemp = index(line(ibb+1:ib),'i') ! Rel pos'n of next 'i' or 0 if (itemp .gt. 0) then iend = ibb+itemp-1 else iend = ib-1 end if write(10+iorig(iiinst),'(a)')'Ki1'//line(ibb:iend) if (itemp .gt. 0) then ibb = iend+2 go to 40 end if go to 12 ! Remove K command from string, go to next ia end if 9 continue call allparts(line(idxa:ib-1),ib-idxa) 12 continue c c Remove the string from line c if (idxa .eq. 1) then line = line(ib:128) else line = line(1:idxa-1)//line(ib:128) end if lenline = lenstr(line,128) c c Loop if only blanks are left c if (lenline .eq. 0) go to 4 c c Must check for multiple "I" commands, so go to just after start of ia loop c if (ia .eq. 10) go to 24 c c Tack on front part from 1st line of saved macro c if (lenhold .gt. 0) then line = holdln(1:lenhold)//' '//line(1:lenline) lenhold = 0 end if end if 5 continue end if c c Now a special loop to deal with 'X'. If it was %[n]X..., will have been c copied into part [n] already. If no "B" or "P", remove. If "P", just c remove the "P" so pmxa/b will process. If "B". do nothing. c 10 continue nchk = 1 13 ntinx = nchk-1+ntindex(line(nchk:),'X') if (ntinx .gt. nchk-1) then c c There is a non-TeX 'X' at ntinx. Loop if neither 1st nor after a blank. c if ( then if (line(ntinx-1:ntinx-1).ne.' ') then c c The X is not 1st char of PMX command. Advance starting point, loop. c nchk = ntinx+1 go to 13 end if end if c c We now know the X at ntinx starts a PMX command. Find next blank c ib = ntinx+index(line(ntinx+1:),' ') c c There must be a blank to right of "X", so ib>ntinx c c locp = nchk-1+index(line(nchk:ib),'P') locp = ntinx+index(line(ntinx+1:ib),'P') c c Did not need to use ntindex because we already know bounds of PMX command. c c if (locp .gt. nchk-1) then if (locp .gt. ntinx) then c c Strip out the 'P' c templine = line(1:locp-1) line = templine(1:locp-1)//line(locp+1:lenline) lenline = lenline-1 ib = ib-1 end if if (index(line(ntinx:ib),':').gt.0 .or. * index(line(ntinx:ib),'S').gt.0 .or. * index(line(ntinx:ib),'B').gt.0 .or. then c c The X command is a shift, "Both", or "Part". Do not remove. c nchk = ib+1 go to 13 end if c c Remove the X command. c if (ntinx .eq. 1) then if (ib .lt. lenline) then line = line(ib+1:lenline) else c c line contains ONLY the "X" command, so get a new line c go to 4 end if else templine = line(1:ntinx-1) if (ib .lt. lenline) then line = templine(1:ntinx-1)//line(ib+1:lenline) else line = templine(1:ntinx-1) end if end if c c Recompute lenline c lenline = lenstr(line,128) c c Resume checking after location of removed command. c nchk = ntinx go to 13 end if c c End of loop for X-checks c oneof2 = ntindex(line,'//') .gt. 0 if (termrpt .and. botv(iv) .and. frstln .and. * line(lenline:lenline).eq.'/') then c c Must add a terminal repeat before the slash c if (oneof2) lenline = lenline-1 if ( write(10+iorig(iinst),'(a)')line(1:lenline-1) if (.not. oneof2) then line = termsym//' /' lenline = 4 else line = termsym//' //' lenline = 5 end if end if if (termrpt .and. frstln .and. line(lenline:lenline).eq.'/' .and. * iv.eq.nvnow) termrpt = .false. write(10+iorig(iinst),'(a)')line(1:lenline) if (oneof2) then frstln = .false. else if (.not.frstln) then frstln = .true. end if c if (ntindex(line,'/').gt.0 .and. index(line,'//').eq.0) then if (ntindex(line,'/').gt.0 .and. ntindex(line,'//').eq.0) then iv = 1+mod(iv,nvnow) iinst = instnum(iv) end if go to 4 999 continue close(10) c c In the mbrest checks, must run through ALL noinst files (not just noinow) c do 11 iinst = 1 , noinst ccc+++ cc cc Temporarily transfer entire scratch file to real file cc c rewind(10+iinst) c open(40,file='s2pout'//char(48+iinst)//'.pmx') c do 50 m = 1 , 10000 c read(10+iinst,'(a)',end=51)line c lenline = lenstr(line,128) c if (lenline .ge. 1) then c write(40,'(a)')line(1:lenline) c else c write(40,'(a)')' ' c end if c50 continue c51 continue c close(40) ccc+++ if (nvi(iinst) .eq. 1) then call mbrests(iinst,jobname,ljob,ludpfn(iinst),udpfnq(iinst)) else c c Send a signal with ljob to bypass most mbrest processing c call mbrests(iinst,jobname,-ljob,ludpfn(iinst),udpfnq(iinst)) end if 11 continue end function lenstr(string,n) character*(*) string do 1 lenstr = n , 1 , -1 if (string(lenstr:lenstr) .ne. ' ') return 1 continue lenstr = 0 return end subroutine allparts(string,n) parameter (noimax=24) character*(*) string common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow logical insetup,replacing,botv len = lenstr(string,n) if (len .eq. 0) then len = 1 string = ' ' end if do 1 iinst = 1 , noinow write(10+iorig(iinst),'(a)')string(1:len) 1 continue return end subroutine mbrests(iv,jobname,ljob,ludpfn,udpfnq) character*128 line(50),line1,udpfnq character*80 sym character*12 jobname character*3 wbrsym(2) character*2 partq character*1 sq logical wbrest,alldone,rpfirst,newmtr,type4 type4 = .false. sq = char(92) alldone = .false. rewind(10+iv) if (iv .lt. 10) then partq(1:1) = char(48+iv) lpart = 1 else lpart = 2 if (iv .lt. 20) then partq = '1'//char(38+iv) else partq = '2'//char(28+iv) end if end if c 130327 c open(40,file=jobname(1:abs(ljob))//partq(1:lpart)//'.pmx') if (ludpfn .eq. 0) then open(40,file=jobname(1:abs(ljob))//partq(1:lpart)//'.pmx') else open(40,file=udpfnq(1:ludpfn)//'.pmx') end if do 10 i = 1 , 10000 read(10+iv,'(a)')line(1) if (line(1)(1:1).eq.'%' .or. line(1)(1:3).eq.'---' * .or. type4) then len = lenstr(line(1),128) if (len .gt. 0) then write(40,'(a)')line(1)(1:len) else write(40,'(a)')' ' end if if (line(1)(1:3).eq.'---') type4 = .not.type4 else go to 11 end if 10 continue print*,'You should not be here in scor2prt. Call Dr. Don' stop 11 continue c c Finished reading opening type4 TeX and comments. Next line to be read c will contain the first of the input numbers c call dosetup(iv,line(1),mtrnum,mtrden) do 1 i = 1 , 10000 13 read(10+iv,'(a)',end=999)line(1) 7 len = lenstr(line(1),128) c c Pass-through (and copy into part file) if instrumnet has >1 voice. c if (ljob .lt. 0) go to 2 if (index('TtTiTch+h-h l ',line(1)(1:2)) .gt. 0) then c c Traps titles, instruments, composers, headers, lower strings. Read 2 lines. c write(40,'(a)')line(1)(1:len) read(10+iv,'(a)')line(1) len = lenstr(line(1),128) go to 2 end if if (i.eq.1 .or. ('m')) then c c Either just starting, or a new meter is defined. c NOTE! The above test may be bogus. c if (line(1)(1:1) .eq. '%') then write(40,'(a)')line(1)(1:len) go to 13 end if if (i .ne. 1) then c c New meter. Check for slashes (new meter change syntax) c idxs = index(line(1),'/') idxb = index(line(1),' ') newmtr = .and. (idxb.eq.0 .or. if (.not.newmtr) then c c Old way, no slashes, uses 'o' for lonesome '1' c icden = 3 if (line(1)(2:2) .eq. 'o') then mtrnum = 1 else mtrnum = ichar(line(1)(2:2))-48 if (mtrnum .eq. 1) then icden = 4 mtrnum = 10+ichar(line(1)(3:3))-48 end if end if mtrden = ichar(line(1)(icden:icden))-48 else c c New way with slashes: idxs is index of 1st slash! c read(line(1)(2:idxs-1),'(i'//char(48+idxs-2)//')')mtrnum idxb = index(line(1)(idxs+1:),'/') read(line(1)(idxs+1:idxs+idxb-1), * '(i'//char(48+idxb-1)//')')mtrden end if end if lenbeat = ifnodur(mtrden,'x') lenmult = 1 if (mtrden .eq. 2) then lenbeat = 16 lenmult = 2 end if lenbar = lenmult*mtrnum*lenbeat call fwbrsym(lenbar,nwbrs,wbrsym,lwbrs) end if c c Finished setting up meter stuff and defining whole-bar rest symbols c ip1 = 0 line1 = line(1) do 3 iw = 0 , nwbrs if (iw .gt. 0) then idx = ntindex(line1,wbrsym(iw)(1:lwbrs)) if (idx .gt. 0) then c c Check for blank or shifted rest, discount it if it's there c if (line1(idx+lwbrs:idx+lwbrs).ne.' ') idx = 0 end if else idx = ntindex(line1,'rp') c c Check for raised rest c if ( then if (line1(idx+2:idx+2).ne.' ') idx = 0 end if end if if (idx .gt. 0) then if (ip1 .eq. 0) then ip1 = idx else ip1 = min(ip1,idx) ! Maybe allows e.g. r0 rp ... end if end if 3 continue if ( .or. line(1)(1:1).eq.'%' .or. line(1)(1:2).eq.sq//sq * .or. ip1.eq.0) go to 2 c c Switch to multibar rest search mode!!! Start forward in line(1) c rpfirst = line1(ip1:ip1+1) .eq. 'rp' iline = 1 nmbr = 1 if (rpfirst) then lwbrsx = 2 else lwbrsx = lwbrs end if ipe = ip1+lwbrsx-1 ! ip at end of 1st wbrsym 4 if (ipe .eq. len) then c c Need a new line c iline = iline+1 6 read(10+iv,'(a)',end=998)line(iline) len = lenstr(line(iline),128) if (line(iline)(1:1).eq.'%' ) then write(40,'(a)')'% Following comment has been moved forward' write(40,'(a)')line(iline)(1:len) go to 6 end if ipe = 0 go to 4 998 continue c c No more input left c print*,'All done!' alldone = .true. ipe = 0 iline = iline-1 len = lenstr(line(iline),128) go to 4 else if (alldone) then sym(1:1) = ' ' else c c ipe=len ' print*,'Send files to Dr. Don at' stop end if do 1 ip = ipeold+1 , len if (line(ip:ip) .ne. ' ') then c c symbol starts here (ip). We're committed to exit the loop. c if (ip .lt. len) then do 2 iip = ip+1 , len if (line(iip:iip) .ne. ' ') go to 2 c c iip is the space after the symbol c ipenew = iip-1 lsym = ipenew-ip+1 sym = line(ip:ipenew) return 2 continue c c Have len>=2 and ends on len c ipenew = len lsym = ipenew-ip+1 sym = line(ip:ipenew) return else c c ip = len c ipenew = len lsym = 1 sym = line(ip:ip) return end if end if 1 continue print*,'Error #3. Send files to Dr. Don at' end function ntindex(line,s2q) c c Returns index(line,s2q) if NOT in TeX string, 0 otherwise c character*(*) s2q character*128 line,tline logical intex c c print*,'Starting ntindex. s2q:',s2q,', line(1:79) is below' c print*,line(1:79) c c c Use a temporary string to store the input and test, so can zap D"..." c tline = line ndxs2 = index(tline,s2q) c c Return point below for rechecks after zapping D" " c 2 continue ndxbs = index(tline,char(92)) if (ndxbs .gt. 0) then c c Special check in case \ is inside D"..." c ndxDq1 = index(tline,'D"') c c If the following test fails, flow out of if block; else loop up to 2. c if (ndxDq1 .gt. 0) then c c Find end of D"..." c ndxDq2 = ndxDq1+1+index(tline(ndxDq1+2:128),'"') if (ndxDq2 .eq. ndxDq1+1) then print*,'Something is really wierd here' stop end if tline = tline(1:ndxDq1-1) do 3 ic = ndxDq1 , ndxDq2 tline = tline(1:ic-1)//' ' 3 continue tline = tline(1:ndxDq2)//line(ndxDq2+1:128) go to 2 end if end if if (ndxbs.eq.0 .or. then ntindex = ndxs2 c print*,'No bs, or char is left of 1st bs, ntindex:',ntindex else c c There are both bs and s2q, and bs is to the left of sq2. So check bs's to c right of first: End is '\ ', start is ' \' c len = lenstr(tline,128) intex = .true. c print*,'intex+>',intex do 1 ic = ndxbs+1 , len if (ic .eq. ndxs2) then if (intex) then ntindex = 0 ndxs2 = index(tline(ic+1:len),s2q)+ic c print*,'ndxs2 =>',ndxs2 else ntindex = ndxs2 return end if c print*,'Internal exit, intex, ntindex:',intex,ntindex else if (intex .and. tline(ic+1:ic+2).eq.char(92)//' ') then intex = .false. c print*,'intex+>',intex else if (.not.intex .and. tline(ic+1:ic+2).eq.' '//char(92)) * then intex = .true. c print*,'intex+>',intex end if 1 continue c print*,'Out end of loop 1' end if c print*,'Exiting ntindex at the end???' return end subroutine getchar(line,iccount,charq) c c Gets the next character out of line*128. If pointer iccount=128 on entry, c then reads in a new line. Resets iccount to position of the new character. c character*1 charq character*128 line if (iccount .eq. 128) then read(10,'(a)')line iccount = 0 end if iccount = iccount+1 charq = line(iccount:iccount) return end function readin(line,iccount,iread) parameter (noimax=24) common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow logical insetup,replacing,botv,goto999 c c Reads a piece of setup data from line, gets a new line from c file 10 (jobname.pmx) if needed, Transfers comment lines into all parts. c c iread controls copying of values into scratch files for parts, but only c if not replacing. c c iread input value written c -1 nvi nothing (only used when noinst<0 initially) c 0 various value read c 1 nv -1 , replace later with nvi(i) c 2 noinst 1 c 3 np -2 , replace later with (nsyst-1)/12+1 c 4 musicsize 20 c 5 fracondent 0.05 c character*128 line character*1 durq 4 if (iccount .eq. 128) then read(10,'(a)')line if (replacing) replacing = .false. call chkcom(line,goto999) iccount = 0 end if iccount = iccount+1 c c Find next non-blank or end of line c do 2 iccount = iccount , 127 if (line(iccount:iccount) .ne. ' ') go to 3 2 continue c c If here, need to get a new line c iccount = 128 go to 4 3 continue c c iccount now points to start of number to read c i1 = iccount 5 call getchar(line,iccount,durq) c c Remember that getchar first increments iccount, *then* reads a character. c if (index('0123456789.-',durq) .gt. 0) go to 5 i2 = iccount-1 if (i2 .lt. i1) then print*,'Found "'//durq//'" instead of number' stop 1 end if icf = i2-i1+49 read(line(i1:i2),'(f'//char(icf)//'.0)')readin if (.not.replacing) then if (iread .eq. 0) then call allparts(line(i1:i2),i2-i1+1) else if (iread .eq. 1) then call allparts('-999',4) else if (iread .eq. 2) then call allparts('1',1) else if (iread .eq. 3) then call allparts('-998',4) else if (iread .eq. 4) then call allparts('20',2) else if (iread .eq. 5) then call allparts('.05',3) else if (iread .ne. -1) then print*,'Error with iread in readin' stop end if end if return end subroutine chkcom(line,goto999) parameter (noimax=24) common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow logical insetup,replacing,clefpend,botv,goto999 character*128 line c c Assume that line has just been read. No need to change iccount since we only c process full lines. c goto999 = .false. 1 if (line(1:1) .ne. '%') return c c If here, line has some sort of comment c if (line(2:2) .eq. '%') then if (.not. insetup) then c c Suck up a line, then flow out of "if" block to get another and loop c read(10,'(a)')line c++VV c c UNLESS (a) it has a score-only "M" and changes # of inst's. c if (index(line,'M') .gt. 0) then idxL = index(line,'L') idxM = index(line,'M') idxn = index(line,'n') idxb = index(line,' ') if ( .and. .and. * (idxb.eq.0 .or. then noinow = ichar(line(idxn+1:idxn+1))-48 clefpend = .true. c c Next noinow digits are original inst. #'s of new inst. set. Next noinow c char's after that are clefs c nvnow = 0 do 24 j = 1 , noinow iorig(j) = ichar(line(idxn+1+j:idxn+1+j))-48 iposc0 = idxn+1+noinow do 25 k = 1 , nvi(iorig(j)) nvnow = nvnow+1 c clefq(nvnow) = line(iposc0+nvnow:iposc0+nvnow) instnum(nvnow) = j botv(nvnow) = k.eq.1 .and. 25 continue 24 continue end if end if c c or if it's "h" or "l", need to suck up one more line c if ((line(1:1).eq.'h'.and.index('+- ',line(2:2)).gt.0) .or. c c 4/29/00 check for T string also c * line(1:1).eq.'T' .or. * line(1:2).eq.'l ') read(10,'(a)')line else c c In setup mode. Set flag, flow out and do use following line c replacing = .true. end if else if (line(2:2) .eq. '!') then c c Copy to all parts c call allparts(line(3:128),125) else c c Get value of hex integer 1,2,...,9,a,b,c in 2nd position, zero otherwise cc Get value of extended hex integer 1,2,...,9,a,b,c,...,o in 2nd position, zero otherwise c ivq = index('123456789abcdefghijklmno',line(2:2)) c c Only treat as part-specific pmx line if number .le. noinst c if ( .or. then c c Simple comment. c call allparts(line,128) else c c Instrument comment, copy only to part c lenline = lenstr(line,128) if (lenline .gt. 2) then write(10+ivq,'(a)')line(3:lenline) else c c Transferring blank line c write(10+ivq,'(a)')' ' end if end if end if read(10,'(a)',end=2)line call zapbl(line,128) go to 1 2 continue goto999 = .true. return end subroutine dosetup(iv,line,mtrnum,mtrden) parameter (noimax=24) c c Transfers setup data from scratch file to real one for one instrument c Data may be mixed with comments, but on entry 1st item is a number. c Write a comment when encountered, as it comes. c Write numbers one per line. c Three input data require special handling: c If not already replaced, i.e., if negative, then c iset(1) (nv) will be replaced with nvi(i) c iset(9) (npages) will be replaced with (nsyst-1)/12+1 c iset(2), if negative, will be followed by extra numbers to be transf. c common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow character*128 line logical insetup,replacing,botv iccount = 0 do 1 iset = 1 , 12 call partnum(iv,iccount,line,xdata) if (iset .eq. 2) then if (xdata .gt. 0) then write(40,'(i5)')int(xdata+.1) else noi = -xdata+.1 write(40,'(i5)')noi do 2 ioi = 1 , noi call partnum(iv,iccount,line,xdata) write(40,'(i5)')int(xdata+.1) 2 continue end if c else if ( .and. then else if ( .and. .and. then c c Must be either nv or npages c if (int(-xdata+.1) .eq. 999) then c c It's nv c write(40,'(i5)')nvi(iv) else c c npages must be computed c write(40,'(i5)')(nsyst-1)/12+1 end if else if ( .and. then c c write integer c write(40,'(i5)')nint(xdata) else c c write floating number c write(40,'(f5.2)')xdata end if if (iset .eq. 3) then mtrnum = nint(xdata) else if (iset .eq. 4) then mtrden = nint(xdata) end if 1 continue return end subroutine partnum(iv,iccount,line,xdata) c c Simplified number parsing. Only looks for comment lines and numbers. c character*128 line character*1 durq 2 if (iccount .eq. 128) then read(10+iv,'(a)')line if (line(1:1) .eq. '%') then len = lenstr(line,128) write(40,'(a)')line(1:len) go to 2 end if iccount = 0 end if iccount = iccount+1 c c Find next non-blank or end of line c do 4 iccount = iccount , 127 if (line(iccount:iccount) .ne. ' ') go to 3 4 continue c c If here, iccount=128 and need to get a new line c go to 2 3 continue c c iccount now points to start of number to read c i1 = iccount 5 call getchar(line,iccount,durq) c c Remember that getchar first increments iccount, *then* reads a character. c if (index('0123456789.-',durq) .gt. 0) go to 5 i2 = iccount-1 if (i2 .lt. i1) then print*,'Found "'//durq//'" instead of number' stop 1 end if icf = i2-i1+49 read(line(i1:i2),'(f'//char(icf)//'.0)')xdata return end block data parameter (noimax=24) common /all/ noinow,iorig(noimax),noinst,insetup,replacing, * instnum(noimax),botv(noimax),nvi(noimax),nsyst,nvnow logical insetup,replacing,botv data nvi /noimax*1/, noinst,noinow /2*noimax/ data botv /noimax*.false./ end subroutine zapbl(string,len) character*(*) string do 1 i = 1 , len if (string(i:i) .eq. ' ')go to 1 if (i .eq. 1) return go to 2 1 continue c c If line is all blank, leave it alone c return 2 continue string = string(i:len) return end subroutine OddQuotesBefore(lineq,indx,yesodd) c c This counts number of double quotes in lineq up to position indx-1, then c sets yesodd according to whether number is odd or even c logical yesodd character*(*) lineq numdqs = 0 do 1 i = 1 , indx-1 if (lineq(i:i) .eq. '"') numdqs = numdqs+1 1 continue yesodd = mod(numdqs,2) .eq. 1 return end