This directory contains "p2c", a Pascal to C translator. "p2c" Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written and maintained by: Dave Gillespie c/o Synaptics, Inc. 2698 Orchard Parkway San Jose CA 95134, uunet!synaptx!daveg This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU License Agreement. See the file src/COPYING for details. The GNU License Agreement restrictions do _not_ apply to code generated by p2c, nor to the p2c run-time files "p2clib.c" and "p2c.h". NO WARRANTY: The program in this directory was developed for internal use at Caltech and thus absolutely no guarantee is made that the program will compile or run on other systems or that it will produce correct code. P2c is _not_ a compiler, it is a translator; it strives to produce correct code but reserves the right to sacrifice correctness in extreme cases for readability in the general case. P2c is designed to be extended (see funcs.c, hpmods.c and citmods.c for examples), but some of the main code is pretty messy since the translator has grown considerably beyond its original planned scale. Bug reports are welcome at, but I may not have time to respond to them immediately. Suggestions are welcome, too!