unit globals; { 1. All global variables. 2. Miscellaneous other procedures required by several Units. } interface const PMXlinelength = 128; { !!! One or more of the following constants should be reduced if this program is to be compiled by a 16-bit compiler (e.g. Turbo Pascal), otherwise you get a "Data segment too large" error } lines_in_paragraph = 100; max_words = 128; max_notes = 128; { Christian Mondrup's suggestion to reduce data segment size: lines_in_paragraph = 50; max_words = 64; max_notes = 64; } max_bars = 16; maxstaves = 15; maxvoices = 15; maxgroups = 3; standardPMXvoices = 12; max_lyrics_line_length = PMXlinelength-4; inf = 32000; unspec = 1000; default_size = 20; start_beam = '['; stop_beam = ']'; rest = 'r'; pause = 'rp'; dotcode = 'd'; grace_group = 'G'; multi_group = 'x'; barsym = '|'; comment = '%'; double_comment: string[2] = '%%'; blank = ' '; dot = '.'; comma = ','; colon = ':'; tilde = '~'; atsign = '@'; dummy = #0; ndurs = 8; durations: string[ndurs] = '90248136'; unspecified = '5'; { Not a valid duration } whole = 2; { position of '0' in durations } terminators: string = '.x'; digits = '123456789'; digitsdot = '0123456789.'; has_duration: string[8] = 'abcdefgr'; solfa_names: string[7] = 'drmfslt'; choice: char = ' '; outfile_open: boolean = false; texdir: string = ''; old_meter_word: string = ''; outlen: integer = 0; putspace = true; nospace = false; ignore_input: boolean = false; print = true; type paragraph_index = 1..lines_in_paragraph; voice_index = 1..maxvoices; stave_index = 1..maxstaves; bar_index0 = 0..max_bars; word_index0 = 0..max_words; paragraph_index0 = 0..lines_in_paragraph; voice_index0 = 0..maxvoices; stave_index0 = 0..maxstaves; paragraph = array[paragraph_index] of string; line_nos = array[paragraph_index] of integer; var voice_label: array[voice_index] of string; clef: array[stave_index] of char; instr, stave, first_on_stave, number_on_stave: array[stave_index] of voice_index0; nspace, stave_size: array[stave_index] of integer; nvoices, nstaves, ninstr, bottom, top: voice_index0; one_beat, full_bar, line_no, short_note, musicsize, meternum, meterdenom, pmnum, pmdenom, paragraph_no, bar_no, pickup, nbars, nleft: integer; para_len: paragraph_index0; xmtrnum0: real; P: paragraph; orig_line_no: line_nos; infile, outfile, stylefile: text; default_duration: char; fracindent, this_version, this_version_date: string; pmx_preamble_done, first_paragraph, final_paragraph, must_respace, must_restyle, multi_bar_rest, some_vocal: boolean; procedure error(message: string; printLine: boolean); procedure fatalerror(message: string); procedure warning(message: string; printLine: boolean); function PMXinstr (stave: integer): integer; procedure setDefaultDuration(meterdenom: integer); procedure getMeter(line: string; var meternum, meterdenom, pmnum, pmdenom: integer); procedure setSpace(line: string); function meterChange(n1, n2: integer; blind: boolean): string; function meterWord (num, denom, pnum, pdenom: integer): string; procedure cancel(var num,denom: integer; lowest: integer); function isNoteOrRest(w: string): boolean; function isPause(note: string): boolean; implementation uses strings, control, utility; function isNoteOrRest(w: string): boolean; begin isNoteOrRest := pos1(w[1],has_duration)>0; end; function isPause(note: string): boolean; begin isPause:=startsWith(note,pause); end; procedure cancel(var num,denom: integer; lowest: integer); begin while (num mod 2 = 0) and (denom>lowest) do begin num:=num div 2; denom:=denom div 2; end; end; function meterWord (num,denom,pnum,pdenom: integer): string; begin meterWord := 'm' + toString(num) + '/' + toString(denom) + '/' + toString(pnum) + '/' + toString(pdenom); end; function meterChange(n1, n2: integer; blind: boolean): string; var f, l: integer; begin if blind then begin f:=64; l:=n1 * (64 div n2); cancel(l,f,meterdenom); meterChange := meterWord (l,f,0,0); if meternum>0 then writeln('Blind meter change to ', l, '/', f, ' on line ', line_no); end else meterChange := meterWord(n1,n2,0,0); end; procedure setSpace(line: string); var i: integer; word: string; begin i:=0; while i0) and printline then writeln(P[j]); if not ignoreErrors then begin if outfile_open then begin close(outfile); rewrite(outfile); close(outfile); end; if line_no=0 then line_no:=10000; halt(line_no); end; end; procedure warning(message: string; printline: boolean); var j: integer; begin if line_no>0 then begin writeln (message, ': WARNING on line ', line_no); if not printline then exit; j:=whereInParagraph(line_no); if j>0 then writeln(P[j]) end else writeln (message, ': WARNING in preamble'); end; function PMXinstr (stave: integer): integer; begin PMXinstr := ninstr + 1 - instr[stave]; end; procedure setDefaultDuration(meterdenom: integer); begin case meterdenom of 1: default_duration:='0'; 2: default_duration:='2'; 4: default_duration:='4'; 8: default_duration:='8'; 16: default_duration:='1'; 32: default_duration:='3'; 64: default_duration:='6'; end; end; end.