unit analyze; { Decide which lines of paragraphs go where; test total duration of lines. } interface uses control, globals; procedure testParagraph; procedure describeParagraph; procedure paragraphSetup (var voice: voice_index0); procedure includeStartString; implementation uses mtx, strings, lyrics, mtxline, uptext, preamble, utility; procedure includeStartString; var voice: voice_index; mus: paragraph_index0; begin for voice:=1 to nvoices do begin mus:=musicLineNo(voice); if mus>0 then P[mus]:=startString(voice)+P[mus]; end; end; function describe(nbar,extra: integer): string; begin describe:=toString(nbar)+' bar'+plural(nbar)+' + '+ toString(extra)+'/64 notes'; end; procedure testParagraph; var voice, leader, nv: voice_index0; mus: paragraph_index0; extra, l, nbar: integer; begin nbars:=0; pickup:=0; nleft:=0; if top>bottom then exit; pickup:=0; nv:=0; leader:=0; multi_bar_rest := false; for voice:=top to bottom do begin mus:=musicLineNo(voice); if mus>0 then {* -------------- Voice is present ---- } begin inc(nv); line_no:=orig_line_no[mus]; scanMusic(voice,l); if multi_bar_rest and (nv>1) then error( 'Multi-bar rest allows only one voice',print); if not pmx_preamble_done then if voice=top then pickup:=l else if pickup<>l then error3(voice,'The same pickup must appear in all voices'); nbar := numberOfBars(voice); extra := extraLength(voice); if multi_bar_rest and ((nbar>0) or (extra>0)) then error3(voice, 'Multi-bar rest allows no other rests or notes'); if (nbar>nbars) or (nbar=nbars) and (extra>nleft) then begin nbars:=nbar; nleft:=extra; leader:=voice; end; if not final_paragraph and (meternum>0) and (extra>0) then begin writeln('Line has ', describe(nbar,extra)); error(' Line does not end at complete bar',print); end; if pmx_preamble_done and (l>0) and (meternum>0) then error3(voice,'Short bar with no meter change'); end end; if not pmx_preamble_done then begin xmtrnum0 := pickup/one_beat; { Don't want an integer result } if beVerbose then writeln ('Pickup = ', pickup, '/64'); end; if leader>0 then for voice:=top to bottom do if musicLineNo(voice)>0 then if voice<>leader then begin mus:=musicLineNo(voice); line_no:=orig_line_no[mus]; if (numberOfBars(voice)<>numberOfBars(leader)) or (extraLength(voice)<>extraLength(leader)) then begin writeln('Following line has ', describe(numberOfBars(voice), extraLength(voice))); writeln(musicLine(voice)); writeln('Longest line has ', describe(numberOfBars(leader), extraLength(leader))); writeln(musicLine(leader)); error('Line duration anomaly',print); end; end; end; procedure describeParagraph; var voice: voice_index0; begin writeln('---- Paragraph ',paragraph_no, ' starting at line ', orig_line_no[1], ' bar ', bar_no); for voice:=top to bottom do describeVoice(voice,lyricsReport(voice)); end; procedure paragraphSetup (var voice: voice_index0); var l: integer; k: voice_index0; P_keep, w: string; is_labelled: boolean; procedure maybeUptext(i: integer); begin if not doUptext then exit; if (length(w)=1) then if (voice=nvoices) then warning('Uptext line below bottom voice should be labelled',print); if length(w)=1 then {* Standard chord line ------ } begin k:=voice+1; if k>nvoices then dec(k); setUptextLineNo(k,i); end else {* Labelled chord line ---- } begin predelete(w,1); k:=findVoice(w); if k=0 then error('Uptext line belongs to unknown voice',print) else setUptextLineNo(k,i); end end; procedure maybeChords(i: integer); begin if not doChords then exit; if (length(w)=1) and (voice=0) and pedanticWarnings then warning('Chord line above top voice should be labelled',print); if length(w)=1 then {* Standard chord line ------ } begin k:=voice; if k=0 then k:=1; setChordLineNo(k,i); end else {* Labelled chord line ---- } begin predelete(w,1); k:=findVoice(w); if k=0 then error('Chord line belongs to unknown voice',print) else setChordLineNo(k,i); end end; procedure analyzeParagraph; var i: paragraph_index; begin voice:=0; bottom:=0; top:=nvoices+1; clearLabels; clearTags; clearUptext; for i:=1 to para_len do { ----- Paragraph analysis main loop ----- } if (P[i]<>'') and (P[i,1]<>comment) then begin w:=NextWord(P[i],blank,colon); line_no := orig_line_no[i]; l:=length(w); is_labelled := (w[l]=colon) and (w[l-1]<>barsym); if is_labelled then begin P_keep := P[i]; predelete(P[i],l); shorten(w,l-1); k:=findVoice(w); { First look for a voice label } if k>0 then begin voice:=k; setMusicLineNo(voice,i); end else if w[1]='L' then maybeLyrics(voice,i,w) else if w[1]='C' then maybeChords(i) else if w[1]='U' then maybeUptext(i) else begin {* ------------ Maybe Space command ------------ } if startsWithIgnoreCase(w,'SPACE') then begin setSpace(P[i]); must_respace:=true; end else {* ------------ Maybe Voices command ------------ } if startsWithIgnoreCase(w,'VOICES') then begin selectVoices(P[i]); must_restyle:=true; end else begin {* Could be sticky attribute *} P[i] := P_keep; is_labelled := false; if not isNoteOrRest(w) then error('Unknown line label',print); end end end; if not is_labelled then begin inc(voice); setMusicLineNo(voice,i); end; if voice>bottom then bottom:=voice; if (voice>0) and (voice'' then setOnly(new_only) else for i:=1 to para_len do if omitLine(i) then P[i]:='%'; end; begin obliterate; analyzeParagraph; reviseLyrics; end; end.