% $Id$ % This file is public domain. \documentclass{report} \newcommand{\defaultleftmargin}{0.25in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{\defaultleftmargin} \providecommand{\defaultmargin}{0.25in}\def\defx{\defy} \begin{document} \end{document} % BTW, to remake in the build directory even though maintainer mode is % enabled (where $xu is the texk/utils source directory): % cd Work/utils/lacheck && make am__skiplex= all \ % && ./lacheck $xu/lacheck/test-def.tex # or make check, etc. % [https://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2019-January/043083.html] % % Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 19:11:18 -0800 % From: Zayd Hammoudeh % To: % Subject: [tex-live] Possible lacheck Bug Report % % [...] % % In the simple LaTeX file: % \documentclass{report} % % \newcommand{\defaultleftmargin}{0.25in} % % \begin{document} % \end{document} % % I get the following errors with lacheck: % "hw01.tex", line 5: <- unmatched "end of file hw01.tex" % "hw01.tex", line 2: -> unmatched "{" % % This is reported by Vim's syntastic running lacheck ver. $Id: % lacheck.lex,v 1.26 1998/03/07 07:46:45 abraham Exp $ on MacOS High % Sierra. The issue only seems to arise when \newcommand is followed by % {\def*} (where * is zero or more other characters). Removal of the curly % brackets around \def* or any term other than def causes the issue to go away. % % [...] % % Edit: The issue appears to not be limited to newcommand. I get the same % error for the line: % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{\defaultleftmargin}