/* * $Id: msgbox.c,v 1.58 2007/03/25 20:08:23 Brian.Rolfe Exp $ * * msgbox.c -- implements the message box and info box * * Copyright 2000-2006,2007 Thomas E. Dickey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110, USA. * * An earlier version of this program lists as authors: * Savio Lam (lam836@cs.cuhk.hk) */ #include #include /* * Display the message in a scrollable window. Actually the way it works is * that we create a "tall" window of the proper width, let the text wrap within * that, and copy a slice of the result to the dialog. * * It works for ncurses. Other curses implementations show only blanks (Tru64) * or garbage (NetBSD). */ static int show_message(WINDOW *dialog, const char *prompt, int offset, int page, int width, int pauseopt) { #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION if (pauseopt) { int wide = width - (2 * MARGIN); int high = LINES; int y, x; int len; int percent; WINDOW *dummy; char buffer[5]; #if defined(NCURSES_VERSION_PATCH) && NCURSES_VERSION_PATCH >= 20040417 /* * If we're not limited by the screensize, allow text to possibly be * one character per line. */ if ((len = dlg_count_columns(prompt)) > high) high = len; #endif dummy = newwin(high, width, 0, 0); wbkgdset(dummy, dialog_attr | ' '); wattrset(dummy, dialog_attr); werase(dummy); dlg_print_autowrap(dummy, prompt, high, width); getyx(dummy, y, x); copywin(dummy, /* srcwin */ dialog, /* dstwin */ offset + MARGIN, /* sminrow */ MARGIN, /* smincol */ MARGIN, /* dminrow */ MARGIN, /* dmincol */ page, /* dmaxrow */ wide, /* dmaxcol */ FALSE); delwin(dummy); /* if the text is incomplete, or we have scrolled, show the percentage */ if (y > 0 && wide > 4) { percent = (int) ((page + offset) * 100.0 / y); if (percent < 0) percent = 0; if (percent > 100) percent = 100; if (offset != 0 || percent != 100) { (void) wattrset(dialog, position_indicator_attr); (void) wmove(dialog, MARGIN + page, wide - 4); (void) sprintf(buffer, "%d%%", percent); (void) waddstr(dialog, buffer); if ((len = strlen(buffer)) < 4) { wattrset(dialog, border_attr); whline(dialog, dlg_boxchar(ACS_HLINE), 4 - len); } } } return (y - page); } #endif (void) offset; wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); dlg_print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, page + 1 + (3 * MARGIN), width); return 0; } /* * Display a message box. Program will pause and display an "OK" button * if the parameter 'pauseopt' is non-zero. */ int dialog_msgbox(const char *title, const char *cprompt, int height, int width, int pauseopt) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static DLG_KEYS_BINDING binding[] = { ENTERKEY_BINDINGS, DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ENTER, ' ' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_DOWN, 'J' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_DOWN, 'j' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_DOWN, KEY_DOWN ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_UP, 'K' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_UP, 'k' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_GRID_UP, KEY_UP ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_FIRST, 'g' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_FIRST, KEY_HOME ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_LAST, 'G' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_LAST, KEY_END ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_NEXT, 'F' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_NEXT, 'f' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_NEXT, KEY_NPAGE ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_PREV, 'B' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_PREV, 'b' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_PAGE_PREV, KEY_PPAGE ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, KEY_DOWN ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, KEY_RIGHT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, TAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_UP ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_BTAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_LEFT ), END_KEYS_BINDING }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int x, y, last = 0, page; int button = 0; int key = 0, fkey; int result = DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN; WINDOW *dialog = 0; char *prompt = dlg_strclone(cprompt); const char **buttons = dlg_ok_label(); int offset = 0; int check; bool show = TRUE; #ifdef KEY_RESIZE int req_high = height; int req_wide = width; restart: #endif dlg_tab_correct_str(prompt); dlg_auto_size(title, prompt, &height, &width, (pauseopt == 1 ? 2 : 0), (pauseopt == 1 ? 12 : 0)); dlg_print_size(height, width); dlg_ctl_size(height, width); x = dlg_box_x_ordinate(width); y = dlg_box_y_ordinate(height); #ifdef KEY_RESIZE if (dialog != 0) dlg_move_window(dialog, height, width, y, x); else #endif { dialog = dlg_new_window(height, width, y, x); dlg_register_window(dialog, "msgbox", binding); dlg_register_buttons(dialog, "msgbox", buttons); } page = height - (1 + 3 * MARGIN); dlg_mouse_setbase(x, y); dlg_draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); dlg_draw_title(dialog, title); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); if (pauseopt) { dlg_draw_bottom_box(dialog); mouse_mkbutton(height - 2, width / 2 - 4, 6, '\n'); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); while (result == DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN) { if (show) { getyx(dialog, y, x); last = show_message(dialog, prompt, offset, page, width, pauseopt); wmove(dialog, y, x); wrefresh(dialog); show = FALSE; } key = dlg_mouse_wgetch(dialog, &fkey); if (dlg_result_key(key, fkey, &result)) break; if (!fkey && (check = dlg_char_to_button(key, buttons)) >= 0) { result = check ? DLG_EXIT_HELP : DLG_EXIT_OK; break; } if (fkey) { switch (key) { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE case KEY_RESIZE: dlg_clear(); height = req_high; width = req_wide; show = TRUE; goto restart; #endif case DLGK_FIELD_NEXT: button = dlg_next_button(buttons, button); if (button < 0) button = 0; dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); break; case DLGK_FIELD_PREV: button = dlg_prev_button(buttons, button); if (button < 0) button = 0; dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2, 0, buttons, button, FALSE, width); break; case DLGK_ENTER: result = button ? DLG_EXIT_HELP : DLG_EXIT_OK; break; case DLGK_PAGE_FIRST: if (offset > 0) { offset = 0; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_PAGE_LAST: if (offset < last) { offset = last; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_GRID_UP: if (offset > 0) { --offset; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_GRID_DOWN: if (offset < last) { ++offset; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_PAGE_PREV: if (offset > 0) { offset -= page; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_PAGE_NEXT: if (offset < last) { offset += page; if (offset > last) offset = last; show = TRUE; } break; case DLGK_MOUSE(0): result = DLG_EXIT_OK; break; case DLGK_MOUSE(1): result = DLG_EXIT_HELP; break; default: beep(); break; } } else { beep(); } } } else { show_message(dialog, prompt, offset, page, width, pauseopt); wrefresh(dialog); result = DLG_EXIT_OK; } dlg_del_window(dialog); dlg_mouse_free_regions(); free(prompt); return result; }