/***** * triple.h * John Bowman * * Stores a three-dimensional point. * *****/ #ifndef TRIPLE_H #define TRIPLE_H #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "angle.h" namespace camp { typedef double Triple[3]; class triple : virtual public gc { double x; double y; double z; public: triple() : x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0) {} triple(double x, double y=0.0, double z=0.0) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {} triple(const Triple& v) : x(v[0]), y(v[1]), z(v[2]) {} virtual ~triple() {} double getx() const { return x; } double gety() const { return y; } double getz() const { return z; } friend triple operator+ (const triple& z, const triple& w) { return triple(z.x + w.x, z.y + w.y, z.z + w.z); } friend triple operator- (const triple& z, const triple& w) { return triple(z.x - w.x, z.y - w.y, z.z - w.z); } friend triple operator- (const triple& z) { return triple(-z.x, -z.y, -z.z); } friend triple operator* (double s, const triple& z) { return triple(s*z.x, s*z.y, s*z.z); } friend triple operator* (const triple& z, double s) { return triple(z.x*s, z.y*s, z.z*s); } friend triple operator/ (const triple& z, double s) { if (s == 0.0) reportError("division by 0"); s=1.0/s; return triple(z.x*s, z.y*s, z.z*s); } const triple& operator+= (const triple& w) { x += w.x; y += w.y; z += w.z; return *this; } const triple& operator-= (const triple& w) { x -= w.x; y -= w.y; z -= w.z; return *this; } friend bool operator== (const triple& z, const triple& w) { return z.x == w.x && z.y == w.y && z.z == w.z; } friend bool operator!= (const triple& z, const triple& w) { return z.x != w.x || z.y != w.y || z.z != w.z; } double abs2() const { return x*x+y*y+z*z; } double length() const /* r */ { return sqrt(abs2()); } friend double length(const triple& v) { return v.length(); } double polar() const /* theta */ { double r=length(); if (r == 0.0) reportError("taking polar angle of (0,0,0)"); return acos(z/r); } double azimuth() const /* phi */ { return angle(x,y); } friend triple unit(const triple& v) { double scale=v.length(); if(scale != 0.0) scale=1.0/scale; return triple(v.x*scale,v.y*scale,v.z*scale); } friend double dot(const triple& u, const triple& v) { return u.getx()*v.getx()+u.gety()*v.gety()+u.getz()*v.getz(); } friend triple cross(const triple& u, const triple& v) { return triple(u.gety()*v.getz()-u.getz()*v.gety(), u.getz()*v.getx()-u.getx()*v.getz(), u.getx()*v.gety()-v.getx()*u.gety()); } // Returns a unit triple in the direction (theta,phi), in radians. friend triple expi(double theta, double phi) { double sintheta=sin(theta); return triple(sintheta*cos(phi),sintheta*sin(phi),cos(theta)); } friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, triple& z) { char c; s >> std::ws; bool paren=s.peek() == '('; // parenthesis are optional if(paren) s >> c; s >> z.x >> std::ws; if(s.peek() == ',') s >> c >> z.y; else z.y=0.0; if(s.peek() == ',') s >> c >> z.z; else z.z=0.0; if(paren) { s >> std::ws; if(s.peek() == ')') s >> c; } return s; } friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const triple& z) { out << "(" << z.x << "," << z.y << "," << z.z << ")"; return out; } }; triple expi(double theta, double phi); } //namespace camp GC_DECLARE_PTRFREE(camp::triple); #endif