/***** Autogenerated from runsystem.in; changes will be overwritten *****/ #line 1 "runtimebase.in" /***** * runtimebase.in * Andy Hammerlindl 2009/07/28 * * Common declarations needed for all code-generating .in files. * *****/ #line 1 "runsystem.in" /***** * runsystem.in * * Runtime functions for system operations. * *****/ #line 1 "runtimebase.in" #include "stack.h" #include "types.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "entry.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "array.h" #include "triple.h" #include "callable.h" using vm::stack; using vm::error; using vm::array; using vm::callable; using types::formal; using types::function; using camp::triple; #define PRIMITIVE(name,Name,asyName) using types::prim##Name; #include #undef PRIMITIVE typedef double real; void unused(void *); namespace run { array *copyArray(array *a); array *copyArray2(array *a); array *copyArray3(array *a); double *copyArrayC(const array *a, size_t dim=0); double *copyArray2C(const array *a, bool square=true, size_t dim2=0); triple *copyTripleArrayC(const array *a, size_t dim=0); triple *copyTripleArray2C(const array *a, bool square=true, size_t dim2=0); double *copyTripleArray2Components(array *a, bool square=true, size_t dim2=0); } function *realRealFunction(); // Return the component of vector v perpendicular to a unit vector u. inline triple perp(triple v, triple u) { return v-dot(v,u)*u; } #define CURRENTPEN processData().currentpen #line 12 "runsystem.in" #include "process.h" #include "stack.h" #include "locate.h" using namespace camp; using namespace settings; using vm::bpinfo; using vm::bplist; using vm::getPos; using vm::default_t; using vm::nullfunc; using vm::item; using absyntax::runnable; typedef callable callableBp; namespace run { extern default_t def; extern string emptystring; } function *voidFunction() { return new function(primVoid()); } function *breakpointFunction() { return new function(primString(),primString(),primInt(),primInt(), primCode()); } void clear(string file, Int line, bool warn=false) { bpinfo bp(file,line); for(mem::list::iterator p=bplist.begin(); p != bplist.end(); ++p) { if(*p == bp) { cout << "cleared breakpoint at " << file << ": " << line << endl; bplist.remove(bp); return; } } if(warn) cout << "No such breakpoint at " << file << ": " << line << endl; } namespace run { void breakpoint(stack *Stack, runnable *r) { callable *atBreakpointFunction=processData().atBreakpointFunction; if(atBreakpointFunction && !nullfunc::instance()->compare(atBreakpointFunction)) { position curPos=getPos(); Stack->push(curPos.filename()); Stack->push((Int) curPos.Line()); Stack->push((Int) curPos.Column()); Stack->push(r ? r : item(run::def)); atBreakpointFunction->call(Stack); // returns a string } else Stack->push(""); } } string convertname(string name, const string& format, bool check=true) { if(name.empty()) return buildname(outname(),format,""); else if(check) checkLocal(name); return format.empty() ? name : format+":"+name; } namespace run { void purge(Int divisor=0) { #ifdef USEGC if(divisor > 0) GC_set_free_space_divisor((GC_word) divisor); GC_gcollect(); #endif } void updateFunction(stack *Stack) { callable *atUpdateFunction=processData().atUpdateFunction; if(atUpdateFunction && !nullfunc::instance()->compare(atUpdateFunction)) atUpdateFunction->call(Stack); } void exitFunction(stack *Stack) { callable *atExitFunction=processData().atExitFunction; if(atExitFunction && !nullfunc::instance()->compare(atExitFunction)) atExitFunction->call(Stack); } } // Autogenerated routines: namespace run { #line 109 "runsystem.in" // void atupdate(callable *f); void gen_runsystem0(stack *Stack) { callable * f=vm::pop(Stack); #line 110 "runsystem.in" processData().atUpdateFunction=f; } #line 114 "runsystem.in" // callable* atupdate(); void gen_runsystem1(stack *Stack) { #line 115 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(processData().atUpdateFunction); return;} } #line 119 "runsystem.in" // void atexit(callable *f); void gen_runsystem2(stack *Stack) { callable * f=vm::pop(Stack); #line 120 "runsystem.in" processData().atExitFunction=f; } #line 124 "runsystem.in" // callable* atexit(); void gen_runsystem3(stack *Stack) { #line 125 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(processData().atExitFunction); return;} } #line 129 "runsystem.in" // void atbreakpoint(callableBp *f); void gen_runsystem4(stack *Stack) { callableBp * f=vm::pop(Stack); #line 130 "runsystem.in" processData().atBreakpointFunction=f; } #line 134 "runsystem.in" // void breakpoint(runnable *s=NULL); void gen_runsystem5(stack *Stack) { runnable * s=vm::pop(Stack,NULL); #line 135 "runsystem.in" breakpoint(Stack,s); } #line 139 "runsystem.in" // string locatefile(string file); void gen_runsystem6(stack *Stack) { string file=vm::pop(Stack); #line 140 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(locateFile(file)); return;} } #line 144 "runsystem.in" // void stop(string file, Int line, runnable *s=NULL); void gen_runsystem7(stack *Stack) { runnable * s=vm::pop(Stack,NULL); Int line=vm::pop(Stack); string file=vm::pop(Stack); #line 145 "runsystem.in" file=locateFile(file); clear(file,line); cout << "setting breakpoint at " << file << ": " << line << endl; bplist.push_back(bpinfo(file,line,s)); } #line 152 "runsystem.in" // void breakpoints(); void gen_runsystem8(stack *) { #line 153 "runsystem.in" for(mem::list::iterator p=bplist.begin(); p != bplist.end(); ++p) cout << p->f.name() << ": " << p->f.line() << endl; } #line 158 "runsystem.in" // void clear(string file, Int line); void gen_runsystem9(stack *Stack) { Int line=vm::pop(Stack); string file=vm::pop(Stack); #line 159 "runsystem.in" file=locateFile(file); clear(file,line,true); } #line 164 "runsystem.in" // void clear(); void gen_runsystem10(stack *) { #line 165 "runsystem.in" bplist.clear(); } #line 169 "runsystem.in" // void warn(string s); void gen_runsystem11(stack *Stack) { string s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 170 "runsystem.in" Warn(s); } #line 174 "runsystem.in" // void nowarn(string s); void gen_runsystem12(stack *Stack) { string s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 175 "runsystem.in" noWarn(s); } #line 179 "runsystem.in" // void warning(string s, string t, bool position=false); void gen_runsystem13(stack *Stack) { bool position=vm::pop(Stack,false); string t=vm::pop(Stack); string s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 180 "runsystem.in" if(settings::warn(s)) { em.warning(position ? getPos() : nullPos,s); em << t; } } // Strip directory from string #line 188 "runsystem.in" // string stripdirectory(string *s); void gen_runsystem14(stack *Stack) { string * s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 189 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(stripDir(*s)); return;} } // Strip directory from string #line 194 "runsystem.in" // string stripfile(string *s); void gen_runsystem15(stack *Stack) { string * s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 195 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(stripFile(*s)); return;} } // Strip file extension from string #line 200 "runsystem.in" // string stripextension(string *s); void gen_runsystem16(stack *Stack) { string * s=vm::pop(Stack); #line 201 "runsystem.in" {Stack->push(stripExt(*s)); return;} } // Call ImageMagick convert. #line 206 "runsystem.in" // Int convert(string args=emptystring, string file=emptystring, string format=emptystring); void gen_runsystem17(stack *Stack) { string format=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); string file=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); string args=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); #line 208 "runsystem.in" string name=convertname(file,format); mem::vector cmd; cmd.push_back(getSetting("convert")); push_split(cmd,args); cmd.push_back(name); bool quiet=verbose <= 1; Int ret=System(cmd,quiet ? 1 : 0,true,"convert", "your ImageMagick convert utility"); if(ret == 0 && verbose > 0) cout << "Wrote " << ((file.empty()) ? name : file) << endl; {Stack->push(ret); return;} } // Call ImageMagick animate. #line 225 "runsystem.in" // Int animate(string args=emptystring, string file=emptystring, string format=emptystring); void gen_runsystem18(stack *Stack) { string format=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); string file=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); string args=vm::pop(Stack,emptystring); #line 227 "runsystem.in" #ifndef __CYGWIN__ string name=convertname(file,format,false); if(view()) { mem::vector cmd; cmd.push_back(getSetting("animate")); push_split(cmd,args); cmd.push_back(name); {Stack->push(System(cmd,0,false,"animate","your animated GIF viewer")); return;} } #endif {Stack->push(0); return;} } #line 241 "runsystem.in" // void purge(Int divisor=0); void gen_runsystem19(stack *Stack) { Int divisor=vm::pop(Stack,0); #line 242 "runsystem.in" purge(divisor); } } // namespace run namespace trans { void gen_runsystem_venv(venv &ve) { #line 109 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem0, primVoid(), "atupdate", formal(voidFunction(), "f", false, false)); #line 114 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem1, voidFunction(), "atupdate"); #line 119 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem2, primVoid(), "atexit", formal(voidFunction(), "f", false, false)); #line 124 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem3, voidFunction(), "atexit"); #line 129 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem4, primVoid(), "atbreakpoint", formal(breakpointFunction(), "f", false, false)); #line 134 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem5, primVoid(), "breakpoint", formal(primCode(), "s", true, false)); #line 139 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem6, primString() , "locatefile", formal(primString() , "file", false, false)); #line 144 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem7, primVoid(), "stop", formal(primString() , "file", false, false), formal(primInt(), "line", false, false), formal(primCode(), "s", true, false)); #line 152 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem8, primVoid(), "breakpoints"); #line 158 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem9, primVoid(), "clear", formal(primString() , "file", false, false), formal(primInt(), "line", false, false)); #line 164 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem10, primVoid(), "clear"); #line 169 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem11, primVoid(), "warn", formal(primString() , "s", false, false)); #line 174 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem12, primVoid(), "nowarn", formal(primString() , "s", false, false)); #line 179 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem13, primVoid(), "warning", formal(primString() , "s", false, false), formal(primString() , "t", false, false), formal(primBoolean(), "position", true, false)); #line 187 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem14, primString() , "stripdirectory", formal(primString(), "s", false, false)); #line 193 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem15, primString() , "stripfile", formal(primString(), "s", false, false)); #line 199 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem16, primString() , "stripextension", formal(primString(), "s", false, false)); #line 205 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem17, primInt(), "convert", formal(primString() , "args", true, false), formal(primString() , "file", true, false), formal(primString() , "format", true, false)); #line 224 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem18, primInt(), "animate", formal(primString() , "args", true, false), formal(primString() , "file", true, false), formal(primString() , "format", true, false)); #line 241 "runsystem.in" addFunc(ve, run::gen_runsystem19, primVoid(), "purge", formal(primInt(), "divisor", true, false)); } } // namespace trans