/***** * runpicture.in * * Runtime functions for picture operations. * *****/ pen => primPen() pair => primPair() triple => primTriple() path => primPath() path3 => primPath3() picture* => primPicture() Intarray* => IntArray() Intarray2* => IntArray2() realarray* => realArray() realarray2* => realArray2() patharray* => pathArray() penarray* => penArray() penarray2* => penArray2() pairarray* => pairArray() pairarray2* => pairArray2() triplearray* => tripleArray() triplearray2* => tripleArray2() transform => primTransform() callableTransform* => transformFunction() callablePen* => penFunction() #include "picture.h" #include "drawelement.h" #include "path.h" #include "array.h" #include "arrayop.h" #include "drawpath.h" #include "drawfill.h" #include "drawclipbegin.h" #include "drawclipend.h" #include "drawgsave.h" #include "drawgrestore.h" #include "drawgroup.h" #include "drawverbatim.h" #include "drawlabel.h" #include "drawlayer.h" #include "drawimage.h" #include "drawpath3.h" #include "drawsurface.h" using namespace camp; using namespace settings; using namespace vm; typedef array Intarray; typedef array Intarray2; typedef array realarray; typedef array realarray2; typedef array pairarray; typedef array pairarray2; typedef array triplearray; typedef array triplearray2; typedef array patharray; typedef array penarray; typedef array penarray2; typedef callable callableTransform; typedef callable callablePen; using types::IntArray; using types::IntArray2; using types::realArray; using types::realArray2; using types::pairArray; using types::pairArray2; using types::tripleArray; using types::tripleArray2; using types::pathArray; using types::penArray; using types::penArray2; function *transformFunction() { return new function(primTransform()); } function *penFunction() { return new function(primPen(),primInt(),primInt()); } // Ignore unclosed begingroups but not spurious endgroups. const char *nobegin="endgroup without matching begingroup"; array *emptyarray=new array(0); array *nop(array *a) { return a; } triple Zero; // Autogenerated routines: picture* :newPicture() { return new picture(); } bool empty(picture *f) { return f->null(); } void erase(picture *f) { f->nodes.clear(); } pair min(picture *f) { return f->bounds().Min(); } pair max(picture *f) { return f->bounds().Max(); } pair size(picture *f) { bbox b=f->bounds(); return b.Max()-b.Min(); } void _draw(picture *f, path g, pen p) { f->append(new drawPath(g,p)); } void fill(picture *f, patharray *g, pen p=CURRENTPEN, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawFill(*copyarray(g),false,p)); } void latticeshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, penarray2 *p, transform t=identity, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawLatticeShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,*copyarray(p), t)); } void axialshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen pena, pair a, bool extenda=true, pen penb, pair b, bool extendb=true, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawAxialShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,pena,a,extenda,penb,b, extendb)); } void radialshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen pena, pair a, real ra, bool extenda=true, pen penb, pair b, real rb, bool extendb=true, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawRadialShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,pena,a,ra,extenda, penb,b,rb,extendb)); } void gouraudshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, penarray *p, pairarray *z, Intarray *edges, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; checkArrays(p,z); checkArrays(z,edges); f->append(new drawGouraudShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,*copyarray(p), *copyarray(z),*copyarray(edges))); } void gouraudshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, penarray *p, Intarray *edges, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; size_t n=checkArrays(p,edges); size_t m=checkArray(g); array *z=new array(n); Int k=0; Int in=(Int) n; for(size_t j=0; j < m; ++j) { path *P=read(g,j); assert(P); Int stop=Min(P->size(),in-k); mem::vector& nodes=P->Nodes(); for(Int i=0; i < stop; ++i) (*z)[k++]=nodes[i].point; } checkArrays(p,z); f->append(new drawGouraudShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,*copyarray(p), *z,*copyarray(edges))); } void tensorshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, penarray2 *p, patharray *b=NULL, pairarray2 *z=emptyarray, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; array *(*copyarray2)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray2: nop; if(b == NULL) b=g; size_t n=checkArrays(p,b); size_t nz=checkArray(z); if(nz != 0) checkEqual(nz,n); f->append(new drawTensorShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,*copyarray2(p), *copyarray(b),*copyarray2(z))); } void functionshade(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, string shader=emptystring, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawFunctionShade(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,shader)); } // Clip a picture to a superpath using the given fill rule. // Subsequent additions to the picture will not be affected by the clipping. void clip(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; drawClipBegin *begin=new drawClipBegin(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,true); f->enclose(begin,new drawClipEnd(true,begin)); } void beginclip(picture *f, patharray *g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=CURRENTPEN, bool copy=true) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; f->append(new drawClipBegin(*copyarray(g),stroke,fillrule,false)); } void endclip(picture *f) { f->append(new drawClipEnd(false)); } void gsave(picture *f) { f->append(new drawGsave()); } void grestore(picture *f) { f->append(new drawGrestore()); } void begingroup(picture *f) { f->append(new drawBegin()); } void endgroup(picture *f) { f->append(new drawEnd()); } void _begingroup3(picture *f, string name, real compression, real granularity, bool closed, bool tessellate, bool dobreak, bool nobreak, triple center, Int interaction) { f->append(new drawBegin3(name,compression,granularity, closed,tessellate,dobreak,nobreak, center,(Interaction) intcast(interaction))); } void endgroup3(picture *f) { f->append(new drawEnd3()); } void add(picture *dest, picture *src) { dest->add(*src); } void prepend(picture *dest, picture *src) { dest->prepend(*src); } void postscript(picture *f, string s) { f->append(new drawVerbatim(PostScript,s)); } void tex(picture *f, string s) { f->append(new drawVerbatim(TeX,s)); } void postscript(picture *f, string s, pair min, pair max) { f->append(new drawVerbatim(PostScript,s,min,max)); } void tex(picture *f, string s, pair min, pair max) { f->append(new drawVerbatim(TeX,s,min,max)); } void texpreamble(string s) { string t=s+"\n"; processDataStruct &pd=processData(); pd.TeXpipepreamble.push_back(t); pd.TeXpreamble.push_back(t); } void deletepreamble() { if(getSetting("inlinetex")) { unlink(buildname(outname(),"pre").c_str()); } } void _labelpath(picture *f, string s, string size, path g, string justify, pair offset, pen p) { f->append(new drawLabelPath(s,size,g,justify,offset,p)); } void texreset() { processDataStruct &pd=processData(); pd.TeXpipepreamble.clear(); pd.TeXpreamble.clear(); pd.tex.pipeclose(); } void layer(picture *f) { f->append(new drawLayer()); } void newpage(picture *f) { f->append(new drawNewPage()); } void _image(picture *f, realarray2 *data, pair initial, pair final, penarray *palette=NULL, transform t=identity, bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { array *(*copyarray)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray: nop; array *(*copyarray2)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray2: nop; f->append(new drawPaletteImage(*copyarray2(data),*copyarray(palette), t*matrix(initial,final),antialias)); } void _image(picture *f, penarray2 *data, pair initial, pair final, transform t=identity, bool copy=true, bool antialias=false) { array *(*copyarray2)(array *a)=copy ? copyArray2: nop; f->append(new drawNoPaletteImage(*copyarray2(data),t*matrix(initial,final), antialias)); } void _image(picture *f, callablePen *F, Int width, Int height, pair initial, pair final, transform t=identity, bool antialias=false) { f->append(new drawFunctionImage(Stack,F,width,height, t*matrix(initial,final),antialias)); } string nativeformat() { return nativeformat(); } bool latex() { return latex(getSetting("tex")); } bool pdf() { return pdf(getSetting("tex")); } void shipout(string prefix=emptystring, picture *f, picture *preamble=NULL, string format=emptystring, bool wait=false, bool view=true, callableTransform *xform) { if(prefix.empty()) prefix=outname(); picture *result=new picture; unsigned level=0; picture::nodelist::iterator p; // If null is given as an xform, just use the identity transformation. bool xformIsNull = xform == nullfunc::instance(); for(p = f->nodes.begin(); p != f->nodes.end(); ++p) { if (!xformIsNull) xform->call(Stack); transform t=xformIsNull ? camp::identity : pop(Stack); static transform Zero=transform(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); bool Delete=(t == Zero); picture *group=new picture; assert(*p); if((*p)->endgroup()) error(nobegin); if((*p)->begingroup()) { ++level; while(p != f->nodes.end() && level) { if(!Delete) { drawElement *e=t.isIdentity() ? *p : (*p)->transformed(t); group->append(e); } ++p; if(p == f->nodes.end()) break; assert(*p); if((*p)->begingroup()) ++level; if((*p)->endgroup()) { if(level) --level; else error(nobegin); } } } if(p == f->nodes.end()) break; assert(*p); if(!Delete) { drawElement *e=t.isIdentity() ? *p : (*p)->transformed(t); group->append(e); result->add(*group); } } result->shipout(preamble,prefix,format,0.0,wait,view); } void shipout3(string prefix, picture *f, string format=emptystring, real width, real height, real angle, real zoom, triple m, triple M, pair shift, realarray2 *t, realarray *background, triplearray *lights, realarray2 *diffuse, realarray2 *ambient, realarray2 *specular, bool viewportlighting, bool view=true) { size_t n=checkArrays(lights,diffuse); checkEqual(n,checkArray(ambient)); checkEqual(n,checkArray(specular)); real *T,*Background,*Diffuse,*Ambient,*Specular; triple *Lights; copyArray2C(T,t,true,4); copyArrayC(Background,background); copyArrayC(Lights,lights); copyArray2C(Diffuse,diffuse,false,4,UseGC); copyArray2C(Ambient,ambient,false,4,UseGC); copyArray2C(Specular,specular,false,4,UseGC); f->shipout3(prefix,format,width,height,angle,zoom,m,M,shift,T,Background,n, Lights,Diffuse,Ambient,Specular,viewportlighting,view); delete[] Background; delete[] T; } void shipout3(string prefix, picture *f) { f->shipout3(prefix); } void deconstruct(picture *f, picture *preamble=NULL, real magnification=1, callableTransform *xform) { unsigned level=0; unsigned n=0; string prefix=outname(); const string xformat="png"; static long arg_max=sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX); const unsigned maxargs=::min(arg_max/(prefix.size()+xformat.size()+25ul), 256ul); openpipeout(); fprintf(pipeout,"%d\n",maxargs); fflush(pipeout); string preformat=nativeformat(); const string Done="Done"; const string Error="Error"; mem::vector cmd; // Enforce ghostscript limitations. magnification=::max(magnification,0.0001); real res=::min(::max(magnification*72.0,2.0),8192.0); const char *converter=NULL, *hint=NULL; if(magnification > 0.0) { mem::list nameStack; string outname; unsigned arg=0; unsigned batch=0; for(picture::nodelist::iterator p=f->nodes.begin();;) { if(p == f->nodes.end()) break; if(arg == 0) { cmd.clear(); ostringstream buf; buf << batch << "_"; outname=buildname(prefix+buf.str()+"%d",xformat,""); converter="gs"; hint="Ghostscript"; cmd.push_back(getSetting(converter)); cmd.push_back("-q"); cmd.push_back("-dNOPAUSE"); cmd.push_back("-dBATCH"); cmd.push_back("-P"); cmd.push_back("-sDEVICE=pngalpha"); cmd.push_back("-dEPSCrop"); if(safe) cmd.push_back("-dSAFER"); cmd.push_back("-r"+String(res)+"x"+String(res)); cmd.push_back("-sOutputFile="+outname); } picture *group=new picture; xform->call(Stack); transform t=pop(Stack); assert(*p); if((*p)->endgroup()) { fprintf(pipeout,"%s\n",Error.c_str()); fflush(pipeout); error(nobegin); } if((*p)->begingroup()) { ++level; while(p != f->nodes.end() && level) { drawElement *e=t.isIdentity() ? *p : (*p)->transformed(t); group->append(e); ++p; if(p == f->nodes.end()) break; assert(*p); if((*p)->begingroup()) ++level; if((*p)->endgroup()) { if(level) --level; else { fprintf(pipeout,"%s\n",Error.c_str()); fflush(pipeout); error(nobegin); } } } } if(p != f->nodes.end()) { assert(*p); drawElement *e=t.isIdentity() ? *p : (*p)->transformed(t); group->append(e); bbox b; ostringstream buf; buf << prefix << "_" << n; group->shipout(preamble,buf.str(),preformat,magnification,false,false); string Preformat=group->Transparency() ? "pdf" : preformat; string name=buildname(buf.str(),Preformat); nameStack.push_back(name); cmd.push_back(name); b=group->bounds(); b *= magnification; const char *oldlocale=setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,NULL); bool override=oldlocale && strcmp(oldlocale,"C") != 0; if(override) { oldlocale=StrdupNoGC(oldlocale); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C"); } fprintf(pipeout,"%g %g %g %g\n",b.left,b.right,b.bottom,b.top); if(override) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,oldlocale); delete[] oldlocale; } fflush(pipeout); ++n; ++p; ++arg; } if(p == f->nodes.end() || arg >= maxargs) { arg=0; ++batch; fflush(pipeout); int status=System(cmd,0,true,converter,hint); if(status) { fprintf(pipeout,"%s\n",Error.c_str()); fflush(pipeout); error("deconstruct failed"); } } } if(!getSetting("keep")) { for(mem::list::iterator p=nameStack.begin(); p != nameStack.end(); ++p) unlink(p->c_str()); } fprintf(pipeout,"%s\n",Done.c_str()); fflush(pipeout); } } // Three-dimensional picture and surface operations // Bezier curve void _draw(picture *f, path3 g, triple center=Zero, pen p, Int interaction=0) { if(g.size() > 0) f->append(new drawPath3(g,center,p,(Interaction) intcast(interaction))); } // Bezier patch void draw(picture *f, triplearray2 *P, triple center, bool straight, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess, real PRCshininess, triple normal, penarray *colors, Int interaction, bool prc=true) { f->append(new drawSurface(*P,center,straight,*p,opacity,shininess, PRCshininess,normal,*colors, (Interaction) intcast(interaction),prc)); } // Bezier triangle void drawbeziertriangle(picture *f, triplearray2 *P, triple center, bool straight, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess, real PRCshininess, penarray *colors, Int interaction, bool prc=true) { f->append(new drawBezierTriangle(*P,center,straight,*p,opacity,shininess, PRCshininess,*colors, (Interaction) intcast(interaction),prc)); } // General NURBS curve void draw(picture *f, triplearray *P, realarray *knot, realarray *weights=emptyarray, pen p) { f->append(new drawNurbsPath3(*P,knot,weights,p)); } // General NURBS surface void draw(picture *f, triplearray2 *P, realarray *uknot, realarray *vknot, realarray2 *weights=emptyarray, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess, real PRCshininess, penarray *colors) { f->append(new drawNurbs(*P,uknot,vknot,weights,*p,opacity,shininess, PRCshininess,*colors)); } // PRC unit sphere void drawPRCsphere(picture *f, realarray2 *t, bool half=false, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess, Int type) { f->append(new drawSphere(*t,half,*p,opacity,shininess,intcast(type))); } // PRC unit cylinder void drawPRCcylinder(picture *f, realarray2 *t, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess) { f->append(new drawCylinder(*t,*p,opacity,shininess)); } // PRC unit disk void drawPRCdisk(picture *f, realarray2 *t, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess) { f->append(new drawDisk(*t,*p,opacity,shininess)); } // General PRC tube void drawPRCtube(picture *f, path3 center, path3 g, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess) { f->append(new drawTube(center,g,*p,opacity,shininess)); } // Draw pixel void drawpixel(picture *f, triple v, pen p, real width=1.0) { f->append(new drawPixel(v,p,width)); } // Draw triangles void draw(picture *f, triplearray *v, Intarray2 *vi, triplearray *n, Intarray2 *ni, penarray *p, real opacity, real shininess, real PRCshininess, penarray *c=emptyarray, Intarray2 *ci=emptyarray) { f->append(new drawTriangles(*v,*vi,*n,*ni,*p,opacity,shininess,PRCshininess, *c,*ci)); } triple min3(picture *f) { return f->bounds3().Min(); } triple max3(picture *f) { return f->bounds3().Max(); } triple size3(picture *f) { bbox3 b=f->bounds3(); return b.Max()-b.Min(); } pair minratio(picture *f) { return f->ratio(::min); } pair maxratio(picture *f) { return f->ratio(::max); } bool is3D(picture *f) { return f->have3D(); }