/***** * path.h * Andy Hammerlindl 2002/05/16 * * Stores a piecewise cubic spline with known control points. * * When changing the path algorithms, also update the corresponding * three-dimensional algorithms in path3.cc and three.asy. *****/ #ifndef PATH_H #define PATH_H #include #include "mod.h" #include "pair.h" #include "transform.h" #include "bbox.h" inline double Intcap(double t) { if(t <= Int_MIN) return Int_MIN; if(t >= Int_MAX) return Int_MAX; return t; } // The are like floor and ceil, except they return an integer; // if the argument cannot be converted to a valid integer, they return // Int_MAX (for positive arguments) or Int_MIN (for negative arguments). inline Int Floor(double t) {return (Int) floor(Intcap(t));} inline Int Ceil(double t) {return (Int) ceil(Intcap(t));} bool simpson(double& integral, double (*)(double), double a, double b, double acc, double dxmax); bool unsimpson(double integral, double (*)(double), double a, double& b, double acc, double& area, double dxmax, double dxmin=0); namespace camp { void checkEmpty(Int n); inline Int adjustedIndex(Int i, Int n, bool cycles) { checkEmpty(n); if(cycles) return imod(i,n); else if(i < 0) return 0; else if(i >= n) return n-1; else return i; } // Used in the storage of solved path knots. struct solvedKnot : public gc { pair pre; pair point; pair post; bool straight; solvedKnot() : straight(false) {} friend bool operator== (const solvedKnot& p, const solvedKnot& q) { return p.pre == q.pre && p.point == q.point && p.post == q.post; } }; extern const double Fuzz; extern const double BigFuzz; extern const double Fuzz2; extern const double sqrtFuzz; extern const double fuzzFactor; class path : public gc { bool cycles; // If the path is closed in a loop Int n; // The number of knots mem::vector nodes; mutable double cached_length; // Cache length since path is immutable. mutable bbox box; mutable bbox times; // Times where minimum and maximum extents are attained. public: path() : cycles(false), n(0), nodes(), cached_length(-1) {} // Create a path of a single point path(pair z, bool = false) : cycles(false), n(1), nodes(1), cached_length(-1) { nodes[0].pre = nodes[0].point = nodes[0].post = z; nodes[0].straight = false; } // Creates path from a list of knots. This will be used by camp // methods such as the guide solver, but should probably not be used by a // user of the system unless he knows what he is doing. path(mem::vector& nodes, Int n, bool cycles = false) : cycles(cycles), n(n), nodes(nodes), cached_length(-1) { } friend bool operator== (const path& p, const path& q) { return p.cycles == q.cycles && p.nodes == q.nodes; } public: path(solvedKnot n1, solvedKnot n2) : cycles(false), n(2), nodes(2), cached_length(-1) { nodes[0] = n1; nodes[1] = n2; nodes[0].pre = nodes[0].point; nodes[1].post = nodes[1].point; } // Copy constructor path(const path& p) : cycles(p.cycles), n(p.n), nodes(p.nodes), cached_length(p.cached_length), box(p.box) {} path unstraighten() const { path P=path(*this); for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) P.nodes[i].straight=false; return P; } virtual ~path() { } // Getting control points Int size() const { return n; } bool empty() const { return n == 0; } Int length() const { return cycles ? n : n-1; } bool cyclic() const { return cycles; } mem::vector& Nodes() { return nodes; } bool straight(Int t) const { if (cycles) return nodes[imod(t,n)].straight; return (t >= 0 && t < n) ? nodes[t].straight : false; } bool piecewisestraight() const { Int L=length(); for(Int i=0; i < L; ++i) if(!straight(i)) return false; return true; } pair point(Int t) const { return nodes[adjustedIndex(t,n,cycles)].point; } pair point(double t) const; pair precontrol(Int t) const { return nodes[adjustedIndex(t,n,cycles)].pre; } pair precontrol(double t) const; pair postcontrol(Int t) const { return nodes[adjustedIndex(t,n,cycles)].post; } pair postcontrol(double t) const; inline double norm(const pair& z0, const pair& c0, const pair& c1, const pair& z1) const { return Fuzz2*camp::max((c0-z0).abs2(), camp::max((c1-z0).abs2(),(z1-z0).abs2())); } pair predir(Int t, bool normalize=true) const { if(!cycles && t <= 0) return pair(0,0); pair z1=point(t); pair c1=precontrol(t); pair dir=3.0*(z1-c1); if(!normalize) return dir; pair z0=point(t-1); pair c0=postcontrol(t-1); double epsilon=norm(z0,c0,c1,z1); if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); dir=2.0*c1-c0-z1; if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); return unit(z1-z0+3.0*(c0-c1)); } pair postdir(Int t, bool normalize=true) const { if(!cycles && t >= n-1) return pair(0,0); pair c0=postcontrol(t); pair z0=point(t); pair dir=3.0*(c0-z0); if(!normalize) return dir; pair z1=point(t+1); pair c1=precontrol(t+1); double epsilon=norm(z0,c0,c1,z1); if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); dir=z0-2.0*c0+c1; if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); return unit(z1-z0+3.0*(c0-c1)); } pair dir(Int t, Int sign, bool normalize=true) const { if(sign == 0) { pair v=predir(t,normalize)+postdir(t,normalize); return normalize ? unit(v) : 0.5*v; } if(sign > 0) return postdir(t,normalize); return predir(t,normalize); } pair dir(double t, bool normalize=true) const { if(!cycles) { if(t <= 0) return postdir((Int) 0,normalize); if(t >= n-1) return predir(n-1,normalize); } Int i=Floor(t); t -= i; if(t == 0) return dir(i,0,normalize); pair z0=point(i); pair c0=postcontrol(i); pair c1=precontrol(i+1); pair z1=point(i+1); pair a=3.0*(z1-z0)+9.0*(c0-c1); pair b=6.0*(z0+c1)-12.0*c0; pair c=3.0*(c0-z0); pair dir=a*t*t+b*t+c; if(!normalize) return dir; double epsilon=norm(z0,c0,c1,z1); if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); dir=2.0*a*t+b; if(dir.abs2() > epsilon) return unit(dir); return unit(a); } pair postaccel(Int t) const { if(!cycles && t >= n-1) return pair(0,0); pair z0=point(t); pair c0=postcontrol(t); pair c1=precontrol(t+1); return 6.0*(z0+c1)-12.0*c0; } pair preaccel(Int t) const { if(!cycles && t <= 0) return pair(0,0); pair c0=postcontrol(t-1); pair c1=precontrol(t); pair z1=point(t); return 6.0*(z1+c0)-12.0*c1; } pair accel(Int t, Int sign) const { if(sign == 0) return 0.5*(preaccel(t)+postaccel(t)); if(sign > 0) return postaccel(t); return preaccel(t); } pair accel(double t) const { if(!cycles) { if(t <= 0) return postaccel((Int) 0); if(t >= n-1) return preaccel(n-1); } Int i=Floor(t); t -= i; if(t == 0) return 0.5*(postaccel(i)+preaccel(i)); pair z0=point(i); pair c0=postcontrol(i); pair c1=precontrol(i+1); pair z1=point(i+1); return 6.0*t*(z1-z0+3.0*(c0-c1))+6.0*(z0+c1)-12.0*c0; } // Returns the path traced out in reverse. path reverse() const; // Generates a path that is a section of the old path, using the time // interval given. path subpath(Int start, Int end) const; path subpath(double start, double end) const; // Special case of subpath used by intersect. void halve(path &first, path &second) const; // Used by picture to determine bounding box. bbox bounds() const; pair mintimes() const { checkEmpty(n); bounds(); return camp::pair(times.left,times.bottom); } pair maxtimes() const { checkEmpty(n); bounds(); return camp::pair(times.right,times.top); } template void addpoint(bbox& box, T i) const { box.addnonempty(point(i),times,(double) i); } template void addpoint(bbox& box, T i, double min, double max) const { static const pair I(0,1); pair v=I*dir(i); pair z=point(i); box.add(z+min*v); box.addnonempty(z+max*v); } // Return bounding box accounting for padding perpendicular to path. bbox bounds(double min, double max) const; // Return bounding box accounting for internal pen padding (but not pencap). bbox internalbounds(const bbox &padding) const; double cubiclength(Int i, double goal=-1) const; double arclength () const; double arctime (double l) const; double directiontime(const pair& z) const; pair max() const { checkEmpty(n); return bounds().Max(); } pair min() const { checkEmpty(n); return bounds().Min(); } // Debugging output friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const path& p); // Increment count if the path has a vertical component at t. bool Count(Int& count, double t) const; // Count if t is in (begin,end] and z lies to the left of point(i+t). void countleft(Int& count, double x, Int i, double t, double begin, double end, double& mint, double& maxt) const; // Return the winding number of the region bounded by the (cyclic) path // relative to the point z. Int windingnumber(const pair& z) const; // Transformation path transformed(const transform& t) const; }; extern path nullpath; extern const unsigned maxdepth; extern const unsigned mindepth; bool intersect(double& S, double& T, path& p, path& q, double fuzz, unsigned depth=maxdepth); bool intersections(double& s, double& t, std::vector& S, std::vector& T, path& p, path& q, double fuzz, bool single, bool exact, unsigned depth=maxdepth); void intersections(std::vector& S, path& g, const pair& p, const pair& q, double fuzz); // Concatenates two paths into a new one. path concat(const path& p1, const path& p2); // Applies a transformation to the path path transformed(const transform& t, const path& p); inline double quadratic(double a, double b, double c, double x) { return a*x*x+b*x+c; } class quadraticroots { public: enum {NONE=0, ONE=1, TWO=2, MANY} distinct; // Number of distinct real roots. unsigned roots; // Total number of real roots. double t1,t2; // Real roots quadraticroots(double a, double b, double c); }; class Quadraticroots { public: unsigned roots; // Total number of roots. pair z1,z2; // Complex roots Quadraticroots(pair a, pair b, pair c); }; class cubicroots { public: unsigned roots; // Total number of real roots. double t1,t2,t3; cubicroots(double a, double b, double c, double d); }; path nurb(pair z0, pair z1, pair z2, pair z3, double w0, double w1, double w2, double w3, Int m); double orient2d(const pair& a, const pair& b, const pair& c); void roots(std::vector &roots, double a, double b, double c, double d); void roots(std::vector &r, double x0, double c0, double c1, double x1, double x); inline bool goodroot(double t) { return 0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0; } extern const double third; } #ifndef BROKEN_COMPILER // Delete the following line to work around problems with old broken compilers. GC_DECLARE_PTRFREE(camp::solvedKnot); #endif #endif