/***** * exp.cc * andy hammerlindl 2002/8/19 * * represents the abstract syntax tree for the expressions in the * language. this is translated into virtual machine code using trans() * and with the aid of the environment class. *****/ #include "exp.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "coenv.h" #include "application.h" #include "dec.h" #include "stm.h" #include "inst.h" namespace absyntax { using namespace types; using namespace trans; using vm::inst; using mem::vector; void exp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "exp",indent); } void exp::transAsType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { types::ty *t=trans(e); assert(t->kind==ty_error || equivalent(t,target)); } void exp::transToType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { types::ty *source=e.e.castSource(target, cgetType(e), symbol::castsym); if (source==0) { types::ty *sources=cgetType(e); em.error(getPos()); em << "cannot cast "; if (sources->kind==ty_overloaded) em << "expression"; else em << "'" << *sources << "'"; em << " to '" << *target << "'"; } else if (source->kind==ty_overloaded) { em.error(getPos()); em << "expression is ambiguous in cast to '" << *target << "'"; } else { transAsType(e, source); e.implicitCast(getPos(), target, source); } } void exp::testCachedType(coenv &e) { if (ct != 0) { types::ty *t = getType(e); if (!equivalent(t, ct)) { em.compiler(getPos()); em << "cached type '" << *ct << "' doesn't match actual type '" << *t; } } } void exp::transCall(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { transAsType(e, target); e.c.encode(inst::popcall); } exp *exp::evaluate(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { return new tempExp(e, this, target); } tempExp::tempExp(coenv &e, varinit *v, types::ty *t) : exp(v->getPos()), a(e.c.allocLocal()), t(t) { v->transToType(e, t); a->encode(WRITE, getPos(), e.c); e.c.encode(inst::pop); } types::ty *tempExp::trans(coenv &e) { a->encode(READ, getPos(), e.c); return t; } varEntryExp::varEntryExp(position pos, types::ty *t, access *a) : exp(pos), v(new trans::varEntry(t, a, 0, position())) {} varEntryExp::varEntryExp(position pos, types::ty *t, vm::bltin f) : exp(pos), v(new trans::varEntry(t, new bltinAccess(f), 0, position())) {} types::ty *varEntryExp::getType(coenv &) { return v->getType(); } types::ty *varEntryExp::trans(coenv &e) { v->encode(READ, getPos(), e.c); return getType(e); } void varEntryExp::transAct(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target) { assert(equivalent(getType(e),target)); v->encode(act, getPos(), e.c); } void varEntryExp::transAsType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { transAct(READ, e, target); } void varEntryExp::transWrite(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { transAct(WRITE, e, target); } void varEntryExp::transCall(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { transAct(CALL, e, target); } void nameExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "nameExp",indent); value->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void fieldExp::pseudoName::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { // This should never be called. prettyindent(out, indent); out << "pseudoName" << "\n"; object->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void fieldExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "fieldExp '" << *field << "'\n"; object->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *fieldExp::getObject(coenv& e) { types::ty *t = object->cgetType(e); if (t->kind == ty_overloaded) { t=((overloaded *)t)->signatureless(); if(!t) return primError(); } return t; } array *arrayExp::getArrayType(coenv &e) { types::ty *a = set->cgetType(e); if (a->kind == ty_overloaded) { a = ((overloaded *)a)->signatureless(); if (!a) return 0; } switch (a->kind) { case ty_array: return (array *)a; case ty_error: return 0; default: return 0; } } array *arrayExp::transArray(coenv &e) { types::ty *a = set->cgetType(e); if (a->kind == ty_overloaded) { a = ((overloaded *)a)->signatureless(); if (!a) { em.error(set->getPos()); em << "expression is not an array"; return 0; } } set->transAsType(e, a); switch (a->kind) { case ty_array: return (array *)a; case ty_error: return 0; default: em.error(set->getPos()); em << "expression is not an array"; return 0; } } // Checks if the expression can be translated as an array. bool isAnArray(coenv &e, exp *x) { types::ty *t=x->cgetType(e); if (t->kind == ty_overloaded) t=dynamic_cast(t)->signatureless(); return t && t->kind==ty_array; } void subscriptExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "subscriptExp\n"; set->prettyprint(out, indent+1); index->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *subscriptExp::trans(coenv &e) { array *a = transArray(e); if (!a) return primError(); if (isAnArray(e, index)) { index->transToType(e, types::IntArray()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::arrayIntArray); return getArrayType(e); } else { index->transToType(e, types::primInt()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, a->celltype->kind==ty_array ? run::arrayArrayRead : run::arrayRead); return a->celltype; } } types::ty *subscriptExp::getType(coenv &e) { array *a = getArrayType(e); return a ? (isAnArray(e, index) ? a : a->celltype) : primError(); } void subscriptExp::transWrite(coenv &e, types::ty *t) { array *a = transArray(e); if (!a) return; assert(equivalent(a->celltype, t)); index->transToType(e, types::primInt()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::arrayWrite); } void slice::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "slice", indent); if (left) left->prettyprint(out, indent+1); else prettyname(out, "left omitted", indent+1); if (right) right->prettyprint(out, indent+1); else prettyname(out, "right omitted", indent+1); } void slice::trans(coenv &e) { if (left) left->transToType(e, types::primInt()); else // If the left index is omitted it can be assumed to be zero. e.c.encode(inst::intpush, (Int)0); if (right) right->transToType(e, types::primInt()); } void sliceExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "sliceExp", indent); set->prettyprint(out, indent+1); index->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *sliceExp::trans(coenv &e) { array *a = transArray(e); if (!a) return primError(); index->trans(e); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, index->getRight() ? run::arraySliceRead : run::arraySliceReadToEnd); return a; } types::ty *sliceExp::getType(coenv &e) { array *a = getArrayType(e); return a ? a : primError(); } void sliceExp::transWrite(coenv &e, types::ty *t) { array *a = transArray(e); if (!a) return; assert(equivalent(a, t)); index->trans(e); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, index->getRight() ? run::arraySliceWrite : run::arraySliceWriteToEnd); } void thisExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "thisExp", indent); } types::ty *thisExp::trans(coenv &e) { if (!e.c.encodeThis()) { em.error(getPos()); em << "static use of 'this' expression"; } return cgetType(e); } types::ty *thisExp::getType(coenv &e) { return e.c.thisType(); } void scaleExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { exp *left=getLeft(); exp *right=getRight(); prettyname(out, "scaleExp",indent); left->prettyprint(out, indent+1); right->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *scaleExp::trans(coenv &e) { exp *left=getLeft(); exp *right=getRight(); types::ty *lt = left->cgetType(e); if (lt->kind != types::ty_Int && lt->kind != types::ty_real) { if (lt->kind != types::ty_error) { em.error(left->getPos()); em << "only numeric constants can do implicit scaling"; } right->trans(e); return types::primError(); } if (!right->scalable()) { em.warning(right->getPos()); em << "implicit scaling may be unintentional"; } // Defer to the binaryExp for multiplication. return binaryExp::trans(e); } void intExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out,indent); out << "intExp: " << value << "\n"; } types::ty *intExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::intpush,value); return types::primInt(); } void realExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "realExp: " << value << "\n"; } types::ty *realExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::constpush,(item)value); return types::primReal(); } void stringExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "stringExp '" << str << "'\n"; } types::ty *stringExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::constpush,(item) string(str)); return types::primString(); } void booleanExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "booleanExp: " << value << "\n"; } types::ty *booleanExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::constpush,(item)value); return types::primBoolean(); } void newPictureExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "newPictureExp",indent); } types::ty *newPictureExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::newPicture); return types::primPicture(); } void cycleExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "cycleExp",indent); } types::ty *cycleExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::newCycleToken); return types::primCycleToken(); } void nullPathExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "nullPathExp",indent); } types::ty *nullPathExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::nullPath); return types::primPath(); } void nullExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "nullExp",indent); } types::ty *nullExp::trans(coenv &) { // Things get put on the stack when ty_null // is cast to an appropriate type return types::primNull(); } void quoteExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "quoteExp", indent); value->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *quoteExp::trans(coenv &e) { e.c.encode(inst::constpush,(item)value); return types::primCode(); } void explist::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "explist",indent); for (expvector::iterator p = exps.begin(); p != exps.end(); ++p) (*p)->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void argument::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "explist"; if (name) out << " '" << *name << "'"; out << '\n'; val->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void arglist::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "arglist",indent); for (argvector::iterator p = args.begin(); p != args.end(); ++p) p->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void callExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "callExp",indent); callee->prettyprint(out, indent+1); args->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } signature *callExp::argTypes(coenv &e) { signature *source=new signature; size_t n = args->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { argument a=(*args)[i]; types::ty *t = a.val->cgetType(e); if (t->kind == types::ty_error) return 0; source->add(types::formal(t,a.name)); } if (args->rest.val) { argument a=args->rest; types::ty *t = a.val->cgetType(e); if (t->kind == types::ty_error) return 0; source->addRest(types::formal(t,a.name)); } return source; } application *callExp::resolve(coenv &e, overloaded *o, signature *source, bool tacit) { app_list l=multimatch(e.e, o, source, *args); if (l.empty()) { //cerr << "l is empty\n"; if (!tacit) { em.error(getPos()); symbol *s = callee->getName(); if (s) em << "no matching function \'" << *s; else em << "no matching function for signature \'"; em << *source << "\'"; } return 0; } else if (l.size() > 1) { // This may take O(n) time. //cerr << "l is full\n"; if (!tacit) { em.error(getPos()); symbol *s = callee->getName(); if(s) em << "call of function \'" << *s; else em << "call with signature \'"; em << *source << "\' is ambiguous"; } return 0; } else { //cerr << "l is singleton\n"; return l.front(); } } bool hasNamedParameters(signature *sig) { for (size_t i=0; i < sig->getNumFormals(); ++i) if (sig->getFormal(i).name) return true; return false; } void callExp::reportMismatch(symbol *s, function *ft, signature *source) { const char *separator=ft->getSignature()->getNumFormals() > 1 ? "\n" : " "; em.error(getPos()); em << "cannot call" << separator << "'" << *ft->getResult() << " "; if(s) em << *s; em << *ft->getSignature() << "'" << separator; if (ft->getSignature()->isOpen && hasNamedParameters(source)) em << "with named parameters"; else switch(source->getNumFormals()) { case 0: em << "without parameters"; break; case 1: em << "with parameter '" << *source << "'"; break; default: em << "with parameters\n'" << *source << "'"; } } void callExp::reportArgErrors(coenv &e) { // Cycle through the parameters to report all errors. // NOTE: This may report inappropriate ambiguity errors. for (size_t i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) { (*args)[i].val->trans(e); } if (args->rest.val) args->rest.val->trans(e); } application *callExp::getApplication(coenv &e) { // First figure out the signature of what we want to call. signature *source=argTypes(e); if (!source) return 0; // Figure out what function types we can call. trans::ty *ft = callee->cgetType(e); switch (ft->kind) { case ty_error: // Report callee errors. //cerr << "reporting callee errors\n"; callee->trans(e); return 0; case ty_function: { application *a=application::match(e.e, (function *)ft, source, *args); if (!a) { //cerr << "reporting mismatch\n"; reportMismatch(callee->getName(), (function *)ft, source); } //cerr << "returning function\n"; return a; } case ty_overloaded: //cerr << "resolving overloaded\n"; return resolve(e, (overloaded *)ft, source, false); default: //cerr << "not a function\n"; em.error(getPos()); symbol *s = callee->getName(); if (s) em << "\'" << *s << "\' is not a function"; else em << "called expression is not a function"; return 0; } } types::ty *callExp::trans(coenv &e) { #if 0 cerr << "callExp::trans() called for "; if (callee->getName()) cerr << *callee->getName(); cerr << endl; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE if (ca) assert(equivalent(ca->getType(), getApplication(e)->getType())); #endif application *a= ca ? ca : getApplication(e); // The cached application is no longer needed after translation, so // let it be garbage collected. ca=0; if (!a) { reportArgErrors(e); return primError(); } // To simulate left-to-right order of evaluation, produce the // side-effects for the callee. assert(a); function *t=a->getType(); assert(t); exp *temp=callee->evaluate(e, t); // Let the application handle the argument translation. a->transArgs(e); // Translate the call. temp->transCall(e, t); assert(ct==0 || equivalent(ct, t->result)); return t->result; } types::ty *callExp::getType(coenv &e) { // First figure out the signature of what we want to call. signature *source=argTypes(e); if (!source) return types::primError(); // Figure out what function types we can call. trans::ty *ft = callee->cgetType(e); switch (ft->kind) { case ty_function: return ((function *)ft)->result; case ty_overloaded: { application *a=resolve(e, (overloaded *)ft, source, true); if (a) { // Cache the application to avoid calling multimatch again later. ca=a; return ca->getType()->result; } else return primError(); } default: return primError(); } } void pairExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "pairExp",indent); x->prettyprint(out, indent+1); y->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *pairExp::trans(coenv &e) { x->transToType(e, types::primReal()); y->transToType(e, types::primReal()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::realRealToPair); return types::primPair(); } void tripleExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "tripleExp",indent); x->prettyprint(out, indent+1); y->prettyprint(out, indent+1); z->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *tripleExp::trans(coenv &e) { x->transToType(e, types::primReal()); y->transToType(e, types::primReal()); z->transToType(e, types::primReal()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::realRealRealToTriple); return types::primTriple(); } void transformExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "transformExp",indent); x->prettyprint(out, indent+1); y->prettyprint(out, indent+1); xx->prettyprint(out, indent+1); xy->prettyprint(out, indent+1); yx->prettyprint(out, indent+1); yy->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *transformExp::trans(coenv &e) { x->transToType(e, types::primReal()); y->transToType(e, types::primReal()); xx->transToType(e, types::primReal()); xy->transToType(e, types::primReal()); yx->transToType(e, types::primReal()); yy->transToType(e, types::primReal()); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::real6ToTransform); return types::primTransform(); } void castExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "castExp",indent); target->prettyprint(out, indent+1); castee->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *castExp::tryCast(coenv &e, types::ty *t, types::ty *s, symbol *csym) { types::ty *ss=e.e.castSource(t, s, csym); if (ss == 0) { return 0; } if (ss->kind == ty_overloaded) { em.error(getPos()); em << "cast is ambiguous"; return primError(); } else { castee->transAsType(e, ss); access *a=e.e.lookupCast(t, ss, csym); assert(a); a->encode(CALL, getPos(), e.c); return ss; } } types::ty *castExp::trans(coenv &e) { target->addOps(e, (record *)0); types::ty *t=target->trans(e); types::ty *s=castee->cgetType(e); if (!tryCast(e, t, s, symbol::ecastsym)) if (!tryCast(e, t, s, symbol::castsym)) { em.error(getPos()); em << "cannot cast '" << *s << "' to '" << *t << "'"; } return t; } types::ty *castExp::getType(coenv &e) { return target->trans(e, true); } void conditionalExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "conditionalExp",indent); test->prettyprint(out, indent+1); onTrue->prettyprint(out, indent+1); onFalse->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void conditionalExp::baseTransToType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { test->transToType(e, types::primBoolean()); Int tlabel = e.c.fwdLabel(); e.c.useLabel(inst::cjmp,tlabel); onFalse->transToType(e, target); Int end = e.c.fwdLabel(); e.c.useLabel(inst::jmp,end); e.c.defLabel(tlabel); onTrue->transToType(e, target); e.c.defLabel(end); } void conditionalExp::transToType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { if (isAnArray(e, test)) { if (target->kind != ty_array) { em.error(getPos()); em << "cannot cast vectorized conditional to '" << *target << "'"; } test->transToType(e, types::boolArray()); onTrue->transToType(e, target); onFalse->transToType(e, target); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, run::arrayConditional); } else { baseTransToType(e, target); } } types::ty *promote(coenv &e, types::ty *x, types::ty *y) { struct promoter : public collector { env &e; promoter(env &e) : e(e) {} types::ty *both (types::ty *x, types::ty *y) { overloaded *o=new overloaded; o->add(x); o->add(y); return o; } types::ty *base (types::ty *x, types::ty *y) { if (equivalent(x,y)) return x; else { bool castToFirst=e.castable(x, y, symbol::castsym); bool castToSecond=e.castable(y, x, symbol::castsym); return (castToFirst && castToSecond) ? both(x,y) : castToFirst ? x : castToSecond ? y : 0; } } }; promoter p(e.e); return p.collect(x,y); } types::ty *conditionalExp::trans(coenv &e) { types::ty *tt=onTrue->cgetType(e); types::ty *ft=onFalse->cgetType(e); if (tt->kind==ty_error) return onTrue->trans(e); if (ft->kind==ty_error) return onFalse->trans(e); types::ty *t=promote(e, tt, ft); if (!t) { em.error(getPos()); em << "types in conditional expression do not match"; return primError(); } else if (t->kind == ty_overloaded) { em.error(getPos()); em << "type of conditional expression is ambiguous"; return primError(); } transToType(e,t); return t; } types::ty *conditionalExp::getType(coenv &e) { types::ty *tt=onTrue->cgetType(e); types::ty *ft=onFalse->cgetType(e); if (tt->kind==ty_error || ft->kind==ty_error) return primError(); types::ty *t = promote(e, tt, ft); return t ? t : primError(); } void orExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "orExp", indent); left->prettyprint(out, indent+1); right->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *orExp::trans(coenv &e) { // a || b // translates into // a ? true : b booleanExp be(pos, true); conditionalExp ce(pos, left, &be, right); ce.baseTransToType(e, primBoolean()); return getType(e); } void andExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "andExp", indent); left->prettyprint(out, indent+1); right->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *andExp::trans(coenv &e) { // a && b // translates into // a ? b : false booleanExp be(pos, false); conditionalExp ce(pos, left, right, &be); ce.baseTransToType(e, primBoolean()); return getType(e); } void joinExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "joinExp",indent); callee->prettyprint(out, indent+1); args->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void specExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out,indent); out << "specExp '" << *op << "' " << (s==camp::OUT ? "out" : s==camp::IN ? "in" : "invalid side") << '\n'; arg->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *specExp::trans(coenv &e) { intExp ie(getPos(), (Int)s); binaryExp be(getPos(), arg, op, &ie); return be.trans(e); } types::ty *specExp::getType(coenv &e) { intExp ie(getPos(), (Int)s); binaryExp be(getPos(), arg, op, &ie); return be.cgetType(e); } void assignExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyname(out, "assignExp",indent); dest->prettyprint(out, indent+1); value->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void assignExp::transAsType(coenv &e, types::ty *target) { // For left-to-right order, we have to evaluate the side-effects of the // destination first. exp *temp=dest->evaluate(e, target); ultimateValue(temp)->transToType(e, target); temp->transWrite(e, target); } types::ty *assignExp::trans(coenv &e) { exp *uvalue=ultimateValue(dest); types::ty *lt = dest->cgetType(e), *rt = uvalue->cgetType(e); if (lt->kind == ty_error) return dest->trans(e); if (rt->kind == ty_error) return uvalue->trans(e); types::ty *t = e.e.castTarget(lt, rt, symbol::castsym); if (!t) { em.error(getPos()); em << "cannot convert '" << *rt << "' to '" << *lt << "' in assignment"; return primError(); } else if (t->kind == ty_overloaded) { em.error(getPos()); em << "assignment is ambiguous"; return primError(); } else { transAsType(e, t); return t; } } types::ty *assignExp::getType(coenv &e) { types::ty *lt = dest->cgetType(e), *rt = ultimateValue(dest)->cgetType(e); if (lt->kind==ty_error || rt->kind==ty_error) return primError(); types::ty *t = e.e.castTarget(lt, rt, symbol::castsym); return t ? t : primError(); } void selfExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "selfExp '" << *op << "'\n"; dest->prettyprint(out, indent+1); value->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } void prefixExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "prefixExp '" << *op << "'\n"; dest->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *prefixExp::trans(coenv &e) { // Convert into the operation and the assign. // NOTE: This can cause multiple evaluations. intExp ie(getPos(), 1); selfExp se(getPos(), dest, op, &ie); return se.trans(e); } types::ty *prefixExp::getType(coenv &e) { // Convert into the operation and the assign. intExp ie(getPos(), 1); selfExp se(getPos(), dest, op, &ie); return se.getType(e); } void postfixExp::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "postfixExp "; out << "postfixExp '" << *op << "'\n"; dest->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } types::ty *postfixExp::trans(coenv &) { em.error(getPos()); em << "postfix expressions are not allowed"; return primError(); } } // namespace absyntax