/* tvgen - draw pm5544-like television test cards. * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009, Servaas Vandenberghe. * * The tvgen code below is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with tvgen: see the file COPYING. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * tvgen-1.1/tvgen.asy * This asy script generates pm5544-like television test cards. The image * parameters were derived from a 1990 recording. The basic parameters * conform to itu-r bt.470, bt.601, and bt.709. There is no unique image * since local variants exist and parameters have varied over time. */ //papertype="a4"; int verbose=settings.verbose/*+2*/; /* uncomment for debug info */ /* tv dot coordinates --> PS points */ pair tvps(real col, real row, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { real psx, psy; psx=col*xd; psy=(Nv-row)*yd; return (psx,psy); } path tvrect(int lc, int tr, int rc, int br, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { real lx, ty, rx, by; pair[] z; lx=lc*xd; ty=(Nv-tr)*yd; rx=rc*xd; by=(Nv-br)*yd; /* bl br tr tl */ z[0]=(lx, by); z[1]=(rx, by); z[2]=(rx, ty); z[3]=(lx, ty); return z[0]--z[1]--z[2]--z[3]--cycle; } /********************* image aspect ratio markers ********************/ void rimarkers(real rimage, int Nh, int Nhc, int os, int Nvc, int Nsy, pen pdef, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { int[] ridefN={ 4, 16 }; int[] ridefD={ 3, 9 }; int i; for(i=0; i<2; ++i) { real rid=ridefN[i]/ridefD[i]; if(rimage>rid) { int off, offa, offb; /* Nhdef=Nh/rimage*rid */ off=round(Nh/rimage*rid/2); offa=off+os; offb=off-os; // write(offa,offb); if(2*offa1) write("centerline: rows tr br ", rows, tr, br); for(i=0; i<=divsx; ++i) { int off; off=coff[i]; if(off return y>=0 * in: * x x-coordinate relative to origin * crad circle radius in y units, true size=crad*yd */ real testcircx(real x, real crad, real xd, real yd) { real relx, phi, y; relx=x*xd/yd/crad; if(relx>1) { phi=0; } else { phi=acos(relx); } y=crad*sin(phi); // or (x*xd)^2+(y*yd)^2=(crad*yd)^2 return y; } /* y on circle -> return x>=0 */ real testcircy(real y, real crad, real xd, real yd) { real rely, phi, x; rely=y/crad; if(rely>1) { phi=pi/2; } else { phi=asin(rely); } x=crad*cos(phi)*yd/xd; // or (x*xd)^2+(y*yd)^2=(crad*yd)^2 return x; } /* brow>trow && xb>xt */ void testtone(real Tt, int trow, int brow, real ccol, real crow, real crad, pen pdef, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { int blocks, i; real yt, xt, yb, xb, Ttt=Tt/2; pair ccenter; yt=crow-trow; xt=testcircy(yt, crad, xd, yd); yb=crow-brow; xb=testcircy(yb, crad, xd, yd); //write('#xt yt\t',xt,yt); write('#xb yb\t',xb,yb); ccenter=tvps(ccol,crow, xd,yd,Nv); blocks=floor(2*xb/Tt); for(i=-blocks-1; i<=blocks; ++i) { real tl, tr; path zz; tl=max(-xb,min(i*Ttt,xb)); /* limit [-xb..xb] */ tr=max(-xb,min((i+1)*Ttt,xb)); if(tl<-xt && tr<=-xt || tr>xt && tl>=xt) { /* top full circle */ pair[] z; real yl, yr; yl=testcircx(tl, crad, xd, yd); yr=testcircx(tr, crad, xd, yd); z[0]=tvps(ccol+tl,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol+tr,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(ccol+tr,crow-yr, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(ccol+tl,crow-yl, xd,yd,Nv); zz=z[0]--z[1]--arc(ccenter,z[2],z[3])--cycle; } else if(tl<-xt) { /* tl in circel, tr not, partial */ pair[] z; real yl; yl=testcircx(tl, crad, xd, yd); z[0]=tvps(ccol+tl,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol+tr,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(ccol+tr,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(ccol-xt,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[4]=tvps(ccol+tl,crow-yl, xd,yd,Nv); zz=z[0]--z[1]--z[2]--arc(ccenter,z[3],z[4])--cycle; } else if(tr>xt) { /* tr in circle, tl not, partial */ pair[] z; real yr; yr=testcircx(tr, crad, xd, yd); z[0]=tvps(ccol+tl,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol+tr,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(ccol+tr,crow-yr, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(ccol+xt,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[4]=tvps(ccol+tl,trow, xd,yd,Nv); zz=z[0]--z[1]--arc(ccenter,z[2],z[3])--z[4]--cycle; } else { /* full block */ pair[] z; z[0]=tvps(ccol+tr,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol+tl,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(ccol+tl,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(ccol+tr,brow, xd,yd,Nv); zz=z[0]--z[1]--z[2]--z[3]--cycle; } if(tl1) { thetaret=0; } else { real dpi=2*pi; cycles-=coverflow*sgn(cycles); thetaret=theta+cycles*dpi; /* cycles=(-1 .. 1) */ if(thetaret>pi) { thetaret-=dpi; } else if(thetaret<-pi) { thetaret-=dpi; } } //write("addphase: ", step, theta, thetaret); return thetaret; } void testfreqs(real[] ftones, int[] coff, int Nhc, int trow,int crow,int brow, pair ccenter, pair rclt, pair rclb, pair rcrt, pair rcrb, pen pdef, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { int[] divc; real[] divfl, divfr; int i, divs, coffmax, off, divnext; real fl, fr, thr, thl; /* Segment info for PAL continental test card * segment i extends from [divc[i] .. divc[i+1]) with frequency divf[i] */ divs=2; // the number of segments on the right, total=2*divs+1 divc[0]=0; for(i=0; i<=divs; ++i) { int ii=i*2, il=divs-i, ir=divs+i; divc[i+1]=ceil((coff[ii]+coff[ii+1])/2); /* xdot distance to center */ divfl[i]=ftones[divs-i]; divfr[i]=ftones[divs+i]; } coffmax=divc[divs+1]; int trowlim=coff[0]; int tr; tr=crow; divnext=0; fl=0; fr=0; thl=0; thr=0; // draw a vertical line at off..off+1 for(off=0; off0) { cy=cyr; cu=cur; cv=cvr; } else { cy=cyl; cu=cul; cv=cvl; } lcol=Nhc+dright*coffa[5]; ccol=Nhc+dright*coff[6]; cicol=Nhc+dright*coffa[6]; rcol=Nhc+dright*coffb[7]; int urow, trow, crow, brow, arow; urow=rcrowb[divsy-5]; trow=rcrowt[divsy-3]; crow=Nvc; brow=rcrowb[divsy+4]; arow=rcrowt[divsy+6]; z[0]=tvps(ccol,urow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(cicol,trow, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(cicol,crow, xd,yd,Nv); z[4]=tvps(rcol,crow, xd,yd,Nv); z[5]=tvps(rcol,urow, xd,yd,Nv); zz[0]=z[0]--z[1]--z[2]--z[3]--z[4]--z[5]--cycle; zz[1]=tvrect(lcol,urow, ccol,trow, xd,yd,Nv); zz[2]=tvrect(lcol,brow, ccol,arow, xd,yd,Nv); z[0]=tvps(ccol,arow, xd,yd,Nv); z[1]=tvps(ccol,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[2]=tvps(cicol,brow, xd,yd,Nv); z[3]=tvps(cicol,crow, xd,yd,Nv); z[4]=tvps(rcol,crow, xd,yd,Nv); z[5]=tvps(rcol,arow, xd,yd,Nv); zz[3]=z[0]--z[1]--z[2]--z[3]--z[4]--z[5]--cycle; for(i=0; i<4; ++i) { real y, u, v, A, ph, By, Ry, Gy, R, G, B; y=cy[i]; u=cu[i]; v=cv[i]; A=hypot(u,v); ph= (u!=0 || v!=0) ? atan2(v,u) : 0.0; if(v>=0) { if(ph<0) ph=ph+pi; } else { if(ph>0) ph=ph-pi; } if(A>0) { u=u/A*cI; v=v/A*cI; } By=u/wu; Ry=v/wv; Gy=(-wr*Ry-wb*By)/wg; //write(y,Gy,A,ph*180/pi); R=Ry+y; G=Gy+y; B=By+y; if(verbose > 1) write(y,round(R*255),round(G*255),round(B*255)); fill(zz[i], p=pdef+rgb(R,G,B)); } return; } /****************************** NTSC bars *********************************** * amplitude equals color burst smpte (pm: -V +U) * y campl sat R G B * left 0.5 0.21 70% -I? * right 0.5 0.17 60% +Q? */ void ntscbars(int[] coff, int[] coffa, int[] coffb, int Nhc, int[] rcrowt, int[] rcrowb, int Nvc, int divsy, int dright, pen pdef, real xd, real yd, int Nv) { /* The amplitude of (i,q) as seen on a vectorscope, * max 0.292 Vn for 100% saturation in I==0 ears. * burst: 0.143 Vcvbs, 20 IRE or 0.200 V normalized. * pedestal: (yp,up,vp)=(p,0,0)+(1-p)*(y,u,v), p=0.075. * choice: equal amplitude for colorburst and subcarrier. */ real campl=0.200/0.925; /* wg=0.587, y=wr*R+wg*G+wb*B */ real wr=0.299, wb=0.114, wg=1-wr-wb; /* iT : iq -> RyBy : rotation+scaling */ real iT11=0.95, iT12=0.62, iT21=-1.11, iT22=1.71; /* bars -2 -1 0 1 2 */ real[] cyl={ 0.50, 0.50, 0, 0.50, 0.50 }; real[] cil={ 0, 0, 0, -1, 1 }; real[] cql={ -1, 1, 0, 0, 0 }; int[] offil={ 6, 7, 5, 7, 6 }; real cy, ci, cq; int dri, dris, offi, lcol, rcol, i; if(dright>=0) { dris=1; } else { dris=-1; } if(dright<-2 || dright>2) { dri=2; } else { dri=2+dright; } cy=cyl[dri]; ci=cil[dri]; cq=cql[dri]; offi=offil[dri]; lcol=Nhc+dris*coffa[offi]; rcol=Nhc+dris*coffb[offi+1]; real A, By, Ry, Gy, R, G, B; A=hypot(ci,cq); if(A>0) { ci=ci/A*campl; cq=cq/A*campl; } Ry=iT11*ci+iT12*cq; By=iT21*ci+iT22*cq; Gy=(-wr*Ry-wb*By)/wg; //write(cy,Ry,Gy,By); R=Ry+cy; G=Gy+cy; B=By+cy; if(verbose > 1) write(cy,ci,cq,round(R*255),round(G*255),round(B*255)); for(i=-divsy; i<=divsy; ++i) { path zz; int brow, trow; if(i>-divsy) { trow=rcrowb[divsy+i]; } else { trow=floor((rcrowb[divsy+i]+rcrowt[divsy+i+1])/2); } if(divsy>i) { brow=rcrowt[divsy+i+1]; } else { brow=floor((rcrowb[divsy+i]+rcrowt[divsy+i+1])/2); } zz=tvrect(lcol,brow, rcol,trow, xd,yd,Nv); fill(zz, p=pdef+rgb(R,G,B)); } return; } /****************************** main ***********************************/ /* Conversion to bitmap: * EPSPNG='gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png16m' * asy -u bsys=2 -u colortv=1 -u os=1 -a Z tvgen * $EPSPNG -r132x144 -g720x576 -sOutputFile=tvgen.png tvgen.eps * * asy -u bsys=2 -u colortv=1 -u os=1 tvgen */ int bsys=2, colortv=1, os=1; /* bsys: broadcast system * bsys im aspect Nh * 0 4/3 704 guaranteed analog broadcast itu-r bt.470 * 1 4/3 720 new broadcast, most TV station logos and animations * 2 15/11 720 total aperture analog 4/3, 1.37 film DVDs * 3 20/11 720 total aperture analog 16/9, 1.85 film DVDs * 4 4/3 768 bsys=0, square dot analog broadcast * 5 4/3 768 bsys=1, square dot cable TV info channel * 6 131/96 786 bsys=2, total square dot broadcast camera * 7 16/9 720 new broadcast 16/9, SD from HD-1440 or itu-r bt.709 * 8 4/3 704 525 analog broadcast itu-r bt.470 711*485 * 9 4/3 720 525 new broadcast * 10 15/11 720 525 total aperture analog broadcast * 11 16/9 1920 1250, 1080 square dot at 12.5 frames/second * 12 4/3 1600 1250, 1200 square dot at 12.5 frames/second * * colortv: * set 0 for monochrome crosshatch, 1 for pal ears, 2 for ntsc bars * * os: horizontal oversampling, typical values for 13.5MHz: * 2 4/3 704*576, 15/11 720*576 * 4 4/3 720*480 * 5 4/3 704*480, 15/11 720*480, 4/3 768*576 14.4MHz * 8 4/3 720*576, 20/11 720*576 * 12 704->768 rerastering * 16 720->768 rerastering */ access settings; usersetting(); if(bsys<0 || bsys>12 || colortv<0 || colortv>3 || os<=0 || os>16) { write('Error: bad user input: bsys, colortv, os=\t', bsys, colortv, os); abort('Bad option -u bsys=N ?'); } int[] bNdot= { 12, 16, 12, 16, 1, 1, 1, 64, 10, 8, 10, 1, 1 }; int[] bDdot= { 11, 15, 11, 11, 1, 1, 1, 45, 11, 9, 11, 1, 1 }; int[] bNh= { 704, 720, 720, 720, 768, 768, 786, 720, 704, 720, 720, 1920, 1600 }; int[] bNv= { 576, 576, 576, 576, 576, 576, 576, 576, 480, 480, 480, 1080, 1200 }; real[] bfs= { 13.5,13.5,13.5,13.5, 14.75,14.4,14.75,13.5, 13.5,13.5,13.5, 36, 30 }; int[] bNsy= { 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 34, 34, 34, 78, 90 }; int[] bNsh= { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* active lines for a 625 line frame * The number of active video lines decreased around 1997. * old: 3 run in + 575 visible + 3 run out = 581 lines * new: 6 teletext and WSS + 575 visible * Hence the image center shifted down by 3 lines. Thus * old TV + new testcard = bottom is cut off, * new TV + old testcard = top is cut off. * * To generate the old testcard either use Nv=582 Nsh=0 or Nv=576 Nsh=3. * * aspect ratio * rimage=xsize/ysize rimage=rdot*Nh/Nv * Nh=704 dots * Nv=576 lines * rd=ri*Nv/Nh=4/3*9/11=12/11 * * Nv: 480=2^5*3*5 576=2^6*3^2 * Nh: 704=2^6*11 720=2^4*3^2*5 * * horizontal line distance for pre 1997 test pattern * top 8 lines, 13 squares of Ny=43 lines, bottom 9 lines * top 12 lines, 13 squares of Ny=42 lines, bottom 18 lines * pairs are from odd even field * Interlace test: Ny must be odd for a cross-hatch without centerline. * * squares: ly=Nsy, lx=rd*Nsx, lx=ly ==> Nsx=Nsy/rd={ 39.4, 38.5 } * x line width 230 ns -> 3 dots * bottom 2.9us red -> 39.15 dots * * resolution DPI from image aspect ratio * Rv=Nv/ly, ly=4in * ri=Ni/Di, Ni={4,15,16} Di={3,11,9} * lx=ri*ly * * Rh=Nh/lx=Di*(Nh/(Ni*ly)) * ==> ri=4/Di => Nh=k*16 * ri=15/Di => Nh=k*60 * ri=16/Di => Nh=k*64 * * resolution DPI from dot aspect ratio, general algorithm, * * rd=Nd/Dd=ldx/ldy * * assume 1 dot = Nd x Dd square subdots at a resolution of k, in dpi, then * * ldx=Nd/k, ldy=Dd/k ==> Rh=k/Nd, Rv=k/Dd * * choosing k=m*Nd*Dd for integer Rh and Rv gives * * ldx=1/(m*Dd), ldy=1/(m*Nd), Rh=m*Dd, Rv=m*Nd * * and * * lx=Nh*ldx=Nh/(m*Dd), ly=Nv*ldy=Nv/(m*Nd) * * so choose m for the intended height Ly, in inch, as * * m=round(Nv/(Ly*Nd)) * * which limits Ly<=Nv/Nd since Rv>=Nd. */ //cm=72/2.540005; real Ly, ly, lx, ysize, xsize, rimage, xd, yd, pwidth; int Nd, Dd, m, Nh, Nv, Nshift, Na, Nsy; real fs, Ttone; Nd=bNdot[bsys]; Dd=bDdot[bsys]*os; Nh=bNh[bsys]*os; Nv=bNv[bsys]; Ly=4; // 4 inch vertical size m=floor(0.5+Nv/(Ly*Nd)); if(m<1) m=1; ly=Nv/(m*Nd); lx=Nh/(m*Dd); ysize=ly*1inch; xsize=lx*1inch; rimage=xsize/ysize; if(verbose > 1) write('#Nd Dd m ri:\t', Nd, Dd, m, rimage); //size(xsize,ysize,Aspect); // should not have any effect Nsy=bNsy[bsys]; // grating size in lines 42,43, 34,35 Nshift=bNsh[bsys]; // shift image up: pre 1997 =3, 2007 =0 fs=1e6*bfs[bsys]*os; Na=0; // add 1,0,-1 to height of hor center squares for even Na+Nsy Ttone=fs/250e3; // period of ft=250 kHz, fs/ft=54 real[] ftones={0.8e6/fs, 1.8e6/fs, 2.8e6/fs, 3.8e6/fs, 4.8e6/fs}; xd=xsize/Nh; yd=ysize/Nv; pwidth=min(abs(xd),abs(yd)); pen pdefault=squarecap+linewidth(pwidth); pen pblack=pdefault+gray(0.0); pen pwhite=pdefault+gray(1.0); /**** calculate grating repeats and size in tv dots ****/ // horizontal lines int divsy, rdisty, Nvc, Nt, Nb; Nvc=floor(Nv/2)-Nshift; divsy=floor(((Nv-Na-2)/Nsy-1)/2); // (Nv-Na-2)/2-Nsy/2 dots for Nsy lengths rdisty=Na+Nsy*(1+2*divsy); Nt=Nvc-ceil(rdisty/2); Nb=Nv-Nt-rdisty; if(verbose > 1) write('#divsy t b: \t',divsy,Nt,Nb); /* Nsyc: center square height * line pairing test: verify distance of center to top and bot * distance is odd ==> top=even/odd, cent=odd/even, bot=even/odd * * Nsyc odd: not possible * * Nsyc even: * Nsyc/2 odd --> OK * Nsyc/2 even --> stagger the raster one line upwards * * rcrowt top dist of hor line * rcrowc true center for color info, distance to top of image. * rcrowb bot dist of hor line * * Nt=Nvc-(offu+divsy*Nsy); * Nb=Nv-( Nvc-(offd-divsy*Nsy) ); * ==> Nt+Nb=Nv-Nsyc-2*divsy*Nsy */ int Nsyc, offu, offd, Nyst=0, i; int[] rcrowt, rcrowc, rcrowb; Nsyc=Nsy+Na; offu=floor(Nsyc/2); offd=offu-Nsyc; if(Nsyc%2 != 0) { Nyst=1; } else if(Nsyc%4 == 0) { Nyst=1; /* stagger */ } for(i=0; i<=divsy; ++i) { int iu, id, ou, od, ru, rd; iu=divsy-i; id=divsy+i+1; ou=offu+Nsy*i; od=offd-Nsy*i; if(verbose > 1) write(ou,od); rcrowc[iu]=Nvc-ou; rcrowc[id]=Nvc-od; ru=Nvc-(ou+Nyst); rd=Nvc-(od+Nyst); rcrowt[iu]=ru-1; rcrowb[iu]=ru+1; rcrowt[id]=rd-1; rcrowb[id]=rd+1; } Nt=floor((rcrowt[0]+rcrowb[0])/2); Nb=Nv-Nt-Nsyc-2*Nsy*divsy; if(verbose > 1) write('#st t b: \t',Nyst,Nt,Nb); /* vertical lines * (Nh-2*os)/2-Nsx/2 dots available for divisions of Nsx dots. * At least 5 dots margin left and right ==> use -10*os */ real lsq, Nsx; int divsx, Nhc, Nl; lsq=Nsy*yd; Nsx=lsq/xd; divsx=floor(((Nh-10*os)/Nsx-1)/2); Nhc=round(Nh/2); Nl=Nhc-round((1+2*divsx)*Nsx/2); if(verbose > 1) write('#Nsx divsx Nl:\t',Nsx,divsx,Nl); /**** draw gray background ****/ { path zz; //zz=tvrect(0,0, Nh,Nv, xd,yd,Nv); /* keep white canvas for castellations */ zz=tvrect(Nl,Nt, Nh-Nl,Nv-Nb, xd,yd,Nv); fill(zz, p=pdefault+gray(0.5)); //dot(zz); } /**** draw center circle ****/ real cx, cy, crad; pair ccenter; path ccirc; cx=Nh/2; cy=Nv/2-Nshift; crad=6*Nsy; if(Nv%2 != 0) { crad+=0.5; } ccenter=tvps(cx,cy, xd,yd,Nv); ccirc=circle(ccenter, crad*yd); if(colortv<=0) { draw(ccirc, p=pwhite+linewidth(2*yd)); } /****** draw 2*divsy+2 horizontal lines **********************************/ real[] rcang, rcoff; pair[] rcright, rcleft; int i, iend=2*divsy+1; for(i=0; i<=iend; ++i) { real y, phi, x; path zzh; pair zd; zzh=tvrect(0,rcrowt[i], Nh,rcrowb[i], xd,yd,Nv); fill(zzh, p=pwhite); y=cy-rcrowc[i]; //write(roff); if(abs(y)0) { pcast=pdefault+rgb(0.75,0.0,0); } else { pcast=pblack; } if(i%2 == 1) { int tr, br; path zzc; tr=rcrowb[i-1]; br=rcrowt[i]; zzc=tvrect( 0,tr, lc,br, xd,yd,Nv); fill(zzc, p=pblack); zzc=tvrect(rc,tr, Nh,br, xd,yd,Nv); fill(zzc, p=pcast); } } /****** markers for 4/3 aspect ratio ******/ if(rimage>4/3) rimarkers(rimage, Nh, Nhc, os, Nvc, Nsy, pwhite, xd, yd, Nv); /****** line pairing center ******/ centerline(coff, coffa, coffb, Nhc, divsx, os, rcrowc, Nvc, divsy, ccenter, rcoff, rcright, rcleft, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); if(colortv>0) { /* topbw structure */ topbw(coff, Nhc, os, rcrowc[divsy-5], rcrowc[divsy-4], rcrowc[divsy-3], ccenter, rcleft[divsy-4], rcleft[divsy-3], rcright[divsy-4], rcright[divsy-3], pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); /* 250 kHz */ testtone(Ttone, rcrowc[divsy-3], rcrowc[divsy-2], cx, cy, crad, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); /* color bars */ colorbars(coff, Nhc, rcrowc[divsy-2], rcrowc[divsy-1], rcrowc[divsy], ccenter, rcleft[divsy-2], rcleft[divsy], rcright[divsy-2], rcright[divsy], pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); /* test frequencies */ testfreqs(ftones, coff, Nhc, rcrowc[divsy+1], rcrowc[divsy+2], rcrowc[divsy+3], ccenter, rcleft[divsy+1], rcleft[divsy+3], rcright[divsy+1],rcright[divsy+3], pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); /* gray bars */ graybars(coff, Nhc, rcrowc[divsy+3], rcrowc[divsy+4], ccenter, rcleft[divsy+3], rcleft[divsy+4], rcright[divsy+3], rcright[divsy+4], pdefault, xd,yd,Nv); /* PAL ears */ if(colortv==1) { palears(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, -1, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); palears(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, 1, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); } else if(colortv==2) { ntscbars(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, -1, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); ntscbars(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, 1, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); ntscbars(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, -2, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); ntscbars(coff,coffa,coffb, Nhc, rcrowt, rcrowb, Nvc, divsy, 2, pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); } /* bottom wh - black - wh */ bottombw(round((coff[2]+coff[3])/2), Nhc, rcrowc[divsy+4], rcrowc[divsy+5], ccenter, rcleft[divsy+4], rcleft[divsy+5], rcright[divsy+4], rcright[divsy+5], pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); /* bottom yellow red circle */ bottomcirc(coff[0], Nhc, rcrowc[divsy+5], cx, cy, crad, ccenter, rcleft[divsy+5], rcright[divsy+5], pdefault, xd, yd, Nv); } /********************** set id *********************/ { /* dpi */ pair rpos=tvps(Nhc,round((rcrowc[divsy-4]+rcrowc[divsy-5])/2), xd,yd,Nv); string iRhor, iRver, ires; real Rh, Rv; Rh=Nh/xsize*inch; Rv=Nv/ysize*inch; iRhor=format("%.4gx", Rh); iRver=format("%.4gdpi", Rv); ires=insert(iRver,0, iRhor); /* size info */ int rowbot=round((rcrowc[divsy+4]+rcrowc[divsy+5])/2); pair tpos=tvps(Nhc,rowbot, xd,yd,Nv); string ihor, iver, itot, iasp, ifm; real asp, fm; ihor=format("%ix",Nh); iver=format("%i ",Nv); itot=insert(iver,0, ihor); asp=xsize/ysize; iasp=format("%.3g ",asp); fm=fs/1e6; ifm=format("%.4gMHz",fm); itot=insert(iasp,0, itot); itot=insert(ifm,0, itot); /* size of square */ int rowNsy=round((rcrowc[divsy+5]+rcrowc[divsy+6])/2); pair Npos=tvps(Nhc+round((coff[4]+coff[5])/2),rowNsy, xd,yd,Nv); string iNsy=format("%i",Nsy); pen pbw; if(colortv>0) { pbw=pdefault+gray(1.0); } else { pbw=pdefault+gray(0.0); } label(ires, rpos, p=pbw); label(itot, tpos, p=pbw); label(iNsy, Npos, p=pbw); if(verbose > 1) write('#res:\t', ires, itot, iNsy); }