/***** * drawbeziertriangle.cc * Authors: Jesse Frohlich and John C. Bowman * * Render a Bezier triangle. *****/ #include "drawsurface.h" namespace camp { #ifdef HAVE_GL static const double pixel=0.25; // Adaptive rendering constant. extern const double Fuzz; extern const double Fuzz2; inline triple maxabs(triple u, triple v) { return triple(max(fabs(u.getx()),fabs(v.getx())), max(fabs(u.gety()),fabs(v.gety())), max(fabs(u.getz()),fabs(v.getz()))); } inline triple displacement1(const triple& z0, const triple& c0, const triple& c1, const triple& z1) { triple Z0=c0-z0; triple Q=unit(z1-z0); triple Z1=c1-z0; return maxabs(Z0-dot(Z0,Q)*Q,Z1-dot(Z1,Q)*Q); } // return the perpendicular displacement of a point z from the plane // through u with unit normal n. inline triple displacement2(const triple& z, const triple& u, const triple& n) { triple Z=z-u; return n != triple(0,0,0) ? dot(Z,n)*n : Z; } triple displacement(const triple *controls) { triple z0=controls[0]; triple z1=controls[6]; triple z2=controls[9]; // The last three lines compute how straight the edges are. This should be a // sufficient test for the boundry points, so only the internal point is // tested for deviance from the triangle formed by the vertices. // We assume that the Jacobian is nonzero so that we only need to calculate // the perpendicular displacement of the internal point from this triangle. triple d=displacement2(controls[4],z0,unit(cross(z1-z0,z2-z0))); d=maxabs(d,displacement1(z0,controls[1],controls[3],z1)); d=maxabs(d,displacement1(z0,controls[2],controls[5],z2)); d=maxabs(d,displacement1(z1,controls[7],controls[8],z2)); return d; } // Returns one-third of the first derivative of the Bezier curve defined by // a,b,c,d at 0. inline triple bezierP(triple a, triple b) { return b-a; } // Returns one-sixth of the second derivative of the Bezier curve defined // by a,b,c,d at 0. inline triple bezierPP(triple a, triple b, triple c) { return a+c-2.0*b; } // Returns one-third of the third derivative of the Bezier curve defined by // a,b,c,d. inline triple bezierPPP(triple a, triple b, triple c, triple d) { return d-a+3.0*(b-c); } struct Render { std::vector buffer; std::vector indices; triple u,v,w; GLuint nvertices; double cx,cy,cz; double epsilon; double res; bool billboard; void init(bool havebillboard, const triple& center) { const size_t nbuffer=10000; buffer.reserve(nbuffer); indices.reserve(nbuffer); nvertices=0; billboard=havebillboard; if(billboard) { cx=center.getx(); cy=center.gety(); cz=center.getz(); gl::projection P=gl::camera(false); w=unit(P.camera-P.target); v=unit(perp(P.up,w)); u=cross(v,w); } } void clear() { buffer.clear(); indices.clear(); } // Store the vertex v and its normal vector n in the buffer. GLuint vertex(const triple& V, const triple& n) { if(billboard) { double x=V.getx()-cx; double y=V.gety()-cy; double z=V.getz()-cz; buffer.push_back(cx+u.getx()*x+v.getx()*y+w.getx()*z); buffer.push_back(cy+u.gety()*x+v.gety()*y+w.gety()*z); buffer.push_back(cz+u.getz()*x+v.getz()*y+w.getz()*z); } else { buffer.push_back(V.getx()); buffer.push_back(V.gety()); buffer.push_back(V.getz()); } buffer.push_back(n.getx()); buffer.push_back(n.gety()); buffer.push_back(n.getz()); return nvertices++; } // Store the vertex v and its normal vector n and colour in the buffer. GLuint vertex(const triple& V, const triple& n, GLfloat *c) { int rc=vertex(V,n); buffer.push_back(c[0]); buffer.push_back(c[1]); buffer.push_back(c[2]); buffer.push_back(c[3]); return rc; } triple normal0(triple left3, triple left2, triple left1, triple middle, triple right1, triple right2, triple right3) { //cout << "normal0 called." << endl; // Lots of repetition here. // TODO: Check if lp,rp,lpp,rpp should be manually inlined (i.e., is the // third order normal usually computed when normal0() is called?). triple lp=bezierP(middle,left1); triple rp=bezierP(middle,right1); triple lpp=bezierPP(middle,left1,left2); triple rpp=bezierPP(middle,right1,right2); triple n1=cross(rpp,lp)+cross(rp,lpp); if(abs2(n1) > epsilon) { return unit(n1); } else { triple lppp=bezierPPP(middle,left1,left2,left3); triple rppp=bezierPPP(middle,right1,right2,right3); triple n2= 9.0*cross(rpp,lpp)+ 3.0*(cross(rp,lppp)+cross(rppp,lp)+ cross(rppp,lpp)+cross(rpp,lppp))+ cross(rppp,lppp); return unit(n2); } } triple normal(triple left3, triple left2, triple left1, triple middle, triple right1, triple right2, triple right3) { triple bu=right1-middle; triple bv=left1-middle; triple n=triple(bu.gety()*bv.getz()-bu.getz()*bv.gety(), bu.getz()*bv.getx()-bu.getx()*bv.getz(), bu.getx()*bv.gety()-bu.gety()*bv.getx()); return abs2(n) > epsilon ? unit(n) : normal0(left3,left2,left1,middle,right1,right2,right3); } void mesh(const triple *p, const GLuint *I) { // Draw the frame of the control points of a cubic Bezier mesh GLuint I0=I[0]; GLuint I1=I[1]; GLuint I2=I[2]; indices.push_back(I0); indices.push_back(I1); indices.push_back(I2); } // Pi is the full precision value indexed by Ii. // The 'flati' are flatness flags for each boundary. void render(const triple *p, int n, GLuint I0, GLuint I1, GLuint I2, triple P0, triple P1, triple P2, bool flat1, bool flat2, bool flat3, GLfloat *C0=NULL, GLfloat *C1=NULL, GLfloat *C2=NULL) { // Uses a uniform partition // p points to an array of 10 triples. // Draw a Bezier triangle. // p is the set of control points for the Bezier triangle // n is the maximum number of iterations to compute triple d=displacement(p); // This involves fewer triangle computations at the end (since if the // surface is sufficiently flat, it just draws the sufficiently flat // triangle, rather than trying to properly utilize the already // computed values. if(n == 0 || length(d) < res) { // If triangle is flat... GLuint I[]={I0,I1,I2}; mesh(p,I); } else { // Triangle is not flat /* Naming Convention: * * P2 * 030 * /\ * / \ * / \ * / \ * / up \ * / \ * / \ * / \ * p1 /________________\ p0 * /\ / \ * / \ / \ * / \ / \ * / \ center / \ * / \ / \ * / \ / \ * / left \ / right \ * / \ / \ * /________________V_________________\ * 003 p2 300 * P0 P1 */ // Subdivide triangle triple l003=p[0]; triple p102=p[1]; triple p012=p[2]; triple p201=p[3]; triple p111=p[4]; triple p021=p[5]; triple r300=p[6]; triple p210=p[7]; triple p120=p[8]; triple u030=p[9]; triple u021=0.5*(u030+p021); triple u120=0.5*(u030+p120); triple p033=0.5*(p021+p012); triple p231=0.5*(p120+p111); triple p330=0.5*(p120+p210); triple p123=0.5*(p012+p111); triple l012=0.5*(p012+l003); triple p312=0.5*(p111+p201); triple r210=0.5*(p210+r300); triple l102=0.5*(l003+p102); triple p303=0.5*(p102+p201); triple r201=0.5*(p201+r300); triple u012=0.5*(u021+p033); triple u210=0.5*(u120+p330); triple l021=0.5*(p033+l012); triple p4xx=0.5*p231+0.25*(p111+p102); triple r120=0.5*(p330+r210); triple px4x=0.5*p123+0.25*(p111+p210); triple pxx4=0.25*(p021+p111)+0.5*p312; triple l201=0.5*(l102+p303); triple r102=0.5*(p303+r201); triple l210=0.5*(px4x+l201); // =c120 triple r012=0.5*(px4x+r102); // =c021 triple l300=0.5*(l201+r102); // =r003=c030 triple r021=0.5*(pxx4+r120); // =c012 triple u201=0.5*(u210+pxx4); // =c102 triple r030=0.5*(u210+r120); // =u300=c003 triple u102=0.5*(u012+p4xx); // =c201 triple l120=0.5*(l021+p4xx); // =c210 triple l030=0.5*(u012+l021); // =u003=c300 triple l111=0.5*(p123+l102); triple r111=0.5*(p312+r210); triple u111=0.5*(u021+p231); triple c111=0.25*(p033+p330+p303+p111); // For each edge of the triangle // * Check for flatness // * Store points in the GLU array accordingly // A kludge to remove subdivision cracks, only applied the first time // an edge is found to be flat before the rest of the sub-patch is. #ifdef __MSDOS__ const double epsilon=1.0*res; #else const double epsilon=0.1*res; #endif triple p2,p1,p0; if(flat1) p2=0.5*(P1+P0); else { if((flat1=length(displacement1(l003,p102,p201,r300)) < res)) p2=0.5*(P1+P0)+epsilon*unit(l300-u030); else p2=l300; } if(flat2) p1=0.5*(P2+P0); else { if((flat2=length(displacement1(l003,p012,p021,u030)) < res)) p1=0.5*(P2+P0)+epsilon*unit(l030-r300); else p1=l030; } if(flat3) p0=0.5*(P2+P1); else { if((flat3=length(displacement1(r300,p210,p120,u030)) < res)) p0=0.5*(P2+P1)+epsilon*unit(r030-l003); else p0=r030; } triple l[]={l003,l102,l012,l201,l111,l021,l300,l210,l120,l030}; // left triple r[]={l300,r102,r012,r201,r111,r021,r300,r210,r120,r030}; // right triple u[]={l030,u102,u012,u201,u111,u021,r030,u210,u120,u030}; // up triple c[]={r030,u201,r021,u102,c111,r012,l030,l120,l210,l300}; // center --n; if(C0) { GLfloat c0[4],c1[4],c2[4]; for(int i=0; i < 4; ++i) { c0[i]=0.5*(C1[i]+C2[i]); c1[i]=0.5*(C0[i]+C2[i]); c2[i]=0.5*(C0[i]+C1[i]); } GLuint i0=vertex(p0,normal(l300,r012,r021,r030,u201,u102,l030),c0); GLuint i1=vertex(p1,normal(r030,u201,u102,l030,l120,l210,l300),c1); GLuint i2=vertex(p2,normal(l030,l120,l210,l300,r012,r021,r030),c2); render(l,n,I0,i2,i1,P0,p2,p1,flat1,flat2,false,C0,c2,c1); render(r,n,i2,I1,i0,p2,P1,p0,flat1,false,flat3,c2,C1,c0); render(u,n,i1,i0,I2,p1,p0,P2,false,flat2,flat3,c1,c0,C2); render(c,n,i0,i1,i2,p0,p1,p2,false,false,false,c0,c1,c2); } else { GLuint i0=vertex(p0,normal(l300,r012,r021,r030,u201,u102,l030)); GLuint i1=vertex(p1,normal(r030,u201,u102,l030,l120,l210,l300)); GLuint i2=vertex(p2,normal(l030,l120,l210,l300,r012,r021,r030)); render(l,n,I0,i2,i1,P0,p2,p1,flat1,flat2,false); render(r,n,i2,I1,i0,p2,P1,p0,flat1,false,flat3); render(u,n,i1,i0,I2,p1,p0,P2,false,flat2,flat3); render(c,n,i0,i1,i2,p0,p1,p2,false,false,false); } } } // n is the maximum depth void render(const triple *p, double res, GLfloat *c0, int n) { this->res=res; triple po=p[0]; epsilon=0; for(int i=1; i < 10; ++i) epsilon=max(epsilon,abs2(p[i]-po)); epsilon *= Fuzz2; GLuint i0,i1,i2; if(c0) { GLfloat *c1=c0+4; GLfloat *c2=c0+8; i0=vertex(p[0],normal(p[9],p[5],p[2],p[0],p[1],p[3],p[6]),c0); i1=vertex(p[6],normal(p[0],p[1],p[3],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9]),c1); i2=vertex(p[9],normal(p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],p[5],p[2],p[0]),c2); if(n > 0) render(p,n,i0,i1,i2,p[0],p[6],p[9],false,false,false,c0,c1,c2); } else { i0=vertex(p[0],normal(p[9],p[5],p[2],p[0],p[1],p[3],p[6])); i1=vertex(p[6],normal(p[0],p[1],p[3],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9])); i2=vertex(p[9],normal(p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],p[5],p[2],p[0])); if(n > 0) render(p,n,i0,i1,i2,p[0],p[6],p[9],false,false,false); } if(n == 0) { GLuint I[]={i0,i1,i2}; mesh(p,I); } size_t stride=(c0 ? 10 : 6)*sizeof(GL_FLOAT); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if(c0) glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(3,GL_FLOAT,stride,&buffer[0]); glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT,stride,&buffer[3]); if(c0) glColorPointer(4,GL_FLOAT,stride,&buffer[6]); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,indices.size(),GL_UNSIGNED_INT,&indices[0]); if(c0) glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); } }; Render R; void bezierTriangle(const triple *g, bool straight, double ratio, bool havebillboard, triple center, GLfloat *colors) { R.init(havebillboard,center); R.render(g,pixel*ratio,colors,straight ? 0 : 8); R.clear(); } #endif } //namespace camp