/***** * bezierpatch.h * Authors: John C. Bowman and Jesse Frohlich * * Render Bezier patches and triangles. *****/ #ifndef BEZIERPATCH_H #define BEZIERPATCH_H #include "drawelement.h" namespace camp { #ifdef HAVE_GL extern int sign; extern const double Fuzz; extern const double Fuzz2; struct BezierPatch { static std::vector buffer; static std::vector Buffer; static std::vector indices; static std::vector Indices; static std::vector tbuffer; static std::vector tindices; static std::vector tBuffer; static std::vector tIndices; static GLuint nvertices; static GLuint ntvertices; static GLuint Nvertices; static GLuint Ntvertices; std::vector *pindices; triple u,v,w; double epsilon; double Epsilon; double res2; double Res2; // Reduced resolution for Bezier triangles flatness test. triple Min,Max; typedef GLuint vertexFunction(const triple &v, const triple& n); typedef GLuint VertexFunction(const triple &v, const triple& n, GLfloat *c); vertexFunction *pvertex; VertexFunction *pVertex; bool empty; BezierPatch() : empty(true) {} void init(double res, const triple& Min, const triple& Max, bool transparent, GLfloat *colors=NULL); // Store the vertex v and its normal vector n in the buffer. static GLuint vertex(const triple &v, const triple& n) { buffer.push_back(v.getx()); buffer.push_back(v.gety()); buffer.push_back(v.getz()); buffer.push_back(n.getx()); buffer.push_back(n.gety()); buffer.push_back(n.getz()); return nvertices++; } static GLuint tvertex(const triple &v, const triple& n) { tbuffer.push_back(v.getx()); tbuffer.push_back(v.gety()); tbuffer.push_back(v.getz()); tbuffer.push_back(n.getx()); tbuffer.push_back(n.gety()); tbuffer.push_back(n.getz()); return ntvertices++; } // Store the vertex v and its normal vector n and colour c in the buffer. static GLuint Vertex(const triple& v, const triple& n, GLfloat *c) { Buffer.push_back(v.getx()); Buffer.push_back(v.gety()); Buffer.push_back(v.getz()); Buffer.push_back(n.getx()); Buffer.push_back(n.gety()); Buffer.push_back(n.getz()); Buffer.push_back(c[0]); Buffer.push_back(c[1]); Buffer.push_back(c[2]); Buffer.push_back(c[3]); return Nvertices++; } static GLuint tVertex(const triple& v, const triple& n, GLfloat *c) { tBuffer.push_back(v.getx()); tBuffer.push_back(v.gety()); tBuffer.push_back(v.getz()); tBuffer.push_back(n.getx()); tBuffer.push_back(n.gety()); tBuffer.push_back(n.getz()); tBuffer.push_back(c[0]); tBuffer.push_back(c[1]); tBuffer.push_back(c[2]); tBuffer.push_back(c[3]); return Ntvertices++; } triple normal(triple left3, triple left2, triple left1, triple middle, triple right1, triple right2, triple right3) { triple rp=right1-middle; triple lp=left1-middle; triple n=triple(rp.gety()*lp.getz()-rp.getz()*lp.gety(), rp.getz()*lp.getx()-rp.getx()*lp.getz(), rp.getx()*lp.gety()-rp.gety()*lp.getx()); if(abs2(n) > epsilon) return unit(n); triple lpp=bezierPP(middle,left1,left2); triple rpp=bezierPP(middle,right1,right2); n=cross(rpp,lp)+cross(rp,lpp); if(abs2(n) > epsilon) return unit(n); triple lppp=bezierPPP(middle,left1,left2,left3); triple rppp=bezierPPP(middle,right1,right2,right3); return unit(9.0*cross(rpp,lpp)+ 3.0*(cross(rp,lppp)+cross(rppp,lp)+ cross(rppp,lpp)+cross(rpp,lppp))+ cross(rppp,lppp)); } triple derivative(triple p0, triple p1, triple p2, triple p3) { triple lp=p1-p0; if(abs2(lp) > epsilon) return lp; triple lpp=bezierPP(p0,p1,p2); if(abs2(lpp) > epsilon) return lpp; return bezierPPP(p0,p1,p2,p3); } virtual double Distance(const triple *p) { triple p0=p[0]; triple p3=p[3]; triple p12=p[12]; triple p15=p[15]; // Check the flatness of the quad. double d=Distance2(p15,p0,normal(p3,p[2],p[1],p0,p[4],p[8],p12)); // Determine how straight the edges are. d=max(d,Straightness(p0,p[1],p[2],p3)); d=max(d,Straightness(p0,p[4],p[8],p12)); d=max(d,Straightness(p3,p[7],p[11],p15)); d=max(d,Straightness(p12,p[13],p[14],p15)); // Determine how straight the interior control curves are. d=max(d,Straightness(p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7])); d=max(d,Straightness(p[8],p[9],p[10],p[11])); d=max(d,Straightness(p[1],p[5],p[9],p[13])); return max(d,Straightness(p[2],p[6],p[10],p[14])); } struct Split3 { triple m0,m2,m3,m4,m5; Split3() {} Split3(triple z0, triple c0, triple c1, triple z1) { m0=0.5*(z0+c0); triple m1=0.5*(c0+c1); m2=0.5*(c1+z1); m3=0.5*(m0+m1); m4=0.5*(m1+m2); m5=0.5*(m3+m4); } }; // Approximate bounds by bounding box of control polyhedron. bool offscreen(size_t n, const triple *v) { double x,y,z; double X,Y,Z; boundstriples(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,n,v); return X < Min.getx() || x > Max.getx() || Y < Min.gety() || y > Max.gety() || Z < Min.getz() || z > Max.getz(); } void clear() { empty=true; nvertices=ntvertices=Nvertices=Ntvertices=0; buffer.clear(); indices.clear(); Buffer.clear(); Indices.clear(); tbuffer.clear(); tindices.clear(); tBuffer.clear(); tIndices.clear(); } ~BezierPatch() {} void render(const triple *p, GLuint I0, GLuint I1, GLuint I2, GLuint I3, triple P0, triple P1, triple P2, triple P3, bool flat0, bool flat1, bool flat2, bool flat3, GLfloat *C0=NULL, GLfloat *C1=NULL, GLfloat *C2=NULL, GLfloat *C3=NULL); virtual void render(const triple *p, bool straight, GLfloat *c0=NULL); void queue(const triple *g, bool straight, double ratio, const triple& Min, const triple& Max, bool transparent, GLfloat *colors=NULL) { init(pixel*ratio,Min,Max,transparent,colors); render(g,straight,colors); } void draw(); void draw(const triple *g, bool straight, double ratio, const triple& Min, const triple& Max, bool transparent, GLfloat *colors=NULL) { queue(g,straight,ratio,Min,Max,transparent,colors); draw(); } }; struct BezierTriangle : public BezierPatch { public: BezierTriangle() : BezierPatch() {} double Distance(const triple *p) { triple p0=p[0]; triple p6=p[6]; triple p9=p[9]; // Check how far the internal point is from the centroid of the vertices. double d=abs2((p0+p6+p9)*third-p[4]); // Determine how straight the edges are. d=max(d,Straightness(p0,p[1],p[3],p6)); d=max(d,Straightness(p0,p[2],p[5],p9)); return max(d,Straightness(p6,p[7],p[8],p9)); } void render(const triple *p, GLuint I0, GLuint I1, GLuint I2, triple P0, triple P1, triple P2, bool flat0, bool flat1, bool flat2, GLfloat *C0=NULL, GLfloat *C1=NULL, GLfloat *C2=NULL); void render(const triple *p, bool straight, GLfloat *c0=NULL); }; #endif } //namespace camp #endif