Andy: add keyword-only arguments Andy: Arbitrary depth copying of arrays. Andy: Investigate bbox error in uofa-talk Shadowing slide Andy: change label in coder to a class not an Int Andy: look at label alignment in rotvenn Andy: possible optimizations: eliminate frame copying in picture.add(picture pic, ...) varpush+popcall --> varcall? fieldpush+popcall --> fieldcall? overloaded::simplify copies straight guide which references a subset of a pair vector. Is it cheaper to import a bltin module than to call base_venv again? varpush+pop --> no op varsave+pop --> one op closure+pushfunc+varsave+pop --> savefunc stack::popWithoutReturningValue look at position information saved in program, maybe save separately formal::addOps calls trans only hash first 3 or 4 args of signature rm transToType from varinitArg::trans change camp.y to flag arglists with named args Andy: testing in errortest.asy for packing versus casting, default argument ambiguities, and whatever else you can think of Andy: operator tuple, to let people define their own tuples Andy: Decide if we should change vm::error to em in John or Andy: Add unit test for AddOps. Supakorn: Eventually create a PBR rendering pipeline struct PBRMaterial { public: glm::vec3 diffuse, emission; float metallic, roughness, fresnelIOR };