#!/usr/bin/env python3 ########################################################################### # # xasy2asy provides a Python interface to Asymptote # # # Authors: Orest Shardt, Supakorn Rassameemasmuang, and John C. Bowman # ########################################################################### import PyQt5.QtWidgets as Qw import PyQt5.QtGui as Qg import PyQt5.QtCore as Qc import PyQt5.QtSvg as Qs import numpy as np import sys import os import signal import threading import string import subprocess import tempfile import re import shutil import copy import queue import io import atexit import DebugFlags import xasyUtils as xu import xasyArgs as xa import xasyOptions as xo import xasySvg as xs class AsymptoteEngine: xasy=chr(4)+"\n" def __init__(self, path=None, keepFiles=DebugFlags.keepFiles, keepDefaultArgs=True): if path is None: path = xa.getArgs().asypath if path is None: opt = xo.BasicConfigs.defaultOpt opt.load() path = opt['asyPath'] if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': rx = 0 # stdin wa = 2 # stderr else: rx, wx = os.pipe() ra, wa = os.pipe() os.set_inheritable(rx, True) os.set_inheritable(wx, True) os.set_inheritable(ra, True) os.set_inheritable(wa, True) self.ostream = os.fdopen(wx, 'w') self.istream = os.fdopen(ra, 'r') self.keepFiles = keepFiles if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='xasyData_',dir='./')+'/' else: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='xasyData_')+os.sep self.args=['-xasy', '-noV', '-q', '-inpipe=' + str(rx), '-outpipe=' + str(wa), '-o', self.tmpdir] self.asyPath = path self.asyProcess = None def start(self): try: if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': self.asyProcess = subprocess.Popen([self.asyPath] + self.args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) self.ostream = self.asyProcess.stdin self.istream = self.asyProcess.stderr else: self.asyProcess = subprocess.Popen([self.asyPath] + self.args,close_fds=False) finally: atexit.register(self.cleanup) def wait(self): if self.asyProcess.returncode is not None: return else: return self.asyProcess.wait() def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop() self.wait() @property def tempDirName(self): return self.tmpdir def startThenStop(self): self.start() self.stop() self.wait() @property def active(self): if self.asyProcess is None: return False return self.asyProcess.returncode is None def stop(self): if self.active: self.asyProcess.kill() def cleanup(self): self.stop() if self.asyProcess is not None: self.asyProcess.wait() if not self.keepFiles: if os.path.isdir(self.tempDirName + os.sep): shutil.rmtree(self.tempDirName, ignore_errors=True) class asyTransform(Qc.QObject): """A python implementation of an asy transform""" def __init__(self, initTuple, delete=False): """Initialize the transform with a 6 entry tuple""" super().__init__() if isinstance(initTuple, (tuple, list)) and len(initTuple) == 6: self.t = initTuple self.x, self.y, self.xx, self.xy, self.yx, self.yy = initTuple self._deleted = delete else: raise TypeError("Illegal initializer for asyTransform") @property def deleted(self): return self._deleted @deleted.setter def deleted(self, value): self._deleted = value @classmethod def zero(cls): return asyTransform((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) @classmethod def fromQTransform(cls, transform: Qg.QTransform): tx, ty = transform.dx(), transform.dy() xx, xy, yx, yy = transform.m11(), transform.m21(), transform.m12(), transform.m22() return asyTransform((tx, ty, xx, xy, yx, yy)) @classmethod def fromNumpyMatrix(cls, transform: np.ndarray): assert transform.shape == (3, 3) tx = transform[0, 2] ty = transform[1, 2] xx, xy, yx, yy = transform[0:2, 0:2].ravel().tolist()[0] return asyTransform((tx, ty, xx, xy, yx, yy)) def getRawCode(self): return xu.tuple2StrWOspaces(self.t) def getCode(self, asy2psmap=None): """Obtain the asy code that represents this transform""" if asy2psmap is None: asy2psmap = asyTransform((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)) if self.deleted: return 'zeroTransform' else: return (asy2psmap.inverted() * self * asy2psmap).getRawCode() def scale(self, s): return asyTransform((0, 0, s, 0, 0, s)) * self def toQTransform(self): return Qg.QTransform(self.xx, self.yx, self.xy, self.yy, self.x, self.y) def __str__(self): """Equivalent functionality to getCode(). It allows the expression str(asyTransform) to be meaningful.""" return self.getCode() def isIdentity(self): return self == identity() def inverted(self): return asyTransform.fromQTransform(self.toQTransform().inverted()[0]) def __eq__(self, other): return list(self.t) == list(other.t) def __mul__(self, other): """Define multiplication of transforms as composition.""" if isinstance(other, tuple): if len(other) == 6: return self * asyTransform(other) elif len(other) == 2: return ((self.t[0] + self.t[2] * other[0] + self.t[3] * other[1]), (self.t[1] + self.t[4] * other[0] + self.t[5] * other[1])) else: raise Exception("Illegal multiplier of {:s}".format(str(type(other)))) elif isinstance(other, asyTransform): result = asyTransform((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) result.x = self.x + self.xx * other.x + self.xy * other.y result.y = self.y + self.yx * other.x + self.yy * other.y result.xx = self.xx * other.xx + self.xy * other.yx result.xy = self.xx * other.xy + self.xy * other.yy result.yx = self.yx * other.xx + self.yy * other.yx result.yy = self.yx * other.xy + self.yy * other.yy result.t = (result.x, result.y, result.xx, result.xy, result.yx, result.yy) return result elif isinstance(other, str): if other != 'cycle': raise TypeError else: return 'cycle' else: raise TypeError("Illegal multiplier of {:s}".format(str(type(other)))) def identity(): return asyTransform((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)) def yflip(): return asyTransform((0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)) class asyObj(Qc.QObject): """A base class for asy objects: an item represented by asymptote code.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the object""" super().__init__() self.asyCode = '' def updateCode(self, ps2asymap=identity()): """Update the object's code: should be overriden.""" raise NotImplementedError def getCode(self, ps2asymap=identity()): """Return the code describing the object""" self.updateCode(ps2asymap) return self.asyCode class asyPen(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asymptote pen""" @staticmethod def getColorFromQColor(color): return color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF() @staticmethod def convertToQColor(color): r, g, b = color return Qg.QColor.fromRgbF(r, g, b) @classmethod def fromAsyPen(cls, pen): assert isinstance(pen, cls) return cls(asyengine=pen._asyengine, color=pen.color, width=pen.width, pen_options=pen.options) def __init__(self, asyengine=None, color=(0, 0, 0), width=0.5, pen_options=""): """Initialize the pen""" asyObj.__init__(self) self.color = (0, 0, 0) self.options = pen_options self.width = width self._asyengine = asyengine self._deferAsyfy = False if pen_options: self._deferAsyfy = True self.updateCode() self.setColor(color) @property def asyEngine(self): return self._asyengine @asyEngine.setter def asyEngine(self, value): self._asyengine = value def updateCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): """Generate the pen's code""" if self._deferAsyfy: self.computeColor() self.asyCode = 'rgb({:g},{:g},{:g})+{:s}'.format(self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], str(self.width)) if len(self.options) > 0: self.asyCode = self.asyCode + '+' + self.options def setWidth(self, newWidth): """Set the pen's width""" self.width = newWidth self.updateCode() def setColor(self, color): """Set the pen's color""" if isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 3: self.color = color else: self.color = (0, 0, 0) self.updateCode() def setColorFromQColor(self, color): self.setColor(asyPen.getColorFromQColor(color)) def computeColor(self): """Find out the color of an arbitrary asymptote pen.""" assert isinstance(self.asyEngine, AsymptoteEngine) assert self.asyEngine.active fout = self.asyEngine.ostream fin = self.asyEngine.istream fout.write("pen p=" + self.getCode() + ';\n') fout.write("write(_outpipe,colorspace(p),newl);\n") fout.write("write(_outpipe,colors(p));\n") fout.write("flush(_outpipe);\n") fout.write(self.asyEngine.xasy) fout.flush() colorspace = fin.readline() if colorspace.find("cmyk") != -1: lines = fin.readline() + fin.readline() + fin.readline() + fin.readline() parts = lines.split() c, m, y, k = eval(parts[0]), eval(parts[1]), eval(parts[2]), eval(parts[3]) k = 1 - k r, g, b = ((1 - c) * k, (1 - m) * k, (1 - y) * k) elif colorspace.find("rgb") != -1: lines = fin.readline() + fin.readline() + fin.readline() parts = lines.split() r, g, b = eval(parts[0]), eval(parts[1]), eval(parts[2]) elif colorspace.find("gray") != -1: lines = fin.readline() parts = lines.split() r = g = b = eval(parts[0]) else: raise ChildProcessError('Asymptote error.') self.color = (r, g, b) self._deferAsyfy = False def tkColor(self): """Return the tk version of the pen's color""" self.computeColor() return '#{}'.format("".join(["{:02x}".format(min(int(256 * a), 255)) for a in self.color])) def toQPen(self): if self._deferAsyfy: self.computeColor() newPen = Qg.QPen() newPen.setColor(asyPen.convertToQColor(self.color)) newPen.setWidthF(self.width) return newPen class asyPath(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asymptote path""" def __init__(self, asyengine: AsymptoteEngine=None, forceCurve=False): """Initialize the path to be an empty path: a path with no nodes, control points, or links.""" super().__init__() self.nodeSet = [] self.linkSet = [] self.forceCurve = forceCurve self.controlSet = [] self.computed = False self.asyengine = asyengine @classmethod def fromPath(cls, oldPath): newObj = asyPath(None) newObj.nodeSet = copy.copy(oldPath.nodeSet) newObj.linkSet = copy.copy(oldPath.linkSet) newObj.controlSet = copy.deepcopy(oldPath.controlSet) newObj.computed = oldPath.computed newObj.asyengine = oldPath.asyengine return newObj @classmethod def fromBezierPoints(cls, pointList: list, engine=None): if not pointList: return None assert isinstance(pointList[0], BezierCurveEditor.BezierPoint) nodeList = [] controlList = [] for point in pointList: nodeList.append(BezierCurveEditor.QPoint2Tuple(point.point)) if point.rCtrlPoint is not None: # first controlList.append([BezierCurveEditor.QPoint2Tuple(point.rCtrlPoint)]) if point.lCtrlPoint is not None: # last controlList[-1].append(BezierCurveEditor.QPoint2Tuple(point.lCtrlPoint)) newPath = asyPath(asyengine=engine) newPath.initFromControls(nodeList, controlList) return newPath def setInfo(self, path): self.nodeSet = copy.copy(path.nodeSet) self.linkSet = copy.copy(path.linkSet) self.controlSet = copy.deepcopy(path.controlSet) self.computed = path.computed @property def isEmpty(self): return len(self.nodeSet) == 0 @property def isDrawable(self): return len(self.nodeSet) >= 2 def toQPainterPath(self) -> Qg.QPainterPath: return self.toQPainterPathCurve() if self.containsCurve else self.toQPainterPathLine() def toQPainterPathLine(self): baseX, baseY = self.nodeSet[0] painterPath = Qg.QPainterPath(Qc.QPointF(baseX, baseY)) for pointIndex in range(1, len(self.nodeSet)): node = self.nodeSet[pointIndex] if self.nodeSet[pointIndex] == 'cycle': node = self.nodeSet[0] painterPath.lineTo(*node) return painterPath def toQPainterPathCurve(self): if not self.computed: self.computeControls() baseX, baseY = self.nodeSet[0] painterPath = Qg.QPainterPath(Qc.QPointF(baseX, baseY)) for pointIndex in range(1, len(self.nodeSet)): node = self.nodeSet[pointIndex] if self.nodeSet[pointIndex] == 'cycle': node = self.nodeSet[0] endPoint = Qc.QPointF(node[0], node[1]) ctrlPoint1 = Qc.QPointF(self.controlSet[pointIndex-1][0][0], self.controlSet[pointIndex-1][0][1]) ctrlPoint2 = Qc.QPointF(self.controlSet[pointIndex-1][1][0], self.controlSet[pointIndex-1][1][1]) painterPath.cubicTo(ctrlPoint1, ctrlPoint2, endPoint) return painterPath def initFromNodeList(self, nodeSet, linkSet): """Initialize the path from a set of nodes and link types, "--", "..", or "::" """ if len(nodeSet) > 0: self.nodeSet = nodeSet[:] self.linkSet = linkSet[:] self.computed = False def initFromControls(self, nodeSet, controlSet): """Initialize the path from nodes and control points""" self.controlSet = controlSet[:] self.nodeSet = nodeSet[:] self.computed = True def makeNodeStr(self, node): """Represent a node as a string""" if node == 'cycle': return node else: # if really want to, disable this rounding # shouldn't be to much of a problem since 10e-6 is quite small... return '({:.6g},{:.6g})'.format(node[0], node[1]) def updateCode(self, ps2asymap=identity()): """Generate the code describing the path""" # currently at postscript. Convert to asy asy2psmap = ps2asymap.inverted() with io.StringIO() as rawAsyCode: count = 0 rawAsyCode.write(self.makeNodeStr(asy2psmap * self.nodeSet[0])) for node in self.nodeSet[1:]: if not self.computed or count >= len(self.controlSet): rawAsyCode.write(self.linkSet[count]) rawAsyCode.write(self.makeNodeStr(asy2psmap * node)) else: rawAsyCode.write('..controls ') rawAsyCode.write(self.makeNodeStr(asy2psmap * self.controlSet[count][0])) rawAsyCode.write(' and ') rawAsyCode.write(self.makeNodeStr(asy2psmap * self.controlSet[count][1])) rawAsyCode.write(".." + self.makeNodeStr(asy2psmap * node)) count = count + 1 self.asyCode = rawAsyCode.getvalue() @property def containsCurve(self): return '..' in self.linkSet or self.forceCurve def getNode(self, index): """Return the requested node""" return self.nodeSet[index] def getLink(self, index): """Return the requested link""" return self.linkSet[index] def setNode(self, index, newNode): """Set a node to a new position""" self.nodeSet[index] = newNode def moveNode(self, index, offset): """Translate a node""" if self.nodeSet[index] != "cycle": self.nodeSet[index] = (self.nodeSet[index][0] + offset[0], self.nodeSet[index][1] + offset[1]) def setLink(self, index, ltype): """Change the specified link""" self.linkSet[index] = ltype def addNode(self, point, ltype): """Add a node to the end of a path""" self.nodeSet.append(point) if len(self.nodeSet) != 1: self.linkSet.append(ltype) if self.computed: self.computeControls() def insertNode(self, index, point, ltype=".."): """Insert a node, and its corresponding link, at the given index""" self.nodeSet.insert(index, point) self.linkSet.insert(index, ltype) if self.computed: self.computeControls() def setControl(self, index, position): """Set a control point to a new position""" self.controlSet[index] = position def popNode(self): if len(self.controlSet) == len(self.nodeSet): self.controlSet.pop() self.nodeSet.pop() self.linkSet.pop() def moveControl(self, index, offset): """Translate a control point""" self.controlSet[index] = (self.controlSet[index][0] + offset[0], self.controlSet[index][1] + offset[1]) def computeControls(self): """Evaluate the code of the path to obtain its control points""" # For now, if no asymptote process is given spawns a new one. # Only happens if asyengine is None. if self.asyengine is not None: assert isinstance(self.asyengine, AsymptoteEngine) assert self.asyengine.active asy = self.asyengine startUp = False else: startUp = True asy = AsymptoteEngine() asy.start() fout = asy.ostream fin = asy.istream fout.write("path p=" + self.getCode() + ';\n') fout.write("write(_outpipe,length(p),newl);\n") fout.write("write(_outpipe,unstraighten(p),endl);\n") fout.write(asy.xasy) fout.flush() lengthStr = fin.readline() pathSegments = eval(lengthStr.split()[-1]) pathStrLines = [] for i in range(pathSegments + 1): line = fin.readline() line = line.replace("\n", "") pathStrLines.append(line) oneLiner = "".join(pathStrLines).replace(" ", "") splitList = oneLiner.split("..") nodes = [a for a in splitList if a.find("controls") == -1] self.nodeSet = [] for a in nodes: if a == 'cycle': self.nodeSet.append(a) else: self.nodeSet.append(eval(a)) controls = [a.replace("controls", "").split("and") for a in splitList if a.find("controls") != -1] self.controlSet = [[eval(a[0]), eval(a[1])] for a in controls] self.computed = True if startUp: asy.stop() class asyLabel(asyObj): """A python wrapper for an asy label""" def __init__(self, text="", location=(0, 0), pen=None, align=None, fontSize:int=None): """Initialize the label with the given test, location, and pen""" asyObj.__init__(self) self.align = align self.pen = pen self.fontSize = fontSize if align is None: self.align = 'SE' if pen is None: self.pen = asyPen() self.text = text self.location = location def updateCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): """Generate the code describing the label""" newLoc = asy2psmap.inverted() * self.location locStr = xu.tuple2StrWOspaces(newLoc) self.asyCode = 'Label("{0}",{1},p={2}{4},align={3})'.format(self.text, locStr, self.pen.getCode(), self.align, self.getFontSizeText()) def getFontSizeText(self): if self.fontSize is not None: return '+fontsize({:.6g})'.format(self.fontSize) else: return '' def setText(self, text): """Set the label's text""" self.text = text self.updateCode() def setPen(self, pen): """Set the label's pen""" self.pen = pen self.updateCode() def moveTo(self, newl): """Translate the label's location""" self.location = newl class asyImage: """A structure containing an image and its format, bbox, and IDTag""" def __init__(self, image, format, bbox, transfKey=None, keyIndex=0): self.image = image self.format = format self.bbox = bbox self.IDTag = None self.key = transfKey self.keyIndex = keyIndex class xasyItem(Qc.QObject): """A base class for items in the xasy GUI""" mapString = 'xmap' setKeyFormatStr = string.Template('$map("{:s}",{:s});').substitute(map=mapString) setKeyAloneFormatStr = string.Template('$map("{:s}");').substitute(map=mapString) resizeComment="// Resize to initial xasy transform" asySize="" def __init__(self, canvas=None, asyengine=None): """Initialize the item to an empty item""" super().__init__() self.transfKeymap = {} # the new keymap. # should be a dictionary to a list... self.asyCode = '' self.imageList = [] self.IDTag = None self.asyfied = False self.onCanvas = canvas self.keyBuffer = None self._asyengine = asyengine self.drawObjects = [] self.drawObjectsMap = {} self.setKeyed = True self.unsetKeys = set() self.userKeys = set() self.lineOffset = 0 self.imageHandleQueue = queue.Queue() def updateCode(self, ps2asymap=identity()): """Update the item's code: to be overriden""" with io.StringIO() as rawCode: transfCode = self.getTransformCode() objCode = self.getObjectCode() rawCode.write(transfCode) rawCode.write(objCode) self.asyCode = rawCode.getvalue() return len(transfCode.splitlines()), len(objCode.splitlines()) @property def asyengine(self): return self._asyengine @asyengine.setter def asyengine(self, value): self._asyengine = value def getCode(self, ps2asymap=identity()): """Return the code describing the item""" self.updateCode(ps2asymap) return self.asyCode def getTransformCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): raise NotImplementedError def getObjectCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): raise NotImplementedError def generateDrawObjects(self): raise NotImplementedError def handleImageReception(self, file, fileformat, bbox, count, key=None, localCount=0, containsClip=False): """Receive an image from an asy deconstruction. It replaces the default n asyProcess.""" # image = Image.open(file).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if fileformat == 'png': image = Qg.QImage(file) elif fileformat == 'svg': if containsClip: image = xs.SvgObject(self.asyengine.tempDirName+file) else: image = Qs.QSvgRenderer(file) assert image.isValid() else: raise Exception('Format not supported!') self.imageList.append(asyImage(image, fileformat, bbox, transfKey=key, keyIndex=localCount)) if self.onCanvas is not None: # self.imageList[-1].iqt = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) currImage = self.imageList[-1] currImage.iqt = image currImage.originalImage = image currImage.originalImage.theta = 0.0 currImage.originalImage.bbox = list(bbox) currImage.performCanvasTransform = False # handle this case if transform is not in the map yet. # if deleted - set transform to 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 transfExists = key in self.transfKeymap.keys() if transfExists: transfExists = localCount <= len(self.transfKeymap[key]) - 1 if transfExists: validKey = not self.transfKeymap[key][localCount].deleted else: validKey = False if (not transfExists) or validKey: currImage.IDTag = str(file) newDrawObj = DrawObject(currImage.iqt, self.onCanvas['canvas'], transform=identity(), btmRightanchor=Qc.QPointF(bbox[0], bbox[2]), drawOrder=-1, key=key, parentObj=self, keyIndex=localCount) newDrawObj.setBoundingBoxPs(bbox) newDrawObj.setParent(self) self.drawObjects.append(newDrawObj) if key not in self.drawObjectsMap.keys(): self.drawObjectsMap[key] = [newDrawObj] else: self.drawObjectsMap[key].append(newDrawObj) return containsClip def asyfy(self, force=False): if self.asyengine is None: return 1 if self.asyfied and not force: return self.drawObjects = [] self.drawObjectsMap.clear() assert isinstance(self.asyengine, AsymptoteEngine) self.imageList = [] self.unsetKeys.clear() self.userKeys.clear() self.imageHandleQueue = queue.Queue() worker = threading.Thread(target=self.asyfyThread, args=[]) worker.start() item = self.imageHandleQueue.get() cwd=os.getcwd(); os.chdir(self.asyengine.tempDirName) while item != (None,) and item[0] != "ERROR": if item[0] == "OUTPUT": print(item[1]) else: keepFile = self.handleImageReception(*item) if not DebugFlags.keepFiles and not keepFile: try: os.remove(item[0]) pass except OSError: pass finally: pass item = self.imageHandleQueue.get() # self.imageHandleQueue.task_done() os.chdir(cwd); worker.join() def asyfyThread(self): """Convert the item to a list of images by deconstructing this item's code""" assert self.asyengine.active fout = self.asyengine.ostream fin = self.asyengine.istream self.lineOffset = len(self.getTransformCode().splitlines()) fout.write("reset\n") fout.flush(); for line in self.getCode().splitlines(): if DebugFlags.printDeconstTranscript: print('fout:', line) fout.write(line+"\n") fout.write(self.asySize) fout.write("deconstruct();\n") fout.write('write(_outpipe,yscale(-1)*currentpicture.calculateTransform(),endl);\n') fout.write(self.asyengine.xasy) fout.flush() imageInfos = [] # of (box, key) n = 0 keyCounts = {} def render(): for i in range(len(imageInfos)): box, key, localCount, useClip = imageInfos[i] l, b, r, t = [float(a) for a in box.split()] name = "_{:d}.{:s}".format(i, fileformat) self.imageHandleQueue.put((name, fileformat, (l, -t, r, -b), i, key, localCount, useClip)) # key first, box second. # if key is "Done" raw_text = fin.readline() text = "" if DebugFlags.printDeconstTranscript: print(raw_text.strip()) # template=AsyTempDir+"%d_%d.%s" fileformat = 'svg' while raw_text != "Done\n" and raw_text != "Error\n": # print(raw_text) text = fin.readline() # the actual bounding box. # print('TESTING:', text) keydata = raw_text.strip().replace('KEY=', '', 1) # key clipflag = keydata[-1] == '1' userkey = keydata[-2] == '1' keydata = keydata[:-3] if not userkey: self.unsetKeys.add(keydata) # the line and column to replace. else: self.userKeys.add(keydata) # print(line, col) if keydata not in keyCounts.keys(): keyCounts[keydata] = 0 imageInfos.append((text, keydata, keyCounts[keydata], clipflag)) # key-data pair # for the next item keyCounts[keydata] += 1 raw_text = fin.readline() if DebugFlags.printDeconstTranscript: print(text.rstrip()) print(raw_text.rstrip()) n += 1 if raw_text != "Error\n": if text == "Error\n": self.imageHandleQueue.put(("ERROR", fin.readline())) else: render() self.asy2psmap = asyTransform(xu.listize(fin.readline().rstrip(),float)) else: self.asy2psmap = identity() self.imageHandleQueue.put((None,)) self.asyfied = True class xasyDrawnItem(xasyItem): """A base class for GUI items was drawn by the user. It combines a path, a pen, and a transform.""" def __init__(self, path, engine, pen=None, transform=identity(), key=None): """Initialize the item with a path, pen, and transform""" super().__init__(canvas=None, asyengine=engine) if pen is None: pen = asyPen() self.path = path self.path.asyengine = engine self.asyfied = True self.pen = pen self._asyengine = engine self.rawIdentifier = '' self.transfKey = key self.transfKeymap = {self.transfKey: [transform]} @property def asyengine(self): return self._asyengine @asyengine.setter def asyengine(self, value: AsymptoteEngine): self._asyengine = value self.path.asyengine = value def setKey(self, newKey=None): transform = self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0] self.transfKey = newKey self.transfKeymap = {self.transfKey: [transform]} def generateDrawObjects(self, forceUpdate=False): raise NotImplementedError def appendPoint(self, point, link=None): """Append a point to the path. If the path is cyclic, add this point before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': self.path.nodeSet[-1] = point self.path.nodeSet.append('cycle') else: self.path.nodeSet.append(point) self.path.computed = False self.asyfied = False if len(self.path.nodeSet) > 1 and link is not None: self.path.linkSet.append(link) def clearTransform(self): """Reset the item's transform""" self.transform = [identity()] self.asyfied = False def removeLastPoint(self): """Remove the last point in the path. If the path is cyclic, remove the node before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': del self.path.nodeSet[-2] else: del self.path.nodeSet[-1] del self.path.linkSet[-1] self.path.computed = False self.asyfied = False def setLastPoint(self, point): """Modify the last point in the path. If the path is cyclic, modify the node before the 'cycle' node.""" if self.path.nodeSet[-1] == 'cycle': self.path.nodeSet[-2] = point else: self.path.nodeSet[-1] = point self.path.computed = False self.asyfied = False class xasyShape(xasyDrawnItem): """An outlined shape drawn on the GUI""" def __init__(self, path, asyengine, pen=None, transform=identity()): """Initialize the shape with a path, pen, and transform""" super().__init__(path=path, engine=asyengine, pen=pen, transform=transform) def getObjectCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): return 'draw(KEY="{0}",{1},{2});'.format(self.transfKey, self.path.getCode(asy2psmap), self.pen.getCode())+'\n\n' def getTransformCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): transf = self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0] if transf == identity(): return '' else: return xasyItem.setKeyFormatStr.format(self.transfKey, transf.getCode(asy2psmap))+'\n' def generateDrawObjects(self, forceUpdate=False): if self.path.containsCurve: self.path.computeControls() transf = self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0] newObj = DrawObject(self.path.toQPainterPath(), None, drawOrder=0, transform=transf, pen=self.pen, key=self.transfKey) newObj.originalObj = self newObj.setParent(self) return [newObj] def __str__(self): """Create a string describing this shape""" return "xasyShape code:{:s}".format("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyFilledShape(xasyShape): """A filled shape drawn on the GUI""" def __init__(self, path, asyengine, pen=None, transform=identity()): """Initialize this shape with a path, pen, and transform""" if path.nodeSet[-1] != 'cycle': raise Exception("Filled paths must be cyclic") super().__init__(path, asyengine, pen, transform) def getObjectCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): return 'fill(KEY="{0}",{1},{2});'.format(self.transfKey, self.path.getCode(asy2psmap), self.pen.getCode())+'\n\n' def generateDrawObjects(self, forceUpdate=False): if self.path.containsCurve: self.path.computeControls() newObj = DrawObject(self.path.toQPainterPath(), None, drawOrder=0, transform=self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0], pen=self.pen, key=self.transfKey, fill=True) newObj.originalObj = self newObj.setParent(self) return [newObj] def __str__(self): """Return a string describing this shape""" return "xasyFilledShape code:{:s}".format("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyText(xasyItem): """Text created by the GUI""" def __init__(self, text, location, asyengine, pen=None, transform=yflip(), key=None, align=None, fontsize:int=None): """Initialize this item with text, a location, pen, and transform""" super().__init__(asyengine=asyengine) if pen is None: pen = asyPen(asyengine=asyengine) if pen.asyEngine is None: pen.asyEngine = asyengine self.label = asyLabel(text, location, pen, align, fontSize=fontsize) # self.transform = [transform] self.transfKey = key self.transfKeymap = {self.transfKey: [transform]} self.asyfied = False self.onCanvas = None def setKey(self, newKey=None): transform = self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0] self.transfKey = newKey self.transfKeymap = {self.transfKey: [transform]} def getTransformCode(self, asy2psmap=yflip()): transf = self.transfKeymap[self.transfKey][0] if transf == yflip(): # return xasyItem.setKeyAloneFormatStr.format(self.transfKey) return '' else: return xasyItem.setKeyFormatStr.format(self.transfKey, transf.getCode(asy2psmap))+"\n" def getObjectCode(self, asy2psmap=yflip()): return 'label(KEY="{0}",{1});'.format(self.transfKey, self.label.getCode(asy2psmap))+'\n' def generateDrawObjects(self, forceUpdate=False): self.asyfy(forceUpdate) return self.drawObjects def getBoundingBox(self): self.asyfy() return self.imageList[0].bbox def __str__(self): return "xasyText code:{:s}".format("\n\t".join(self.getCode().splitlines())) class xasyScript(xasyItem): """A set of images create from asymptote code. It is always deconstructed.""" def __init__(self, canvas, engine, script="", transforms=None, transfKeyMap=None): """Initialize this script item""" super().__init__(canvas, asyengine=engine) if transfKeyMap is not None: self.transfKeymap = transfKeyMap else: self.transfKeymap = {} self.script = script self.key2imagemap = {} self.namedUnsetKeys = {} self.keyPrefix = '' self.scriptAsyfied = False self.updatedPrefix = True def clearTransform(self): """Reset the transforms for each of the deconstructed images""" # self.transform = [identity()] * len(self.imageList) keyCount = {} for im in self.imageList: if im.key not in keyCount.keys(): keyCount[im.key] = 1 else: keyCount[im.key] += 1 for key in keyCount: self.transfKeymap[key] = [identity()] * keyCount[key] def getMaxKeyCounter(self): maxCounter = -1 for key in self.transfKeymap: testNum = re.match(r'^x(\d+)$', key) if testNum is not None: maxCounter = max(maxCounter, int(testNum.group(1))) return maxCounter + 1 def getTransformCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): with io.StringIO() as rawAsyCode: if self.transfKeymap: for key in self.transfKeymap.keys(): val = self.transfKeymap[key] writeval = list(reversed(val)) # need to map all transforms in a list if there is any non-identity # unfortunately, have to check all transformations in the list. while not all(checktransf == identity() for checktransf in writeval) and writeval: transf = writeval.pop() if transf.deleted: rawAsyCode.write(xasyItem.setKeyFormatStr.format(key, transf.getCode(asy2psmap)) + '\n//') if transf == identity() and not transf.deleted: rawAsyCode.write(xasyItem.setKeyAloneFormatStr.format(key)) else: rawAsyCode.write(xasyItem.setKeyFormatStr.format(key, transf.getCode(asy2psmap))) rawAsyCode.write('\n') result = rawAsyCode.getvalue() return result def findNonIdKeys(self): return {key for key in self.transfKeymap if not all(transf == identity() for transf in self.transfKeymap[key]) } def getObjectCode(self, asy2psmap=identity()): numeric=r'([-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?)))' rSize=re.compile("size\(\("+numeric+","+numeric+","+numeric+"," +numeric+","+numeric+","+numeric+"\)\); "+ self.resizeComment) newScript = self.getReplacedKeysCode(self.findNonIdKeys()) with io.StringIO() as rawAsyCode: for line in newScript.splitlines(): if(rSize.match(line)): self.asySize=line.rstrip()+'\n' else: raw_line = line.rstrip().replace('\t', ' ' * 4) rawAsyCode.write(raw_line + '\n') self.updatedCode = rawAsyCode.getvalue() return self.updatedCode def setScript(self, script): """Sets the content of the script item.""" self.script = script self.updateCode() def setKeyPrefix(self, newPrefix=''): self.keyPrefix = newPrefix self.updatedPrefix = False def getReplacedKeysCode(self, key2replace: set=None) -> str: keylist = {} prefix = '' key2replaceSet = self.unsetKeys if key2replace is None else \ self.unsetKeys & key2replace linenum2key = {} if not self.updatedPrefix: prefix = self.keyPrefix for key in key2replaceSet: actualkey = key key = key.split(':')[0] raw_parsed = xu.tryParseKey(key) assert raw_parsed is not None line, col = [int(val) for val in raw_parsed.groups()] if line not in keylist: keylist[line] = set() keylist[line].add(col) linenum2key[(line, col)] = actualkey self.unsetKeys.discard(key) raw_code_lines = self.script.splitlines() with io.StringIO() as raw_str: for i_0 in range(len(raw_code_lines)): i = i_0 + self.lineOffset curr_str = raw_code_lines[i_0] if i + 1 in keylist.keys(): # this case, we have a key. with io.StringIO() as raw_line: for j in range(len(curr_str)): raw_line.write(curr_str[j]) if j + 1 in keylist[i + 1]: # at this point, replace keys with xkey raw_line.write('KEY="{0:s}",'.format(linenum2key[(i + 1, j + 1)])) self.userKeys.add(linenum2key[(i + 1, j + 1)]) curr_str = raw_line.getvalue() # else, skip and just write the line. raw_str.write(curr_str + '\n') return raw_str.getvalue() def getUnusedKey(self, oldkey) -> str: baseCounter = 0 newKey = oldkey while newKey in self.userKeys: newKey = oldkey + ':' + str(baseCounter) baseCounter += 1 return newKey def asyfy(self, keyOnly=False): """Generate the list of images described by this object and adjust the length of the transform list.""" super().asyfy() # Id --> Transf --> asy-fied --> Transf # Transf should keep the original, raw transformation # but for all new drawn objects - assign Id as transform. if self.scriptAsyfied: return keyCount = {} settedKey = {} for im in self.imageList: if im.key in self.unsetKeys and im.key not in settedKey.keys(): oldkey = im.key self.unsetKeys.remove(im.key) im.key = self.getUnusedKey(im.key) self.unsetKeys.add(im.key) for drawobj in self.drawObjectsMap[oldkey]: drawobj.key = im.key self.drawObjectsMap[im.key] = self.drawObjectsMap[oldkey] self.drawObjectsMap.pop(oldkey) settedKey[oldkey] = im.key elif im.key in settedKey.keys(): im.key = settedKey[im.key] if im.key not in keyCount.keys(): keyCount[im.key] = 1 else: keyCount[im.key] += 1 if im.key not in self.key2imagemap.keys(): self.key2imagemap[im.key] = [im] else: self.key2imagemap[im.key].append(im) for key in keyCount: if key not in self.transfKeymap.keys(): self.transfKeymap[key] = [identity()] * keyCount[key] else: while len(self.transfKeymap[key]) < keyCount[key]: self.transfKeymap[key].append(identity()) # while len(self.transfKeymap[key]) > keyCount[key]: # self.transfKeymap[key].pop() # change of basis for keylist in self.transfKeymap.values(): for i in range(len(keylist)): if keylist[i] != identity(): keylist[i] = self.asy2psmap * keylist[i] * self.asy2psmap.inverted() self.updateCode() self.scriptAsyfied = True def generateDrawObjects(self, forceUpdate=False): self.asyfy(forceUpdate) return self.drawObjects def __str__(self): """Return a string describing this script""" retVal = "xasyScript\n\tTransforms:\n" for xform in self.transform: retVal += "\t" + str(xform) + "\n" retVal += "\tCode Ommitted" return retVal class DrawObject(Qc.QObject): def __init__(self, drawObject, mainCanvas=None, transform=identity(), btmRightanchor=Qc.QPointF(0, 0), drawOrder=(-1, -1), pen=None, key=None, parentObj=None, fill=False, keyIndex=0): super().__init__() self.drawObject = drawObject self.mainCanvas = mainCanvas self.pTransform = transform self.baseTransform = transform self.drawOrder = drawOrder self.btmRightAnchor = btmRightanchor self.originalObj = parentObj self.explicitBoundingBox = None self.useCanvasTransformation = False self.key = key self.cachedSvgImg = None self.cachedDPI = None self.maxDPI=0 self.keyIndex = keyIndex self.pen = pen self.fill = fill def getInteriorScrTransform(self, transform): """Generates the transform with Interior transform applied beforehand.""" if isinstance(transform, Qg.QTransform): transform = asyTransform.fromQTransform(transform) return self.transform * transform * self.baseTransform.inverted() @property def transform(self): return self.pTransform @transform.setter def transform(self, value): self.pTransform = value def setBoundingBoxPs(self, bbox): l, b, r, t = bbox self.explicitBoundingBox = Qc.QRectF(Qc.QPointF(l, b), Qc.QPointF(r, t)) # self.explicitBoundingBox = Qc.QRectF(0, 0, 100, 100) @property def boundingBox(self): if self.explicitBoundingBox is not None: testBbox = self.explicitBoundingBox else: if isinstance(self.drawObject, Qg.QImage): testBbox = self.drawObject.rect() testBbox.moveTo(self.btmRightAnchor.toPoint()) elif isinstance(self.drawObject, Qg.QPainterPath): testBbox = self.baseTransform.toQTransform().mapRect(self.drawObject.boundingRect()) else: raise TypeError('drawObject is not a valid type!') pointList = [self.getScreenTransform().toQTransform().map(point) for point in [ testBbox.topLeft(), testBbox.topRight(), testBbox.bottomLeft(), testBbox.bottomRight() ]] return Qg.QPolygonF(pointList).boundingRect() @property def localBoundingBox(self): testBbox = self.drawObject.rect() testBbox.moveTo(self.btmRightAnchor.toPoint()) return testBbox def getScreenTransform(self): scrTransf = self.baseTransform.toQTransform().inverted()[0] * self.pTransform.toQTransform() return asyTransform.fromQTransform(scrTransf) def draw(self, additionalTransformation=None, applyReverse=False, canvas: Qg.QPainter=None, dpi=300): if canvas is None: canvas = self.mainCanvas if additionalTransformation is None: additionalTransformation = Qg.QTransform() assert canvas.isActive() canvas.save() if self.pen: oldPen = Qg.QPen(canvas.pen()) canvas.setPen(self.pen.toQPen()) else: oldPen = Qg.QPen() if not applyReverse: canvas.setTransform(additionalTransformation, True) canvas.setTransform(self.transform.toQTransform(), True) else: canvas.setTransform(self.transform.toQTransform(), True) canvas.setTransform(additionalTransformation, True) canvas.setTransform(self.baseTransform.toQTransform().inverted()[0], True) if isinstance(self.drawObject, Qg.QImage): canvas.drawImage(self.explicitBoundingBox, self.drawObject) elif isinstance(self.drawObject, xs.SvgObject): threshold = 1.44 if self.cachedDPI is None or self.cachedSvgImg is None \ or dpi > self.maxDPI*threshold: self.cachedDPI = dpi self.maxDPI=max(self.maxDPI,dpi) self.cachedSvgImg = self.drawObject.render(dpi) canvas.drawImage(self.explicitBoundingBox, self.cachedSvgImg) elif isinstance(self.drawObject, Qs.QSvgRenderer): self.drawObject.render(canvas, self.explicitBoundingBox) elif isinstance(self.drawObject, Qg.QPainterPath): path = self.baseTransform.toQTransform().map(self.drawObject) if self.fill: if self.pen: brush = self.pen.toQPen().brush() else: brush = Qg.QBrush() canvas.fillPath(path, brush) else: canvas.drawPath(path) if self.pen: canvas.setPen(oldPen) canvas.restore() def collide(self, coords, canvasCoordinates=True): # modify these values to grow/shrink the fuzz. fuzzTolerance = 1 marginGrowth = 1 leftMargin = marginGrowth if self.boundingBox.width() < fuzzTolerance else 0 topMargin = marginGrowth if self.boundingBox.height() < fuzzTolerance else 0 newMargin = Qc.QMarginsF(leftMargin, topMargin, leftMargin, topMargin) return self.boundingBox.marginsAdded(newMargin).contains(coords) def getID(self): return self.originalObj