$Id$ Public domain. Originally written 2005 by Karl Berry. Extra utilities we (optionally) compile for TeX Live. See comments in ../texk/README. asymptote 2.23 - checked 20may13 update to TL from CTAN, to include prebuilt doc. see http://tug.org/texlive/build.html#asymptote and tlpkg/bin/tl-update-asy m-tx 0.60d - checked 16apr12 http://mirror.ctan.org/support/m-tx/ pmx 2.7.0 - checked 11apr13 http://mirror.ctan.org/support/pmx/ ps2eps 1.68 - checked 10may12 http://tm.uka.de/~bless/ps2eps psutils p17 - checked 10may12 http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~ajcd/psutils/index.html -> http://mirror.ctan.org/support/psutils/ https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?30782 -> http://www.connochaetos.org/misc/psutils-libre-1.17.tar.gz (Fabrice made small modifications for Windows, it seems) t1utils 1.38 - checked 3oct13 http://www.lcdf.org/type/ texdoctk - reluctantly maintained here in TL If anyone would like to resume development, just let us know. tpic2pdftex 1.97 - checked 10may12 http://mirror.ctan.org/graphics/tpic2pdftex/ vlna 1.5 - checked 10may12 ftp://math.feld.cvut.cz/pub/olsak/vlna/ xindy - see just below xpdfopen 0.83 - checked 10may12 http://mirror.ctan.org/support/xpdfopen/ http://cs.acadiau.ca/~jdiamond/xpdfopen/ xindy 2.4 - checked 13may10 (with adaptations for TL) http://www.ctan.org/indexing/xindy/ After building clisp as described below, run the TL Build --enable-xindy CLISP=$clisp_builddir/clisp to include xindy in the build. It is disabled by default. mkdir clisp; cd clisp clisp_basedir=`pwd` clisp_toolsdir=$clisp_basedir/clisp-tools clisp_builddir=$clisp_basedir/clisp-build mkdir $clisp_toolsdir wget=wget # or "curl -O" or whatever libsigsegv_ver=libsigsegv-2.10 cd $clisp_basedir $wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libsigsegv/$libsigsegv_ver.tar.gz gzip -dc $libsigsegv_ver.tar.gz | tar xf - cd $libsigsegv_ver ./configure --prefix=$clisp_toolsdir --disable-shared --enable-static \ && make && make check && make install # # you may need this hack on 64-bit systems # if clisp's configure does not find libsigsegv. Harmless anyway. ln -s lib $clisp_toolsdir/lib64 libiconv_ver=libiconv-1.14 cd $clisp_basedir $wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libiconv/$libiconv_ver.tar.gz gzip -dc $libiconv_ver.tar.gz | tar xf - cd $libiconv_ver ./configure --prefix=$clisp_toolsdir --disable-shared --enable-static \ && make && make check && make install ffcall_ver=ffcall-1.10 cd $clisp_basedir $wget http://www.haible.de/bruno/gnu/$ffcall_ver.tar.gz gzip -dc $ffcall_ver.tar.gz | tar xf - cd $ffcall_ver ./configure --prefix=$clisp_toolsdir --disable-shared --enable-static \ && make && make check && make install # would probably be ideal to also do a local libtermcap or ncurses, # but doesn't seem to be a problem in practice? # foil wrong attempts at dynamic linking, etc. (cd $clisp_basedir/clisp-tools/lib && rm -f *.dylib *.la) clisp_ver=clisp-2.49 cd $clisp_basedir $wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/clisp/release/2.49/$clisp_ver.tar.gz gzip -dc $clisp_ver.tar.gz | tar xf - cd $clisp_ver # On Cygwin: # mv modules/syscalls/configure modules/syscalls/configure.orig # sed -e '{s%-luuid%-L/usr/lib/w32api -luuid%}' \ # modules/syscalls/configure.orig > modules/syscalls/configure # On FreeBSD/amd64: add --disable-mmap. # ./configure --without-readline --disable-nls \ --with-libsigsegv-prefix=$clisp_toolsdir \ --with-libiconv-prefix=$clisp_toolsdir \ --with-libffcall-prefix=$clisp_toolsdir \ $clisp_builddir \ && cd $clisp_builddir \ && make