README for the texmf-alt (`alternative') directory: This directory contains xdvi.cfg and *.map files for users of older versions of teTeX (< 1.0) or non-teTeX distributions. Users of teTeX >= 1.0 or TeXLive >= 6b should use the files in ../texmf/ instead. Installation: The `make install' target doesn't install these files, so you'll need to install them manually. Copy all files into the directory TEXMFMAIN/xdvi where TEXMF is your main texmf tree. Use e.g.: kpsewhich --expand-path='$TEXMFMAIN' to locate this directory. Make sure the XDVIINPUTS variable (set either in the xdvi shell wrapper or in your shell) contains this directory, e.g. by setting: export XDVIINPUTS='.;$TEXMF/{xdvi,dvips//}' Some map files might also be located in the directory TEXMFMAIN/dvips/config; setting XDVIINPUTS like above should find these as well. Please consult the file README.t1fonts if you experience problems with your Type1 font setup.