/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Paul Vojta and the xdvik development team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * PAUL VOJTA OR ANY OTHER AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * SU: Printing/saving backend code (all the non-GUI stuff), * adapted from non-k xdvi's popups.c. * * Implementation notes: * All inter-process communication happens in an asynchronous * fasion, so that the GUI remains responsive. This means that if * there are several processes in sequence (e.g. dvips invocation, * then ps2pdf invocation), the latter must be called by the child * watching procedure of the former (e.g. ps2pdf_exited by the * fork_process() callback in call_ps2pdf()), else we can't catch its * return status, do cleanup afterwards etc., because the code inside * the caller may be executed *before* the child has finished. (Note * e.g. how unlink()ing the temporary PS file is done inside * ps2pdf_exited() and not in the callers). This is the reason why we * often need to pass information to the subprocess via a data pointer. */ #include "xdvi-config.h" #include "xdvi.h" #include "dvisel.h" /* for select_pages_info struct */ #include "print-internal.h" #include "print-log.h" #include "search-internal.h" #include "events.h" #include "message-window.h" #include "util.h" #include "x_util.h" #include "string-utils.h" #include "my-snprintf.h" #include #include #include /* if POSIX O_NONBLOCK is not available, use O_NDELAY */ #if !defined(O_NONBLOCK) && defined(O_NDELAY) # define O_NONBLOCK O_NDELAY #endif #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK # ifdef EAGAIN # define AGAIN_CONDITION (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) # else # define AGAIN_CONDITION (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) # endif #else /* EWOULDBLOCK */ # ifdef EAGAIN # define AGAIN_CONDITION (errno == EAGAIN) # endif #endif /* EWOULDBLOCK */ #if HAVE_POLL # include # define XIO_IN POLLIN # define XIO_OUT POLLOUT #else # define XIO_IN 1 # define XIO_OUT 2 #endif /* HAVE_POLL */ static struct xchild print_child = {NULL, 0, True, "dvips", NULL, NULL, NULL }; static char *read_from_dvips(int, void *); static struct xio print_xio = { NULL, 0, XIO_IN, #if HAVE_POLL NULL, #endif read_from_dvips, NULL, /* write proc - not needed */ NULL /* data */ }; static void dvips_alarm(struct xtimer *this, void *data); static struct xtimer dvips_timer = {NULL, {0, 0}, XTM_DEFAULT, dvips_alarm, NULL #if XDVI_XT_TIMER_HACK , NULL, NULL #endif }; static int dvips_sig; /* SIGINT or SIGKILL */ static int dvips_status; static const int DVIPS_STAT_NONE = 0; static const int DVIPS_STAT_RUN = 1; static const int DVIPS_STAT_WAIT = 2; /* FIXME: implement this in terms of fork_process()! Currently it doesn't work since the DVI file and the output file are realized via redirecting stdin/stdout. This also obscures the log output (the I/O redirection isn't visible to users). TODO: Remove the detailed log output, and implement a progress window that only shows the page numbers. The detailed log should go to an `xdvi log output' page. */ static void fork_dvips(char **argv, struct save_or_print_info *info, childProcT proc) { int print_io[2]; int i; struct file_info *finfo = info->finfo; /* printlog_append(argv[0], strlen(argv[0])); */ FILE *fout = NULL; if (info->act == FILE_SAVE || info->print_target == TO_FILE) { /* printing to PS file, open file for writing */ const char *out_file; if (info->print_target == TO_FILE || info->fmt == FMT_PS) out_file = finfo->out_file; else out_file = finfo->tmp_ps_file; if ((fout = XFOPEN(out_file, "w")) == NULL) { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, NULL, "Could not open %s for writing: %s.", out_file, strerror(errno)); return; } } printlog_popup(info); printlog_append_str(info, "Calling: `"); printlog_append_str(info, argv[0]); for (i = 1; argv[i] != NULL; i++) { printlog_append_str(info, " "); printlog_append_str(info, argv[i]); } printlog_append_str(info, "'\n"); if (xpipe(print_io) != 0) { perror("[xdvi] pipe"); return; } /* Fork process */ /* flush output buffers to avoid double buffering (i.e. data waiting in the output buffer being written twice, by the parent and the child) */ fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout); print_child.name = xstrdup(argv[0]); print_child.proc = proc; print_child.data = info; print_child.pid = fork(); if (print_child.pid == 0) { /* if child */ /* change into dir of DVI file so that included image files etc. are found */ chdir(globals.dvi_file.dirname); if (globals.debug & DBG_FILES) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN); /* fprintf(stderr, "Directory of running `%s': `%s'\n", argv[0], path); */ } /* make the input file pointer the STDIN of the dvips process */ if (info->page_selection == PAGE_MARKED) { /* printing selected pages from temporary file */ ASSERT(finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL, "tmp fp mustn't be NULL!"); (void)dup2(fileno(finfo->tmp_dvi_fp), STDIN_FILENO); } else { /* printing from main or backup file */ (void)dup2(fileno(finfo->in_fp), STDIN_FILENO); } (void)lseek(0, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fout != NULL) { /* printing to file, make stdout of child go to fout */ (void)dup2(fileno(fout), STDOUT_FILENO); (void)close(fileno(fout)); } else { /* printing to printer, make stdout of child go to print_io[1] */ (void)dup2(print_io[1], STDOUT_FILENO); } /* make stderr of child go to print_io[1] */ (void)dup2(print_io[1], STDERR_FILENO); (void)close(print_io[1]); (void)close(print_io[0]); if (setsid() == -1) { /* so we can kill the process group */ perror("setsid"); fflush(stderr); _exit(1); } (void)execvp(*argv, argv); popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, NULL, "Execution of \"%s\" failed: %s.\n", *argv, strerror(errno)); fflush(stderr); _exit(1); } if (fout != NULL) fclose(fout); if (print_child.pid == -1) { /* error */ perror("[xdvi] vfork"); return; } set_chld(&print_child); dvips_sig = SIGINT; (void)close(print_io[1]); /* Set up file descriptor for non-blocking I/O */ prep_fd(print_io[0], True); print_xio.fd = print_io[0]; print_xio.data = info; set_io(&print_xio); dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_RUN; /* running */ } /* * Create an argument list for dvips, using information from info * and X resources. Returns the result list in freshly allocated * memory. */ static char ** create_dvips_argv(const struct save_or_print_info *info, Boolean do_pdf) { const struct select_pages_info *pinfo = info->pinfo; size_t argv_len = 128; /* should be ample ... */ char **argv = xmalloc(argv_len * sizeof *argv); size_t idx = 0; const char *printer_options = info->printer_options; const char *dvips_options = info->dvips_options; char from_page[LENGTH_OF_INT]; char to_page[LENGTH_OF_INT]; TRACE_GUI((stderr, "dvips options: |%s|", dvips_options)); argv[idx++] = xstrdup(resource.dvips_path); if (dvips_options != NULL) { char **dvips_args = get_separated_list(dvips_options, " \t", True); /* this allocates dvips_args */ int i; for (i = 0; dvips_args[i] != NULL; i++) { argv[idx++] = dvips_args[i]; } free(dvips_args); } if (do_pdf) argv[idx++] = xstrdup("-Ppdf"); argv[idx++] = xstrdup("-f"); if (info->print_target == TO_PRINTER && printer_options != NULL) { /* printing to printer */ char **printer_args = get_separated_list(printer_options, " \t", True); /* this allocates printer_args */ int i; ASSERT(*printer_args != NULL, "args should contain at least the string \"lpr\""); argv[idx] = xstrdup("-o!"); argv[idx] = xstrcat(argv[idx], printer_args[0]); free(printer_args[0]); /* now append everything to the printer pipe command, so that dvips doesn't see it as an option */ for (i = 1; printer_args[i] != NULL; i++) { argv[idx] = xstrcat(argv[idx], " "); argv[idx] = xstrcat(argv[idx], printer_args[i]); free(printer_args[i]); } free(printer_args); idx++; } if (info->page_selection == PAGE_RANGE) { /* convert back from 0-based to 1-based, also taking globals.pageno_correct into accout * (which is 1 by default, so we need to add 2) */ argv[idx] = xstrdup("-p="); SNPRINTF(from_page, LENGTH_OF_INT, "%d", pinfo->from - globals.pageno_correct + 2); argv[idx] = xstrcat(argv[idx], from_page); idx++; argv[idx] = xstrdup("-l="); SNPRINTF(to_page, LENGTH_OF_INT, "%d", pinfo->to - globals.pageno_correct + 2); argv[idx] = xstrcat(argv[idx], to_page); idx++; } argv[idx] = NULL; /* terminate it */ ASSERT(idx <= argv_len, "Too many elements"); return argv; } /* Check if selecting pages worked, report error else */ static Boolean select_pages_report_error(const struct save_or_print_info *info) { if (info->pinfo->errflag == NO_ERROR) return False; popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_INFO, NULL, "Could not save DVI file to %s: %s.", info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file, get_dvi_error(info->pinfo->errflag)); return True; } /* * Collect dvips output, appending to print log. * Currently return value is a dummy (NULL); TODO: return * the output, for later filtering. */ static char * read_from_dvips(int ignored, void *data) { int bytes; char line[80]; struct save_or_print_info *info = data; UNUSED(ignored); for (;;) { #ifndef MOTIF bytes = read(print_xio.fd, line, sizeof line); #else bytes = read(print_xio.fd, line, sizeof line - 1); #endif if (bytes < 0) { if (AGAIN_CONDITION) break; perror("xdvi: read_from_dvips"); break; } if (bytes == 0) break; else { #ifdef MOTIF line[bytes] = '\0'; #endif printlog_append(info, line, bytes); } } return NULL; /* TODO */ } /* * Report dvips exit status, and remove temporary DVI file if needed. */ static void dvips_exited(int exitval, struct xchild *child) { char str[128] = ""; int ms; struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)child->data; read_from_dvips(0, info); clear_io(&print_xio); (void)close(print_xio.fd); if (WIFEXITED(exitval)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(exitval) == 0) { if (info->act == FILE_SAVE || info->print_target == TO_FILE) { printlog_append_str(info, "\nCreated Postscript file "); printlog_append_str(info, info->finfo->out_file); printlog_append_str(info, ".\n"); } else { printlog_append_str(info, "Done.\n"); } /* remove temporary DVI file if it exists */ if (info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULL) { if (globals.debug & DBG_GUI) TRACE_GUI((stderr, "NOT removing temporary DVI file: |%s|", info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file)); else { if (info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL) { fclose(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp = NULL; } unlink(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file = NULL; } } } else sprintf(str, "\nDvips returned exit code %d.\n", WEXITSTATUS(exitval)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(exitval)) sprintf(str, "\nDvips terminated by signal %d.\n", WTERMSIG(exitval)); else sprintf(str, "\nDvips returned unknown status 0x%x.\n", exitval); ms = resource.dvips_hang; if (str[0] != '\0') { xdvi_bell(); ms = resource.dvips_fail_hang; printlog_append_str(info, str); } if (ms > 0) { dvips_timer.data = info; set_timer(&dvips_timer, ms); dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_WAIT; } else { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; } printlog_enable_closebutton(info); } /* * Report pd2pdf exit status, and remove temporary PS file if needed. */ static void ps2pdf_exited(int status, struct xchild *this) { char *err_msg = NULL; int ms = resource.dvips_hang; struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)this->data; /* if child exited with error and xio struct is available for child, print error text */ if (this->io != NULL && (WIFEXITED(status) != 0)) { if ((WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) && (err_msg = (this->io->read_proc)(this->io->fd, NULL)) != NULL) { char buf[LENGTH_OF_INT]; SNPRINTF(buf, LENGTH_OF_INT, "%d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); ms = resource.dvips_fail_hang; xdvi_bell(); printlog_append_str(info, "\n\nError calling "); if (this->name != NULL) { printlog_append_str(info, "\""); printlog_append_str(info, this->name); printlog_append_str(info, "\" "); } printlog_append_str(info, "\nCommand exited with error code "); printlog_append_str(info, buf); printlog_append_str(info, ":\n"); printlog_append_str(info, err_msg); free(err_msg); } else { int retval; printlog_append_str(info, "\nCreated PDF file "); printlog_append_str(info, info->finfo->out_file); printlog_append_str(info, ".\n"); TRACE_FILES((stderr, "Removing temporary PS file: `%s'", info->finfo->tmp_ps_file)); retval = unlink(info->finfo->tmp_ps_file); if (retval != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not unlink `%s': %s.\n", info->finfo->tmp_ps_file, strerror(errno)); } } } else { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, REPORT_XDVI_BUG_TEMPLATE, "Internal error: ps2pdf_exited() called while child still running?"); } if (ms > 0) { dvips_timer.data = info; set_timer(&dvips_timer, ms); dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_WAIT; } else { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; } printlog_enable_closebutton(info); free(this->name); free(this->io); free(this); } static void call_ps2pdf(const char *path, const struct save_or_print_info *info) { const char *argv[5]; size_t idx = 0; argv[idx++] = path; argv[idx++] = info->finfo->tmp_ps_file; argv[idx++] = info->finfo->out_file; argv[idx++] = NULL; /* need to run this in globals.xdvi_dir again, since the dvips conversion directory globals.dvi_file.dirname may not be writable! */ if (!fork_process("ps2pdf", True, globals.cwd, ps2pdf_exited, (void *)info, (char **)argv)) { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, NULL, "Couldn't fork %s process: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno)); } } static void dvips_ps2pdf(int exitval, struct xchild *child) { char str[128] = ""; int ms; struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)child->data; read_from_dvips(0, info); clear_io(&print_xio); (void)close(print_xio.fd); if (WIFEXITED(exitval)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(exitval) == 0) { /* dvips ended OK; call ps2pdf: */ TRACE_GUI((stderr, "Created temporary PS file |%s|", info->finfo->tmp_ps_file)); printlog_append_str(info, "\nCalling "); printlog_append_str(info, resource.ps2pdf_path); printlog_append_str(info, " ..."); /* remove temporary DVI file if it exists */ if (info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULL) { if (globals.debug & DBG_GUI) TRACE_GUI((stderr, "NOT removing temporary DVI file: |%s|", info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file)); else { if (info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL) { fclose(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp = NULL; } unlink(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file = NULL; } } /* invoke ps2pdf conversion */ call_ps2pdf(resource.ps2pdf_path, info); } else sprintf(str, "\nPrint process returned exit code %d.\n", WEXITSTATUS(exitval)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(exitval)) sprintf(str, "\nPrint process terminated by signal %d.\n", WTERMSIG(exitval)); else sprintf(str, "\nPrint process returned unknown status 0x%x.\n", exitval); /* enable close button only if dvips conversion already failed */ ms = resource.dvips_hang; if (str[0] != '\0') { xdvi_bell(); ms = resource.dvips_fail_hang; printlog_append_str(info, str); if (ms > 0) { dvips_timer.data = info; set_timer(&dvips_timer, ms); dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_WAIT; } else { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; } printlog_enable_closebutton(info); } } static void dvips_alarm(struct xtimer *this, void *data) { struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)data; UNUSED(this); printlog_popdown(info, False); dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; } static void cb_dvips_keep(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { UNUSED(w); UNUSED(client_data); UNUSED(call_data); /* use negative value so that we don't loose the value itself */ TRACE_GUI((stderr, "toggling resource from %d to %d, %d to %d", resource.dvips_hang, -resource.dvips_hang, resource.dvips_fail_hang, -resource.dvips_fail_hang)); resource.dvips_hang = -resource.dvips_hang; resource.dvips_fail_hang = -resource.dvips_fail_hang; store_preference(NULL, "dvipsHangTime", "%d", resource.dvips_hang); store_preference(NULL, "dvipsFailHangTime", "%d", resource.dvips_fail_hang); if (dvips_status == DVIPS_STAT_WAIT) { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; cancel_timer(&dvips_timer); } } /* if user selects the window manager destroy button */ static void cb_dvips_destroy(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)client_data; UNUSED(w); UNUSED(call_data); if (dvips_status == DVIPS_STAT_RUN) { kill(print_child.pid, dvips_sig); dvips_sig = SIGKILL; printlog_append_str(info, "^C"); } if (dvips_status == DVIPS_STAT_WAIT) { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; cancel_timer(&dvips_timer); } printlog_reset(info); printlog_popdown(info, True); } static void cb_dvips_cancel(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)client_data; UNUSED(w); UNUSED(call_data); if (dvips_status != DVIPS_STAT_RUN) return; /* How did we get here? */ kill(print_child.pid, dvips_sig); dvips_sig = SIGKILL; printlog_append_str(info, "^C"); } static void cb_dvips_close(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { struct save_or_print_info *info = (struct save_or_print_info *)client_data; UNUSED(w); UNUSED(call_data); if (dvips_status == DVIPS_STAT_RUN) return; /* How did we get here? */ if (dvips_status == DVIPS_STAT_WAIT) { dvips_status = DVIPS_STAT_NONE; cancel_timer(&dvips_timer); } printlog_popdown(info, True); } void internal_save(struct save_or_print_info *info) { struct file_info *finfo = info->finfo; static struct callback_info cinfo = { cb_dvips_close, cb_dvips_cancel, cb_dvips_destroy, cb_dvips_keep }; int tmp_fd; char **argv = NULL; int i; childProcT dvips_exit_proc = dvips_exited; /* default procedure to call after fork_dvips() */ Boolean do_pdf = False; /* force `-Ppdf' for dvips? (used for ps2pdf conversion) */ ASSERT(info->fmt != FMT_NONE, "No valid output format selected!"); /* fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL SAVE - format: %d; selection: %d\n", info->fmt, info->page_selection); */ info->callbacks = &cinfo; switch (info->fmt) { case FMT_DVI: /* here we first create a temporary file, and if that succeeded, move it to the final position */ select_pages(info); if (!select_pages_report_error(info)) { /* * ... else, move the temporary file to its final destination. For that, we * try the more efficient rename() first; if this fails, try copying the file * (rename() will e.g. fail if the tmp directory is on a different file * system). We could perhaps examine errno after the renaming attempt to * find out whether we need to do the copy attempt in the first place, but * that'd be rather error-prone ... */ ASSERT(finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULL, "filename mustn't be NULL"); if (rename(finfo->tmp_dvi_file, finfo->out_file) != 0 && !copy_file(finfo->tmp_dvi_file, finfo->out_file)) { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, NULL, "Creating %s failed: %s", finfo->out_file, strerror(errno)); } else { /* moving worked */ TRACE_GUI((stderr, "renamed %s to %s\n", finfo->tmp_dvi_file, finfo->out_file)); if (info->pinfo->warn_files.stack_len > 0) { /* do we need to warn user about referenced files? */ char *warn_files = xstrdup(""); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < info->pinfo->warn_files.stack_len; i++) { warn_files = xstrcat(warn_files, info->pinfo->warn_files.items[i].content); warn_files = xstrcat(warn_files, "\n"); } popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_INFO, "The files listed in the message (probably images) are not part " "of the newly created DVI file; they are only referenced by that file. " "Therefore, if you want to distribute this file or use it on a different computer," "you will need to distribute all the referenced files, too.\n\n" "Tip: A better format for distributing files is Postscript or PDF. " "To create a Postscript file, use the `File->Print' menu, " "then select `Print to file' in the dialog window.", "Created %s.\n" "Please note that the following files are referenced by this file, " "and are needed for displaying or printing it correctly:\n%s\n", finfo->out_file, warn_files); free(warn_files); } else { /* char *ptr = strrchr(finfo->out_file, '/'); */ /* if (ptr == NULL) */ /* ptr = finfo->out_file; */ /* else */ /* ptr++; */ popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_INFO, NULL, "Created DVI file:\n%s.", finfo->out_file); } if (info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL) { fclose(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp = NULL; } unlink(finfo->tmp_dvi_file); info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file = NULL; } } break; case FMT_PS2PDF: free(finfo->tmp_ps_file); finfo->tmp_ps_file = NULL; tmp_fd = xdvi_temp_fd(&(finfo->tmp_ps_file)); /* this allocates finfo->tmp_ps_file */ if (tmp_fd == -1) { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_ERR, NULL, "Couldn't create temporary PS file for conversion to PDF: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } else { TRACE_GUI((stderr, "name of temporary PS file: |%s|", finfo->tmp_ps_file)); } dvips_exit_proc = dvips_ps2pdf; /* call ps2pdf conversion after dvips exited */ do_pdf = True; /* fall through */ case FMT_PS: if (info->page_selection == PAGE_MARKED) { /* want to save selected pages? */ ASSERT(info->pinfo->callback != NULL, "Callback musn't be NULL!"); ASSERT(finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL, "Temporary file pointer musn't be NULL!"); ASSERT(finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULL, "Temporary filename musn't be NULL!"); select_pages(info); } if (info->printlog == NULL) printlog_create(info, "Xdvik: Saving", "Automatically close this window after file has been saved"); else printlog_enable_cancelbutton(info); if ((argv = create_dvips_argv(info, do_pdf)) == NULL) { /* something went *really* wrong; assume user has already been warned about it */ return; } fork_dvips(argv, info, dvips_exit_proc); /* dellocate argv */ for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; i++) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); break; case FMT_ISO_8859_1: case FMT_UTF8: if (search_extract_text(info)) { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_INFO, NULL, "Created text file %s.", finfo->out_file); } else { popup_message(globals.widgets.top_level, MSG_INFO, NULL, "Extracting text from DVI file failed!"); } break; case FMT_NONE: break; } } void internal_print(struct save_or_print_info *info) { static struct callback_info cinfo = { cb_dvips_close, cb_dvips_cancel, cb_dvips_destroy, cb_dvips_keep }; char **argv = NULL; int i; info->callbacks = &cinfo; if (info->page_selection == PAGE_MARKED) { /* want to print selected pages? */ ASSERT(info->pinfo->callback != NULL, "Callback musn't be NULL!"); ASSERT(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_fp != NULL, "Temporary file pointer musn't be NULL!"); ASSERT(info->finfo->tmp_dvi_file != NULL, "Temporary filename musn't be NULL!"); select_pages(info); } if (info->printlog == NULL) printlog_create(info, "Xdvik: Printing", "Automatically close this window when printing finishes"); else printlog_enable_cancelbutton(info); if ((argv = create_dvips_argv(info, False)) == NULL) { /* something went *really* wrong; assume user has already been warned about it */ return; } fork_dvips(argv, info, dvips_exited); /* dellocate argv */ for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; i++) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); }