/*------------------------------------------------------------ statusline for the xdvi(k) previewer written by S. Ulrich (ulrich@cis.uni-muenchen.de) 2000/02/25 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL VOJTA OR ANY OTHER AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "xdvi-config.h" #include "xdvi.h" #include "version.h" #include "statusline.h" #include "xm_menu.h" #include "x_util.h" #include "pagehist.h" #include "util.h" #include "kpathsea/c-vararg.h" #include "my-vsnprintf.h" #include #include #include # ifdef MOTIF # include # include # include # include # else # include # include # endif Widget statusline; static Boolean initialized = False; /* * only print MAX_LEN characters to the statusline * (it's only 1 line after all) */ #define MAX_LEN 512 /* for saving the statusline string if the statusline is * destroyed and recreated */ static char g_string_savebuf[MAX_LEN + 2]; static int m_statusline_h = 20; /* access method */ int get_statusline_height(void) { return m_statusline_h; } #if MOTIF static void handle_statusline_event(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { /* const char *text = (const char *)client_data; */ UNUSED(w); UNUSED(client_data); UNUSED(cont); /* fprintf(stderr, "text: |%s|; event: %p\n", text, ev); */ /* only used to do this if page history was already active, but it's probably nicer to be able to get the history by clicking on the statusline ... */ if (/* strncmp(text, "Page history:", sizeof "Page history:" - 1) == 0 && */ ev != NULL) { XmTextPosition pos = XmTextGetCursorPosition(statusline); char *ptr1, *ptr2; int diff = 0; /* fprintf(stderr, "pos: %d\n", pos); */ if (pos == 0) { /* just display the page history */ page_history_move(0); return; } ptr1 = g_string_savebuf + pos; ptr2 = strchr(g_string_savebuf, '['); if (ptr2 == NULL) { /* some other string, also display the page history */ page_history_move(0); return; } /* fprintf(stderr, "ptr1: |%s|; ptr2: |%s|\n", ptr1, ptr2); */ while (ptr1 < ptr2) { if (*ptr1 == ' ' && *(ptr1 + 1) != '-') /* separator */ diff--; ptr1++; } while (ptr1 > ptr2) { if (*ptr1 == ' ' && *(ptr1 - 1) != '-') /* separator */ diff++; ptr1--; } /* fprintf(stderr, "diff: %d\n", diff); */ page_history_move(diff); } } #endif /* MOTIF */ /* * Create the statusline widget. To be called at the beginning * of the program, and when expert mode is switched off. * * Side effects: * sets to the height of the statusline in pixels. */ Widget create_statusline( #ifdef MOTIF Widget parent #else void #endif ) { #ifndef MOTIF Position vport_h; Position clip_x; Position clip_w; static Position my_h = 0; #endif /* * FIXME: is there a better way to set the y position depending on * the height of the widget? * It doesn't work to change the value of XtNy *after* creating * the widget! */ if (!initialized) { #ifndef MOTIF /* * determine height of statusline (depending on the font used). * This is not changeable at runtime, so it's determined once and * for all at program start. */ statusline = XtVaCreateWidget("statusline", labelWidgetClass, globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) "test", NULL); XtVaGetValues(statusline, XtNheight, &my_h, NULL); m_statusline_h = my_h; XtDestroyWidget(statusline); #endif initialized = True; /* initialize g_string_savebuf */ sprintf(g_string_savebuf, "This is xdvik %s", XDVI_TERSE_VERSION_INFO); } #ifndef MOTIF /* determine position and width of statusline */ XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.clip_widget, XtNx, &clip_x, XtNwidth, &clip_w, NULL); XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNheight, &vport_h, NULL); if (vport_h - my_h <= 0) { XDVI_FATAL((stderr, "Window height too small for statusline (minimum value: %d).", my_h)); return NULL; } statusline = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("statusline", labelWidgetClass, globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) g_string_savebuf, XtNwidth, clip_w, XtNx, clip_x - 1, /* so that left border becomes invisible */ XtNy, vport_h - my_h, XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft, /* same as for the buttons line */ XtNborder, (XtArgVal) resource.fore_Pixel, NULL); #else statusline = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("statusline", xmTextFieldWidgetClass, parent, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_END, XmNdepth, (XtArgVal) G_depth, XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM, XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM, XmNleftOffset, 1, XmNrightOffset, 1, XmNbottomOffset, 1, XmNtopOffset, 0, XmNcursorPositionVisible, False, XmNautoShowCursorPosition, False, XmNmarginWidth, 4, XmNmarginHeight, 1, XmNeditable, False, XmNtraversalOn, False, XmNvalue, g_string_savebuf, NULL); /* Block processing of most interactive events on this widget, except * for button events that should navigate the page history. */ XtInsertEventHandler(statusline, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask| PointerMotionHintMask | ButtonMotionMask | #if !MOTIF ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | #endif FocusChangeMask, /* ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | */ /* PointerMotionMask| PointerMotionHintMask | */ /* ButtonMotionMask | */ True, block_event_callback, (XtPointer)0, 0); #if MOTIF XtInsertEventHandler(statusline, /* suboptimal, but needs to be release not press * since we want to query the current cursor position, * and that may not be set yet in the press event(?). */ ButtonReleaseMask, True, handle_statusline_event, (XtPointer)g_string_savebuf, XtListTail); #endif /* MOTIF */ #endif return statusline; } void toggle_statusline(void) { #ifdef MOTIF if ((resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) == 0) XtUnmanageChild(statusline); else XtManageChild(statusline); set_menu(&resource.expert_mode, Act_set_expert_mode, check_resource_expert); #else static Boolean initialized = False; static Boolean statusline_mapped = False; Boolean make_statusline_visible = False; Boolean make_statusline_invisible = False; if (!initialized) { statusline_mapped = (resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) != 0; initialized = True; } if ((resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) == 0) { if (statusline_mapped) make_statusline_invisible = True; } else { if (!statusline_mapped) make_statusline_visible = True; } if (make_statusline_invisible) { XtDestroyWidget(statusline); statusline_mapped = False; } if (make_statusline_visible) { static Dimension window_w, window_h; static Arg arg_wh[] = { {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) &window_w}, {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) &window_h}, }; #ifdef MOTIF XtGetValues(globals.widgets.main_window, arg_wh, XtNumber(arg_wh)); #else XtGetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, arg_wh, XtNumber(arg_wh)); #endif XtVaSetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNresizable, (XtArgVal)True, NULL); TRACE_GUI((stderr, "statusline: w %d, h %d", window_w, window_h)); XtVaSetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNwidth, (XtArgVal)window_w, XtNheight, (XtArgVal)window_h, NULL); TRACE_GUI((stderr, "after statusline")); create_statusline(); statusline_mapped = True; } #endif /* MOTIF */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------ * handle_statusline_resize * * Arguments: * void * * Returns: * void * * Purpose: * Resize the statusline when the total window size changes. * *------------------------------------------------------------*/ void handle_statusline_resize(void) { #ifndef MOTIF if ((resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) == 0) { return; } if (!statusline) return; /* apparently the x,y values of a widget can only be set at creation time, so * the following won't work: */ #if 0 /* BROKEN Position vport_h, clip_x, clip_w; BROKEN static Position my_h = 0; BROKEN BROKEN XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.clip_widget, BROKEN XtNx, &clip_x, BROKEN XtNwidth, &clip_w, BROKEN NULL); BROKEN XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, BROKEN XtNheight, &vport_h, BROKEN NULL); BROKEN BROKEN XtUnmanageChild(statusline); BROKEN XtVaSetValues(statusline, BROKEN XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) "", BROKEN XtNwidth, clip_w, BROKEN XtNx, clip_x - 1, BROKEN XtNy, vport_h - my_h, BROKEN XtNborderWidth, 1, BROKEN XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft, BROKEN XtNborder, (XtArgVal) resource.fore_Pixel, BROKEN NULL); BROKEN XtManageChild(statusline); BROKEN XFlush(DISP); */ #endif /* only this will: */ XtDestroyWidget(statusline); create_statusline(); #endif } /* * clear statusline by printing an empty message to it. */ static void clear_statusline(void) { if ((resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) != 0) { # ifdef MOTIF XmTextFieldSetString(statusline, " "); # else XtVaSetValues(statusline, XtNlabel, " ", NULL); # endif XFlush(DISP); } strcpy(g_string_savebuf, " "); } /* force a statusline update, no matter how busy the application is. Use this with care (only for important messages). */ void force_statusline_update(void) { #ifdef MOTIF XmUpdateDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level); #else XEvent event; XSync(DISP, False); while (XCheckMaskEvent(DISP, ExposureMask, &event)) XtDispatchEvent(&event); #endif /* MOTIF */ } /* * timeout - if > 0, timeout in seconds after which the message will * be deleted again. If < 0, message will remain (until * another message overprints it) * fmt - message, a C format string * * If expert mode is off, print to the statusline; else, print * to stdout, unless the `hushstdout' option is specified. */ static XtIntervalId clear_timeout_id = 0; static void clear_statusline_timer_proc(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id) { UNUSED(client_data); UNUSED(id); if (clear_timeout_id) { clear_statusline(); clear_timeout_id = 0; } } static void internal_print_statusline(Boolean error, statusTimerT timeout, const char *old_content, const char *fmt, va_list argp) { if (!XtIsRealized(globals.widgets.top_level) || !initialized || (resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) == 0) { /* only print errors to stdout */ if (!error) return; if (!resource.hush_stdout && strlen(fmt) > 0) { /* check for strlen since sometimes we clear the statusline by printing "" to it, and we don't want that on stdout */ fprintf(stdout, "xdvi: "); if (old_content != NULL) (void)fputs(old_content, stdout); (void)vfprintf(stdout, fmt, argp); fputc('\n', stdout); fflush(stdout); } } else { char buf[MAX_LEN + 1]; size_t offset = 0; if (old_content != NULL && old_content[0] != '\0') { offset += strlen(old_content); strncpy(buf, old_content, MAX_LEN); /* append separating space */ if (strlen(old_content) < MAX_LEN - 1) { strcat(buf, " "); offset++; } } VSNPRINTF(buf + offset, MAX_LEN - offset, fmt, argp); /* just throw away strings longer than MAX_LEN */ buf[MAX_LEN] = '\0'; /* terminate buf */ /* * save current contents of statusline so that toggling the statusline * on and off will display the same text again */ strcpy(g_string_savebuf, buf); #ifdef MOTIF XmTextFieldSetString(statusline, buf); #else XtVaSetValues(statusline, XtNlabel, buf, NULL); #endif /* fprintf(stderr, "timeout: %d, id: %ld\n", timeout, clear_timeout_id); */ if (timeout > 0) { timeout *= 1000; /* convert to miliseconds */ if (clear_timeout_id) { /* fprintf(stderr, "clearing!\n"); */ if (globals.debug & DBG_EVENT) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: removing timeout %ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, clear_timeout_id); XtRemoveTimeOut(clear_timeout_id); } clear_timeout_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(globals.app, timeout, clear_statusline_timer_proc, (XtPointer) NULL); } } } /* * Append the varargs-string `fmt' to the currnent contents of the statusline * erasing it after `timeout' seconds if timeout > 0, unless the current statusline * contents matches pattern - in that case, overwrite the contents. */ void statusline_append(statusTimerT timeout, const char *pattern, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *buf = NULL; va_list argp; if (XtIsRealized(globals.widgets.top_level) && initialized && (resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) != 0) { /* get current statusline contents */ #ifdef MOTIF XtVaGetValues(statusline, XmNvalue, &buf, NULL); #else XtVaGetValues(statusline, XtNlabel, &buf, NULL); #endif } while (buf != NULL && isspace((int)*buf)) /* skip spaces inserted by statusline appending */ buf++; va_start(argp, fmt); if (buf != NULL && memcmp(buf, pattern, strlen(pattern)) == 0) { buf = NULL; } internal_print_statusline(false, timeout, buf, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); } /* * Print the varargs-string `fmt' to the currnent contents of the statusline, * erasing it after `timeout' seconds if timeout > 0. */ void statusline_info(statusTimerT timeout, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); /* for the time being, we don't differentiate between info/error * wrt. printing to stdout/stderr. We could probably at some point * remove the printing to stdout altogether (it's a bit un-GUIsh), * but then there's already an option 'hushstdout' to suppress it ... */ internal_print_statusline(True, timeout, NULL, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); } void statusline_error(statusTimerT timeout, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); internal_print_statusline(True, timeout, NULL, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); } void statusline_clear(void) { statusline_info(STATUS_SHORT, ""); } /* * Erase the contents of the statusline if it starts with 'pattern'. */ void statusline_erase(const char *pattern) { const char *buf = NULL; if (XtIsRealized(globals.widgets.top_level) && initialized && (resource.expert_mode & XPRT_SHOW_STATUSLINE) != 0) { /* get current statusline contents */ #ifdef MOTIF XtVaGetValues(statusline, XmNvalue, &buf, NULL); #else XtVaGetValues(statusline, XtNlabel, &buf, NULL); #endif if (strncmp(buf, pattern, strlen(pattern)) == 0) { statusline_clear(); } } }