#import //#import // you need ApplicationServices.framework #import "SimplePSInterpreter.h" #import // for getopt() #include "config.h" static inline UInt16 SWAP16(UInt16 v) { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN return v; #else return (v >> 8) | (v << 8); #endif } static inline UInt32 SWAP32(UInt32 v) { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN return v; #else return (v >> 24) | ((v >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ((v << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (v << 24); #endif } static NSString *T1WrapExceptionName = @"T1WrapException"; /* typ1 Table */ enum { typ1TableTag = 0x54595031 // 'TYP1' }; typedef struct { FourCharCode version; UInt16 flags; UInt16 glyphCount; UInt32 totalLength; UInt32 asciiLength; UInt32 binaryLength; SInt32 subrMaxLength; } typ1Header; /* HFMX Table */ enum { HFMXTableTag = 0x48464D58 // 'HFMX' }; typedef struct { Fixed Version; SInt16 Ascent; SInt16 Descent; SInt16 LineGap; SInt16 CaretSlopeRise; SInt16 CaretSlopeRun; SInt16 CaretOffset; } HFMXHeader; // format 6 subheader structure struct sfntCMapSubHeader6 { UInt16 format; UInt16 length; UInt16 languageID; /* base-1 */ UInt16 firstCode; UInt16 entryCount; }; typedef struct sfntCMapSubHeader6 sfntCMapSubHeader6; enum { sizeof_sfntCMapSubHeader6 = 10 }; /* post Table */ enum { postTableTag = 0x706F7374 // 'post' }; struct sfntPostHeader { Fixed version; /* format version number */ Fixed italicAngle; /* italic angle in degrees */ SInt16 underlinePosition; /* underline position (in FUnits) */ SInt16 underlineThickness; /* underline thickness (in FUnits) */ UInt16 isFixedPitch; /* font is monospaced */ UInt16 reserved; UInt32 minMemType42; /* Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded */ UInt32 maxMemType42; /* Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 font */ UInt32 minMemType1; /* Minimum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 font */ UInt32 maxMemType1; /* Maximum memory usage when a TrueType font is downloaded as a Type 1 font */ // UInt16 glyphCount; /* this is for version 2.0 post header */ }; typedef struct sfntPostHeader sfntPostHeader; enum { sizeof_sfntPostHeader = 32 }; /* BUG?: I do not know if it is a bug but it happens that sizeof(sfntPostHeader) = 36 !?! */ /* No, it's not a bug, that would be due to long-alignment of the structure. But the glyphCount field is not strictly part of the 'post' table header, it is part of the format-specific data for 'post' format 2.0. So I've removed that, and it is handled separately below. */ unsigned long getPfbLong(const unsigned char *ptr) { unsigned long c0 = ptr[0]; unsigned long c1 = ptr[1]; unsigned long c2 = ptr[2]; unsigned long c3 = ptr[3]; return (c0 | (c1 << 8) | (c2 <<16) | (c3<<24)); } NSData *decrypt(const unsigned char* inbuf, unsigned int insize) { NSMutableData *result = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:insize]; unsigned char *outbuf = [result mutableBytes]; unsigned short R = 55665; /* key */ unsigned short c1 = 52845; unsigned short c2 = 22719; unsigned long counter; for(counter = 0; counter < insize; counter++) { outbuf[counter] = (inbuf[counter] ^ (R>>8)); R = (inbuf[counter] + R) * c1 + c2; } return result; } /* provide strnstr here because it's not available on 10.2 */ char *strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, size_t bigLen) { unsigned littleLen = strlen(little); if (littleLen > bigLen) return 0; unsigned n; for (n = bigLen - littleLen + 1; n-- > 0; ++big) { if (memcmp(big, little, littleLen) == 0) return (char*)big; } return 0; } NSData *digestPfbForSfnt(NSString *pfbPath, typ1Header *t1h) { static char *target1 = "currentfile eexec"; static char *target2 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; static char *target3 = "mark currentfile closefile"; /* despite what the "Type 1 sfnt" document says, these don't appear to be necessary */ static char *replacement1 = "\nsystemdict begin\n"; static char *replacement2 = "\nend\n"; NSData *pfbData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:pfbPath]; if (!pfbData) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Cannot read file:%@",pfbPath]; NSMutableData *outData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:[pfbData length]]; if (!outData) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Cannot allocate workspace"]; const char *pfbBytes = [pfbData bytes]; unsigned long chunkSize; unsigned long asciiSize = 0, binSize = 0; while (1) { if ((unsigned char)pfbBytes[0] != 0x80 ) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Wrong PFB format"]; if (pfbBytes[1] == 0x01) { // read the ASCII chunk (before and after binary chunks) chunkSize = getPfbLong(pfbBytes+2); const char * p0 = pfbBytes+6; char * p1, *p2; p1 = strnstr(p0,target1,chunkSize); if (p1) { if (p1 != p0+chunkSize-strlen(target1)-1) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"I'm confused..."]; [outData appendBytes:p0 length:p1-p0]; [outData appendBytes:replacement1 length:strlen(replacement1)]; asciiSize = p1-p0+strlen(replacement1); } else { p2 = strnstr(p0,target2,chunkSize); if (p2) { #if 0 /* the following test if false with: '\r00000...' */ if (p2 != p0) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"I'm confused..."]; #endif ; //[outData appendBytes:p0 length:chunkSize]; } else [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Cannot find begin/end of encrypted portion"]; } } else if (pfbBytes[1] == 0x02) { // read the binary chunk chunkSize = getPfbLong(pfbBytes+2); NSData *decryptedData = decrypt(pfbBytes+6,chunkSize); const char *p0 = [decryptedData bytes]; const char *p1 = p0+chunkSize-(int)strlen(target3)-1; if (strncmp(target3,p1,strlen(target3))!=0) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Cannot find internal end of encrypted portion"]; [outData appendBytes:p0+4 length:p1-p0-4]; /* +4 is to skip YNDY */ [outData appendBytes:replacement2 length:strlen(replacement2)]; binSize = p1-p0-4+strlen(replacement2); } else if (pfbBytes[1] == 0x03) break; else [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"Wrong PFB format"]; pfbBytes += chunkSize+6; } // while (1) // fill the table header t1h->version = SWAP32(0x00010000); t1h->flags = SWAP16(0); t1h->glyphCount = SWAP16(130); /* number of elements of CharStrings array/dict */ t1h->totalLength = SWAP32(asciiSize+binSize); t1h->asciiLength = SWAP32(asciiSize); t1h->binaryLength = SWAP32(binSize); t1h->subrMaxLength = SWAP32(-1); // pad the data to long boundary { unsigned x = [outData length]%4; unsigned long y = 0; if (x) [outData appendBytes:&y length:4-x]; } return outData; } void fillTag(FourCharCode *tag, char *str) { char * p = (char*)tag; p[0] = str[0]; p[1] = str[1]; p[2] = str[2]; p[3] = str[3]; } unsigned long calcTableChecksum(register unsigned long *table, unsigned long length) { register unsigned long sum = 0L; register unsigned long *endptr = table+((length+3) & ~3) / sizeof(long); while (table < endptr) sum += SWAP32(*table++); return sum; } unsigned four_align(unsigned a) { return ((a+3)/4)*4; } NSData *wrapPfb(NSString *fontPath, BOOL omitType1Data) { unsigned totalSize = 0; // needed tables: HFMX, TYP1, cmap, fdsc, name // we add also a post table (suggested by Jonathan Kew) // TYP1 table typ1Header *t1h = calloc(1,sizeof(typ1Header)); NSData *type1Data = digestPfbForSfnt(fontPath,t1h); totalSize += sizeof(typ1Header) + [type1Data length]; // parse pfb NSDictionary *fontDir = nil; { SimplePSInterpreter *psi = [[SimplePSInterpreter alloc] init]; // [psi doString:[NSString stringWithCString:[type1Data bytes] length:[type1Data length]]]; [psi doString:[[NSString alloc] initWithData:type1Data encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]]; fontDir = [[[psi fontDir] retain] autorelease]; [psi release]; } if ([fontDir count]!=1) [NSException raise:T1WrapExceptionName format:@"expecting only one font definition in pfb (found many or none)"]; NSDictionary *fontDict = (NSDictionary*)[[fontDir allValues] objectAtIndex:0]; NSDictionary *fontInfo = [fontDict objectForKey:@"/FontInfo"]; NSDictionary *charStrings = [fontDict objectForKey:@"/CharStrings"]; int glyphCount = [charStrings count]-1; // subtract 1 for the [KEY ORDER] key added by the pseudo-interpreter t1h->glyphCount = SWAP16(glyphCount); NSMutableData *type1TableData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:sizeof(typ1Header)+[type1Data length]]; [type1TableData appendBytes:t1h length:sizeof(typ1Header)]; [type1TableData appendData:type1Data]; // create glyphNames array NSMutableArray *glyphNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:glyphCount]; { NSEnumerator *en = [[charStrings objectForKey:@"[KEY ORDER]"] objectEnumerator]; NSString *name; [glyphNames addObject:@"/.notdef"]; while ((name = [en nextObject])) { if (![name isEqualToString:@"/.notdef"]) [glyphNames addObject:name]; } } // HFMX table unsigned HFMXTableSize = sizeof(HFMXHeader); HFMXHeader *hh = calloc(1,HFMXTableSize); hh->Version = SWAP32(0x00010000); hh->Ascent = SWAP16([(NSNumber*)[(NSArray*)[(NSArray*)[fontDict objectForKey:@"/FontBBox"] objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:3] intValue]); hh->Descent = SWAP16(-[(NSNumber*)[(NSArray*)[(NSArray*)[fontDict objectForKey:@"/FontBBox"] objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:1] intValue]); hh->LineGap = SWAP16(0); hh->CaretSlopeRise = SWAP16(1); hh->CaretSlopeRun = SWAP16(0); hh->CaretOffset = SWAP16(0); totalSize += HFMXTableSize; // name table NSMutableArray *nameIdArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10]; NSMutableArray *stringsArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10]; NSString *string; [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kFontPostscriptName]]; string = [fontDict objectForKey:@"/FontName"]; if ([string characterAtIndex:0] == '/') string = [string substringFromIndex:1]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; string = [fontInfo objectForKey:@"/FullName"]; if (string) { [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kFontFullName]]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; } string = [fontInfo objectForKey:@"/FamilyName"]; if (string) { [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kFontFamilyName]]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; } string = [fontInfo objectForKey:@"/Copyright"]; if (string) { [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kFontCopyrightName]]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; } string = [fontInfo objectForKey:@"/Notice"]; if (string) { [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:([fontDict objectForKey:@"/Copyright"] ? kFontCopyrightName : kFontDescriptionName)]]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; } string = [fontInfo objectForKey:@"/version"]; if (string) { [nameIdArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kFontVersionName]]; [stringsArray addObject:string]; } NSMutableData *nameRecs = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:100]; NSMutableData *nameStrings = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:100]; sfntNameRecord rec; int nameRecords = 0; rec.platformID = SWAP16(kFontMacintoshPlatform); rec.scriptID = SWAP16(kFontRomanScript); rec.languageID = SWAP16(kFontEnglishLanguage); NSEnumerator *nameIdEn = [nameIdArray objectEnumerator]; NSEnumerator *stringsEn = [stringsArray objectEnumerator]; NSNumber *nameIdObj; while ((nameIdObj = [nameIdEn nextObject]) && (string = [stringsEn nextObject])) { rec.nameID = SWAP16([nameIdObj intValue]); rec.length = SWAP16([string length]); rec.offset = SWAP16([nameStrings length]); [nameStrings appendBytes:[string cString] length:[string cStringLength]]; [nameRecs appendBytes:&rec length:sizeof(sfntNameRecord)]; nameRecords++; } unsigned nameTableSize = four_align( sizeof_sfntNameHeader+ [nameRecs length]+ [nameStrings length]); sfntNameHeader nameh; nameh.format = SWAP16(0); nameh.count = SWAP16(nameRecords); nameh.stringOffset = SWAP16(sizeof_sfntNameHeader + [nameRecs length]); NSMutableData *nameTable = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:nameTableSize]; [nameTable appendBytes:&nameh length:sizeof_sfntNameHeader]; [nameTable appendData:nameRecs]; [nameTable appendData:nameStrings]; [nameTable increaseLengthBy:nameTableSize-[nameTable length]]; // pad with zeros totalSize += nameTableSize; // fdsc table unsigned fdscTableSize = four_align(sizeof_sfntDescriptorHeader+sizeof(sfntFontDescriptor)*2); sfntDescriptorHeader *dh = calloc(1,fdscTableSize); dh->version = SWAP32(0x00010000); dh->descriptorCount = SWAP32(2); /* FIXME: could try to infer better values from known font names like "bold", "condensed", etc */ dh->descriptor[0].name = SWAP32(0x77647468); /* wdth */ dh->descriptor[0].value = SWAP32(0x00010000); /* +1.0 */ dh->descriptor[1].name = SWAP32(0x77676874); /* wght */ dh->descriptor[1].value = SWAP32(0x00010000); /* +1.0 */ totalSize += fdscTableSize; // cmap table NSArray *encoding = [(NSArray*)[fontDict objectForKey:@"/Encoding"] objectAtIndex:1]; unsigned encsize = [encoding count]; unsigned cmapTableSize; sfntCMapHeader *cmaph; if (glyphCount > 256) { // more than 256 glyphs: use format 6 cmap cmapTableSize = four_align(sizeof_sfntCMapHeader+sizeof_sfntCMapEncoding+sizeof_sfntCMapSubHeader6+256*2); cmaph = calloc(1,cmapTableSize); sfntCMapSubHeader6 *cmapsh = (sfntCMapSubHeader6*)(((char*)cmaph)+12); UInt16 *glyphIndexArray = (UInt16*)(((char*)cmaph)+12+sizeof_sfntCMapSubHeader6); cmaph->version = 0; cmaph->numTables = SWAP16(1); cmaph->encoding[0].platformID = SWAP16(kFontMacintoshPlatform); cmaph->encoding[0].scriptID = SWAP16(kFontRomanScript); cmaph->encoding[0].offset = SWAP32(12); cmapsh->format = SWAP16(6); cmapsh->length = SWAP16(10+256*2); cmapsh->languageID = SWAP16(0); cmapsh->firstCode = SWAP16(0); cmapsh->entryCount = SWAP16(256); { int i; NSString *name; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (i < encsize) { name = [encoding objectAtIndex:i]; if ([name isEqualToString:@" "]) name = @"/.notdef"; } else name = @"/.notdef"; glyphIndexArray[i] = SWAP16([glyphNames indexOfObject:name]); } } } else { // less than 256 glyphs: use format 0 cmap cmapTableSize = four_align(sizeof_sfntCMapHeader+sizeof_sfntCMapEncoding+sizeof_sfntCMapSubHeader+256); cmaph = calloc(1,cmapTableSize); sfntCMapSubHeader *cmapsh = (sfntCMapSubHeader*)(((char*)cmaph)+12); UInt8 *glyphIndexArray = (UInt8*)(((char*)cmaph)+12+sizeof_sfntCMapSubHeader); cmaph->version = 0; cmaph->numTables = SWAP16(1); cmaph->encoding[0].platformID = SWAP16(kFontMacintoshPlatform); cmaph->encoding[0].scriptID = SWAP16(kFontRomanScript); cmaph->encoding[0].offset = SWAP32(12); cmapsh->format = SWAP16(0); cmapsh->length = SWAP16(6+256); cmapsh->languageID = SWAP16(0); { int i; NSString *name; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (i < encsize) { name = [encoding objectAtIndex:i]; if ([name isEqualToString:@" "]) name = @"/.notdef"; } else name = @"/.notdef"; glyphIndexArray[i] = [glyphNames indexOfObject:name]; } } } totalSize += cmapTableSize; // post table NSArray *appleGlyphNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @".notdef",@".null",@"nonmarkingreturn",@"space",@"exclam",@"quotedbl",@"numbersign",@"dollar", @"percent",@"ampersand",@"quotesingle",@"parenleft",@"parenright",@"asterisk",@"plus",@"comma", @"hyphen",@"period",@"slash",@"zero",@"one",@"two",@"three",@"four", @"five",@"six",@"seven",@"eight",@"nine",@"colon",@"semicolon",@"less", @"equal",@"greater",@"question",@"at",@"A",@"B",@"C",@"D", @"E",@"F",@"G",@"H",@"I",@"J",@"K",@"L", @"M",@"N",@"O",@"P",@"Q",@"R",@"S",@"T", @"U",@"V",@"W",@"X",@"Y",@"Z",@"bracketleft",@"backslash", @"bracketright",@"asciicircum",@"underscore",@"grave",@"a",@"b",@"c",@"d", @"e",@"f",@"g",@"h",@"i",@"j",@"k",@"l", @"m",@"n",@"o",@"p",@"q",@"r",@"s",@"t", @"u",@"v",@"w",@"x",@"y",@"z",@"braceleft",@"bar", @"braceright",@"asciitilde",@"Adieresis",@"Aring",@"Ccedilla",@"Eacute",@"Ntilde",@"Odieresis", @"Udieresis",@"aacute",@"agrave",@"acircumflex",@"adieresis",@"atilde",@"aring",@"ccedilla", @"eacute",@"egrave",@"ecircumflex",@"edieresis",@"iacute",@"igrave",@"icircumflex",@"idieresis", @"ntilde",@"oacute",@"ograve",@"ocircumflex",@"odieresis",@"otilde",@"uacute",@"ugrave", @"ucircumflex",@"udieresis",@"dagger",@"degree",@"cent",@"sterling",@"section",@"bullet", @"paragraph",@"germandbls",@"registered",@"copyright",@"trademark",@"acute",@"dieresis",@"notequal", @"AE",@"Oslash",@"infinity",@"plusminus",@"lessequal",@"greaterequal",@"yen",@"mu", @"partialdiff",@"summation",@"product",@"pi",@"integral",@"ordfeminine",@"ordmasculine",@"Omega", @"ae",@"oslash",@"questiondown",@"exclamdown",@"logicalnot",@"radical",@"florin",@"approxequal", @"Delta",@"guillemotleft",@"guillemotright",@"ellipsis",@"nonbreakingspace",@"Agrave",@"Atilde",@"Otilde", @"OE",@"oe",@"endash",@"emdash",@"quotedblleft",@"quotedblright",@"quoteleft",@"quoteright", @"divide",@"lozenge",@"ydieresis",@"Ydieresis",@"fraction",@"currency",@"guilsinglleft",@"guilsinglright", @"fi",@"fl",@"daggerdbl",@"periodcentered",@"quotesinglbase",@"quotedblbase",@"perthousand",@"Acircumflex", @"Ecircumflex",@"Aacute",@"Edieresis",@"Egrave",@"Iacute",@"Icircumflex",@"Idieresis",@"Igrave", @"Oacute",@"Ocircumflex",@"apple",@"Ograve",@"Uacute",@"Ucircumflex",@"Ugrave",@"dotlessi", @"circumflex",@"tilde",@"macron",@"breve",@"dotaccent",@"ring",@"cedilla",@"hungarumlaut", @"ogonek",@"caron",@"Lslash",@"lslash",@"Scaron",@"scaron",@"Zcaron",@"zcaron", @"brokenbar",@"Eth",@"eth",@"Yacute",@"yacute",@"Thorn",@"thorn",@"minus", @"multiply",@"onesuperior",@"twosuperior",@"threesuperior",@"onehalf",@"onequarter",@"threequarters",@"franc", @"Gbreve",@"gbreve",@"Idotaccent",@"Scedilla",@"scedilla",@"Cacute",@"cacute",@"Ccaron", @"ccaron",@"dcroat", nil]; NSMutableData *postTableStrings = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:100]; UInt16 *postTableGlyphArray = calloc([glyphNames count],sizeof(UInt16)); UInt16 nGlyphs = 0; { NSEnumerator *gnEn = [glyphNames objectEnumerator]; int nStrings = 0; NSString *string; while ((string = [gnEn nextObject])) { if ([string characterAtIndex:0]=='/') string = [string substringFromIndex:1]; unsigned index = [appleGlyphNames indexOfObject:string]; if (index != NSNotFound) { postTableGlyphArray[nGlyphs] = SWAP16(index); } else { postTableGlyphArray[nGlyphs] = SWAP16(258+(nStrings++)); char strLength = [string cStringLength]; [postTableStrings appendBytes:&strLength length:1]; [postTableStrings appendBytes:[string cString] length:strLength]; } nGlyphs++; } } sfntPostHeader ph; ph.version = SWAP32(0x00020000); ph.italicAngle = SWAP32(0); ph.underlinePosition = SWAP16([(NSNumber*)[fontInfo objectForKey:@"/UnderlinePosition"] intValue]); ph.underlineThickness = SWAP16([(NSNumber*)[fontInfo objectForKey:@"/UnderlineThickness"] intValue]); ph.isFixedPitch = SWAP16(([(NSNumber*)[fontInfo objectForKey:@"/isFixedPitch"] intValue] ? 1 : 0)); ph.reserved = 0; ph.minMemType42 = 0; ph.maxMemType42 = 0; ph.minMemType1 = 0; ph.maxMemType1 = 0; // ph.glyphCount = nGlyphs; NSMutableData *postTable = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:100]; [postTable appendBytes:&ph length:sizeof_sfntPostHeader]; nGlyphs = SWAP16(nGlyphs); [postTable appendBytes:&nGlyphs length:sizeof(UInt16)]; nGlyphs = SWAP16(nGlyphs); [postTable appendBytes:postTableGlyphArray length:sizeof(UInt16)*nGlyphs]; [postTable appendData:postTableStrings]; [postTable increaseLengthBy:(4-([postTable length] % 4)) % 4]; // pad with zeros free(postTableGlyphArray); // sfnt directory unsigned sfntDirectorySize = sizeof_sfntDirectory+sizeof(sfntDirectoryEntry)*6; sfntDirectory *dir = calloc(1,sfntDirectorySize); fillTag(&(dir->format),"typ1"); dir->numOffsets = SWAP16(6); /* number of tables */ dir->searchRange = SWAP16(4*16); /* (max pow 2 <= numOffsets)*16 */ dir->entrySelector = SWAP16(2);/* log2(max pow 2 <= numOffsets) */ dir->rangeShift = SWAP16(32); /* numOffsets*16-searchRange*/ unsigned totalOffset = sfntDirectorySize; /* table directory entries must be sorted in ascending order by tag, but we want to put the TYP1 table last because we optionally omit the data (but still include the table header) */ dir->table[0].tableTag = SWAP32(HFMXTableTag); dir->table[0].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)hh,HFMXTableSize)); dir->table[0].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[0].length = SWAP32(HFMXTableSize); totalOffset += SWAP32(dir->table[0].length); dir->table[2].tableTag = SWAP32(cmapFontTableTag); dir->table[2].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)cmaph,cmapTableSize)); dir->table[2].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[2].length = SWAP32(cmapTableSize); totalOffset += SWAP32(dir->table[2].length); dir->table[3].tableTag = SWAP32(descriptorFontTableTag); dir->table[3].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)dh,fdscTableSize)); dir->table[3].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[3].length = SWAP32(fdscTableSize); totalOffset += SWAP32(dir->table[3].length); dir->table[4].tableTag = SWAP32(nameFontTableTag); dir->table[4].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)[nameTable bytes], [nameTable length])); dir->table[4].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[4].length = SWAP32([nameTable length]); totalOffset += SWAP32(dir->table[4].length); dir->table[5].tableTag = SWAP32(postTableTag); dir->table[5].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)[postTable bytes],[postTable length])); dir->table[5].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[5].length = SWAP32([postTable length]); totalOffset += SWAP32(dir->table[5].length); dir->table[1].tableTag = SWAP32(typ1TableTag); dir->table[1].checkSum = SWAP32(calcTableChecksum((void*)[type1TableData bytes],[type1TableData length])); dir->table[1].offset = SWAP32(totalOffset); dir->table[1].length = SWAP32([type1TableData length]); // totalOffset += dir->table[0].length; NSMutableData *sfntData = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:totalSize]; [sfntData appendBytes:dir length:sfntDirectorySize]; /* append all the tables, matching the order of directory entry creation so that the offsets will be right */ [sfntData appendBytes:hh length:HFMXTableSize]; [sfntData appendBytes:cmaph length:cmapTableSize]; [sfntData appendBytes:dh length:fdscTableSize]; [sfntData appendData:nameTable]; [sfntData appendData:postTable]; if (omitType1Data) [sfntData appendBytes:t1h length:sizeof(typ1Header)]; else [sfntData appendData:type1TableData]; free(t1h); free(dir); free(cmaph); free(dh); free(hh); return sfntData; } void usage(const char* progName) { fprintf(stderr, "# usage: %s [-t | -T] pfbFile\n\ # writes sfnt-wrapped Type 1 font to stdout\n\ # options:\n\ # -t omit TYP1 table from sfnt\n\ # -T only generate TYP1 data\n", progName); exit(1); } int main (int argc, char * const *argv) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #if 1 const char* progName = argv[0]; int ch; BOOL omitTyp1 = NO; BOOL onlyTyp1 = NO; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "tT")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 't': omitTyp1 = YES; break; case 'T': onlyTyp1 = YES; break; case '?': default: usage(progName); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1 || (omitTyp1 && onlyTyp1)) usage(progName); NSString *pfbFilename = [NSString stringWithCString:argv[0]]; NS_DURING if (onlyTyp1) { typ1Header *t1h = calloc(1,sizeof(typ1Header)); NSData *type1Data = digestPfbForSfnt(pfbFilename, t1h); fwrite([type1Data bytes], 1, [type1Data length], stdout); } else { NSData *sfntData = wrapPfb(pfbFilename, omitTyp1); fwrite([sfntData bytes], 1, [sfntData length], stdout); } NS_HANDLER fprintf(stderr,"%s",[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"exception: %@ reason: %@\n",[localException name],[localException reason]] cString]); NS_ENDHANDLER // [sfntData writeToFile:@"/Users/mgubi/Desktop/cmr10.sfnt" atomically:NO]; #else NSString *basePath = @"/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/type1"; NSDirectoryEnumerator *direnum = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath:basePath]; NSString *pname; NSString *fullname; BOOL fOk = YES; while ((pname = [direnum nextObject])) { if ([[pname pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"pfb"]) { fullname = [basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:pname]; fprintf(stdout,"testing %s\n",[fullname fileSystemRepresentation]); NS_DURING NSData *sfntData = wrapPfb(fullname); NS_HANDLER fOk = NO; fprintf(stderr,"%s",[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"exception: %@ reason: %@",[localException name],[localException reason]] cString]); NS_ENDHANDLER } } #endif [pool release]; return 0; }