#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This program maps full PS font names to abreviated TeX style names # and puts font files or links to font files in a file hierarchy # suitable for texk. # # Mapping example: Times-Roman.{gsf,pfa,pfb} becomes ptmr.{pfa,pfb} # use File::Path; # These are the fontname map files to read # This is for the fontname distribution in teTeX 0.4: # @fonts=qw(adobe apple bitstrea dtc linotype monotype skey1250 skey1555 # softkey urw); # This is for fontname 2.2, get it from ftp.tug.org:/tex/fontname-2.2 # The linotype map in teTeX 1.0 is terebly corrupted. Removed from the list. @fonts=qw(adobe apple bitstrea dtc monotype softkey-1250 softkey-1555 urw wolfram yandy); $logname="t1map.log"; # How much to read from font files to figure out the font name $fontdatalen=1024*10; # HERE BE DRAGONS usage() if $#ARGV==0; # By default copy files $method=1; while ($_=shift(@ARGV)) { /^-cp$/ && do { $method=1; next; }; /^-ln$/ && do { $method=2; next; }; /^-lns$/ && do { $method=3; next; }; /^-lnlns$/ && do { $method=4; next; }; /^-lncp$/ && do { $method=5; next; }; /^-gs$/ && do { $gsmap = shift(@ARGV) or usage(); $gsdir = shift(@ARGV) or usage(); next; }; unshift(@ARGV,$_); last; } $texdir = shift(@ARGV) or usage(); if (! -d $texdir) { print "Making directory $texdir\n"; mkpath($texdir) or die "Could not make directory: $texdir: $!\n"; } if (!open(LOG,">$logname")) { $logname="/tmp/$logname"; open(LOG,">$logname") || die "Could not open file t1map.err for writing: $!\n"; } # What major mode of operation? # Establish fonts based on ghostscript map? if ($gsmap) { process_gsfonts(); print "Log in $logname\n"; exit 0; } # Ok, loop examine fonts to figure out the font name and copy/link to $texdir process_fontname_maps(); process_fonts(); print "Log in $logname\n"; exit 0; # ############################### MOVE_FONT ################################ sub move_font { # Move font to destination directory, according to specified $method my($from)=shift; my($to)=shift; my($relok)=shift; my($other); # Same font, other format my($type); # Other type die "I need absolute paths please\n" if !$relok && substr($from,0,1) ne '/'; logmsg("$from -> $to\n"); # Remove the old font to replace with this unlink($to) if -f $to; # Also remove the old font in the other format: $other=$to; $type='.pfb' if substr($to,-4) eq '.pfa'; $type='.pfa' if !$type && substr($to,-4) eq '.pfb'; substr($other,-4)=$type; unlink($other) if -f $other; if ($method==1) { # cp system "cp $from $to 2>/dev/null" and # Shell exit value warn "Copying $from to $to failed\n"; } elsif ($method==2) { # ln link($from,$to) or warn "Linking of $to to $from failed: $!\n"; } elsif ($method==3) { # lns symlink($from,$to) or warn "Symlinking $to to $from failed: $!\n"; } elsif ($method==4) { # lnlns link($from,$to) || symlink($from,$to) || warn "Both linking and symlinking $to to $from failed: $!\n"; } elsif ($method==5) { # lncp. Let cp give the error-message link($from,$to) || system "cp $from $to"; } else { die "Internal error: Unknown font copy/link method\n"; } } # ############################# PROCESS_FONTS ############################## sub process_fonts { # Loop over ARGV, examine each (font?) file to see if it is a # type1 font, binary or text format, and figure out it's name my($type,$font); foreach $filename (@ARGV) { ($type,$font)=examine_font($filename); next if !defined($font); if (!exists($file{$font})) { logmsg("TeX name of $font ($filename) unknown\n"); next; } $file=$file{$font}; move_font($filename,"$texdir/$file$type",0); } } # ############################## EXAMINE_FONT ############################## sub examine_font { # Examine font to determine name and type # # The method for finding the font name is based on an awk script # written years ago by Kjetil T. Homme and me (mostly him). # my($filename)=shift; my($type); my($size)=-s $filename; if ($size==0) { logmsg("Zero size file skipped: $filename\n"); return (undef,undef); } if (!open(FONT,"< $filename")) { logmsg("Unable to open $filename for reading: $!\n"); return (undef,undef); } sysread FONT, $fontdata, $fontdatalen, 0; # Determine type based on magic number $type='.pfa' if substr($fontdata,0,16) eq '%!PS-AdobeFont-1'; $type='.pfa' if !$type && substr($fontdata,0,13) eq '%!FontType1-1'; $type='.pfb' if !$type && substr($fontdata,6,16) eq '%!PS-AdobeFont-1'; if (!$type) { # This is where we end up if the file does not match the magic # numbers. The file is most probably not a type1 file. if ((index($fontdata,'%!PS-AdobeFont-1')==-1) && (index($fontdata,'%!FontType1-1')==-1)) { # If the string '%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0' or '%!FontType1-1.0' # does not appear at all this is NOT a type1 font of any # kind. logmsg("$filename is not a type1 file\n"); return (undef,undef); } logmsg("Odd magic in $filename\n"); # Try to determine type based on filename extention $type='.pfa' if substr($filename,-4) eq '.pfa'; $type='.pfb' if !$type && substr($filename,-4) eq '.pfb'; if (!$type) { # No extention? Fall back to perls -T (text) test operator. $type='.pfb'; $type='.pfa' if -T $filename; } } # The font type has now been determined. I wonder what the font's # name is. # What we look for is lines like this: # # %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: URWGothicL-Demi 001.005 # # or this: # # /FontName /URWGothicL-Demi def $fontname=''; if ($fontdata =~ m~/FontName /([\S]+) def~) { # The /FontName line is the most reliable source $fontname = $1; } elsif ($fontdata =~ m/%\!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: ([\S]+)/) { # The magic line is not always fully formed and can only be # used as fallback --- in case the /FontName entry is not in # the file. True, this would be a rather dubious font. $fontname = $1; } elsif ($fontdata =~ m/%\!FontType1-1.0: ([\S]+)/) { # The magic line is not always fully (or correctly) formed and # can only be used as fallback --- in case the /FontName entry # is not in the file. True, this would be a rather dubious # font (actually, a lot of type1 versions of tex fonts fall # into this category). $fontname = $1; } return ($type,$fontname); } # ######################### PROCESS_FONTNAME_MAPS ########################## sub process_fontname_maps { # Read the fontname maps while ($foundry=shift(@fonts)) { $map=findfile($foundry.".map"); next unless $map; print "Reading (fontname/$foundry) $map\n"; open(FILE,"<$map") || die "Could not open $map: $!\n"; while () { chomp; s/@.*//; next if $_ eq ''; ($file,$font,undef)=split(/\s+/,$_,3); # Remove known encoding codes: $file =~ s/(8a|8r|8t)$//; # 8a = StandardEncoding 8a.enc # 8r = TeXBase1Encoding 8r.enc # 8t = CorkEncoding cork.enc # Any filenames with numbers left are 'unknown encodings' if ($file =~ /\d/) { # print "Unknown encoding: $file - $font\n"; next; } $file{$font}=$file; } close(FILE); } } # ########################### PROCESS_GSFONTS ############################# sub read_gsmap { # Read gs map file to obtain Font-Name -> filename mappings, and # aliases so we can use GS' Times-Roman replacement as Times-Roman # ourselves. Not everyone has oodles of type1 fonts on disk. my($gsmap)=shift; open(FILE,"<$gsmap") or die "Could not open $gsmap: $!\n"; print "Reading (gsmap) $gsmap\n"; %gsalias=(); %gsfile=(); while () { chomp; s/%.*//; s/\s+$//; next if $_ eq ''; ($font,$file,undef)=split(/\s+/,$_,3); $font =~ s~^/~~; if (!exists($file{$font})) { logmsg("TeX name of $font unknown\n"); next; } if ($file =~ m~\((.*)\)~) { $file = $1; $gsfile{$font}=$file; } else { $file =~ s~^/~~; # The aliases(sp?) cannot be resolved until the whole file is # read $gsalias{$font}=$file; } } close(FILE); } sub process_gsfonts { # Do the Work based on a ghostscript map file. process_fontname_maps(); read_gsmap($gsmap); chdir($gsdir) or die "Could not chdir to $gsdir: $!\n"; print "Moving fonts\n"; foreach $font (keys %gsfile) { $gsfile=$gsfile{$font}; # GSF files are not propper t1 fonts I understand, so ignore them next if $gsfile =~ /\.gsf$/; $file=$file{$font}; $type=''; if (-f $gsfile) { # Crude font type guessing. First based on existing extention: $type='pfa' if substr($gsfile,-4) eq '.pfa'; $type='pfb' if !$type && substr($gsfile,-4) eq '.pfb'; # If existing extention fails use perls -T (text) test if (!$type) { # print "Fallback typing: $gsfile\n"; $type='pfb'; $type='pfa' if -T $gsfile; } # Use for alias resolving $texname{$font}="$file.$type"; if (substr($gsfile,0,1) eq '/') { move_font("$gsfile","$texdir/".$texname{$font},0); } else { move_font("$gsdir/$gsfile","$texdir/".$texname{$font},0); } } else { logmsg("$file not found\n"); } } chdir($texdir) or die "Could not chdir to $texdir\n"; foreach $font (keys %gsalias) { $alias = $gsalias{$font}; $falias = $texname{$alias}; $type='pfa' if substr($gsfile,-4) eq '.pfa'; $type='pfb' if !$type && substr($gsfile,-4) eq '.pfb'; $file=$file{$font}; # Symlink the aliases logmsg("$falias -> $file.$type\n"); $method=3; move_font($falias,"$file.$type",1); } } # ############################ JUNK PROCEDURES ########################### sub findfile { # Find file, use kpsewhich to access texmf database and search rules my($file)=shift; $fileloc=`kpsewhich $file`; # Check errors return undef if ($? != 0); chomp($fileloc); return undef if $fileloc eq ''; # It worked return $fileloc; } sub usage { # Abuse the user print "Usage: t1mapper [-cp|-ln|-lns|-lnlns|-lncp] \\ -gs /path/to/gs/Fontmap /path/to/gs/fonts \\ /path/to/target/tex/directory t1mapper [-cp|-ln|-lns|-lnlns|-lncp] \\ /path/to/target/tex/directory \\ See XDVIFONTS for documentation "; exit 1; } sub logmsg { my($string)=shift; print STDERR "$string"; print LOG "$string"; }