/*========================================================================*\ Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Paul Vojta Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL PAUL VOJTA BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. NOTE: This module is based on prior work as noted below. \*========================================================================*/ /* * Support drawing routines for TeXsun and TeX * * Copyright, (C) 1987, 1988 Tim Morgan, UC Irvine * Adapted for xdvi by Jeffrey Lee, U. of Toronto * * At the time these routines are called, the values of hh and vv should * have been updated to the upper left corner of the graph (the position * the \special appears at in the dvi file). Then the coordinates in the * graphics commands are in terms of a virtual page with axes oriented the * same as the Imagen and the SUN normally have: * * 0,0 * +-----------> +x * | * | * | * \ / * +y * * Angles are measured in the conventional way, from +x towards +y. * Unfortunately, that reverses the meaning of "counterclockwise" * from what it's normally thought of. * * A lot of floating point arithmetic has been converted to integer * arithmetic for speed. In some places, this is kind-of kludgy, but * it's worth it. */ #ifdef WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include "wingui.h" #endif #undef HAVE_BOOLEAN #include "xdvi-config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef S_IRUSR #define S_IRUSR 0400 #endif #ifndef S_IWUSR #define S_IWUSR 0200 #endif #include "dvi.h" // added SU #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #else # if HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H # include # endif # ifndef WEXITSTATUS # define WEXITSTATUS(stat_val) ((unsigned)(stat_val) >> 8) # endif # ifndef WIFEXITED # define WIFEXITED(stat_val) (((stat_val) & 255) == 0) # endif extern char *tempnam ARGS((_Xconst char *, _Xconst char *)); extern double floor ARGS((double)); #endif #define MAXPOINTS 300 /* Max points in a path */ #define MAX_PEN_SIZE 72 /* Max pixels of pen width */ #define TWOPI (3.14159265359 * 2.0) #define rint(x) floor((x) + 0.5) static double shadetp = 0.5; /* shading level, initialized as requested by tpic 2.0 -- MJ */ static int xx[MAXPOINTS], yy[MAXPOINTS]; /* Path in milli-inches */ static int path_len = 0; /* # points in current path */ /* static */ int pen_size = 1; /* Pixel width of lines drawn */ static Boolean whiten = False; static Boolean shade = False; static Boolean blacken = False; static Boolean begin_path = False; /* Unfortunately, these values also appear in dvisun.c */ #define xRESOLUTION (pixels_per_inch/shrink_factor) #define yRESOLUTION (pixels_per_inch/shrink_factor) # if HAVE_VFORK_H # include # endif #define CMD(x, y) ((x) << 8 | (y)) /* * Issue warning messages */ static void Warning(fmt, msg) char *fmt, *msg; { Fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prog); Fprintf(stderr, fmt, msg); (void) fputc('\n', stderr); } /* * X drawing routines */ #define toint(x) ((int) ((x) + 0.5)) #define xconv(x) (toint(tpic_conv*(x))/shrink_factor + PXL_H) #define yconv(y) (toint(tpic_conv*(y))/shrink_factor + PXL_V) /* * Draw a line from (fx,fy) to (tx,ty). * Right now, we ignore pen_size. */ static void line_btw(fx, fy, tx, ty) int fx, fy, tx, ty; { int fcx = xconv(fx), tcx = xconv(tx), fcy = yconv(fy), tcy = yconv(ty); HPEN oldPen; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); if ((fcx < max_x || tcx < max_x) && (fcx >= min_x || tcx >= min_x) && (fcy < max_y || tcy < max_y) && (fcy >= min_y || tcy >= min_y)) XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, fcx - currwin.base_x, fcy - currwin.base_y, tcx - currwin.base_x, tcy - currwin.base_y); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); } /* * Draw a dot at (x,y) */ static void dot_at(x, y) int x, y; { int cx = xconv(x), cy = yconv(y); HPEN oldPen; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); if (cx < max_x && cx >= min_x && cy < max_y && cy >= min_y) XDrawPoint(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, cx - currwin.base_x, cy - currwin.base_y); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); } /* * Apply the requested attributes to the last path (box) drawn. * Attributes are reset. * (Not currently implemented.) */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void do_attribute_path(last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y) int last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y; { HPEN oldPen; HBRUSH oldBrush; if (!begin_path) { Warning("%s", "Tpic specials: no Beginpath encountered!\n"); return; } begin_path = False; #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Flushing path\n"); #endif if (EndPath(ruleGC) == 0) { Win32Error("do_attribute_path/EndPath"); return; } oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); oldBrush = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicBrush); if (blacken || whiten || shade) { #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Filling ...\n"); #endif blacken = whiten = shade = False; if (StrokeAndFillPath(ruleGC) == 0) { Win32Error("do_attribute_path/StrokeAndFillPath"); } } else { #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Empty ...\n"); #endif if (StrokePath(ruleGC) == 0) { Win32Error("do_attribute_path/StrokePath"); } } SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldBrush); } /* * Set the size of the virtual pen used to draw in milli-inches */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void set_pen_size(cp) char *cp; { int ps; HPEN newForePen, newBackPen; if (sscanf(cp, " %d ", &ps) != 1) { Warning("invalid .ps command format: %s", cp); return; } pen_size = ((float)ps * ((float)pixels_per_inch / 1000.0) + 0.5) / shrink_factor; #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Pen size is %d\n", pen_size); #endif if (pen_size < 1) pen_size = 1; else if (pen_size > MAX_PEN_SIZE) pen_size = MAX_PEN_SIZE; if (foreTPicPen) if (!DeleteObject(foreTPicPen)) Win32Error("set_pen_size/DeleteObject/foreTPicPen"); foreTPicPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, pen_size, fore_Pixel); if (backTPicPen) if (!DeleteObject(backTPicPen)) Win32Error("set_pen_size/DeleteObject/backTPicPen"); backTPicPen = CreatePen(PS_NULL, pen_size, back_Pixel); #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Pen size set to %d points\n", pen_size); #endif } /* * Print the line defined by previous path commands */ static void flush_path() { int i; int last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y; #if 0 HPEN oldPen; HBRUSH oldBrush; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); oldBrush = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicBrush); #endif last_min_x = 30000; last_min_y = 30000; last_max_x = -30000; last_max_y = -30000; for (i = 1; i < path_len; i++) { if (xx[i] > last_max_x) last_max_x = xx[i]; if (xx[i] < last_min_x) last_min_x = xx[i]; if (yy[i] > last_max_y) last_max_y = yy[i]; if (yy[i] < last_min_y) last_min_y = yy[i]; line_btw(xx[i], yy[i], xx[i+1], yy[i+1]); } if (xx[path_len] > last_max_x) last_max_x = xx[path_len]; if (xx[path_len] < last_min_x) last_min_x = xx[path_len]; if (yy[path_len] > last_max_y) last_max_y = yy[path_len]; if (yy[path_len] < last_min_y) last_min_y = yy[path_len]; path_len = 0; do_attribute_path(last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y); #if 0 SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldBrush); #endif } /* * Print a dashed line along the previously defined path, with * the dashes/inch defined. */ static void flush_dashed(cp, dotted) char *cp; Boolean dotted; { int i, k; int numdots; int lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1; int cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1; float inchesperdash; double d, spacesize, a, b, dx, dy, milliperdash; int last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y; HPEN oldPen; if (sscanf(cp, " %f ", &inchesperdash) != 1) { Warning("invalid format for dotted/dashed line: %s", cp); return; } if (path_len <= 1 || inchesperdash <= 0.0) { Warning("invalid conditions for dotted/dashed line", ""); return; } if (begin_path) { begin_path = False; EndPath(ruleGC); } oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, backTPicPen); if (whiten || blacken || shade) { /* FIXME : add checks to win32 calls ! */ BeginPath(ruleGC); for (i = 1; i < path_len; i++) { line_btw(xx[i], yy[i], xx[i+1], yy[i+1]); } EndPath(ruleGC); FillPath(ruleGC); whiten = blacken = shade = False; } SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); milliperdash = inchesperdash * 1000.0; for (k = 1; k < path_len; k++) { lx0 = xx[k]; ly0 = yy[k]; lx1 = xx[k+1];ly1 = yy[k+1]; dx = lx1 - lx0; dy = ly1 - ly0; if (dotted) { numdots = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) / milliperdash + 0.5; if (numdots == 0) numdots = 1; for (i = 0; i <= numdots; i++) { a = (float) i / (float) numdots; cx0 = lx0 + a * dx + 0.5; cy0 = ly0 + a * dy + 0.5; dot_at(cx0, cy0); } } else { d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); numdots = d / (2.0 * milliperdash) + 1.0; if (numdots <= 1) line_btw(lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1); else { spacesize = (d - numdots * milliperdash) / (numdots - 1); for (i = 0; i < numdots - 1; i++) { a = i * (milliperdash + spacesize) / d; b = a + milliperdash / d; cx0 = lx0 + a * dx + 0.5; cy0 = ly0 + a * dy + 0.5; cx1 = lx0 + b * dx + 0.5; cy1 = ly0 + b * dy + 0.5; line_btw(cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1); b += spacesize / d; } cx0 = lx0 + b * dx + 0.5; cy0 = ly0 + b * dy + 0.5; line_btw(cx0, cy0, lx1, ly1); } } } path_len = 0; SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); } /* * Add a point to the current path */ static void add_path(cp) char *cp; { int pathx, pathy; HPEN oldPen; #if 0 oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); #endif if (path_len == 0 && !begin_path) { BeginPath(ruleGC); begin_path = True; } if (++path_len >= MAXPOINTS) oops("Too many points"); if (sscanf(cp, " %d %d ", &pathx, &pathy) != 2) oops("Malformed path command"); xx[path_len] = pathx; yy[path_len] = pathy; #if 0 SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); #endif } /* * Draw to a floating point position */ static void im_fdraw(x, y) double x,y; { if (++path_len >= MAXPOINTS) oops("Too many arc points"); xx[path_len] = x + 0.5; yy[path_len] = y + 0.5; } /* * Draw an ellipse with the indicated center and radices. */ static void draw_ellipse(xc, yc, xr, yr) int xc, yc, xr, yr; { double angle, theta; int n; int px0, py0, px1, py1; HPEN oldPen; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); angle = (xr + yr) / 2.0; theta = sqrt(1.0 / angle); n = TWOPI / theta + 0.5; if (n < 12) n = 12; else if (n > 80) n = 80; n /= 2; theta = TWOPI / n; angle = 0.0; px0 = xc + xr; /* cos(0) = 1 */ py0 = yc; /* sin(0) = 0 */ while ((angle += theta) <= TWOPI) { px1 = xc + xr*cos(angle) + 0.5; py1 = yc + yr*sin(angle) + 0.5; line_btw(px0, py0, px1, py1); px0 = px1; py0 = py1; } line_btw(px0, py0, xc + xr, yc); flush_path(); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); } /* * Draw an arc */ static void arc(cp, invis) char *cp; Boolean invis; { int xc, yc, xrad, yrad, n; float start_angle, end_angle, angle, theta, r; double xradius, yradius, xcenter, ycenter; HPEN oldPen; HBRUSH oldBrush; if (sscanf(cp, " %d %d %d %d %f %f ", &xc, &yc, &xrad, &yrad, &start_angle, &end_angle) != 6) { Warning("invalid arc specification: %s", cp); return; } /* FIXME: the interior might need to be filled in */ if (invis) return; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); oldBrush = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicBrush); if (!begin_path) { BeginPath(ruleGC); begin_path = True; } /* We have a specialized fast way to draw closed circles/ellipses */ if (start_angle <= 0.0 && end_angle >= 6.282) { draw_ellipse(xc, yc, xrad, yrad); return; } xcenter = xc; ycenter = yc; xradius = xrad; yradius = yrad; r = (xradius + yradius) / 2.0; theta = sqrt(1.0 / r); n = 0.3 * TWOPI / theta + 0.5; if (n < 12) n = 12; else if (n > 80) n = 80; n /= 2; theta = TWOPI / n; flush_path(); if (!begin_path) { BeginPath(ruleGC); begin_path = True; } im_fdraw(xcenter + xradius * cos(start_angle), ycenter + yradius * sin(start_angle)); angle = start_angle + theta; if (end_angle < start_angle) end_angle += TWOPI; while (angle < end_angle) { im_fdraw(xcenter + xradius * cos(angle), ycenter + yradius * sin(angle)); angle += theta; } im_fdraw(xcenter + xradius * cos(end_angle), ycenter + yradius * sin(end_angle)); flush_path(); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldBrush); } /* * APPROXIMATE integer distance between two points */ #define dist(x0, y0, x1, y1) (abs(x0 - x1) + abs(y0 - y1)) /* * Draw a spline along the previously defined path */ static void flush_spline(char *cp) { int xp, yp; int N; int lastx, lasty; Boolean lastvalid = False; int t1, t2, t3; int steps; int j; int i, w; int last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y; HPEN oldPen; HBRUSH oldBrush; oldPen = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicPen); oldBrush = SelectObject(ruleGC, foreTPicBrush); #ifdef lint lastx = lasty = -1; #endif last_min_x = 30000; last_min_y = 30000; last_max_x = -30000; last_max_y = -30000; for (i = 1; i <= path_len; i++) { if (xx[i] > last_max_x) last_max_x = xx[i]; if (xx[i] < last_min_x) last_min_x = xx[i]; if (yy[i] > last_max_y) last_max_y = yy[i]; if (yy[i] < last_min_y) last_min_y = yy[i]; } N = path_len + 1; xx[0] = xx[1]; yy[0] = yy[1]; xx[N] = xx[N-1]; yy[N] = yy[N-1]; for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { /* interval */ steps = (dist(xx[i], yy[i], xx[i+1], yy[i+1]) + dist(xx[i+1], yy[i+1], xx[i+2], yy[i+2])) / 80; for (j = 0; j < steps; j++) { /* points within */ w = (j * 1000 + 500) / steps; t1 = w * w / 20; w -= 500; t2 = (750000 - w * w) / 10; w -= 500; t3 = w * w / 20; xp = (t1*xx[i+2] + t2*xx[i+1] + t3*xx[i] + 50000) / 100000; yp = (t1*yy[i+2] + t2*yy[i+1] + t3*yy[i] + 50000) / 100000; if (lastvalid) line_btw(lastx, lasty, xp, yp); lastx = xp; lasty = yp; lastvalid = True; } } path_len = 0; do_attribute_path(last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldPen); SelectObject(ruleGC, oldBrush); } /* * Shade the last box, circle, or ellipse */ static void shade_last(char *cp) { blacken = whiten = False; shade = True; if (*cp) { float tempShadetp; if (sscanf(cp, "%f ", &tempShadetp) != 1) { Warning ("Illegal format for shade level: %s", cp); return; } else if (tempShadetp < 0.0 || tempShadetp > 1.0) { Warning ("Invalid shade level: %s", cp); return; } else /* if "sh" has an argument we can safely assume that tpic 2.0 is used so that all subsequent "sh" commands will come with an explicit argument. Hence we may overwrite shadetp's old value */ /* Also note the inversion of gray levels for tpic 2.0 (0 = white, 1 = black) w.r.t. PostScript (0 = black, 1 = white) */ shadetp = 1.0 - tempShadetp; } if (foreTPicBrush) if (!DeleteObject(foreTPicBrush)) Win32Error("shade_last/DeleteObject/foreTPicBrush"); foreTPicBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB((shadetp*255), (shadetp*255), (shadetp*255))); } /* * Make the last box, circle, or ellipse, white inside (shade with white) */ static void whiten_last() { whiten = True; blacken = shade = False; if (foreTPicBrush) if (!DeleteObject(foreTPicBrush)) Win32Error("whiten_last/DeleteObject/foreTPicBrush"); foreTPicBrush = CreateSolidBrush(back_Pixel); } /* * Make last box, etc, black inside */ static void blacken_last() { blacken = True; whiten = shade = False; if (foreTPicBrush) if (!DeleteObject(foreTPicBrush)) Win32Error("blacken_last/DeleteObject/foreTPicBrush"); foreTPicBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fore_Pixel); } /* * Set current shading factor */ /* Taken from dvips ! */ /* set shading level (used with Fig 1.4-TFX). priol@irisa.fr, 89/04 */ /* A better trial at setting shading level -- jourdan@minos.inria.fr */ /* Count number of black bits in the pattern together with total number, */ /* compute the average and use this as the PostScript gray level */ static void set_shade (char *cp) { int blackbits = 0, totalbits = 0; while (*cp) { switch (*cp) { case '0': totalbits += 4; break; case '1': case '2': case '4': case '8': blackbits += 1; totalbits += 4; break; case '3': case '5': case '6': case '9': case 'a': case 'A': case 'c': case 'C': blackbits += 2; totalbits += 4; break; case '7': case 'b': case 'B': case 'd': case 'D': case 'e': case 'E': blackbits += 3; totalbits += 4; break; case 'f': case 'F': blackbits += 4; totalbits += 4; break; case ' ': break; default: Warning("Invalid character in .tx patte: %s\n", cp); return; break; } cp++; } shadetp = 1.0 - ((double) blackbits / (double) totalbits); if (foreTPicBrush) if (!DeleteObject(foreTPicBrush)) Win32Error("set_shade/DeleteObject/foreTPicBrush"); foreTPicBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB((shadetp*255), (shadetp*255), (shadetp*255))); } /* end of SetShade */ /* * Code for PostScript specials begins here. */ #if PS /* * Information on how to search for PS header and figure files. */ static _Xconst char no_f_str_ps[] = "/%f"; static void ps_startup ARGS((int, int, _Xconst char *)); static void ps_startup2 ARGS((void)); void NullProc ARGS((void)) {} /* ARGSUSED */ static void NullProc2 ARGS((_Xconst char *)); struct psprocs psp = { /* used for lazy startup of the ps machinery */ /* toggle */ NullProc, /* destroy */ NullProc, /* interrupt */ NullProc, /* endpage */ NullProc, /* drawbegin */ ps_startup, /* drawraw */ NullProc2, /* drawfile */ NULL, /* drawend */ NullProc2, /* beginheader */ ps_startup2, /* endheader */ NullProc, /* newdoc */ NullProc}; struct psprocs no_ps_procs = { /* used if postscript is unavailable */ /* toggle */ NullProc, /* destroy */ NullProc, /* interrupt */ NullProc, /* endpage */ NullProc, /* drawbegin */ drawbegin_none, /* drawraw */ NullProc2, /* drawfile */ NULL, /* drawend */ NullProc2, /* beginheader */ NullProc, /* endheader */ NullProc, /* newdoc */ NullProc}; #endif /* PS */ static Boolean bbox_valid; static unsigned int bbox_width; static unsigned int bbox_height; static int bbox_angle; static int bbox_voffset; void draw_bbox() { int xcorner, ycorner; if (bbox_valid) { xcorner = PXL_H - currwin.base_x; ycorner = PXL_V - currwin.base_y; if (bbox_angle == 0) { ycorner -= bbox_voffset; XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner, ycorner, xcorner + bbox_width, ycorner); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner + bbox_width, ycorner, xcorner + bbox_width, ycorner + bbox_height); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner + bbox_width, ycorner + bbox_height, xcorner, ycorner + bbox_height); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner, ycorner + bbox_height, xcorner, ycorner); } else { float sin_a = sin(bbox_angle * (TWOPI / 360)); float cos_a = cos(bbox_angle * (TWOPI / 360)); float a, b, c, d; a = cos_a * bbox_width; b = -sin_a * bbox_width; c = -sin_a * bbox_height; d = -cos_a * bbox_height; XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner, ycorner, xcorner + (int) rint(a), ycorner + (int) rint(b)); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner + (int) rint(a), ycorner + (int) rint(b), xcorner + (int) rint(a + c), ycorner + (int) rint(b + d)); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner + (int) rint(a + c), ycorner + (int) rint(b + d), xcorner + (int) rint(c), ycorner + (int) rint(d)); XDrawLine(DISP, currwin.win, ruleGC, xcorner + (int) rint(c), ycorner + (int) rint(d), xcorner, ycorner); } bbox_valid = False; } } #if PS static void actual_startup() { /* * Figure out what we want to use to display postscript figures * and set at most one of the following to True: * resource.useGS, resource.useDPS, resource.useNeWS * * Choose DPS then NEWS then Ghostscript if they are available */ if (!( #ifdef PS_DPS (resource.useDPS && initDPS()) #if defined(PS_NEWS) || defined(PS_GS) || #endif #endif /* PS_DPS */ #ifdef PS_NEWS (resource.useNeWS && initNeWS()) #ifdef PS_GS || #endif #endif /* PS_NEWS */ #ifdef PS_GS (resource.useGS && initGS()) #endif )) psp = no_ps_procs; } static void ps_startup(xul, yul, cp) int xul, yul; _Xconst char *cp; { if (!resource._postscript) { psp.toggle = actual_startup; draw_bbox(); return; } actual_startup(); psp.drawbegin(xul, yul, cp); } static void ps_startup2() { actual_startup(); psp.beginheader(); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void NullProc2(cp) _Xconst char *cp; {} static void ps_parseraw(PostScript_cmd) _Xconst char *PostScript_cmd; { _Xconst char *p; /* dumb parsing of PostScript - search for rotation H. Zeller 1/97 */ bbox_angle = 0; p = strstr(PostScript_cmd, "rotate"); if (p != NULL) { while (*p != '\0' && !isdigit(*p)) --p; while (*p != '\0' && isdigit(*p)) --p; if (*p != '+' && *p != '-') ++p; sscanf(p, "%d neg rotate", &bbox_angle); } } /* ARGSUSED */ void #if NeedFunctionPrototypes drawbegin_none(int xul, int yul, _Xconst char *cp) #else /* !NeedFunctionPrototypes */ drawbegin_none(xul, yul, cp) int xul, yul; _Xconst char *cp; #endif /* NeedFunctionPrototypes */ { draw_bbox(); } struct tickrec { struct tickrec *next; int pageno; char *command; _Xconst char *tmpname; }; static struct tickrec *tickhead = NULL; /* head of linked list of */ /* cached information */ static int nticks = 0; /* number of records total */ #ifndef TICKCACHESIZE #define TICKCACHESIZE 3 #endif #ifndef TICKTMP #define TICKTMP "/tmp" #endif #ifdef WIN32 char tick_tmp[PATH_MAX]; #endif static struct tickrec * cachetick(filename, pathinfo, fp) _Xconst char *filename; kpse_file_format_type pathinfo; FILE **fp; { struct tickrec **linkp; struct tickrec *tikp; struct tickrec **freerecp; static int fileno=0; linkp = &tickhead; freerecp = NULL; for (;;) { /* see if we have it already */ tikp = *linkp; if (tikp == NULL) { /* if end of list */ if (nticks >= TICKCACHESIZE && freerecp != NULL) { tikp = *freerecp; *freerecp = tikp->next; free(tikp->command); unlink(tikp->tmpname); } else { /* This will overflow when we get 10^9 temporary files. If we have to worry I worry */ char *buffer=malloc(strlen(temporary_dir)+10); tikp = (struct tickrec *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct tickrec)); sprintf(buffer,"%s/%d",temporary_dir,fileno); fileno++; tikp->tmpname = buffer; tikp->pageno = -1; if (tikp->tmpname == NULL) { Fputs("Cannot create temporary file name.\n", stderr); free((char *) tikp); return NULL; } ++nticks; } tikp->command = xmalloc((unsigned) strlen(filename) + 1); Strcpy(tikp->command, filename); *fp = NULL; break; } if (strcmp(filename, tikp->command) == 0) { /* found it */ *linkp = tikp->next; /* unlink it */ *fp = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, OPEN_MODE); if (*fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); } break; } if (tikp->pageno != current_page) freerecp = linkp; linkp = &tikp->next; } tikp->next = tickhead; /* link it in */ tickhead = tikp; tikp->pageno = pathinfo != kpse_tex_ps_header_format ? current_page : -1; return tikp; } #ifndef UNCOMPRESS #define UNCOMPRESS "uncompress" #endif #ifndef GUNZIP #define GUNZIP "gunzip" #endif #ifndef BUNZIP2 #define BUNZIP2 "bunzip2" #endif #ifdef WIN32 /* =========================================================================== * Uncompress input to output then close both files. */ void gz_uncompress(gzFile in, FILE *out) { char buf[16384]; int len; int err; for (;;) { len = gzread(in, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "gunzip: %s\n", (gzerror(in, &err))); return; } if (len == 0) break; if ((int)fwrite(buf, 1, (unsigned)len, out) != len) { fprintf(stderr, "gunzip: failed fwrite\n"); return; } } if (fclose(out)) { fprintf(stderr, "gunzip: failed fclose\n"); return; } if (gzclose(in) != Z_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "gunzip: failed gzclose\n"); return; } } #endif #ifdef USE_POPEN static char buf_popen[1024]; #endif static void send_ps_file(filename, pathinfo) _Xconst char *filename; kpse_file_format_type pathinfo; { FILE *f; static _Xconst char *argv[] = {NULL, "-c", NULL, NULL}; _Xconst char *bufp; struct tickrec *tikp; int len; char magic1, magic2, magic3; if (psp.drawfile == NULL || !resource._postscript) return; #ifdef HTEX filename=urlocalize(filename); if (((URLbase != NULL) && htex_is_url(urlocalize(URLbase))) || (htex_is_url(filename))) { /* xfopen knows how to fetch url things */ URL_aware=1; f = xfopen(filename, OPEN_MODE); bufp=filelist[lastwwwopen].file; URL_aware=0; } else #endif if (filename[0] == '`') { if (!resource.allow_shell) { if (warn_spec_now) Fprintf(stderr, "%s: shell escape disallowed for special \"%s\"\n", prog, filename); return; } tikp = cachetick(filename, pathinfo, &f); if (tikp == NULL) return; if (f == NULL) { #ifdef USE_POPEN FILE *in, *out; int nb_read, nb_written; in = popen(filename+1, OPEN_MODE); out = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, "wb"); if (!in) { fclose(out); fprintf(stderr, "Can't popen %s\n", filename+1); return; } /* Copying the result of popen to tmpname */ for ( ; !feof(in); ) { nb_read = fread(buf_popen, 1, sizeof(buf_popen), in); if (ferror(in)) { perror(filename+1); break; } nb_written = fwrite(buf_popen, 1, nb_read, out); if (ferror(out)) { perror(tikp->tmpname); break; } } pclose(in); fclose(out); #else len = strlen(filename) + strlen(tikp->tmpname) + (4 - 1); if (len > ffline_len) expandline(len); Sprintf(ffline, "%s > %s", filename + 1, tikp->tmpname); (void) system(ffline); #endif f = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, OPEN_MODE); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } } bufp = tikp->tmpname; } else { bufp = kpse_find_file (filename, pathinfo, True); f = bufp ? xfopen (bufp, OPEN_MODE) : NULL; /* if still no luck, complain */ if (f == NULL) { Fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot find PS file `%s'.\n", prog, filename); draw_bbox(); return; } #ifdef WIN32 /* check for compressed files */ len = strlen(filename); magic1 = '\037'; magic3 = '\0'; if ((len > 2 && _stricmp(filename + len - 2, ".Z") == 0 && (magic2 = '\235', True)) || (len > 3 && _stricmp(filename + len - 3, ".gz") == 0 && (magic2 = '\213', True))) { /* Uncompress or Gzip */ if (getc(f) != magic1 || (char) getc(f) != magic2) rewind(f); else { Fclose(f); ++n_files_left; tikp = cachetick(filename, pathinfo, &f); if (tikp == NULL) return; if (f == NULL) { FILE *outfile; gzFile *infile; infile = gzopen(bufp, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't gzopen %s\n", prog, bufp); return; } /* FIXME: Check that this is correct wrt to the unix case, tmpname are reused. */ if ((outfile = fopen(tikp->tmpname, "wb")) == NULL) { perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } gz_uncompress(infile, outfile); /* Files closing is cared of by gz_uncompress ! */ f = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, OPEN_MODE); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } } bufp = tikp->tmpname; } } else if (len > 4 && _stricmp(filename + len - 4, ".bz2") == 0) { /* Bunzip2 */ magic1 = 'B'; magic2 = 'Z'; magic3 = 'h'; if (getc(f) != magic1 || (char) getc(f) != magic2 || getc(f) != magic3) rewind(f); else { Fclose(f); ++n_files_left; tikp = cachetick(filename, pathinfo, &f); if (tikp == NULL) return; if (f == NULL) { FILE *outfile; BZFILE *infile; unsigned char buf[4096]; size_t len; infile = BZ2_bzopen(bufp, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't BZ2_bzopen %s\n", prog, bufp); return; } /* FIXME: Check that this is correct wrt to the unix case, tmpname are reused. */ if ((outfile = fopen(tikp->tmpname, "wb")) == NULL) { perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } while ((len = BZ2_bzread(infile, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) fwrite (buf, 1, len, outfile); BZ2_bzclose (infile); fclose(outfile); f = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, OPEN_MODE); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } } bufp = tikp->tmpname; } } else if (len > 3 && _stricmp(filename + len - 2, ".zip") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Zip files are not supported (%s)\n", prog, filename); Fclose(f); return; } else { /* Not a compressed file ? */ rewind(f); } } #else /* check for compressed files */ len = strlen(filename); magic1 = '\037'; magic3 = '\0'; if ((len > 2 && strcmp(filename + len - 2, ".Z") == 0 && (argv[0] = UNCOMPRESS, magic2 = '\235', True)) || (len > 3 && strcmp(filename + len - 3, ".gz") == 0 && (argv[0] = GUNZIP, magic2 = '\213', True)) || (len > 4 && strcmp(filename + len - 4, ".bz2") == 0 && (argv[0] = BUNZIP2, magic1 = 'B', magic2 = 'Z', magic3 = 'h', True))) { if (getc(f) != magic1 || (char) getc(f) != magic2 || (magic3 != '\0' && getc(f) != magic3)) rewind(f); else { Fclose(f); ++n_files_left; tikp = cachetick(filename, pathinfo, &f); if (tikp == NULL) return; if (f == NULL) { pid_t pid; int handle; int status; argv[2] = bufp; handle = open(tikp->tmpname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (handle == -1 && errno == EEXIST) { /* The tmpnames are reused for each page so unlink the tmpname file from the previous page */ unlink(tikp->tmpname); handle = open(tikp->tmpname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } if (handle == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } Fflush(stderr); /* avoid double flushing */ pid = vfork(); if (pid == 0) { /* if child */ (void) dup2(handle, 1); (void) execvp(argv[0], (char **) argv); Fprintf(stderr, "Execvp of %s failed.\n", argv[0]); Fflush(stderr); _exit(1); } (void) close(handle); for (;;) { #if HAVE_WAITPID if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != -1) break; #else # if HAVE_WAIT4 if (wait4(pid, &status, 0, (struct rusage *) NULL) != -1) break; # else int retval; retval = wait(&status); if (retval == pid) break; if (retval != -1) continue; # endif /* HAVE_WAIT4 */ #endif /* HAVE_WAITPID */ if (errno == EINTR) continue; perror("[xdvi] waitpid"); return; } f = xfopen(tikp->tmpname, OPEN_MODE); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); return; } } bufp = tikp->tmpname; } } } #endif /* Success! */ psp.drawfile(bufp, f, filename); /* this is supposed to close the file */ } void ps_newdoc() { struct tickrec *tikp; scanned_page = scanned_page_bak = scanned_page_reset = resource.prescan ? -1 : total_pages; for (tikp = tickhead; tikp != NULL; tikp = tikp->next) tikp->pageno = -1; psp.newdoc(); } void ps_destroy() { struct tickrec *tikp; /* Note: old NeXT systems (at least) lack atexit/on_exit. */ psp.destroy(); for (tikp = tickhead; tikp != NULL; tikp = tikp->next) if (unlink(tikp->tmpname) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ("__FILE__" at line %d) ", prog, __LINE__); perror(tikp->tmpname); } } #endif /* PS */ static void psfig_special(cp) char *cp; { char *filename; int raww, rawh; if (strncmp(cp, ":[begin]", 8) == 0) { cp += 8; bbox_valid = False; bbox_angle = 0; if (sscanf(cp,"%d %d\n", &raww, &rawh) >= 2) { bbox_valid = True; bbox_width = pixel_conv(spell_conv(raww)); bbox_height = pixel_conv(spell_conv(rawh)); bbox_voffset = 0; } if (currwin.win == mane.win) #if PS if (isPrinting) psp.drawbegin(PXL_H, PXL_V, cp); else psp.drawbegin(PXL_H - currwin.base_x, PXL_V - currwin.base_y, cp); #else draw_bbox(); #endif psfig_begun = True; } else if (strncmp(cp, " plotfile ", 10) == 0) { cp += 10; while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; /* handle "`zcat file". Borrowed from dvipsk...*/ if (*cp == '"') { cp++; for (filename = cp; *cp && (*cp != '"'); ++cp); } else { for (filename = cp; *cp && !isspace(*cp); ++cp); } *cp = '\0'; #if PS if (currwin.win == mane.win) send_ps_file(filename, kpse_pict_format); #endif } else if (strncmp(cp, ":[end]", 6) == 0) { cp += 6; #if PS if (currwin.win == mane.win) psp.drawend(cp); #endif bbox_valid = False; psfig_begun = False; } else { /* I am going to send some raw postscript stuff */ if (*cp == ':') ++cp; /* skip second colon in ps:: */ #if PS if (currwin.win == mane.win) { ps_parseraw(cp); if (psfig_begun) psp.drawraw(cp); else { if (isPrinting) psp.drawbegin(PXL_H, PXL_V, cp); else psp.drawbegin(PXL_H - currwin.base_x, PXL_V - currwin.base_y, cp); psp.drawend(""); } } #endif } } /* Keys for epsf specials */ static _Xconst char *keytab[] = {"clip", "llx", "lly", "urx", "ury", "rwi", "rhi", "hsize", "vsize", "hoffset", "voffset", "hscale", "vscale", "angle"}; #define KEY_LLX keyval[0] #define KEY_LLY keyval[1] #define KEY_URX keyval[2] #define KEY_URY keyval[3] #define KEY_RWI keyval[4] #define KEY_RHI keyval[5] #define NKEYS (sizeof(keytab)/sizeof(*keytab)) #define N_ARGLESS_KEYS 1 static void epsf_special(cp) char *cp; { char *filename; static char *buffer; static unsigned int buflen = 0; unsigned int len; char *q; int flags = 0; double keyval[6]; filename = cp; if (*cp == '\'' || *cp == '"') { do ++cp; while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != *filename); ++filename; } else while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') ++cp; if (*cp != '\0') *cp++ = '\0'; while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') ++cp; len = strlen(cp) + NKEYS + 30; if (buflen < len) { if (buflen != 0) free(buffer); buflen = len; buffer = xmalloc(buflen); } Strcpy(buffer, "@beginspecial"); q = buffer + strlen(buffer); while (*cp != '\0') { char *p1 = cp; int keyno; while (*p1 != '=' && !isspace(*p1) && *p1 != '\0') ++p1; for (keyno = 0;; ++keyno) { if (keyno >= NKEYS) { if (warn_spec_now) Fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown keyword (%*s) in \\special will be ignored\n", prog, (int) (p1 - cp), cp); break; } if (memcmp(cp, keytab[keyno], p1 - cp) == 0) { if (keyno >= N_ARGLESS_KEYS) { while (isspace(*p1)) ++p1; if (*p1 == '=') { ++p1; while (isspace(*p1)) ++p1; } if (keyno < N_ARGLESS_KEYS + 6) { keyval[keyno - N_ARGLESS_KEYS] = atof(p1); flags |= (1 << (keyno - N_ARGLESS_KEYS)); } *q++ = ' '; while (!isspace(*p1) && *p1 != '\0') *q++ = *p1++; } *q++ = ' '; *q++ = '@'; Strcpy(q, keytab[keyno]); q += strlen(q); break; } } cp = p1; while (!isspace(*cp) && *cp != '\0') ++cp; while (isspace(*cp)) ++cp; } Strcpy(q, " @setspecial\n"); bbox_valid = False; if ((flags & 0x30) == 0x30 || ((flags & 0x30) && (flags & 0xf) == 0xf)){ bbox_valid = True; bbox_width = 0.1 * ((flags & 0x10) ? KEY_RWI : KEY_RHI * (KEY_URX - KEY_LLX) / (KEY_URY - KEY_LLY)) * dimconv / shrink_factor + 0.5; bbox_voffset = bbox_height = 0.1 * ((flags & 0x20) ? KEY_RHI : KEY_RWI * (KEY_URY - KEY_LLY) / (KEY_URX - KEY_LLX)) * dimconv / shrink_factor + 0.5; } if (filename && currwin.win == mane.win) { #if PS if (isPrinting) psp.drawbegin(PXL_H, PXL_V, buffer); else psp.drawbegin(PXL_H - currwin.base_x, PXL_V - currwin.base_y, buffer); /* talk directly with the DPSHandler here */ send_ps_file(filename, kpse_pict_format); psp.drawend(" @endspecial"); #else draw_bbox(); #endif } bbox_valid = False; } static void quote_special(cp) char *cp; { bbox_valid = False; #if PS if (currwin.win == mane.win) { if (isPrinting) psp.drawbegin(PXL_H, PXL_V, "@beginspecial @setspecial "); else psp.drawbegin(PXL_H - currwin.base_x, PXL_V - currwin.base_y, "@beginspecial @setspecial "); /* talk directly with the DPSHandler here */ psp.drawraw(cp + 1); psp.drawend(" @endspecial"); } #endif /* nothing else to do--there's no bbox here */ } #if PS static void scan_header(cp) char *cp; { char *filename; filename = cp; if (*cp == '\'' || *cp == '"') { do ++cp; while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != *filename); *cp = '\0'; ++filename; } psp.beginheader(); send_ps_file(filename, kpse_tex_ps_header_format); } static void scan_bang(cp) char *cp; { psp.beginheader(); psp.drawraw(cp + 1); } #endif /* PS */ /* Color support. Basically, the primitives supported by dvips. Still do not work when printing. Colors are mixed up because we can't do transparent blt directly on the printer dc. */ void background P1C(char *, p) { /* this should be valid only for the current page */ while ( *p <= ' ' ) p++ ; #if DEBUG_COLOR fprintf(stderr, "Special : background %s\n", p); #endif SetBackColor(string_to_colorref(p)); } void pushcolor P2C(char *, p, Boolean, outtops) { COLORREF c = string_to_colorref(p); #if DEBUG_COLOR fprintf(stderr, "Special : push color %s %8x\n", p, c); #endif CRefPush(color_stack, c); SetForeColor(c); } void popcolor P1C(Boolean, outtops) { CRefPop(color_stack); SetForeColor(CRefTop(color_stack)); #if DEBUG_COLOR fprintf(stderr, "Special : pop color %8x\n", fore_Pixel); #endif } void resetcolorstack P2C(char *, p, int, outtops) { COLORREF c = string_to_colorref(p); CRefResetInit(color_stack, c); SetForeColor(c); } /* * The following copyright message applies to the rest of this file. --PV */ /* * This program is Copyright (C) 1987 by the Board of Trustees of the * University of Illinois, and by the author Dirk Grunwald. * * This program may be freely copied, as long as this copyright * message remaines affixed. It may not be sold, although it may * be distributed with other software which is sold. If the * software is distributed, the source code must be made available. * * No warranty, expressed or implied, is given with this software. * It is presented in the hope that it will prove useful. * * Hacked in ignorance and desperation by jonah@db.toronto.edu */ /* * The code to handle the \specials generated by tpic was modified * by Dirk Grunwald using the code Tim Morgan at Univ. of Calif, Irvine * wrote for TeXsun. */ static char * endofcommand(cp) char *cp; { while (isspace(*cp)) ++cp; if (*cp != '=') return NULL; do ++cp; while (isspace(*cp)); return cp; } // addition SU: copied from dvi-draw.c #define xtell(pos) ((long) (lseek(fileno(dvi_file), 0L, SEEK_CUR) - \ (currinf.end - (pos)))) void applicationDoSpecial(cp, maybe_src) char *cp; int maybe_src; { char *p; boolean gs_allowed; struct drawinf oldinfo; ubyte ch; float pt_size; off_t file_pos; static Position remember_H, remember_V; #ifdef TRANSFORM extern XFORM *gs_getmatrix(void); extern void xfrm_record(XFORM *); extern void xfrm_apply(void); #endif /* Skip white space */ while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') ++cp; if (allowDrawingChars && maybe_src) { /* BEGIN CHUNK special.c 1 */ #ifdef SRC_SPECIALS if (memicmp(cp, "src:", 4) == 0) { /* oldinfo = currinf; file_pos = xtell(currinf.pos); pt_size = src_look_forward(dimconv); fprintf(stderr, "returning.\n"); currinf = oldinfo; (void) lseek(fileno(dvi_file), file_pos, SEEK_SET); src_eval_special(cp + 4, PXL_H, PXL_V, pt_size); */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "executing %d, %d for %s\n", remember_H, remember_V, cp + 4); #endif src_eval_special(cp + 4, remember_H, remember_V); delay_src = False; } return; #endif /* END CHUNK special.c 1 */ } /* PostScript specials */ gs_allowed = !allowDrawingChars && ((mane.shrinkfactor > 1) || isPrinting); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "special found at %ld: %s, isPrinting = %d, gs_allowed = %d\n", currinf.pos, cp, isPrinting, gs_allowed); #endif /* We do not allow to use gs at magnification 1 */ if (*cp == '"') { if (gs_allowed) { quote_special(cp); #ifdef TRANSFORM xfrm_record(gs_getmatrix()); #endif } #ifdef TRANSFORM else if (allowDrawingChars) { xfrm_apply(); } #endif return; } if (memicmp(cp, "ps:", 3) == 0) { if (gs_allowed) { psfig_special(cp + 3); #ifdef TRANSFORM xfrm_record(gs_getmatrix()); #endif } #ifdef TRANSFORM else if (allowDrawingChars) { xfrm_apply(); } #endif return; } if (memicmp(cp, "src:", 4) == 0) { if (allowDrawingChars) { #ifdef SRC_SPECIALS remember_V = PXL_V; remember_H = PXL_H; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "remembering %d, %d for %s\n", remember_H, remember_V, cp + 4); #endif delay_src = True; #else fprintf(stderr, "special not handled: %s\n", cp); #endif } return; } if (memicmp(cp, "psfile", 6) == 0 && (p = endofcommand(cp + 6)) != NULL) { if (gs_allowed) { epsf_special(p); #ifdef TRANSFORM xfrm_record(gs_getmatrix()); #endif } #ifdef TRANSFORM else if (allowDrawingChars) { xfrm_apply(); } #endif return; } /* these should have been scanned */ if (*cp == '!' || (memicmp(cp, "header", 6) == 0 && endofcommand(cp + 6) != NULL)) { #if PS if (resource._postscript && scanned_page_reset >= 0) { /* turn on scanning and redraw the page */ scanned_page = scanned_page_bak = scanned_page_reset = -1; psp.interrupt(); canit = True; /* longjmp(canit_env, 1); */ SendMessage(hWndDraw, WM_COMMAND, IDM_REDRAWPAGE, 0); } #endif return; } /* Color specials */ if (memicmp(cp, "background", 10) == 0) { #if 0 if (scanned_page_reset >= 0) { p = cp + 11; while ( *p <= ' ' ) p++ ; background(p) ; scanned_page = scanned_page_bak = scanned_page_reset = -1; if (! isPrinting) SendMessage(hWndDraw, WM_COMMAND, IDM_REDRAWPAGE, 0); } #else p = cp + 11; while ( *p <= ' ' ) p++ ; background(p) ; #endif return ; } if (memicmp(cp, "landscape", 9) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "special not handled: %s\n", cp); return; } if (memicmp(cp, "papersize", 9) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "special not handled: %s\n", cp); return; } if (memicmp(cp, "pos:", 4) == 0) { /* ignore positional specials */ return; } if (memicmp(cp, "xtex:", 5) == 0) { return; } if (memicmp(cp, "em:", 3) == 0) { if (currwin.win == hWndDraw) emspecial(cp+3, PXL_H, PXL_V); return; } if (memicmp(cp, "color", 5) == 0) { p = cp + 6; while ( *p <= ' ' ) p++ ; if (memicmp(p, "push", 4) == 0) { p += 5; while ( *p <= ' ' ) p++ ; pushcolor(p, 0) ; } else if (memicmp(p, "pop", 3) == 0) { popcolor(0) ; } else { resetcolorstack(p,0) ; } return; } /* IBM: color - end changes */ #ifdef HTEX if (checkHyperTeX(cp, current_page)) return; #endif /* tpic specials */ if (*cp >= 'a' && *cp <= 'z' && cp[1] >= 'a' && cp[1] <= 'z' && (isspace(cp[2]) || cp[2] == '\0')) { #if DEBUG_TPIC fprintf(stderr, "Tpic special : %s\n", cp); #endif switch (CMD(*cp, cp[1])) { case CMD('p','n'): set_pen_size(cp + 2); return; case CMD('f','p'): flush_path(); return; case CMD('d','a'): flush_dashed(cp + 2, False); return; case CMD('d','t'): flush_dashed(cp + 2, True); return; case CMD('p','a'): add_path(cp + 2); return; case CMD('a','r'): arc(cp + 2, False); return; case CMD('i','a'): arc(cp + 2, True); return; case CMD('s','p'): flush_spline(cp+2); return; case CMD('s','h'): shade_last(cp+2); return; case CMD('w','h'): whiten_last(); return; case CMD('b','k'): blacken_last(); return; case CMD('i','p'): /* throw away the path -- jansteen */ path_len = 0; return; case CMD('t','x'): set_shade(cp+2); return; } } if (warn_spec_now) Fprintf(stderr, "%s: special \"%s\" not implemented\n", prog, cp); } #undef CMD #if PS void scan_special(cp) char *cp; { char *p; /* Skip white space */ while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') ++cp; if (debug & DBG_PS) Printf("Scanning special `%s'.\n", cp); if (*cp == '"' || memicmp(cp, "ps:", 3) == 0 || (memicmp(cp, "psfile", 6) == 0 && (p = endofcommand(cp + 6)) != NULL) || ((memicmp(cp, "header", 6) == 0) && ((p = endofcommand(cp + 6)) != NULL))) { psToDisplay = TRUE; } /* these should have been scanned */ if (*cp == '!') scan_bang(cp); else if ((memicmp(cp, "header", 6) == 0) && ((p = endofcommand(cp + 6)) != NULL)) scan_header(p); else if (memicmp(cp, "background", 10) == 0 || memicmp(cp, "color", 5) == 0) { scan_colors(cp); } } #endif /* PS */