/****************************************************************************\ Part of the XeTeX typesetting system copyright (c) 1994-2008 by SIL International copyright (c) 2009 by Jonathan Kew Written by Jonathan Kew Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the copyright holders. \****************************************************************************/ /* additional declarations we want to slip in for xetex */ #define native_node_size 6 #define native_node_text(p) ((unsigned short*)(&(mem[(p) + native_node_size]))) #define getnativechar(p,i) native_node_text(p)[i] #define setnativechar(p,i,v) native_node_text(p)[i] = v #define getnativeusv(p,i) \ ((native_node_text(p)[i] >= 0xd800 && native_node_text(p)[i] < 0xdc00) ? \ 0x10000 + (native_node_text(p)[i] - 0xd800) * 0x400 + native_node_text(p)[(i)+1] - 0xdc00 : \ native_node_text(p)[i]) /* p is native_word node; g is XeTeX_use_glyph_metrics flag */ #define setnativemetrics(p,g) measure_native_node(&(mem[p]), g) #define setnativeglyphmetrics(p,g) measure_native_glyph(&(mem[p]), g) #define setjustifiednativeglyphs(p) store_justified_native_glyphs(&(mem[p])) #define getnativeitaliccorrection(p) get_native_ital_corr(&(mem[p])) #define getnativeglyphitaliccorrection(p) get_native_glyph_ital_corr(&(mem[p])) #define getnativeglyph(p,i) get_native_glyph_id(&(mem[p]), i) #define makexdvglypharraydata(p) makeXDVGlyphArrayData(&(mem[p])) #define xdvbufferbyte(i) xdvbuffer[i] #define getnativewordcp(p,s) get_native_word_cp(&(mem[p]), s) void* getotassemblyptr(int f, int g, int horiz); /* function in XeTeXOTMath.cpp */ #define pic_node_size 8 #define deref(p) (*(p)) #define findpicfile(a,b,c,d) find_pic_file(a, b, c, d) #define picpathbyte(p,i) ((unsigned char*)&(mem[p+pic_node_size]))[i] #define dviopenout(f) open_dvi_output(&(f)) #define nullptr (NULL) #define glyphinfobyte(p,k) ((unsigned char*)p)[k] #define casttoushort(x) (unsigned short)(x) /* easier to do the bit-twiddling here than in Pascal */ /* read fields from a 32-bit math code */ #define mathfamfield(x) (((unsigned)(x) >> 24) & 0xFF) #define mathclassfield(x) (((unsigned)(x) >> 21) & 0x07) #define mathcharfield(x) ((unsigned)(x) & 0x1FFFFF) /* calculate pieces to assign to a math code */ #define setfamilyfield(x) (((unsigned)(x) & 0xFF) << 24) #define setclassfield(x) (((unsigned)(x) & 0x07) << 21) /* Unicode file reading modes */ #define AUTO 0 /* default: will become one of 1..3 at file open time, after sniffing */ #define UTF8 1 #define UTF16BE 2 #define UTF16LE 3 #define RAW 4 #define ICUMAPPING 5 /* we don't use xchr, so change the cpascal.h definition of this... */ #undef Xchr #define Xchr(x) (x) #ifdef XETEX_MAC #undef input /* this is defined in texmfmp.h, but we don't need it and it confuses the carbon headers */ #undef output #include /* for Mac OS X, it's handy to have the Carbon APIs available */ #endif #include "trans.h" /* functions for affine transform operations */ #define Byte my_Byte /* hack to work around typedef conflict with zlib */ #include /* include this before XeTeX_ext.h */ #undef Byte #include "XeTeX_ext.h" /* other extension functions */