/****************************************************************************\ Part of the XeTeX typesetting system copyright (c) 1994-2006 by SIL International written by Jonathan Kew Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL SIL INTERNATIONAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of SIL International shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from SIL International. \****************************************************************************/ /* XeTeX_mac.c * additional plain C extensions for XeTeX - MacOS-specific routines */ #ifdef __POWERPC__ #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2 #else #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #endif #define EXTERN extern #include "xetexd.h" #undef input /* this is defined in texmfmp.h, but we don't need it and it confuses the carbon headers */ #include #include #include "TECkit_Engine.h" #include "XeTeX_ext.h" #include "XeTeXLayoutInterface.h" #include "XeTeXswap.h" static ATSUTextLayout sTextLayout = 0; static void InitializeLayout() { OSStatus status = ATSUCreateTextLayout(&sTextLayout); ATSUFontFallbacks fallbacks; status = ATSUCreateFontFallbacks(&fallbacks); status = ATSUSetObjFontFallbacks(fallbacks, 0, 0, kATSULastResortOnlyFallback); ATSUAttributeTag tag = kATSULineFontFallbacksTag; ByteCount valueSize = sizeof(fallbacks); ATSUAttributeValuePtr value = &fallbacks; status = ATSUSetLayoutControls(sTextLayout, 1, &tag, &valueSize, &value); status = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(sTextLayout, true); } static inline double TeXtoPSPoints(double pts) { return pts * 72.0 / 72.27; } static inline double PStoTeXPoints(double pts) { return pts * 72.27 / 72.0; } static inline Fixed FixedTeXtoPSPoints(Fixed pts) { return X2Fix(TeXtoPSPoints(Fix2X(pts))); } static inline Fixed FixedPStoTeXPoints(Fixed pts) { return X2Fix(PStoTeXPoints(Fix2X(pts))); } void DoAtsuiLayout(void* p, int justify) { memoryword* node = (memoryword*)p; unsigned f = native_font(node); if (fontarea[f] != AAT_FONT_FLAG) { fprintf(stderr, "internal error: do_atsui_layout called for non-ATSUI font\n"); exit(1); } if (sTextLayout == 0) InitializeLayout(); OSStatus status = noErr; long txtLen = native_length(node); const UniChar* txtPtr = (UniChar*)(node + native_node_size); status = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(sTextLayout, txtPtr, 0, txtLen, txtLen); // we're using this font in AAT mode, so fontlayoutengine[f] is actually an ATSUStyle ATSUStyle style = (ATSUStyle)(fontlayoutengine[native_font(node)]); status = ATSUSetRunStyle(sTextLayout, style, 0, txtLen); ATSUAttributeTag tags[] = { kATSULineWidthTag, kATSULineJustificationFactorTag }; ItemCount numTags = sizeof(tags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag); if (justify) { ByteCount valSizes[] = { sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(Fract) }; Fixed wid = FixedTeXtoPSPoints(node_width(node)); Fract just = fract1; ATSUAttributeValuePtr valPtrs[] = { &wid, &just }; status = ATSUSetLayoutControls(sTextLayout, numTags, tags, valSizes, valPtrs); } ItemCount count; ATSLayoutRecord* layoutRec = NULL; status = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout(sTextLayout, 0, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, (void*)&layoutRec, &count); int i; int realGlyphCount = 0; int lastRealGlyph = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (layoutRec[i].glyphID < 0xfffe) { lastRealGlyph = i; ++realGlyphCount; } void* glyph_info = xmalloc(realGlyphCount * native_glyph_info_size); FixedPoint* locations = (FixedPoint*)glyph_info; UInt16* glyphIDs = (UInt16*)(locations + realGlyphCount); Fixed lsUnit = justify ? 0 : fontletterspace[f]; Fixed lsDelta = 0; realGlyphCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (layoutRec[i].glyphID < 0xfffe) { if ((layoutRec[i].flags & kATSGlyphInfoIsAttachment) && (lsDelta != 0)) lsDelta -= lsUnit; glyphIDs[realGlyphCount] = layoutRec[i].glyphID; locations[realGlyphCount].y = 0; /* FIXME: won't handle baseline offsets */ locations[realGlyphCount].x = FixedPStoTeXPoints(layoutRec[i].realPos) + lsDelta; lsDelta += lsUnit; ++realGlyphCount; } } if (lsDelta != 0) lsDelta -= lsUnit; native_glyph_count(node) = realGlyphCount; native_glyph_info_ptr(node) = glyph_info; if (!justify) node_width(node) = FixedPStoTeXPoints(layoutRec[count-1].realPos) + lsDelta; ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr(NULL, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, (void*)&layoutRec); if (justify) ATSUClearLayoutControls(sTextLayout, numTags, tags); } static OSStatus QuadraticClosePath(void *callBackDataPtr) { return 0; } static OSStatus QuadraticCurve(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *controlPt, const Float32Point *pt2, void *callBackDataPtr) { GlyphBBox* data = (GlyphBBox*)callBackDataPtr; if (pt1->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt1->x; if (pt1->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt1->x; if (pt1->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt1->y; if (pt1->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt1->y; if (pt2->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt2->x; if (pt2->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt2->x; if (pt2->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt2->y; if (pt2->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt2->y; if (controlPt->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = controlPt->x; if (controlPt->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = controlPt->x; if (controlPt->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = controlPt->y; if (controlPt->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = controlPt->y; return 0; } static OSStatus QuadraticLine(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *pt2, void *callBackDataPtr) { GlyphBBox* data = (GlyphBBox*)callBackDataPtr; if (pt1->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt1->x; if (pt1->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt1->x; if (pt1->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt1->y; if (pt1->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt1->y; if (pt2->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt2->x; if (pt2->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt2->x; if (pt2->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt2->y; if (pt2->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt2->y; return 0; } static OSStatus QuadraticNewPath(void *callBackDataPtr) { return 0; } static OSStatus CubicMoveTo(const Float32Point *pt, void *callBackDataPtr) { GlyphBBox* data = (GlyphBBox*)callBackDataPtr; if (pt->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt->x; if (pt->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt->x; if (pt->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt->y; if (pt->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt->y; return 0; } static OSStatus CubicLineTo(const Float32Point *pt, void *callBackDataPtr) { GlyphBBox* data = (GlyphBBox*)callBackDataPtr; if (pt->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt->x; if (pt->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt->x; if (pt->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt->y; if (pt->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt->y; return 0; } static OSStatus CubicCurveTo(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *pt2, const Float32Point *pt3, void *callBackDataPtr) { GlyphBBox* data = (GlyphBBox*)callBackDataPtr; if (pt1->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt1->x; if (pt1->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt1->x; if (pt1->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt1->y; if (pt1->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt1->y; if (pt2->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt2->x; if (pt2->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt2->x; if (pt2->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt2->y; if (pt2->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt2->y; if (pt3->x < data->xMin) data->xMin = pt3->x; if (pt3->x > data->xMax) data->xMax = pt3->x; if (pt3->y < data->yMin) data->yMin = pt3->y; if (pt3->y > data->yMax) data->yMax = pt3->y; return 0; } static OSStatus CubicClosePath(void *callBackDataPtr) { return 0; } void GetGlyphBBox_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid, GlyphBBox* bbox) /* returns glyph bounding box in TeX points */ { ATSCurveType curveType; OSStatus status; bbox->xMin = 65536.0; bbox->yMin = 65536.0; bbox->xMax = -65536.0; bbox->yMax = -65536.0; status = ATSUGetNativeCurveType(style, &curveType); if (status == noErr) { OSStatus cbStatus; if (curveType == kATSCubicCurveType) { static ATSCubicMoveToUPP cubicMoveToProc; static ATSCubicLineToUPP cubicLineToProc; static ATSCubicCurveToUPP cubicCurveToProc; static ATSCubicClosePathUPP cubicClosePathProc; if (cubicMoveToProc == NULL) { cubicMoveToProc = NewATSCubicMoveToUPP(&CubicMoveTo); cubicLineToProc = NewATSCubicLineToUPP(&CubicLineTo); cubicCurveToProc = NewATSCubicCurveToUPP(&CubicCurveTo); cubicClosePathProc = NewATSCubicClosePathUPP(&CubicClosePath); } status = ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths(style, gid, cubicMoveToProc, cubicLineToProc, cubicCurveToProc, cubicClosePathProc, bbox, &cbStatus); } else { static ATSQuadraticNewPathUPP quadraticNewPathProc; static ATSQuadraticLineUPP quadraticLineProc; static ATSQuadraticCurveUPP quadraticCurveProc; static ATSQuadraticClosePathUPP quadraticClosePathProc; if (quadraticNewPathProc == NULL) { quadraticNewPathProc = NewATSQuadraticNewPathUPP(&QuadraticNewPath); quadraticLineProc = NewATSQuadraticLineUPP(&QuadraticLine); quadraticCurveProc = NewATSQuadraticCurveUPP(&QuadraticCurve); quadraticClosePathProc = NewATSQuadraticClosePathUPP(&QuadraticClosePath); } status = ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths(style, gid, quadraticNewPathProc, quadraticLineProc, quadraticCurveProc, quadraticClosePathProc, bbox, &cbStatus); } } if (status != noErr || bbox->xMin == 65536.0) bbox->xMin = bbox->yMin = bbox->xMax = bbox->yMax = 0; else { // convert PS to TeX points and flip y-axis float tmp = bbox->yMin; bbox->yMin = -bbox->yMax * 72.27 / 72.0; bbox->yMax = -tmp * 72.27 / 72.0; bbox->xMin *= 72.27 / 72.0; bbox->xMax *= 72.27 / 72.0; } } float GetGlyphWidth_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid) /* returns TeX points */ { ATSGlyphIdealMetrics metrics; OSStatus status = ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics(style, 1, &gid, 0, &metrics); if (status == noErr) return PStoTeXPoints(metrics.advance.x); else return 0; } void GetGlyphHeightDepth_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid, float* ht, float* dp) /* returns TeX points */ { GlyphBBox bbox; GetGlyphBBox_AAT(style, gid, &bbox); *ht = bbox.yMax; *dp = -bbox.yMin; } void GetGlyphSidebearings_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid, float* lsb, float* rsb) /* returns TeX points */ { ATSGlyphIdealMetrics metrics; OSStatus status = ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics(style, 1, &gid, 0, &metrics); if (status == noErr) { GlyphBBox bbox; GetGlyphBBox_AAT(style, gid, &bbox); *lsb = bbox.xMin; *rsb = PStoTeXPoints(metrics.advance.x) - bbox.xMax; } else { *lsb = *rsb = 0; } } float GetGlyphItalCorr_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid) { float rval = 0.0; ATSGlyphIdealMetrics metrics; OSStatus status = ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics(style, 1, &gid, 0, &metrics); if (status == noErr) { GlyphBBox bbox; GetGlyphBBox_AAT(style, gid, &bbox); if (bbox.xMax > PStoTeXPoints(metrics.advance.x)) rval = bbox.xMax - PStoTeXPoints(metrics.advance.x); } return rval; } int MapCharToGlyph_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt32 ch) { UniChar txt[2]; int len = 1; if (sTextLayout == 0) InitializeLayout(); if (ch > 0xffff) { ch -= 0x10000; txt[0] = 0xd800 + ch / 1024; txt[1] = 0xdc00 + ch % 1024; len = 2; } else txt[0] = ch; OSStatus status = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(sTextLayout, &txt[0], 0, len, len); if (status != noErr) return 0; status = ATSUSetRunStyle(sTextLayout, style, 0, len); if (status != noErr) return 0; ByteCount bufferSize = sizeof(ATSUGlyphInfoArray); ATSUGlyphInfoArray info; status = ATSUGetGlyphInfo(sTextLayout, 0, len, &bufferSize, &info); if (status == noErr) { if (bufferSize > 0 && info.numGlyphs > 0) return info.glyphs[0].glyphID; } return 0; } int MapGlyphToIndex_AAT(ATSUStyle style, const char* glyphName) { ATSUFontID fontID; ATSUGetAttribute(style, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(ATSUFontID), &fontID, 0); ATSFontRef fontRef = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(fontID); ByteCount length; OSStatus status = ATSFontGetTable(fontRef, kPost, 0, 0, 0, &length); if (status != noErr) return 0; void* table = xmalloc(length); status = ATSFontGetTable(fontRef, kPost, 0, length, table, &length); if (status != noErr) { free(table); return 0; } int rval = findGlyphInPostTable(table, length, glyphName); free(table); return rval; } char* GetGlyphName_AAT(ATSUStyle style, UInt16 gid, int* len) { static char buffer[256]; const char* namePtr; ATSUFontID fontID; ATSUGetAttribute(style, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(ATSUFontID), &fontID, 0); ATSFontRef fontRef = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(fontID); ByteCount length; OSStatus status = ATSFontGetTable(fontRef, kPost, 0, 0, 0, &length); if (status != noErr) return 0; void* table = xmalloc(length); status = ATSFontGetTable(fontRef, kPost, 0, length, table, &length); if (status != noErr) { free(table); return 0; } namePtr = getGlyphNamePtr(table, length, gid, len); if (*len > 255) *len = 255; if (namePtr) { memcpy(buffer, namePtr, *len); buffer[*len] = 0; } free(table); return &buffer[0]; } /* int GetFontCharRange_AAT(ATSUStyle style, int reqFirst) { if (reqFirst) { int ch = 0; while (MapCharToGlyph_AAT(style, ch) == 0 && ch < 0x10ffff) ++ch; return ch; } else { int ch = 0x10ffff; while (MapCharToGlyph_AAT(style, ch) == 0 && ch > 0) --ch; return ch; } } */ ATSUFontVariationAxis find_axis_by_name(ATSUFontID fontID, const char* name, int nameLength) { ATSUFontVariationAxis result = 0; Str255 inName; inName[0] = nameLength; int i; for (i = 0; i < inName[0]; ++i) inName[i + 1] = name[i]; ItemCount varCount; ATSUCountFontVariations(fontID, &varCount); if (varCount > 0) { for (i = 0; i < varCount; ++i) { ATSUFontVariationAxis axis; ATSUGetIndFontVariation(fontID, i, &axis, 0, 0, 0); FontNameCode nameCode; ATSUGetFontVariationNameCode(fontID, axis, &nameCode); Str255 name; ByteCount nameLen; ATSUFindFontName(fontID, nameCode, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, 255, (Ptr)&name[1], &nameLen, 0); name[0] = nameLen; if (EqualString(inName, name, false, true)) { result = axis; break; } } } return result; } ATSUFontFeatureType find_feature_by_name(ATSUFontID fontID, const char* name, int nameLength) { ATSUFontFeatureType result = 0x0000FFFF; Str255 inName; inName[0] = nameLength; int i; for (i = 0; i < inName[0]; ++i) inName[i + 1] = name[i]; ItemCount typeCount; ATSUCountFontFeatureTypes(fontID, &typeCount); if (typeCount > 0) { ATSUFontFeatureType* types = (ATSUFontFeatureType*)xmalloc(typeCount * sizeof(ATSUFontFeatureType)); ATSUGetFontFeatureTypes(fontID, typeCount, types, 0); for (i = 0; i < typeCount; ++i) { FontNameCode nameCode; ATSUGetFontFeatureNameCode(fontID, types[i], 0x0000FFFF, &nameCode); Str255 name; ByteCount nameLen; ATSUFindFontName(fontID, nameCode, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, 255, (Ptr)&name[1], &nameLen, 0); name[0] = nameLen; if (EqualString(inName, name, false, true)) { result = types[i]; break; } } free((char*)types); } return result; } ATSUFontFeatureSelector find_selector_by_name(ATSUFontID fontID, ATSUFontFeatureType featureType, const char* name, int nameLength) { ATSUFontFeatureSelector result = 0x0000FFFF; Str255 inName; inName[0] = nameLength; int i; for (i = 0; i < inName[0]; ++i) inName[i + 1] = name[i]; ItemCount selectorCount; ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors(fontID, featureType, &selectorCount); if (selectorCount > 0) { ATSUFontFeatureSelector* selectors = (ATSUFontFeatureSelector*)xmalloc(selectorCount * sizeof(ATSUFontFeatureSelector)); ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors(fontID, featureType, selectorCount, selectors, 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < selectorCount; ++i) { FontNameCode nameCode; ATSUGetFontFeatureNameCode(fontID, featureType, selectors[i], &nameCode); Str255 name; ByteCount nameLen; ATSUFindFontName(fontID, nameCode, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, 255, (Ptr)&name[1], &nameLen, 0); name[0] = nameLen; if (EqualString(inName, name, false, true)) { result = selectors[i]; break; } } free((char*)selectors); } return result; } void* loadAATfont(ATSFontRef fontRef, long scaled_size, const char* cp1) { ATSUFontID fontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(fontRef); ATSUStyle style = 0; OSStatus status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style); float extend = 1.0; float slant = 0.0; float embolden = 0.0; float letterspace = 0.0; int i; if (status == noErr) { UInt32 rgbValue; Fixed tracking = 0x80000000; Fixed atsuSize = FixedTeXtoPSPoints(scaled_size); ATSStyleRenderingOptions options = kATSStyleNoHinting; Fract hangInhibit = fract1; ATSUAttributeTag tags[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSUStyleRenderingOptionsTag, kATSUHangingInhibitFactorTag }; ByteCount sizes[] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(ATSStyleRenderingOptions), sizeof(Fract) }; ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrs[] = { &fontID, &atsuSize, &options, &hangInhibit }; ATSUSetAttributes(style, sizeof(tags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag), tags, sizes, attrs); #define FEAT_ALLOC_CHUNK 8 #define VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK 4 if (cp1 != NULL) { int allocFeats = FEAT_ALLOC_CHUNK; UInt16* featureTypes = (UInt16*)xmalloc(allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16)); UInt16* selectorValues = (UInt16*)xmalloc(allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16)); int numFeatures = 0; int allocVars = VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK; UInt32* axes = (UInt32*)xmalloc(allocVars * sizeof(UInt32)); SInt32* values = (SInt32*)xmalloc(allocVars * sizeof(SInt32)); int numVariations = 0; // interpret features & variations following ":" while (*cp1) { // locate beginning of name=value pair if (*cp1 == ':' || *cp1 == ';') // skip over separator ++cp1; while (*cp1 == ' ' || *cp1 == '\t') // skip leading whitespace ++cp1; if (*cp1 == 0) // break if end of string break; // scan to end of pair const char* cp2 = cp1; while (*cp2 && *cp2 != ';' && *cp2 != ':') ++cp2; // look for the '=' separator const char* cp3 = cp1; while (cp3 < cp2 && *cp3 != '=') ++cp3; if (cp3 == cp2) goto bad_option; // now cp1 points to option name, cp3 to '=', cp2 to ';' or null // first try for a feature by this name ATSUFontFeatureType featureType; featureType = find_feature_by_name(fontID, cp1, cp3 - cp1); if (featureType != 0x0000FFFF) { // look past the '=' separator for setting names int featLen = cp3 - cp1; ++cp3; while (cp3 < cp2) { // skip leading whitespace while (*cp3 == ' ' || *cp3 == '\t') ++cp3; // possibly multiple settings... int disable = 0; if (*cp3 == '!') { // check for negation disable = 1; ++cp3; } // scan for end of setting name const char* cp4 = cp3; while (cp4 < cp2 && *cp4 != ',') ++cp4; // now cp3 points to name, cp4 to ',' or ';' or null ATSUFontFeatureSelector selectorValue = find_selector_by_name(fontID, featureType, cp3, cp4 - cp3); if (selectorValue != 0x0000FFFF) { if (numFeatures == allocFeats) { allocFeats += FEAT_ALLOC_CHUNK; featureTypes = xrealloc(featureTypes, allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16)); selectorValues = xrealloc(selectorValues, allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16)); } featureTypes[numFeatures] = featureType; selectorValues[numFeatures] = selectorValue + disable; ++numFeatures; } else { fontfeaturewarning(cp1, featLen, cp3, cp4 - cp3); } // point beyond setting name terminator cp3 = cp4 + 1; } goto next_option; } // try to find a variation by this name ATSUFontVariationAxis axis; axis = find_axis_by_name(fontID, cp1, cp3 - cp1); if (axis != 0) { // look past the '=' separator for the value ++cp3; double value = 0.0, decimal = 1.0; bool negate = false; if (*cp3 == '-') { ++cp3; negate = true; } while (cp3 < cp2) { int v = *cp3 - '0'; if (v >= 0 && v <= 9) { if (decimal != 1.0) { value += v / decimal; decimal *= 10.0; } else value = value * 10.0 + v; } else if (*cp3 == '.') { if (decimal != 1.0) break; decimal = 10.0; } else break; ++cp3; } if (negate) value = -value; if (numVariations == allocVars) { allocVars += VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK; axes = xrealloc(axes, allocVars * sizeof(UInt32)); values = xrealloc(values, allocVars * sizeof(SInt32)); } axes[numVariations] = axis; values[numVariations] = value * 65536.0; // X2Fix(value); ++numVariations; goto next_option; } // didn't find feature or variation, try other options.... i = readCommonFeatures(cp1, cp2, &extend, &slant, &embolden, &letterspace, &rgbValue); if (i == 1) goto next_option; else if (i == -1) goto bad_option; if (strncmp(cp1, "tracking", 8) == 0) { cp3 = cp1 + 8; if (*cp3 != '=') goto bad_option; ++cp3; double val = read_double(&cp3); tracking = X2Fix(val); goto next_option; } bad_option: // not a name=value pair, or not recognized.... // check for plain "vertical" before complaining if (strncmp(cp1, "vertical", 8) == 0) { cp3 = cp2; if (*cp3 == ';' || *cp3 == ':') --cp3; while (*cp3 == '\0' || *cp3 == ' ' || *cp3 == '\t') --cp3; if (*cp3) ++cp3; if (cp3 == cp1 + 8) { ATSUVerticalCharacterType vert = kATSUStronglyVertical; tags[0] = kATSUVerticalCharacterTag; sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUVerticalCharacterType); attrs[0] = | ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs); goto next_option; } } fontfeaturewarning(cp1, cp2 - cp1, 0, 0); next_option: // go to next name=value pair cp1 = cp2; } if (numFeatures > 0) ATSUSetFontFeatures(style, numFeatures, featureTypes, selectorValues); if (numVariations > 0) ATSUSetVariations(style, numVariations, axes, values); if ((loadedfontflags & FONT_FLAGS_COLORED) != 0) { ATSURGBAlphaColor rgba; rgba.red = ((rgbValue & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0; rgba.green = ((rgbValue & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.0; rgba.blue = ((rgbValue & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ) / 255.0; rgba.alpha = ((rgbValue & 0x000000FF) ) / 255.0; tags[0] = kATSURGBAlphaColorTag; sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSURGBAlphaColor); attrs[0] = &rgba; ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs); } if (tracking != 0x80000000) { tags[0] = kATSUTrackingTag; sizes[0] = sizeof(Fixed); attrs[0] = &tracking; ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs); } if (extend != 1.0 || slant != 0.0) { CGAffineTransform t = { extend, slant, 0, 1.0, 0, 0 }; tags[0] = kATSUFontMatrixTag; sizes[0] = sizeof(CGAffineTransform); attrs[0] = &t; ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs); } if (embolden != 0.0) { embolden = embolden * Fix2X(scaled_size) / 100.0; tags[0] = kXeTeXEmboldenTag; sizes[0] = sizeof(float); attrs[0] = &embolden; ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs); } if (letterspace != 0.0) loadedfontletterspace = (letterspace / 100.0) * scaled_size; free((char*)featureTypes); free((char*)selectorValues); free((char*)axes); free((char*)values); } } nativefonttypeflag = AAT_FONT_FLAG; return style; } int countpdffilepages() { int rval = 0; char* pic_path = kpse_find_file((char*)nameoffile + 1, kpse_pict_format, 1); CFURLRef picFileURL = NULL; if (pic_path) { picFileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8*)pic_path, strlen(pic_path), false); if (picFileURL != NULL) { FSRef picFileRef; CFURLGetFSRef(picFileURL, &picFileRef); CGPDFDocumentRef document = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(picFileURL); if (document != NULL) { rval = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(document); CGPDFDocumentRelease(document); } CFRelease(picFileURL); } free(pic_path); } return rval; } int find_pic_file(char** path, realrect* bounds, int pdfBoxType, int page) /* returns bounds in TeX points */ { *path = NULL; OSStatus result = fnfErr; char* pic_path = kpse_find_file((char*)nameoffile + 1, kpse_pict_format, 1); CFURLRef picFileURL = NULL; if (pic_path) { picFileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8*)pic_path, strlen(pic_path), false); if (picFileURL != NULL) { /* get an FSRef for the URL we constructed */ FSRef picFileRef; CFURLGetFSRef(picFileURL, &picFileRef); if (pdfBoxType > 0) { CGPDFDocumentRef document = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(picFileURL); if (document != NULL) { int nPages = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(document); if (page < 0) page = nPages + 1 + page; if (page < 1) page = 1; if (page > nPages) page = nPages; CGRect r; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3 if (&CGPDFDocumentGetPage == NULL) { switch (pdfBoxType) { case pdfbox_crop: default: r = CGPDFDocumentGetCropBox(document, page); break; case pdfbox_media: r = CGPDFDocumentGetMediaBox(document, page); break; case pdfbox_bleed: r = CGPDFDocumentGetBleedBox(document, page); break; case pdfbox_trim: r = CGPDFDocumentGetTrimBox(document, page); break; case pdfbox_art: r = CGPDFDocumentGetArtBox(document, page); break; } } else #endif { CGPDFPageRef pageRef = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(document, page); CGPDFBox boxType; switch (pdfBoxType) { case pdfbox_crop: default: boxType = kCGPDFCropBox; break; case pdfbox_media: boxType = kCGPDFMediaBox; break; case pdfbox_bleed: boxType = kCGPDFBleedBox; break; case pdfbox_trim: boxType = kCGPDFTrimBox; break; case pdfbox_art: boxType = kCGPDFArtBox; break; } r = CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(pageRef, boxType); } bounds->x = r.origin.x * 72.27 / 72.0; bounds->y = r.origin.y * 72.27 / 72.0; bounds->wd = r.size.width * 72.27 / 72.0; bounds->ht = r.size.height * 72.27 / 72.0; CGPDFDocumentRelease(document); result = noErr; } } else { /* make an FSSpec for the file, and try to import it as a pic */ FSSpec picFileSpec; result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&picFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &picFileSpec, NULL); if (result == noErr) { ComponentInstance ci; result = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&picFileSpec, &ci); if (result == noErr) { ImageDescriptionHandle desc = NULL; result = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription(ci, &desc); bounds->x = 0; bounds->y = 0; bounds->wd = (*desc)->width * 72.27 / Fix2X((*desc)->hRes); bounds->ht = (*desc)->height * 72.27 / Fix2X((*desc)->vRes); DisposeHandle((Handle)desc); (void)CloseComponent(ci); } } } CFRelease(picFileURL); } /* if we couldn't import it, toss the pathname as we'll be returning an error */ if (result != noErr) free(pic_path); else *path = (char*)pic_path; } return result; }