/****************************************************************************\ Part of the XeTeX typesetting system copyright (c) 1994-2006 by SIL International written by Jonathan Kew Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL SIL INTERNATIONAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of SIL International shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from SIL International. \****************************************************************************/ #ifdef XETEX_MAC #include "XeTeXFontMgr_Mac.h" #else #include "XeTeXFontMgr_FC.h" #endif #include "XeTeXswap.h" #include "Features.h" #include "GlyphPositioningTables.h" #include "sfnt.h" #include extern Fixed loadedfontdesignsize; // functions from the Pascal/WEB side extern "C" { void zprintnl(int s); void zprintchar(int c); void begindiagnostic(); void zenddiagnostic(int nl); int gettracingfontsstate(); }; // see cpascal.h #define printcstring(STR) \ do { \ const char* ch_ptr = (STR); \ while (*ch_ptr) \ zprintchar(*(ch_ptr++)); \ } while (0) XeTeXFontMgr* XeTeXFontMgr::sFontManager = NULL; char XeTeXFontMgr::sReqEngine = 0; /* use our own fmax function because it seems to be missing on certain platforms (solaris2.9, at least) */ static inline double my_fmax(double x, double y) { return (x > y) ? x : y; } XeTeXFontMgr* XeTeXFontMgr::GetFontManager() { if (sFontManager == NULL) { #ifdef XETEX_MAC sFontManager = new XeTeXFontMgr_Mac; #else sFontManager = new XeTeXFontMgr_FC; #endif sFontManager->initialize(); } return sFontManager; } void XeTeXFontMgr::Terminate() { if (sFontManager != NULL) { sFontManager->terminate(); // we don't actually deallocate the manager, just ask it to clean up // any auxiliary data such as the cocoa pool or freetype/fontconfig stuff // as we still need to access font names after this is called } } PlatformFontRef XeTeXFontMgr::findFont(const char* name, char* variant, double ptSize) // ptSize is in TeX points, or negative for 'scaled' factor // "variant" string will be shortened (in-place) by removal of /B and /I if present { std::string nameStr(name); Font* font = NULL; int dsize = 100; loadedfontdesignsize = 655360L; for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) { // try full name as given std::map::iterator i = nameToFont.find(nameStr); if (i != nameToFont.end()) { font = i->second; if (font->opSizeInfo.designSize != 0) dsize = font->opSizeInfo.designSize; break; } // if there's a hyphen, split there and try Family-Style int hyph = nameStr.find('-'); if (hyph > 0 && hyph < nameStr.length() - 1) { std::string family(nameStr.begin(), nameStr.begin() + hyph); std::map::iterator f = nameToFamily.find(family); if (f != nameToFamily.end()) { std::string style(nameStr.begin() + hyph + 1, nameStr.end()); i = f->second->styles->find(style); if (i != f->second->styles->end()) { font = i->second; if (font->opSizeInfo.designSize != 0) dsize = font->opSizeInfo.designSize; break; } } } // try as PostScript name i = psNameToFont.find(nameStr); if (i != psNameToFont.end()) { font = i->second; if (font->opSizeInfo.designSize != 0) dsize = font->opSizeInfo.designSize; break; } // try for the name as a family name std::map::iterator f = nameToFamily.find(nameStr); if (f != nameToFamily.end()) { // look for a family member with the "regular" bit set in OS/2 int regFonts = 0; for (i = f->second->styles->begin(); i != f->second->styles->end(); ++i) if (i->second->isReg) { if (regFonts == 0) font = i->second; ++regFonts; } // families with Ornament or similar fonts may flag those as Regular, // which confuses the search above... so try some known names if (font == NULL || regFonts > 1) { // try for style "Regular", "Plain", "Normal", "Roman" i = f->second->styles->find("Regular"); if (i != f->second->styles->end()) font = i->second; else { i = f->second->styles->find("Plain"); if (i != f->second->styles->end()) font = i->second; else { i = f->second->styles->find("Normal"); if (i != f->second->styles->end()) font = i->second; else { i = f->second->styles->find("Roman"); if (i != f->second->styles->end()) font = i->second; } } } } if (font == NULL) { // look through the family for the (weight, width, slant) nearest to (80, 100, 0) font = bestMatchFromFamily(f->second, 80, 100, 0); } if (font != NULL) break; } if (pass == 0) { // didn't find it in our caches, so do a platform search (may be relatively expensive); // this will update the caches with any fonts that seem to match the name given, // so that the second pass might find it searchForHostPlatformFonts(nameStr); } } if (font == NULL) return 0; Family* parent = font->parent; // if there are variant requests, try to apply them // and delete B, I, and S=... codes from the string, just retain /engine option sReqEngine = 0; bool reqBold = false; bool reqItal = false; if (font != NULL && variant != NULL) { std::string varString; char* cp = variant; while (*cp) { if (strncmp(cp, "AAT", 3) == 0) { sReqEngine = 'A'; cp += 3; if (varString.length() > 0 && *(varString.end() - 1) != '/') varString.append("/"); varString.append("AAT"); goto skip_to_slash; } if (strncmp(cp, "ICU", 3) == 0) { sReqEngine = 'I'; cp += 3; if (varString.length() > 0 && *(varString.end() - 1) != '/') varString.append("/"); varString.append("ICU"); goto skip_to_slash; } /* if (strncmp(cp, "USP", 3) == 0) { sReqEngine = 'U'; cp += 3; if (varString.length() > 0 && *(varString.end() - 1) != '/') varString.append("/"); varString.append("USP"); goto skip_to_slash; } if (strncmp(cp, "PAN", 3) == 0) { sReqEngine = 'P'; cp += 3; if (varString.length() > 0 && *(varString.end() - 1) != '/') varString.append("/"); varString.append("PAN"); goto skip_to_slash; } */ if (strncmp(cp, "GR", 2) == 0) { sReqEngine = 'G'; cp += 2; if (varString.length() > 0 && *(varString.end() - 1) != '/') varString.append("/"); varString.append("GR"); goto skip_to_slash; } if (*cp == 'S') { char* start = cp; ++cp; if (*cp == '=') ++cp; ptSize = 0.0; while (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { ptSize = ptSize * 10 + *cp - '0'; ++cp; } if (*cp == '.') { double dec = 1.0; ++cp; while (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') { dec = dec * 10.0; ptSize = ptSize + (*cp - '0') / dec; ++cp; } } goto skip_to_slash; } /* if the code is "B" or "I", we skip putting it in varString */ while (1) { if (*cp == 'B') { reqBold = true; ++cp; continue; } if (*cp == 'I') { reqItal = true; ++cp; continue; } break; } skip_to_slash: while (*cp && *cp != '/') ++cp; if (*cp == '/') ++cp; } strcpy(variant, varString.c_str()); std::map::iterator i; if (reqItal) { Font* bestMatch = font; if (font->slant < parent->maxSlant) // try for a face with more slant bestMatch = bestMatchFromFamily(parent, font->weight, font->width, parent->maxSlant); if (bestMatch == font && font->slant > parent->minSlant) // maybe the slant is negated, or maybe this was something like "Times-Italic/I" bestMatch = bestMatchFromFamily(parent, font->weight, font->width, parent->minSlant); if (parent->minWeight == parent->maxWeight && bestMatch->isBold != font->isBold) { // try again using the bold flag, as we can't trust weight values Font* newBest = NULL; for (i = parent->styles->begin(); i != parent->styles->end(); ++i) { if (i->second->isBold == font->isBold) { if (newBest == NULL && i->second->isItalic != font->isItalic) { newBest = i->second; break; } } } if (newBest != NULL) bestMatch = newBest; } if (bestMatch == font) { // maybe slant values weren't present; try the style bits as a fallback bestMatch = NULL; for (i = parent->styles->begin(); i != parent->styles->end(); ++i) if (i->second->isItalic == !font->isItalic) if (parent->minWeight != parent->maxWeight) { // weight info was available, so try to match that if (bestMatch == NULL || weightAndWidthDiff(i->second, font) < weightAndWidthDiff(bestMatch, font)) bestMatch = i->second; } else { // no weight info, so try matching style bits if (bestMatch == NULL && i->second->isBold == font->isBold) { bestMatch = i->second; break; // found a match, no need to look further as we can't distinguish! } } } if (bestMatch != NULL) font = bestMatch; } if (reqBold) { // try for more boldness, with the same width and slant Font* bestMatch = font; if (font->weight < parent->maxWeight) { // try to increase weight by 1/2 x (max - min), rounding up bestMatch = bestMatchFromFamily(parent, font->weight + (parent->maxWeight - parent->minWeight) / 2 + 1, font->width, font->slant); if (parent->minSlant == parent->maxSlant) { // double-check the italic flag, as we can't trust slant values Font* newBest = NULL; for (i = parent->styles->begin(); i != parent->styles->end(); ++i) { if (i->second->isItalic == font->isItalic) { if (newBest == NULL || weightAndWidthDiff(i->second, bestMatch) < weightAndWidthDiff(newBest, bestMatch)) newBest = i->second; } } if (newBest != NULL) bestMatch = newBest; } } if (bestMatch == font && !font->isBold) { for (i = parent->styles->begin(); i != parent->styles->end(); ++i) { if (i->second->isItalic == font->isItalic && i->second->isBold) { bestMatch = i->second; break; } } } font = bestMatch; } } // if there's optical size info, try to apply it if (ptSize < 0.0) ptSize = dsize / 10.0; if (font != NULL && font->opSizeInfo.subFamilyID != 0 && ptSize > 0.0) { ptSize = ptSize * 10.0; // convert to decipoints for comparison with the opSize values double bestMismatch = my_fmax(font->opSizeInfo.minSize - ptSize, ptSize - font->opSizeInfo.maxSize); if (bestMismatch > 0.0) { Font* bestMatch = font; for (std::map::iterator i = parent->styles->begin(); i != parent->styles->end(); ++i) { if (i->second->opSizeInfo.subFamilyID != font->opSizeInfo.subFamilyID) continue; double mismatch = my_fmax(i->second->opSizeInfo.minSize - ptSize, ptSize - i->second->opSizeInfo.maxSize); if (mismatch < bestMismatch) { bestMatch = i->second; bestMismatch = mismatch; } if (bestMismatch <= 0.0) break; } font = bestMatch; } } if (font != NULL && font->opSizeInfo.designSize != 0) loadedfontdesignsize = (font->opSizeInfo.designSize << 16L) / 10; if (gettracingfontsstate() > 0) { begindiagnostic(); zprintnl(' '); printcstring("-> "); printcstring(getPlatformFontDesc(font->fontRef).c_str()); zenddiagnostic(0); } return font->fontRef; } const char* XeTeXFontMgr::getFullName(PlatformFontRef font) const { std::map::const_iterator i = platformRefToFont.find(font); if (i == platformRefToFont.end()) die("internal error %d in XeTeXFontMgr", 2); if (i->second->fullName != NULL) return i->second->fullName->c_str(); else return i->second->psName->c_str(); } void XeTeXFontMgr::getNames(PlatformFontRef font, const char** psName, const char** famName, const char** styName) const { std::map::const_iterator i = platformRefToFont.find(font); if (i == platformRefToFont.end()) die("internal error %d in XeTeXFontMgr", 3); *psName = i->second->psName->c_str(); *famName = i->second->familyName->c_str(); *styName = i->second->styleName->c_str(); } char XeTeXFontMgr::getReqEngine() const { return sReqEngine; } int XeTeXFontMgr::weightAndWidthDiff(const Font* a, const Font* b) const { if (a->weight == 0 && a->width == 0) { // assume there was no OS/2 info if (a->isBold == b->isBold) return 0; else return 10000; } int widDiff = labs(a->width - b->width); if (widDiff < 10) widDiff *= 50; return labs(a->weight - b->weight) + widDiff; } int XeTeXFontMgr::styleDiff(const Font* a, int wt, int wd, int slant) const { int widDiff = labs(a->width - wd); if (widDiff < 10) widDiff *= 200; return labs(labs(a->slant) - labs(slant)) * 2 + labs(a->weight - wt) + widDiff; } XeTeXFontMgr::Font* XeTeXFontMgr::bestMatchFromFamily(const Family* fam, int wt, int wd, int slant) const { Font* bestMatch = NULL; for (std::map::iterator s = fam->styles->begin(); s != fam->styles->end(); ++s) if (bestMatch == NULL || styleDiff(s->second, wt, wd, slant) < styleDiff(bestMatch, wt, wd, slant)) bestMatch = s->second; return bestMatch; } const XeTeXFontMgr::OpSizeRec* XeTeXFontMgr::getOpSizePtr(XeTeXFont font) { const GlyphPositioningTableHeader* gposTable = (const GlyphPositioningTableHeader*)getFontTablePtr(font, LE_GPOS_TABLE_TAG); if (gposTable != NULL) { const FeatureListTable* featureListTable = (const FeatureListTable*)((const char*)gposTable + SWAP(gposTable->featureListOffset)); for (int i = 0; i < SWAP(featureListTable->featureCount); ++i) { UInt32 tag = SWAPT(featureListTable->featureRecordArray[i].featureTag); if (tag == LE_SIZE_FEATURE_TAG) { const FeatureTable* feature = (const FeatureTable*)((const char*)featureListTable + SWAP(featureListTable->featureRecordArray[i].featureTableOffset)); UInt16 offset = SWAP(feature->featureParamsOffset); const OpSizeRec* pSizeRec; /* if featureParamsOffset < (offset of feature from featureListTable), then we have a correct size table; otherwise we (presumably) have a "broken" one from the old FDK */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (i == 0) pSizeRec = (const OpSizeRec*)((char*)feature + offset); else pSizeRec = (const OpSizeRec*)((char*)featureListTable + offset); if (SWAP(pSizeRec->designSize) == 0) continue; // incorrect 'size' feature format if (SWAP(pSizeRec->subFamilyID) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->nameCode) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->minSize) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->maxSize) == 0) return pSizeRec; // feature is valid, but no 'size' range if (SWAP(pSizeRec->designSize) < SWAP(pSizeRec->minSize)) // check values are valid continue; // else try different interpretation if (SWAP(pSizeRec->designSize) > SWAP(pSizeRec->maxSize)) continue; if (SWAP(pSizeRec->maxSize) < SWAP(pSizeRec->minSize)) continue; if (SWAP(pSizeRec->nameCode) < 256) continue; if (SWAP(pSizeRec->nameCode) > 32767) continue; return pSizeRec; } } } } return NULL; } double XeTeXFontMgr::getDesignSize(XeTeXFont font) { const OpSizeRec* pSizeRec = getOpSizePtr(font); if (pSizeRec != NULL) return SWAP(pSizeRec->designSize) / 10.0; else return 10.0; } void XeTeXFontMgr::getOpSizeRecAndStyleFlags(Font* theFont) { XeTeXFont font = createFont(theFont->fontRef, 655360); if (font != 0) { const OpSizeRec* pSizeRec = getOpSizePtr(font); if (pSizeRec != NULL) { theFont->opSizeInfo.designSize = SWAP(pSizeRec->designSize); if (SWAP(pSizeRec->subFamilyID) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->nameCode) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->minSize) == 0 && SWAP(pSizeRec->maxSize) == 0) goto done_size; // feature is valid, but no 'size' range theFont->opSizeInfo.subFamilyID = SWAP(pSizeRec->subFamilyID); theFont->opSizeInfo.nameCode = SWAP(pSizeRec->nameCode); theFont->opSizeInfo.minSize = SWAP(pSizeRec->minSize); theFont->opSizeInfo.maxSize = SWAP(pSizeRec->maxSize); } done_size: const OS2TableHeader* os2Table = (const OS2TableHeader*)getFontTablePtr(font, LE_OS_2_TABLE_TAG); if (os2Table != NULL) { theFont->weight = SWAP(os2Table->usWeightClass); theFont->width = SWAP(os2Table->usWidthClass); UInt16 sel = SWAP(os2Table->fsSelection); theFont->isReg = (sel & (1 << 6)) != 0; theFont->isBold = (sel & (1 << 5)) != 0; theFont->isItalic = (sel & (1 << 0)) != 0; } const HEADTable* headTable = (const HEADTable*)getFontTablePtr(font, LE_HEAD_TABLE_TAG); if (headTable != NULL) { UInt16 ms = SWAP(headTable->macStyle); if ((ms & (1 << 0)) != 0) theFont->isBold = true; if ((ms & (1 << 1)) != 0) theFont->isItalic = true; } const POSTTable* postTable = (const POSTTable*)getFontTablePtr(font, LE_POST_TABLE_TAG); if (postTable != NULL) { theFont->slant = (int)(1000 * (tan(Fix2X(-SWAP(postTable->italicAngle)) * M_PI / 180.0))); } deleteFont(font); } } // append a name but only if it's not already in the list void XeTeXFontMgr::appendToList(std::list* list, const char* str) { for (std::list::const_iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i) if (*i == str) return; list->push_back(str); } // prepend a name, removing it from later in the list if present void XeTeXFontMgr::prependToList(std::list* list, const char* str) { for (std::list::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i) if (*i == str) { list->erase(i); break; } list->push_front(str); } void XeTeXFontMgr::addToMaps(PlatformFontRef platformFont, const NameCollection* names) { if (names->psName.length() == 0) return; // can't use a font that lacks a PostScript name if (psNameToFont.find(names->psName) != psNameToFont.end()) return; // duplicates an earlier PS name, so skip Font* thisFont = new Font(platformFont); thisFont->psName = new std::string(names->psName); getOpSizeRecAndStyleFlags(thisFont); psNameToFont[names->psName] = thisFont; platformRefToFont[platformFont] = thisFont; if (names->fullNames.size() > 0) thisFont->fullName = new std::string(*(names->fullNames.begin())); if (names->familyNames.size() > 0) thisFont->familyName = new std::string(*(names->familyNames.begin())); else thisFont->familyName = new std::string(names->psName); if (names->styleNames.size() > 0) thisFont->styleName = new std::string(*(names->styleNames.begin())); else thisFont->styleName = new std::string; std::list::const_iterator i; for (i = names->familyNames.begin(); i != names->familyNames.end(); ++i) { std::map::iterator iFam = nameToFamily.find(*i); Family* family; if (iFam == nameToFamily.end()) { family = new Family; nameToFamily[*i] = family; family->minWeight = thisFont->weight; family->maxWeight = thisFont->weight; family->minWidth = thisFont->width; family->maxWidth = thisFont->width; family->minSlant = thisFont->slant; family->maxSlant = thisFont->slant; } else { family = iFam->second; if (thisFont->weight < family->minWeight) family->minWeight = thisFont->weight; if (thisFont->weight > family->maxWeight) family->maxWeight = thisFont->weight; if (thisFont->width < family->minWidth) family->minWidth = thisFont->width; if (thisFont->width > family->maxWidth) family->maxWidth = thisFont->width; if (thisFont->slant < family->minSlant) family->minSlant = thisFont->slant; if (thisFont->slant > family->maxSlant) family->maxSlant = thisFont->slant; } if (thisFont->parent == NULL) thisFont->parent = family; // ensure all style names in the family point to thisFont for (std::list::const_iterator j = names->styleNames.begin(); j != names->styleNames.end(); ++j) { std::map::iterator iFont = family->styles->find(*j); if (iFont == family->styles->end()) (*family->styles)[*j] = thisFont; /* else if (iFont->second != thisFont) fprintf(stderr, "# Font name warning: ambiguous Style \"%s\" in Family \"%s\" (PSNames \"%s\" and \"%s\")\n", j->c_str(), i->c_str(), iFont->second->psName->c_str(), thisFont->psName->c_str()); */ } } for (i = names->fullNames.begin(); i != names->fullNames.end(); ++i) { std::map::iterator iFont = nameToFont.find(*i); if (iFont == nameToFont.end()) nameToFont[*i] = thisFont; /* else if (iFont->second != thisFont) fprintf(stderr, "# Font name warning: ambiguous FullName \"%s\" (PSNames \"%s\" and \"%s\")\n", i->c_str(), iFont->second->psName->c_str(), thisFont->psName->c_str()); */ } } void XeTeXFontMgr::die(const char*s, int i) const { fprintf(stderr, s, i); fprintf(stderr, " - exiting\n"); exit(3); } void XeTeXFontMgr::terminate() { }